Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities


Cities are increasingly taking a leading role in the green and digital transition. National and regional authorities have a key role to play to support cities ambition and facilitate the process.

The objective of this action is to strengthen existing national networks in Member States and Associated Countries as well as encourage and support the creation of such structures in countries where this has not yet taken place and empower them to act as clearly identifiable national contacts to support cities in pursuing their climate neutrality ambition and related targets.

Detailed Call Description

Such networks by combining relevant multi-level (e.g. national, regional and local) institutional competence and multi-stakeholders capacities, expertise, and responsibilities, would ensure coherence across city-relevant policy, financing and regulatory frameworks and promote higher efficacy and impact of undertaken action plans.

The project should build upon, broaden and further upscale the activities, tools, methods, and approaches developed under the CapaCITIES project whilst expanding its geographical coverage to cover preferably the entire EU, enhancing institutional competence by involving all relevant actors and working in close collaboration and complementarity with the Cities Mission Platform.

Proposals should:

  • Support the set-up of dedicated national networks in countries where these have not yet been established, preferably covering the entire EU, to help cities in their transition towards climate neutrality and promote collaboration, capacity building and coherence of policy, regulation and financing frameworks across national, regional and local levels.
  • Promote transnational learning, exchanges and training to foster replication and upscaling of best practices across Europe for effective national support mechanisms to support cities in their transitions to climate neutrality.
  • Strengthen the capacity and competence of existing national networks by engaging all relevant institutional players with responsibilities in city-relevant affairs and facilitate exchanges across the national, regional and local levels for policy coherence, better coordination and enhanced impact of city relevant policies, programmes, initiatives, regulatory frameworks and funding.
  • Mobilize and support a large number of urban-relevant authorities, across different ministries and implementing agencies, in engaging together with cities in climate-neutrality transitions in line with the overarching objectives of the European Green Deal, and relevant EU policies;
  • Support capacity building of local authorities and multi-level governance structures for transitions to climate neutrality through dedicated activities such as e.g. trainings, webinars, capacity building, country visits and bi-or multi-lateral exchanges as well as peer-exchange.
  • Identify specific challenges, best-practices and opportunities to make policy and regulatory frameworks, funding and financing and multi-level governance structures best suited for climate neutrality in cities.

To avoid unnecessary proliferation of national networks with overlapping competences, duplication of efforts and uncertainty by cities as to which relevant “interlocutors” to approach, applicants must take into account and build upon existing, planned or ongoing relevant national, regional or local activities and structures aiming to foster climate-neutrality in cities.

Call Total Budget

€3.00 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Expected EU contribution per project: €3.00 million

Thematic Categories

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Urban Development

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Local Authorities
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation

Address: 29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia, P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001

Person to Contact:

Myrto Anastasiadou
Scientific Officer

EU Contact Point