Ready2Scale Accelerator


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Funding under projects

Programme Description

Funding provided under previews programmes.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Ready2Scale Accelerator


The Ready2Scale Acceleration Programme is a 6-month long acceleration programme that provides various training and financial support of up to €60.000 to 25 DDT startups with a focus on widening countries.

Detailed Call Description

Startups that have been selected to participate in the Acceleration Programme, based on selection criteria developed by the project partners, will receive an individual development plan that meets their needs and helps them overcome specific challenges. The Investment Readiness Programme will provide know-how on how to become investment-ready and therefore build the fundraising capacity of digital and deep tech start-ups. The selected 25 DDT start-ups will also benefit from tailored training on how to get funding through the EIC and other European programs.

During the Ready2Scale Acceleration Programme a startup shall:

  • actively participate in the Ready2Scale Acceleration Program
  • innovate their products up to MVP (TRL +7)
  • have a support on how to become investment ready
  • have a support to explore new markets
  • be better prepared to apply to EIC fundings
  • participate at least in one Market Discovery Mission
  • participate at least in one Future Founders Club event

Ready2Scale Acceleration Programme consists of the following obligatory elements:

  • Investment Readiness Program
  • Online capacity building trainings organised by Ready2Scale Academy
  • Market Discovery Mission
  • Future Founders Club event
  • Mentoring sessions
  • MVP development.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Ready2Scale Acceleration Program will provide financial support of up to €60.000 to 25 DDT (startups: 15 in the 1st cutoff and minimum 10 in the 2nd cutoff).

Thematic Categories

  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

To be eligible to apply, start-ups must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

  • be “digital and deep tech start-ups that have received support from the EIC for supporting their scaleup process in Europe”,
  • or “digital and deep tech startups not yet supported by the EIC, that have already received private investment or EU funding (e.g., under Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe program)”.

Ready2Scale Acceleration Program has a focus on startups from the widening countries, however it should be noted that the startups from other non-widening countries are not excluded from the Call.

The application procedure will have two steps:

  1. In the 1st step each applicant will be asked to submit a short proposal including the (1) project goals, (2) team description, (3) solution description, and (4) a 2-minutes video uploaded to the platform presenting the team and the idea.
  2. In the 2nd step participants will be asked to submit a full proposal (1) fill the form with the timeline explanation and action plan for the financial support (Grant justification form). In addition, start-ups that meet threshold (2) will be interviewed by external Evaluators. Interested start-ups shall apply by submitting all listed in point documents in English through a web form available on the Ready2Scale website:

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date
