Training on the Project Management of EU Funded Projects

Start date: Thursday November 23, 2023 09:00

End date: Thursday November 23, 2023 14:00

As part of the training of potential participants in the EU Competitive programmes, a training on “Project Management of EU Funded Projects under the EU Competitive Programmes” is organised on Thursday, 23 November 2023 from 9 am to 2 pm, Amphitheatre LRC014, Learning Resource Centre UCY Library “Stelios Ioannou”, University of Cyprus

To participate, please fill out the following participation form that you will find here.

Due to the limited number of places, priority will be given to newcomers in project management of EU funded projects within the European Competitive Funding Programmes.

For more information you can contact us at 22894278 or

The training will be held in Greek Language.