This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on regions and cities.
With the current call for proposals, the European Commission seeks to select potential beneficiaries for the implementation of a number of information measures co-financed by the EU. The main aim is to provide support for the production and dissemination of information and content linked to EU Cohesion policy, including inter alia the Just Transition Fund and the recovery plan for Europe, while respecting complete editorial independence of the actors involved.
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
The proposals shall illustrate and assess the role of Cohesion policy in delivering the European Commission’s political priorities and in addressing current and future challenges for the EU, its Member States, its regions and the local level. More specifically, they should relate to the contribution of Cohesion policy to:
The target audience of the information measures to be implemented through this call is the general public and/or related stakeholders. More specifically:
80% to the eligible costs declared by the beneficiary and its affiliated entities.
Amount of the grant: €300,000
A flat rate of 7% of the eligible direct costs (‘reimbursement of flat-rate costs’) for the following categories of costs: indirect costs. The flat rate will be paid following acceptance of the costs to which the flat rate is to be applied.
The Commission reserves the right not to allocate all available financial resources.
In order to be admissible, applications must be:
Proposals may be submitted by any of the following applicants:
Only applications from legal entities established in the following countries are eligible: EU Member States
Τelephone: +32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)
Postal address:
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
European Commission
1049 Brussels/Belgium