RFCS-2025-CSP-Big Tickets for Steel


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

Programme Description

The RFCS project has the following research objectives for the coal sector:

  • Supporting the equitable transition of the coal sector and regions;
  • Improving health and safety.
  • Minimizing the environmental impact of coal mines in transition.
Programme Details

Identifier Code



RFCS-2025-CSP-Big Tickets for Steel


The RFCS Research Programme has the following research objectives for the steel sector:

  • new, sustainable and low-carbon steelmaking and finishing processes;
  • advanced steel grades and applications;
  • conservation of resources, protection of the environment and circular economy;
  • management of work force and working conditions.

The call objectives are:

  • Cross cutting issues: digitalisation, skills and social innovation in the steel sector.
  • CO2 neutral iron ore reduction (Increasing the use of pre-reduced iron carriers).
  • Technologies to improve energy efficiency, increase heat recovery and enhance process integration (PI) approaches in steel production.
  • Advanced steel alloys for special applications.
  • Circular economy and sector coupling solutions to meet the zero-waste goal for steelmaking.
  • Carbon capture of steel CO/CO2 gases.

Detailed Call Description

Applicants may submit proposals for either Pilot or Demonstration projects (see Articles 15 and 16 of Council Decision 2008/376/EC).

  • Proposals are expected to achieve technology readiness level 7-8 (TRL 7-8) by the end of the project. Research activities must take account of the requirements of the selected TRL levels.
  • Proposals must be in line with the general and specific objectives listed in the Memorandum of Understanding for the European partnership on Clean Steel launched in Horizon Europe.
  • Proposals need to show in the excellence and/or impact part of the application form how they contribute to the multiannual strategic R&I agenda of the Clean Steel Partnership.
  • Proposals must address the application of innovative technologies related to one or two of the six call objectives listed above. If addressing two call objectives, proposals should clearly identify which work packages address which area(s) of which call objective(s).
  • Proposals must include an exploitation strategy outlining possible integration of the outcomes of the project (including the pilot/demonstrators) in an industrial environment and a preliminary assessment of their economic viability.
  • When addressing the call objectives, proposals should pay particular attention, where relevant, to Article 10a of RFCS Decision 2021/1094 and, more precisely, include activities to address potential solutions that can improve the working conditions of employees at steelmaking facilities, in particular health, safety and ergonomics in and around the workplace.
  • Targeted improvements (compared to the existing installation or, for new projects, to the relevant ETS benchmark) must be clearly quantified and demonstrated with energy system and materials balance assessments (including emissions) clearly defined by the applicants.
  • Collaborations with start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprise are encouraged.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


The Commission estimates that an EU contribution of €5 million to €25 million would allow the objectives of this call to be addressed appropriately.

This does not preclude submission and selection of a proposal requesting different amounts.

Projects should be of a size and type of action that makes them eligible for RFCS funding.

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • Legal Entities
  • Natual person / Citizen / Individual
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies, e.g. undertakings, public bodies, research organisations, higher or secondary education establishments or other legal entities) which carry out an RTD activity or substantially contribute to such an activity
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
    • non-EU countries:
      • countries associated to the RFCS (list of participating countries).

Consortium composition – Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of:

  • minimum 2 independent applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from 2 different eligible countries

Independent — Independent means that none of the entities must be under the direct or indirect control of the other or under the same direct or indirect control as the other.

For this purpose, control may, in particular, take either of the following forms:

  • the direct or indirect holding of more than 50 % of the issued share capital, or of a majority of the voting rights
  • the direct or indirect holding, in fact or in law, of decision-making powers.

The following relationships do not in themselves constitute control:

  • if the entities have the same public investment corporation, institutional investor or venture-capital company with a direct or indirect holding of more than 50% of the issued share capital or a majority of voting rightsif the entities are owned or supervised by the same public body.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

For general information about the programme, if you have questions or want to share your views please contact us at: REA-RFCS@ec.europa.eu