Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Funding through CERV programme aims at protecting rights and values enshrined in the EU treaties in order to sustain open, democratic and inclusive societies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space


Projects under this priority should promote rights and values by empowering civil society actors to work together at the local, regional and national levels on the fields covered by the programme.

Detailed Call Description

Projects should also help creating a channel of communication with the EU level to report on the state of the civic space in their countries and voice their concerns.

More specifically, projects could create a systematic and comprehensive monitoring system to regularly and consistently monitor the environment in which civil society organisations work in the national contexts, building on the Fundamental Rights Agency indicators about the shrinking civic space and of internal organisations’ data, and in particular of breaches of civil society organisations and human rights defenders’ fundamental rights.

Projects could also support and enhance the protection of civil society organisations, their members and human rights defenders working to protect and promote EU values under attack, including by facilitating access to dedicated support services. As such, they could also contribute to strengthening the resilience of civil society actors against attacks, including cyber threats, and their capacity to fully exploit the possibilities of the converged media to carry out effective, visible and impactful advocacy activities in the digital environment.

Transnational partnerships with mutual learning possibilities for partners in several EU Member States are particularly encouraged to apply, as well as networks of relevant actors at national level such as National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), equality bodies, Ombuds-institutions, and the national Charter Focal Points.

The following activities can be covered:

  • Analytical activities and creation of a methodology to monitor the civic space in EU Member States, including activities to: encourage and facilitate cooperation and coordination between all actors potentially involved in such monitoring activities; enhance the capacity of staff – in particular within civil society organisations – to carry out monitoring activities;
  • Mutual learning, exchange of good practices, including those that may be transferable to other countries;
  • Communication activities, including dissemination of information and awareness raising about the state of play on civic space, including towards the EU level;
  • Capacity building for civil society organisations on monitoring the civic space, including developments of tools and services to: Support and protect civil society organisations, their members as well as human rights defenders working to protect and promote EU values, facing threats and under attacks;
  • Facilitate access to special procedures or channels to report threats and attacks, and document and analyse the environment in which civil society organisations work;
  • Ensure that existing victim support services and emergency helplines are available and tailored to individuals working for civil society organisations and persons close to them when their safety is under a credible actual or potential risk due to their work.
  • Development of synergies and protocols of cooperation among the actors working to protect the civic space at local, regional, national and European level and between them and the national and European authorities.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Thematic Categories

  • Social Affairs & Human Rights

Eligibility for Participation

  • International Organisations
  • Legal Entities
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (lead applicants ‘Coordinator’, co-applicants and affiliated entities) must:

  • For lead applicants (i.e. the ‘Coordinator’): be non-profit legal entities (private bodies);
  • For co-applicants: be non-profit or for profit legal entities (public or private bodies). Organisations which are for profit may apply only in partnership with private non-profit organisations;
  • Be formally established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)

Other eligibility conditions:

  • Activities must take place in any of the eligible countries (EU Member States);
  • The EU grant applied for cannot be lower than €75.000;
  • The project can be either national or transnational; the application may involve one or more organisations (lead applicant and co-applicants).

Consortium composition:
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 1 applicant (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Organisation for European Programmes and Cultural Relations

Head of CERV Contact Point
Nenad Bogdanovic

EU Contact Point

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