State Aid Scheme of the Social Welfare Services for the establishment of new or the expansion of existing social care structures within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026


Programme Category

Cyprus Recovery And Resilience Plan

Programme Name

Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan – Axis 5. Labour market, social protection, education and human capital

Programme Description

The fifth Αxis focuses on the development of the required skills and competencies in the existing and future workforce, so that it responds effectively to the demands and trends of the modern labor market, according to its current and future needs, including those arising from the green and digital transition. The proposed reforms and investments are in line with relevant European initiatives and priorities.

The axis also includes reforms and investments to address labor market weaknesses related to the need to facilitate market entry, especially for women with children, to improve the availability and accessibility of early childhood education and care, and to create a network of childcare facilities. It also aims to increase employment for young people outside of work, education or training (NEET).

Programme Details

Identifier Code



State Aid Scheme of the Social Welfare Services for the establishment of new or the expansion of existing social care structures within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026


The objective of the Scheme is the establishment of new social care structures or the upgrading/expansion of existing structures by creating additional positions, thus strengthening the welfare state and promoting social inclusion and well-being.

The Scheme, in the context of its second call for applications, focuses on the following priorities, in line with the corresponding challenges that Cyprus faces:

  • Establishment of new or upgrading/expansion of existing Multifuctional Centers for Children (day care centers/nurseries for pre-school aged children 0-4 year and school aged children 6-13 years), as well as Childcare Centers (day care centers/nurseries for pre-school aged children 0-4 years).

The objective is the provision of affordable quality care and social development services for children. This will contribute to increasing women’s participation in the labour market, gender equality, improve employment in general and contribute to increasing the fertility rate, reducing the risk of poverty as well as reducing inequalities.

Detailed Call Description

The Social Welfare Services (SWS) are the Implementing Body of the following Investment of Policy Axis 5.2 “Labour market, social protection and inclusion” of the Recovery and Resilience

Plan (RRP) of the Republic of Cyprus 2021-2026.:
Investment 2: “Establishment of Multifunctional Centers and Childcare Centers” (C5.2Ι2).

For the implementation of the abovementioned Investment the SWS, after receiving all the relevant approvals, announced on the 18.04.2024, the second call for the new State Aid Scheme in the context of the RRP.

The Scheme focuses on the following targets/milestones:
Establishment of at least fifteen (15) new or upgrading/expansion of existing Multifunctional Centers for Children and Childcare Centers by the end of June 2026, (completion of construction Project no later than 30.04.2026).

Beneficiaries of the Scheme are: Local Authorities (LAs), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and partnerships of NGOs and LAs.

Th state aid amounts to 100%, with a maximum amount of funding per project of €500.000.

The eligible costs as described in articles 1 & 7 of the Scheme cover:
Construction of the structure, 2)Purchase of structure including and possible renovations3) renovation/upgrade of existing structures real estate to cover additional positions, 4) purchase of equipment for the scheme does not cover operational expenses of the Programmes (e.g., salaries, rents). The provision of state aid through this Scheme is made on the basis of a Public Funding Agreement between the SWS and the Final Beneficiary.

Interested parties can submit an application, fully completed with all the required supporting documents, to the District/Local SWS Offices as indicated on the websites of Social Welfare Services and the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare.

Call Total Budget

The available budget in the context of this 2nd Call amounts to €7.500.000. It is also noted that in the event that there are credit savings from the 1st Call for Applications, they may be utilized in the context of the 2nd Call.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The state aid is given as a percentage on the entire eligible investment (100%) with a maximum amount of aid allowed €500.000 per Programme.

Thematic Categories

  • Employment
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights

Eligibility for Participation

  • Local Authorities
  • Local Authority clusters
  • NGOs

Eligibility For Participation Notes

  • NGO (Non-Governmental Organisations)
  • L.As. (Logal Authorities)
  • and their partnerships as defined in article 4 of the RRP Plan

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Social Welfare Services

Persons to Contact:

Niki Οdysseos
Social Welfare Officer
Τelephone: 22406602
Fax: 22667907

Evgenia Koufou
Social Welfare Office
Τelephone: 22406744
Fax: 22667907

Elena Katsexou
Social Welfare Office
Τelephone: 22406745
Fax: 22667907

Maria Constantinou
Social Welfare Office
Τelephone: 22406744
Fax: 22667907