The European Commission co-finances and also directly organises campaigns and events to promote EU farm products worldwide. It aims to raise awareness of the efforts made by European farmers to produce quality products. These promotional activities help boost their profile on EU and international markets, in line with EU promotion policy.
The objective is to increase the consumption of EU fresh fruit and vegetables by informing consumers about balanced and healthy dietary practices.
The Commission is committed to promoting balanced and healthy dietary practices. Actions shall highlight the benefits of consuming fresh fruit and vegetables in a balanced diet.
The messages could notably focus on: aiming at having at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day; the place of fruit and vegetables in the food pyramid, beneficial impact of fruit and vegetable consumption on health.
The expected ultimate impact is to enhance the competitiveness and consumption of the concerned Union agri-food products, raise their profile and increase their market share.
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement:
In order to be eligible, the applicants must:
The above-mentioned proposing organisations may submit a proposal provided that they are also representative of the sector or product concerned by the proposal, complying with conditions set out in Articles 1(1) or 1(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1829 of 23 April 2015, namely:
Lower representativeness thresholds than 50% may be accepted if the proposing organisation demonstrates in the submitted proposal that there are specific circumstances, including the evidence on the structure of the market, which would justify treating the proposing organisation as representative of the product(s) or sector concerned.
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development – European Commission
Name: Wolfgang BURTSCHER
Τelephone: +32-229-96898
(Publish Date: 07/03/2023-for internal use only)