The third Policy Axis aims to improve the competitiveness and resilience of the Cypriot economy. In addition to the other axes, it includes measures that contribute to the promotion of a new model of development and international competitiveness of the Cypriot economy, based on the results of the relevant study of the Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council.
Includes investments and reforms to expand the productive base by strengthening the primary and secondary sectors of the economy, improving competitiveness and the business environment, mainly by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), diversifying and strengthening the tourism product, modernizing public administration and local authorities, reform and improve the efficiency of the judiciary, fight corruption and enhance transparency, enhance research and innovation, and the resilience of the financial sector and the financial situation.
The “Research in Enterprises” Programme aims at
(a) enhancing the competitiveness of Cypriot enterprises thus resulting in making a contribution in the country’s economic growth, through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value, or significantly enhanced products / services / production methods which will be commercially used, and
(b) intensifying the participation of Cypriot enterprises in research activities resulting in raising the contribution of the private sector in the country’s RTDI (Research, Technological Development and Innovation) investments.
«Research in Enterprises» Programme supports the involvement of Cypriot enterprises in research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) activities, for the development of new or the significant advancement of existing products / services/ production methods of high added value with market entry potential.
The Programme is expected to contribute to the enhancement of the capacity and the competitiveness of Cypriot enterprises, the increase of private investments in RTDI activities, and the country’s economy growth. Furthermore, it is expected to create new employment at participating enterprises, thus contributing positively in dealing with unemployment at national level.
The Programme covers a wide range of industrial research and experimental development activities. The experimental development activities should include the production of a prototype, demonstration, pilot operation, testing and validation of new or significantly optimised products / services / production methods in an environment representative of reallife operating conditions. Research and development activities should be relevant to the core area of activities of the beneficiaries, while project results should be of commercial value for the beneficiaries.
The Programme does not cover projects that are concerned with customary modifications or modifications that incur over time on products, production lines, services, production methods, even if these modifications are considered as improvements.
As the Programme is part of Pillar I, “Smart Growth”, the projects must be applicable in one of the designated Priority Sectors:
and/or one of the Horizontal Priority Sectors:
Further details:
€ 200,000
The maximum aid intensity for Enterprises and Other Private Sector Organisations cannot exceed 70%.
Research Organisations, Enterprises, Other Organisations
The Host Organisation (HO) of a project must be a Small, Medium or Large Sized Enterprise (B1, B2, B3).
The project should be initiated by the Enterprise/Host Organisation, which should have a direct and significant commercial interest in achieving the project’s results. Furthermore, the core activities of the Host Organisation should be relevant to the project activities.
Please note that participation of a Large Enterprise in a RESTART 2016-2020 Programme project is possible after the justification, through the proposal, of the incentive effect that the funding will have for the Large Enterprise, as specified in the Chapter 1.2, Section III, of the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme.
Research Organisations, Enterprises or Other Organisations may participate as Partner Organisations.
Partner Organisations shall support the Host Organisation in accomplishing the project’s objectives and may have their own commercial and/or scientific interests in achieving the Project results.
Participation of Foreign Research Organisations is allowed.
Participation of Startups is not allowed except for those that have sold at least one product or service, in the last two (2) years and can document sales and turnover through audited financial statements.
In the frame of the present Call, each organisation can receive funding as Host Organisation in up to one (1) Project.
The submission of the same or similar Proposal in both Calls «ENTERPRISES/Sub-Call1/0223» and «ENTERPRISES/Sub-Call2/0223», is not allowed. Same or similar proposals are proposals with the same or similar scientific content and relevant activities. If it is found that the same or similar proposals are submitted in both Calls, the Proposal submitted first, will only forwarded for evaluation.
Funding of same activities that have already been supported by the RIF in the frame of previous funded projects, is not allowed.
Within the framework of the present Call the following specific conditions also apply:
RIF Support Service
Telephone: +35722205000
(Publish Date: 08/03/2023 only for internal use)