ERC Proposal Writing Workshop

Start date: Wednesday July 17, 2024 09:00

End date: Wednesday July 17, 2024 13:00

The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), organises on Wednesday 17 July 2024, 09:00 – 13:00, a proposal writing workshop for the 2025 Calls of the European Research Council (ERC), in Cleopatra Hotel, in Nicosia (room AFRODITI).

The workshop aims to offer to researchers preparing ERC proposals to be submitted under the 2025 ERC Calls (Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant, Synergy Grant), practical advice, through an interactive event. Topics covered include the submission and evaluation procedure, the evaluation criteria, the common reasons for rejections and issues of concern and tips and advice on the content of the proposals.

Interested researchers must have basic knowledge regarding ERC Calls (specificities, eligibility, project characteristics etc), having watched the online info-day organised by RIF on the 11th of July 2024 or similar events or/and having studied official documents. Otherwise, interested researchers must contact the ERC National Contact Point before registering to the workshop.

The workshop’s agenda is available here.

To participate registration is mandatory via this link.  It should be noted that places are limited and selection of participants might be necessary. Participation is free of charge.

ERC supports research of the highest quality in Europe, offering long-term competitive funding, based on scientific excellence only, to top scientists, in order to implement ground-breaking, frontier research projects.

For more information, please contact the ERC National Contact Point (Katerina Karakasidou Malla,