
  • RFCS-2024 Steel Pilot and Demonstration Projects


    Code: 34125 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-02-PDP | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Steel Pilot and Demonstration Projects (PDPs).

    Pilot Projects target the construction, operation and development of (significant parts of) installations on an appropriate scale and using suitably large components in order to examine the potential for putting theoretical or laboratory results into practice and/or increasing the reliability of the technical and economic data needed to progress to demonstration stage, and in certain cases to industrial and/or commercial stage.

    Demonstration Projects cover the construction and/or operation of (significant parts of) an industrial-scale installation, in order to bring together all the technical and economic data in order to proceed with the industrial and/or commercial exploitation of the technology at minimum risk.

    Both Pilot and Demonstration Projects aim to bridge the gap between Research and Innovation.

  • RFCS-2024 Steel Research Projects


    Code: 34122 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-02-RPJ | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Steel Research Projects (RPJs).

    Research Projects (RPJs) target investigative or experimental work aiming to acquire knowledge that helps to facilitate the attainment of specific practical objectives, such as the creation or development of new products, production processes or services.

  • RFCS-2024 Steel Accompanying Measures


    Code: 34120 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-02-AM | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Steel Accompanying Measures (AMs).

    Accompanying Measures (AMs) aim to promote the use of knowledge gained or the organisation of dedicated workshops or conferences in connection with projects or priorities of the RFCS.

  • RFCS-2024 Coal Pilot and Demonstration Projects


    Code: 34118 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-01-PDP | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Coal Pilot and Demonstration Projects (PDPs).

    Pilot Projects target the construction, operation and development of (significant parts of) installations on an appropriate scale and using suitably large components in order to examine the potential for putting theoretical or laboratory results into practice and/or increasing the reliability of the technical and economic data needed to progress to demonstration stage, and in certain cases to industrial and/or commercial stage.

    Demonstration Projects cover the construction and/or operation of (significant parts of) an industrial-scale installation, in order to bring together all the technical and economic data in order to proceed with the industrial and/or commercial exploitation of the technology at minimum risk.

    Both Pilot and Demonstration Projects aim to bridge the gap between Research and Innovation.

  • RFCS-2024 Coal Research Projects


    Code: 34104 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-01-RPJ | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Coal Research Projects (RPJs).
    Research Projects (RPJs) target investigative or experimental work aiming to acquire knowledge that helps to facilitate the attainment of specific practical objectives, such as the creation or development of new products, production processes or services.

  • RFCS-2024 Coal Accompanying Measures


    Code: 34102 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2024-01-AM | Programme name: 19762 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This topic concerns RFCS Accompanying Measures (AMs).
    Accompanying Measures (AMs) aim to promote the use of knowledge gained or the organisation of dedicated workshops or conferences in connection with projects or priorities of the RFCS.

  • Mutual learning and support scheme for national and regional innovation programmes


    Code: 34093 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-02-02 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) | Start submission calls: 06/06/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic focuses on mutual learning and support scheme for national and regional innovation programmes.

  • Expanding Academia-Enterprise Collaborations


    Code: 34091 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIE-2024-CONNECT-02-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) | Start submission calls: 06/06/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The action should foster the creation of innovation ecosystems with educational and research institutions, or strengthen their existing links. Additionally, the action supports co-designed programmes of activities of at least two (2) years, proposed jointly by educational institutions, research institutions, and other R&I actors from ‘emerging’ and ‘moderate’ innovation ecosystems and the private sector from innovation hubs (‘strong innovators’ and ‘innovation leaders’), to ensure better connectedness between higher education institutions and research organisation with other actors of innovation ecosystems.

  • Call for proposals dedicated to SMEs and research organisations


    Code: 34089 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-SMERO-NT | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs and Research Organisations (RO) in bringing forward innovation defence research, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

  • Trans-national cooperation among Marie Skłodowska-Curie National Contact Points (NCP) 2024


    Code: 34087 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MSCA-2024-NCP-01-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 16/05/2024 | End submission calls: 04/09/2024

    The objective is to facilitate the trans-national co-operation between National Contact Points (NCPs) for the MSCA, including those established in Third Countries, with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors and experiences.

  • CORTEX2 Open Call #2


    Code: 34085 | Identifier Code: CORTEX2 | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 13/06/2024 | End submission calls: 15/08/2024

    The objective is to deliver an inclusive XR teleconference platform while involving organisations in the ‘Lab-To-Market’ stage that will bring new modules and features, enhancing the functionalities and opportunities CORTEX2 can provide.

  • Call for proposals to support the development of novel antivirals (HERA) – CP-g-24-105


    Code: 34082 | Identifier Code: EU4H-2024-PJ-01-4 | Programme name: 10993 | Start submission calls: 23/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024

    This action aims to diversify and advance the pipeline of BSA candidates. More specifically, it will support the development and further characterisation of broad-spectrum antivirals targeting identified HERA priority viral families, which largely can be divided among respiratory RNA viral families, such as Paramyxo -, Orthomyxo and Coronaviridae, as well as those targeting viral families known for causing viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF), such as Arena-, Bunya-, Flavi -, Filoviridae.

  • Call for proposals to support innovative manufacturing technologies and processes in the Union for medicines production (HERA) – CP-g-24-12


    Code: 34080 | Identifier Code: EU4H-2024-PJ-01-3 | Programme name: 10993 | Start submission calls: 23/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024

    This action aims at supporting improved manufacturing technologies and processes that allow for a more effective, less expensive, easier to scale up, more sustainable and cleaner production of medicines in the Union.

  • Call for proposals for next-generation respiratory protection (HERA) – CP-g-24-11


    Code: 34076 | Identifier Code: EU4H-2024-PJ-01-2 | Programme name: 10993 | Start submission calls: 23/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024

    The objective of this action is to foster innovation and support the development of next-generation respiratory PPE that overcomes the limitations outlined above and result in increased availability of enhanced medical countermeasures for pandemic preparedness and response.

  • Call for proposals on the European Hub for vaccine development (HERA) – CP-g-24-10


    Code: 34070 | Identifier Code: EU4H-2024-PJ-01-1 | Programme name: 10993 | Start submission calls: 23/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024

    This action aims to create a European Hub for public health-relevant vaccine development, combining excellence in vaccine development with clinical trials and activities for scaling manufacturing.



    Code: 34067 | Identifier Code: ISF-2024-TF2-AG-CORRUPT | Programme name: 14688 | Start submission calls: 30/05/2024 | End submission calls: 26/09/2024

    The objective of this call is to enhance EU-level actions against corruption to address the current and evolving security threats that corruption poses to citizens and the licit economy and to support the work carried out by Member States’ competent authorities and other stakeholders in the prevention of and fight against corruption.

  • Food Waste – Support to Stakeholders 2024-2025


    Code: 34064 | Identifier Code: SMP-FOOD-2024-FW-STAKEHOLDERS-PJ | Programme name: 3856 | Start submission calls: 30/05/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024

    The objective of this call for proposals is to support EU stakeholders (single or multi – stakeholders) in taking actions to address consumer food waste (both in- and out- of-home), covering types of actions such as behavioural change interventions, education and training, the elaboration and implementation of food waste prevention guidelines, food waste monitoring programs, awareness raising campaigns and communication materials, and development of new business models.
    Actions out-of – home could, for example, take place in schools, canteens, restaurants and cafeterias.

  • Development of pest survey cards for Union quarantine pests: Begomoviruses and their vector Bemisia tabaci (Lot 1) and pests of cereal and fibre crops (lot 2)


    Code: 34062 | Identifier Code: EUBA-EFSA-2024-PLANTS-02 | Programme name: 29844 | Start submission calls: 30/05/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024

    The purpose of this call is to develop pest survey cards to support the EU MSs in the preparation of pest surveys, specifically for

    • Lot 1: Begomoviruses and their vector Bemisia tabaci
    • Lot 2: Pests affecting cereal and fibre crops

    The work consists in characterising (i) the pests, (ii) the population of host plants targeted by the surveys and (iii) the methods of detection and identification for these pests.

  • NGI Search 5th Open Call


    Code: 34060 | Identifier Code: NGI Search | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 29/05/2024 | End submission calls: 29/07/2024

    The Scope of this Open Call is to fund and support projects that will develop technologies and solutions centered on internet and web related activities as well as privacy and trust for users who are searching and discovering information and resources on the internet/web.

  • Harnessing the multifunctional potential of soil biodiversity for healthy cropping systems


    Code: 34057 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-06 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 08/10/2024

    Below ground biodiversity plays a major role in soil structure, nutrient supply, water cycling, nutrient uptake by plants, and in the biocontrol of plant pests and diseases. The interactions between communities of soil organisms, crops and their environment (holobiont) profoundly influence crop, soil and agroecosystem health and productivity. Notably, the interplay between soil fauna, soil microbial community, soil chemistry, and plant immune responses can be enhanced to harness the potential of soil ecosystem to defend against pathogens, pests and other detrimental organisms and to promote plant health and productivity. By managing soil ecosystems to enhance soil health through farming practices (e.g., crop rotation, use of microbiome solutions, etc.), it is possible to support plant defences, suppress diseases, improve nutrient availability and enhance plant resilience to various stressors. In addition, agricultural sustainability will be increased and contribute to climate change mitigation.

    There is a need to develop, test and deploy management practices that, by enhancing soil health, will facilitate, for instance, the management of soil-borne plant pests and diseases (e.g., bacteria, fungi, nematodes, root-feeding insects), and support ground nesting pollinators.