Small enhanced European UAS
ClosedCode: 34590 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-SEEU-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
This topic intends to contribute to address the following specific challenges that small UAS are prone to:
- Low UAS signatures and extended operational ranges;
- Operate autonomously and automatic, including with assisted piloting considerations;
- Miniaturisation of sensors and payloads, including potential weapons and communication systems;
- Operational capability and survivability in contested, congested and challenging (e.g., weather) airspace.
Non-thematic development actions by SMEs
ClosedCode: 34588 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-DA-SME-NT | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.
Autonomous heavy minesweeping system
ClosedCode: 34586 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-UWW-AHMS | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
Uncrewed systems are a familiar asset in naval capabilities, and they are being increasingly adopted. These types of assets and the technologies that go with them have the potential to offer a diverse mission set, minesweeping being one of them. The maritime drones and their payloads currently used and integrated by the navies operate with different levels of autonomy and endurance. This topic aims to enhance naval minesweeping capabilities by pushing the design and level of the autonomy of particularly maritime drones. Furthermore, this topic addresses sweep gear and sweep sources for minesweeping operations adjoining the higher level of autonomy. In this context the drone/platform and its payload/sweeping gear form the minesweeping system.
The objective of this call is to reach at least technology readiness level 6 for a minesweeping system (platform/drone and payload designed for it).
Quantum technologies
ClosedCode: 34584 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-QUANT-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
Quantum technologies count amongst the main emerging and disruptive technologies for defence capabilities. Within these quantum technologies, Quantum Sensing (QS) is one of the most mature domains and has the potential to notably impact defence operations. Nevertheless, significant technical challenges remain before operational systems can be developed. Further research is therefore needed in a range of QS domains such as quantum sensors for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), optronics and RF sensing. Besides, with the possible emergence of quantum computers, current technologies for secure communications face a risk of becoming compromised and need to be upgraded. There is therefore a need for research on technologies future-proof communication technologies such as quantum communication or quantum-resistant cryptography.
Secure waveform for satellite communications
ClosedCode: 34581 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-SPACE-EPW-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
This topic aims specifically at further developing a European interoperable protected waveform for satellite military communications that can be used by different EU nations individually or together in a joint operational context (EU, NATO, multi-nation missions). Such European Protected Waveform (EPW) should in particular target efficiency, security, affordability and interoperability of satellite communications. The EPW should be license-based and flexibly adapted according to the application, service or platform (fixed, on-the-move or on-the-pause) during peacetime or in operations.
Simulation and training for medical emergencies
ClosedCode: 34579 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-SIMTRAIN-STME-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
The topic aims to address the current operational challenges facing military medical personnel in the EU Member States (MS) and EDF Associated Countries, including in and out of areas of deployment.
Next generation rotorcraft
ClosedCode: 34575 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-AIR-NGRT | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
This topic is intended to lead to a step improvement in EU VTOL capability with a view to future EU/NATO rotorcraft programmes (EIS 2035/2040+). Moreover, developed technologies should also be used for upgrades of legacy platforms, where applicable.
Medium altitude long endurance RPAS
ClosedCode: 34572 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-MALE | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
MALE RPAS reconnaissance includes optical, infrared, radar and signal intelligence sensors and generates geoinformation data. The sensors for optical, infrared and radar reconnaissance are usual configuration parts of a MALE system. As signal intelligence is often classified for national eyes only, it would be preferable to develop a common pod design, which is suitable to contain the national electronics. The integration effort into the MALE system can be shared with a common pod design. This pod design is also a suitable baseline for additional future sensors.
The ultimate objective is to develop, produce and sustain a system that provides this critical defence capability to respond to future security challenges.
In addition, a strong European supply chain is intended to be developed at all levels to promote the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) in the long term. The supply chain should not be a pre-determined black box, but is expected to be open to competitive suppliers in a largely open tendering process, with the suppliers for mission-critical or security-relevant systems intended to be EU-based.
Functional smart system-of-systems under an integral survivability approach for future naval platforms
ClosedCode: 34570 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-NAVAL-FNP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
The specific objective of this topic is to define the common operational requirements of the System of Systems (SoS) framework and the essential elements of the next generation of European naval platforms. Such a SoS framework is expected to embrace the supporting infrastructure including interfaces, data, and common and specific services. It must identify the technological needs for the future development of European naval platforms with special attention on emerging technologies, promising solutions, and the increased resilience of naval vessels when facing the most sophisticated threats by near real-time evaluation of survivability.
Next-Generation Cooperative Cyber Range
ClosedCode: 34568 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-CYBER-NGCR-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
This topic aims to address the remaining challenge on design and development of solutions that deliver notable progress vis-à-vis the current state-of-the-art, including in view of wider technology landscape. This means that focus has to shift from creating cyber ranges that fulfil basic needs to cyber ranges that target next-level capability requirements. Therefore, the specific objective is about the use of cyber ranges for trainings and exercises. The proposed solutions, however, can benefit also other cyber range use-cases such as product development and penetration testing. Therefore, considerations of such use-cases may be taken into account for developing the solutions.
AI-based multifunctional aperture and transceiver
ClosedCode: 34566 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-AIMA-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
To cope with multi-dimensional warfighting environments, modern militaries need relevant situational awareness across all domains. They also need to be able to both operate cross-domain capabilities, such as any-sensor-to-any-shooter networking, and prevent the enemy from doing so. This requires communications systems that can perform ad hoc networking in all domains in dynamically evolving tactical situations. Currently, this is done with mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) data links.
Today, MANET data links, ES receivers, jammers, BFT and IFF are separate pieces of equipment requiring decentralised control, separate installation space, power supply, cabling, antennas, etc. By combining these functionalities into a single autonomously controlled equipment, it would be possible to achieve better performance, higher reliability, lower weight and lower life cycle costs.
In addition to the aforementioned technological reasons for converged aperture, there is also a need for converged systems. The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is expected to continue to be contested, congested and constrained. This would require AI-based operation at the device and system of systems (fleet/network) level in order to coordinate actions of several systems with minimal detectability and platform losses.
Energy-independent and energy-efficient systems for military camps
ClosedCode: 34564 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-ENERENV-EEMC-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
The specific objective of this topic is to substitute the fossil fuel dependency reduction in military deployable camps (support and mobility) without any drop of operational performances, in a context of increasing electrical energy demand in the battlefield. Moreover, investigation on the return of experience of the demonstration stage, should include specifications of a whole concept of energy independent and efficient deployable camps. Furthermore, the ability to support the diminution of their fossil fuel consumptions while maintaining operational performances, avoiding logistics, security burden and reducing logistics footprint should be validated.
Multipurpose unmanned ground systems
ClosedCode: 34562 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-UGS-STEP | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024
The use of such UxV systems has a direct impact in reducing the exposure of human operators and soldiers to associated risks. Such systems can radically improve the efficiency and performance of the tactical unit to provide tactical/ operational superiority and offer robust and reliable solutions in very demanding conditions.
Thus, the aim of this topic is to develop an unmanned modular system of systems capable of supporting dismounted, mechanised and motorised infantry in all types of European geographic and operational land environments, including denied environments, in adverse light and weather conditions with evolving levels of autonomy and robustness.
The overarching goal of this topic is to contribute to the maturing, testing and verification of the Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) capability, so that the technology is expected to be ready for integration into the European armed forces by 2030.
Renewable Energy financing mechanisms multi technology
OpenedCode: 34547 | Identifier Code: RENEWFM-2025-INVEST-MULTI | Programme name: 28521 | Start submission calls: 30/07/2024 | End submission calls: 04/03/2025
This call aims to provide support for renewable energy projects and targets ground mounted solar PV and onshore wind projects as a well established and low-cost renewable energy technology aimed at high reliability in terms of deploying fully operational renewable electricity (RES-E) capacities and generation volumes and thus assumes effective and quick project realization from awarded project applicants.
ClosedCode: 34544 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-INNOVDEPLANT | Programme name: 2280 | Start submission calls: 25/07/2024 | End submission calls: 30/10/2024
Deployable antennas are a key element of satellites enabling them to receive and transmit data. They are relevant for all types of space applications such as navigation, Earth observation, science and defence. Technology deployed on space antennas may find applications also in the civil, terrestrial market.
The expected outcomes of this pilot project will allow EU to reduce the dependencies from non-EU countries for the critical space technologies relevant to reflectors and deployable antennas and accelerate time to market. The identification of novel non-dependent materials, techniques to re-use parts, materials from end-of-life assets and antennas for assembly and manufacturing on orbit will contribute to increase EU sovereignty and allow unrestricted access to key, critical space technologies.
Alliance for Language Technologies
ClosedCode: 34542 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-B-06-LANGUAGE | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 01/08/2024 | End submission calls: 26/09/2024
This action will directly contribute to preserving the linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe while effectively implementing the European Common Data Infrastructure and Service MCP’s objectives in the area of language technologies. By providing the necessary data and model adaptation capacities, the action will have a strong impact on the deployment of large language foundation models and their applications such as generative AI. This federated effort will be established around two work strands.
Common Operational Partnerships to prevent and fight against migrant smuggling with competent authorities of third countries
ClosedCode: 34538 | Identifier Code: ISF-2024-TF2-AG-COP | Programme name: 14688 | Start submission calls: 07/05/2024 | End submission calls: 08/10/2024
The present call for proposals aims to support projects that enhance the prevention of and fight against migrant smuggling by establishing Common Operational Partnership projects (COPs) that support structured operational cooperation between law enforcement, judicial authorities and other relevant services of the participating EU Member States and third countries, with the potential involvement of relevant international organisations and Justice and Home Affairs agencies.
Sport Supports – emergency sport actions for youth
ClosedCode: 34536 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2024-EMERGENCY-YOUTH | Programme name: 2280 | Start submission calls: 24/07/2024 | End submission calls: 17/10/2024
The objectives of this project are to:
- promote community integration of children and young people affected by humanitarian crisis such as war in the hosting communities;
- improve mental well-being and help overcoming trauma of such children and young people through sport;
- facilitate adaptation and create bonds with the hosting communities;
- inspire other sport clubs to set up support programmes by publishing and promoting experiences and good practices.
The Galileo PRS service for governmental authorised use cases
ClosedCode: 34534 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-44 | Programme name: 3476 | Start submission calls: 09/07/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024
Over the years a cross-border cooperation between Member States (MS) Competent PRS Authorities (CPA) has been fostered through a number of activities related to the implementation of the PRS regulatory framework. These activities (e.g. the Joint Test Activity (JTA) and the market consultation for PRS conducted under FRAME SC2 grant in 2023), and the recent coordination among MS CPA have led to the identification of gaps related to the ongoing market development of PRS civilian applications.
The PRS technology aiming at supporting one or several use cases, the related technical specifications have been selected in such a way so as to be ambitious, but at the same time realistic, so that the market will be able to deliver PRS solutions that meet the operational needs of the authorities responsible for the implementation of the PRS user segment.
Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas
ClosedCode: 34532 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-DIGITAL-07-KEYCAPACITY | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024
The objective of the call for this topic is to support excellence in higher education institutions, making them world leaders in training the digital specialists of the future and to increase the capacity of the educational offer in the area of advanced digital skills. This should lead to the development of dynamic digital educational ecosystems where higher education institutions as well as innovative partners from industry and research work together to attract and retain the best talents worldwide.