The European Defence Fund (EDF) is the Commission’s initiative to support collaborative defence research and development, and to foster an innovative and competitive defence industrial base.
It is essential for the survivability of a surface warship to be able to engage and neutralise an adversary submarine outside its effective weapon range when the mission dictates that evasion is not possible. The engagement capability must consequently be available at any time and within short notice, even outside of the deck cycles of the organic aircraft or availability of non-organic aircraft.
Specific objective: Market available rocket-launched torpedoes like the VL ASROC or MILAS are being launched from the Vertical Launch Systems (VLS) or upper deck surface-to-surface missile (SSM) containers, therefore consuming the very limited space and weight that could otherwise be used for air defence missiles or strike capabilities, increasingly required for present and future Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) threat environment, to achieve the Surface Warfare mission.
Current developments in the field of torpedo technology aim at developing very-lightweight torpedoes (VLWT) and ultra-lightweight torpedoes (ULWT). However, these new developments pose new challenges because of a reduced underwater effective range and the simultaneous requirement for extended range for transfer from the launching unit to the target area and with greater precision, delivering the effector at shorter range from its target, by suitable means to be determined. The surface warship requires an optimisation of its UW sensor suite for the prerequisite long-range detection and classification of targets with higher accuracy and update rates, which must be addressed before these new stand-off capabilities can develop their full potential.
Future multi-domain mission profiles require enhanced firepower distributed on board smaller size surface combatants, demanding for new and more flexible approach that delivers solutions able to be integrated in a multi-mission or multi- weapons bay, where both offboard and onboard sensors and effectors, can be loaded and integrated in a mission tailored configuration.
The aim of this activity is the identification of feasible common effector components, like V/ULW torpedoes or depth charges, which can be deployed by systems, which are usable for other purposes or in other warfare areas or even other warfare domains as well, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/ Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) for reconnaissance and surveillance, affordable precision strike capability, or deploying sensors like sonobuoys, in a configuration similar to the multiple launch rocket system. This approach may allow greater degree of flexibility for the procurement of systems and as well reduce individual integration, certification and storage footprints thus increasing their viability for navies of EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries.
Modern submarines are equipped with long-range heavy weight torpedoes (HWT) or sub launched anti-ship missiles. Both effectors normally exceed the range of surface ships organic underwater sensors and effectors. To be able to engage adversary submarines outside the torpedo danger zone, usually lightweight torpedoes (LWT) are deployed by aerial assets equipped with underwater (UW) sensors, such as organic anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Helicopters or Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). Alternatively, torpedoes can be equipped with a booster rocket to engage submarines at range.
However, aerial assets are dependent on weather conditions and bound to deck-cycle times, limiting their availability. Additionally, current developments could lead to an air defence capability of submerged submarines, putting valuable manned airborne assets at risk.
Proposals should cover the definition of a respective preliminary system design and plan for demonstration of a stand-off ASW engagement capability from sensor to effector.
Different combinations of sensor systems, delivery systems and effectors should be investigated, with the view of a concept of optimised solutions that enable engagements against submerged submarines and larger UUV at ranges exceeding 40nm.
The activities must aim at establishing a common understanding of the problem, a thorough investigation of different technologies and available products and simulation activities to conceptually define the most promising combination, eventually including one alternative for distinction with regard to effectivity, diversity of technological approaches, and economical aspects.
The activity must include a plan for a way forward towards a full-fledged capability solution. The proposal should seek for complementarity and avoid unnecessary duplication with other ongoing cooperation activities and projects in the same domain.
In order to be eligible, all applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must cumulatively:
Consortium composition – For all topics under this call, proposals must be submitted by: minimum 3 independent applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from 3 different eligible countries.
Ministry of Defense
Address: 172-174 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos, Nicosia
Telephone: 22 807500
Department of Research and Innovation
Telephones: 22 807755, 22 807754
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