Support for information measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy for 2025


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Information Measures for the Common Agricultural Policy (IMCAP)

Programme Description

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the EU’s most important policies. It is a partnership between agriculture and society and between Europe and its farmers. It is a common policy for all the countries and citizens of the EU and benefits them in various ways.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Support for information measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy for 2025


The general objective of the call is to raise awareness about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) within the EU, amongst all citizens, farmers and non-farmers alike and to disseminate information about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the key messaging should be fully consistent with the Commission’s legal requirement to carry out information measures on the CAP within the meaning of Article 46 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2116.

The CAP plays a key role in supporting the EU’s farming sector and rural areas. It aims to ensure a competitive and sustainable agriculture model with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects.

The information measures should specifically focus on the role of the CAP and CAP Strategic Plans:

  • in supporting a fair and sufficient income for farmers),
  • in ensuring food security and the long-term competitiveness of EU agriculture,
  • in the resilience and the transition to sustainable food production systems, including for the livestock sector,
  • in supporting generational renewal and improving gender balance and participation of women, and
  • in strengthening the position of farmers in the value chain and protecting them from unfair trading practices.

Detailed Call Description

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the EU’s most important policies. Farming is a core part of our European way of life. The CAP builds on a partnership between farmers and citizens, between agriculture and European society. It is a common policy for all the countries and citizens of the EU and benefits them in various ways.
The CAP supports a fair and sufficient income for farmers, the competitiveness of the agricultural production, maintains rural areas and landscapes, keeps the rural economy alive and helps tackle climate change and the sustainable management of natural resources. Therefore, this call targets large-audience information and communication measures to inform citizens about the CAP.

The information measures must include one or several activities reaching a significant number of citizens, such as:

  • production and distribution/broadcast of print, multimedia or audiovisual material
  • web and social media outreach activities that reach a significant number of citizens − media events
  • conferences, seminars, workshops that reach a significant number of citizens and
  • studies on CAP-related issues (if required to support the implementation of the information measures).

The following activities are NOT eligible:

  • measures required by law
  • general (annual) or statutory meetings
  • other activities where the communication and information measures are not the main component.

The target public for the themes is the general public (in particular young people in urban areas) and/or farmers and other stakeholders active in rural areas. More specifically:

  • for young people in urban areas school children, teachers and university students: new approaches should be used to engage with young people and raise their awareness of the new CAP and the contribution that it makes in many areas such as the climate change challenge, food, healthy and high – quality eating as a lifestyle choice, in relation also with the EU School Scheme for Milk, Fruit and Vegetables and the Tartu Call (for a Healthy Lifestyle).
  • for stakeholders: stakeholders should be more aware of the contribution that the CAP makes to support the social, environmental and economic sustainability of agriculture.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (60%).

Project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to range between €125.000 and €400.000 per project.

Thematic Categories

  • Agriculture - Farming - Forestry
  • Rural development
  • Youth

Eligibility for Participation

  • Farmers Unions
  • Farmers, Agriculturalists
  • Legal Entities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Youth

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must be legal entities (public or private bodies), established in EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs).

Consortium composition:
Only applications by single applicants are allowed (affiliated entities and other participants are allowed, if needed).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Questions should be sent to the following email address: AGRI GRANTS TEAM (