Scalable innovative processes for the production of PEMFC MEAs


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Clean Hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (Clean Hydrogen JU)

Programme Description

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Scalable innovative processes for the production of PEMFC MEAs


This project aims at developing and scaling-up innovative manufacturing processes for MEAs of PEMFCs. Each step of the MEA manufacturing process should be addressed and achieve TRL 6 and MRL 4-5 by the end of the project, therefore demonstrating process technology in a relevant environment with capability to produce MEAs at a rate and characteristics mentioned. In this context, to meet the expected outcomes, the following Research and Development (R&D) activities should be addressed: the design, development, and construction of a prototype production line for MEAs, which will be tested in a relevant industrial environment to validate its performance, scalability, and ability to meet the required manufacturing specifications.

Detailed Call Description

Activities that need to be included:

  • Innovative up-scaling of processes (continuous production, batch production) and processes based on outcomes of previous and current research projects (MAMA-MEA, VOLUMETRIQ, NIMPHEA). Addressing new techniques or innovative approaches should be considered if needed on the production line to fill the gap with previously developed processes;
  • Development of known processes and innovative processes (e.g. ink-jet, spray, electrospray, slot-die coating, screen-printing) for large scale catalyst and/or microporous layer deposition. Large scale should be applied to MEAs active area relevant for the large-size unit cell of the applications considered (> 200 cm2) and high-volume production as indicated above (10000 m2/year);
  • Development of methods to produce optimised large size (scale-1 for the application) MEAs and high-quality interfaces (e.g. layer-to-layer manufacturing, efficient assembling and bonding of components, additive manufacturing);
  • Demonstrate the technology at scale compatible with high volume and high yield, considering challenges from an industrialisation perspective (automated process, reduced processing steps at the line, end-of-line quality control, flexibility support, design adaptability, versatility, reproducibility). Process monitoring, parts validity and control means should also be evaluated on several parts at scale;
  • In-line quality control considering relevant parameters related to manufacturing targets and MEAs specifications (such as but not limited to scrap rate, catalyst loading, catalyst-coated membrane thickness…);
  • The prototype pilot line should be adapted to several raw materials and components (membrane or GDL, catalysts) and able of making different compositions and properties (such as porosity and hydrophobicity);
  • The prototype pilot line operational effectiveness will be validated through its capability of manufacturing several MEAs at scale 1, as requested to achieve the targeted MRL 5;
  • Demonstration of expected operation vs. cost, performance, durability KPIs: representative testing and characterisation of produced MEAs in single cells and small stacks, at technologically relevant scale (active area) and in application-relevant conditions (all heavy-duty transport sectors are targeted) should be undertaken as part of the project;
  • Demonstration of reliable scalability expected vs. cost, performance, durability for the various applications targeted – Assessment of progress vs SoA at beginning of project;
  • Application of Design for Sustainability (DfS) principles to maximise potential of recycling processes to recover CRMs and minimise environmental impact and end-of-life;
  • Industrial plan should include life cycle analysis, cost analysis, intellectual property and environmental health action plan.

A cost reduction assessment should also be undertaken at the end of the project highlighting the gains brought by the new concepts developed in the project.

In addition, a fully integrated collect and recycling channel associated to the production line should be described.

Proposals should develop and bring to the market an innovative manufacturing processes of MEAs for PEMFC. The process should demonstrate high production rates in line with the future needs of European fuel cell industries. The produced MEAs should simultaneously perform at relevant KPIs of the PEMFC technology.

Proposals should involve a PEMFC and MEA manufacturer and consider regulatory context as well as safety aspects.

A pilot line should be available at the end of the project with an estimation of its full potential:

  • Capacity: 2000 m²/year (or a projection for a year with higher level of maturity);
  • Scrap rate: 40% (or a projection for a year with higher level of maturity).

Proposals should achieve a membrane electrode assembly production line mature enough to be qualified for industrial standards (e.g. standards depending on the applications targeted by the proposal). To do so, the proposal should include European partnerships with industrials (and their supply chain ecosystem) and academics to work on Life Cycle System Analysis, development and implementation of processes, MRL analysis (with a strong focus on the maturity of the supply chain) and propose a reliable and industry-scalable concept of MEA production. This topic is hence expected to contribute to EU competitiveness and industrial leadership by supporting a European supply chain for fuel cell components.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Expected EU contribution: €5.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Phone number: +32 22218148

Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium