Science comes to town


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Science comes to town


The new European Research Area (ERA) has the engagement of citizens, local communities and civil society at its core, seeking greater societal impact and increased trust in science. This action supports ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) action 14 – ‘Bring science closer to citizens’ through broad and inclusive engagement of all relevant stakeholders in a range of activities with a view to increasing the understanding, acceptance, uptake and impact of R&I in society.

The action supports a consortium involving cities to host a coordinated joint 1-year programme with focus on connecting citizens and scientists in the participating cities and beyond, including the following: A year-long programme of various events and activities, such as lectures, workshops, exhibitions, competitions or prizes, in the spirit of the European Capital of Culture or the European Green Capital, that highlights the contribution of science to society and the results of R&I projects supported by national/regional/EU funds, including the Horizon Europe programme.

Detailed Call Description

In addition, the programme of activities must include the following two components:

  • EUCYS 2026, the European Union Contest for Young Scientists, an annual science competition for 14- to 20-year-olds that brings together first prize winners of national science contests for pre-Higher Education Institution school science projects to compete for prizes and awards. The contestants are judged by a jury of eminent scientists selected by the European Commission. The jury award 1st, 2nd and 3rd monetary prizes as well as other prestigious prizes donated to the contest by international research organisations and other similar bodies. The EU Contest takes place each year in a different location. The organisation of the contest is based on the General Guidelines on the organisation of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists and its Annex 1 – Rules of the contest. These are updated annually by the European Commission. The participating city that the proposal designates as host for EUCYS 2026 must provide as part of the proposal the commitment from its respective National EUCYS Organiser to run the 2026 competition as part of the project.
  • EU TalentOn 2026, the European Union Contest for Early Career Researchers, is a biennial science competition for 21- to 35-year-olds that brings together at least 100 early-career researchers to work on scientific solutions to societal challenges. The objective is to promote careers in research, facilitate cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration among early-career researchers, and to promote entrepreneurship and opportunities in academia and industry. The researchers are divided into small teams, which should be gender-balanced and be as much as possible geographically and socially inclusive, to compete for prizes and awards. The teams are mentored by experts from academia, industry and SMEs. Specific challenges are determined through a consultation with stakeholders in the field and are based on broader policy priorities.

This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in the form of prizes. The maximum amount to be granted to each third party is €60.000.
Subcontracting is not restricted to a limited part of the action.

Call Total Budget

€6.00 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Expected EU contribution per project: €6.00 million

Thematic Categories

  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Central Government
  • Legal Entities
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The programmed activities should target a wide population of European citizens with impact at local, regional and European level, and involve participants of different ages and across social groups and actors (students, researchers, citizens, policymakers, business and third sector organisations).

The following additional eligibility criteria apply: Applications must be submitted by a consortium including at least three legal entities, independent of each other, established in three different Member States or Associated countries, of which at least two are different Member States.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
 29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia, P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001

Contact Persons:

Dr. Kalypso Sepou
Head of the departement

Marsia Trillidou
Scientific Officer Α’

Konstantina  Makri
Scientific Officer

Dr Mary Οikonomou
Scientific Officer