The European Defence Fund (EDF) is the Commission’s initiative to support collaborative defence research and development, and to foster an innovative and competitive defence industrial base.
The National Focal Points for the EDF (EDF-NFPs) consists of a network of individuals nominated by EU Member States and EDF Associated countries that are supported by national structures established under the responsibility and control of the EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries. The NFPs form an essential part of the EDF implementation by providing practical information, advice, training, and other forms of assistance to stakeholders on all aspects of participation in the EDF. This action aims at facilitating trans-national cooperation between EDF NFPs with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to (potential) programme applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors that could benefit from the programme and thus contribute to strengthening the EDTIB.
Proposals must include coordination and support activities in accordance with the following requirements, with a view to improving the competence of EDF NFPs by rapidly acquiring the know-how developed in other EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries.
Key project tasks such as project management and organisation of trainings are not eligible for subcontracting.
NFPs that choose not to participate as a member of the consortium, are nevertheless invited and encouraged to participate in the action activities (e.g., trainings), and the costs incurred by the consortium for such participation (e.g., travel costs paid by the consortium) may be included in the estimated budget and be eligible for funding by the Commission.
Requirements – The proposals should include:
In order to be eligible, all applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must cumulatively:
Consortium composition: Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of national support structures (organisations hosting NFPs) from at least 10 Member States or Associated Countries.
Ministry of Defense
Address: 172-174 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos, Nicosia
Telephone: 22 807500
Department of Research and Innovation
Telephones: 22 807755, 22 807754
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