The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges are a bottom-up initiative.
In this call, participating organisations are free to choose the topics on which they will focus:
The activities and outputs of the different projects will aim at reaching a positive impact in relation to the objectives of the call, while varying in accordance with the projects’ specificities, should be closely connected to the learning dimension of the virtual exchanges.
The specific objectives of this call are the following:
Projects will be funded based on work plans that may integrate a wide range of online cooperation activities.
In order to carry out the above activities, projects should rely, as far as possible, on existing tools and platforms. Should there be a need to develop new tools or platforms for specific projects. Individual participants must be based in the countries of the organisations participating in the project.
The available call budget is €4,000,000. This budget might be increased by maximum 20%.
Grants may NOT produce a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs).
For-profit organisations must declare their revenues and, if there is a profit, we will deduct it from the final grant amount.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
Higher education institutions, associations or organisations of higher education institutions, as well as legally recognised national or international rector, teacher or student organisations, established in Programme Countries or the relevant Partner Countries.
Foundation for the Management of European (EU) Lifelong Learning Programmes
Tel: +357 22 448 888
Youth Board of Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 402 644
(Publish Date: 16/11/2021-for internal use only)
European Education and Culture Executive Agency: