The RFCS project has the following research objectives for the coal sector:
The call objectives are:
This topic concerns RFCS Pilot and Demonstration Projects (PDPs) and applicants may submit proposals for either Pilot or Demonstration projects. Pilot Projects target the construction, operation and development of (significant parts of) installations on an appropriate scale and using suitably large components in order to examine the potential for putting theoretical or laboratory results into practice and/or increasing the reliability of the technical and economic data needed to progress to demonstration stage, and in certain cases to industrial and/or commercial stage. Demonstration Projects cover the construction and/or operation of (significant parts of) an industrial-scale installation, in order to bring together all the technical and economic data in order to proceed with the industrial and/or commercial exploitation of the technology at minimum risk.
Proposals should address the application of innovative technologies related to one or two of the five above call objectives. If addressing two call objectives, proposals should clearly identify which Work Packages address which call objective(s). Special attention shall be given to proposals focusing on repurposing of former coal and lignite mines as well as coal-related infrastructure, including power supply services.
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (50%).
Project budgets (requested grant amount) are expected to range between €5.000.000 and €9.000.000 per project and exceptionally up to €18.000.000 for large demonstrators.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies, e.g. undertakings, public bodies, research organisations, higher or secondary education establishments or other legal entities) which carry out RTD activities or substantially contribute to such an activity, established in EU Member States(including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) or countries associated to the RFCS.
Consortium composition:
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of a minimum of 2 independent applicants from 2 different eligible countries.
For help related to this call, please contact: