Support for multi programmes – Sustainability of Union agriculture (Topic 3)


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Promotion of agricultural products

Programme Description

The European Commission co-finances and also directly organises campaigns and events to promote EU farm products worldwide. It aims to raise awareness of the efforts made by European farmers to produce quality products. These promotional activities help boost their profile on EU and international markets, in line with EU promotion policy.



Programme Details

Identifier Code



Support for multi programmes – Sustainability of Union agriculture (Topic 3)


Actions should highlight the sustainability of Union agriculture, stressing its beneficial role for climate action and the environment.

Detailed Call Description

Actions should address how the product(s) promoted and its/their production method(s) contribute to climate change mitigation (e.g. reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in carbon removals) and/or adaptation (e.g. climate-resistant crops and crop varieties).

In addition, actions should address at least one of the following:

a) biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources (e.g. wildlife, landscape, genetic resources);

b) sustainable water management (e.g. water use efficiency, reduction of nutrients or pesticides load);

c) sustainable soil management (e.g. erosion control; nutrient balance; prevention of acidification, salinization, reduction of pesticides);

d) sustainable, carbon-efficient methods of livestock production;

e) reduction of use of antimicrobials;

f) reduction of food loss and food waste;

g) animal welfare commitments that go beyond the mandatory legal requirements.

Call Total Budget


Thematic Categories

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Other Services
  • Rural development
  • Trade and Commerce

Eligibility for Participation

  • Large Enterprises
  • Producer Associations
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in an EU Member State (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
  • be eligible organisations or bodies:
    • trade or inter-trade organisations
    • trade or inter-trade organisations of the Union representative of the
      sector or sectors concerned at Union level
    • producer organisations or associations of producer organisations
    • agri-food sector bodies
    • trade or inter-trade organisation

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

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