Orchestration of heterogeneous actors in mixed traffic within the CCAM ecosystem (CCAM Partnership)
ClosedCode: 34010 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-03 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 07/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024
The aim is to advance on the orchestration of heterogeneous actors in mixed traffic by building on, linking and integrating the following streams of research results and innovation challenges.
Scenario-based safety assurance of CCAM and related HMI in a dynamically evolving transport system (CCAM Partnership)
ClosedCode: 34008 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-02 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 07/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024
To ensure the safety of CCAM, it is essential that vehicles are not only safe during the (first) type approval, but also during their complete lifetime in a fast-changing road transport system. Changes can result from the evolution of the CCAM system itself, for example, as a result of increasing connectivity using V2X communication, the use of AI-based systems, and OTA (over-the-air) software updates.
Until full automation in transport is reached, the human driver will keep on playing an essential role. Also, the interaction with other road users will change, supported by technologies that allow a CCAM system to communicate its intentions to other road users.
As a consequence of these innovations and developments, the safe deployment of CCAM systems needs an extension of the safety validation procedures and certification schemes, taking advanced human-machine interaction and a continuous in-service monitoring approach into account. Due to the many different scenarios and variations that can occur realistically and that consequently need to be tested, it should be possible that a large part of the assessment is performed in a virtual simulation environment.
Centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum (CCAM Partnership)
ClosedCode: 34006 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 07/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024
This topic is related with the centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum.
A complete redesign of the in-vehicle control architecture is needed, combining innovations at hardware, software and data levels in the vehicle and in connection with distributed intelligence in the edge-cloud continuity.
It should build on a centralised e.g. zonal or domain-based layout using distributed high-performance computing for connecting sensing and actuation systems with software updates over the air, big data flows and AI at the edge, resulting in a novel and upgradable electronic in-vehicle control scheme for safe and efficient automated driving functions and tele-operations.
Talent ecosystems for attractive early research careers – pilot
ClosedCode: 34003 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-03 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/05/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024
This action particularly supports whole organisations and innovation ecosystems to implement the standards for attractive research careers laid down in the Charter for Researchers. A special focus is placed on organisational change in support of early career researchers, to offer them more and better career opportunities, including through strengthened coordination of measures at European, national, and regional level and increased cooperation between academia, industry, government and public sector.
Science comes to town
ClosedCode: 34001 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-02 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/05/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024
The new European Research Area (ERA) has the engagement of citizens, local communities and civil society at its core, seeking greater societal impact and increased trust in science. This action supports ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) action 14 – ‘Bring science closer to citizens’ through broad and inclusive engagement of all relevant stakeholders in a range of activities with a view to increasing the understanding, acceptance, uptake and impact of R&I in society.
The action supports a consortium involving cities to host a coordinated joint 1-year programme with focus on connecting citizens and scientists in the participating cities and beyond, including the following: A year-long programme of various events and activities, such as lectures, workshops, exhibitions, competitions or prizes, in the spirit of the European Capital of Culture or the European Green Capital, that highlights the contribution of science to society and the results of R&I projects supported by national/regional/EU funds, including the Horizon Europe programme.
Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation
ClosedCode: 33998 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/05/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024
To bring existing good practices in knowledge valorisation to support value creation across Europe, we need more experimentation, peer learning and testing of new models as well as trying out good practices in different environments.
Replication and adaptation of best practices is a powerful way to support the design, implementation and evaluation of knowledge valorisation investments and measures that enhance the quality and extent of knowledge uptake at all levels. It involves identifying and taking inspiration from best practices developed across Europe, engaging in an exchange of experiences with peers and connecting to new partners, as well as driving and supporting the set-up of new measures or the reform of existing ones.
Researchers can play an important role in engaging with citizens and bringing research results into communities that need innovative solutions. This can contribute to making research results more adapted to the needs of citizens and communities, and strengthen the uptake of research by society benefitting both the research communities and the citizens as users and co-creators.
European Nuclear Skills Initiative
ClosedCode: 33995 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EURATOM-2024-NRT-01-02 | Programme name: 23715 | Start submission calls: 28/05/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024
The nuclear and radiation protection sector demands a consistently high level of diverse skills, and is experiencing challenges to attract the younger generation. In this context, the Commission is offering funding through a coordination and support action for a long-term, industry-, research- and training-led public & private initiative to maintain and further develop the skills necessary to ensure the availability of high-level expertise for the safe use of current and future nuclear technologies in the EU.
Overall, the proposed strategy should contribute to maintaining the highest levels of nuclear safety and radiation protection. Achieving this objective requires the strategy to also cover aspects relevant to the recently established SMR Industrial Alliance.
European Fusion Industry Platform and preparation for a Public-Private Partnership on Fusion Energy
ClosedCode: 33993 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EURATOM-2024-NRT-01-01 | Programme name: 23715 | Start submission calls: 28/05/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024
The Commission aims to support and incentivise the European fusion community and industry and to act decisively to strengthen and deploy the EU’s technological leadership and expertise in this field. Also it aims to engage the EU fusion industry to tackle the critical bottlenecks that need to be addressed to design a first viable and cost-effective fusion power plant.
Overcoming barriers and delivering innovative solutions to enable the green transition
ClosedCode: 33991 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL6-2024-CLIMATE-02-3 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (Cluster 6)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024
Under this topic, proposals should seek to address new, upcoming or unforeseen challenges related to barriers towards the green transition and propose creative or disruptive solutions to overcome them that are not covered by the other topics of Horizon Europe Cluster 6 calls in Work Programmes 2021-2022 and 2023-2024.
Closing the research gaps on Essential Biogeochemical Ocean Variables (EOVs) in support of global assessments
ClosedCode: 33989 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL6-2024-CLIMATE-02-2 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (Cluster 6)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024
This topic focuses on the procedure of closing the research gaps on Essential Biogeochemical Ocean Variables (EOVs).
Successful proposal results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
- Improved key biogeochemical ocean monitoring variables and indicators and to foster the development of regional approaches to ocean climate monitoring and reporting, overcoming current limitations and gaps;
- Improved Earth System Models representing key biogeochemical processes in the ocean with reduced uncertainty of climate change projections at regional scales, and reduced biases.
- Better understanding of the links between the ocean’s physical, biogeochemical and biodiversity components and their variability over time; the impacts of environmental stressors on ocean health, GHG sources and sinks, biology and ecosystems.
New knowledge and innovations for climate-smart farming – connecting research stations
ClosedCode: 33987 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL6-2024-CLIMATE-02-1 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (Cluster 6)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024
This topic is focused on new knowledge and innovations for climate-smart farming – connecting research stations.
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
- The knowledge base of climate-smart farming practices is significantly expanded beyond the state of the art;
- Additional effective and innovative approaches for climate-smart agriculture in plant and animal production are developed and assessed in real conditions with all relevant actors involved;
- The widespread adoption by farmers of new knowledge, skills and innovative farming practices that mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) (in particular CO2, methane and nitrous oxide), and that foster adaptation of the sector to climate change, is accelerated.
NGI Sargasso 4th Open Call
ClosedCode: 33985 | Identifier Code: NGI Sargasso | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 03/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/08/2024
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons. For the development of NGI Sargasso, it is crucial that the proposals presented start from close collaboration with entities from the US and/or Canada.
ClosedCode: 33982 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS | Programme name: 2918 | Start submission calls: 11/06/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024
The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards 2024 (the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Future Engagement Model for the EOSC Federation
ClosedCode: 33970 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-INFRA-2024-EOSC-02-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Research Infrastructures (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 13/06/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024
The work of this CSA should build on the (federation) services offered by the European Commission’s EOSC Core Platform and provide feedback and input for the evolution of the EOSC Core Services and the EOSC Exchange to ensure a wider uptake. In this context, the CSA will also assist with the update and promotion of the EOSC Interoperability Framework and assist in the set-up a process for its updates.
Assessing the state of research infrastructures in Ukraine
ClosedCode: 33968 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-INFRA-2024-DEV-02-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Research Infrastructures (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 13/06/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024
This topic supports the assessment of the state of RIs in Ukraine, the identification of key needs and the development of an investment roadmap for RI reconstruction, closing the skills gap and facilitating well-connected R&I communities.
Demonstration of approaches to improve bankability of solutions by design, addressing the co-benefits (mitigation and adaptation) to improve revenues streams
ClosedCode: 33966 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-06 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 24/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024
While evidence suggests that there is financing available to address climate adaptation, it is also evident that there is a shortage of bankable opportunities. Most promising climate adaptation projects rely on grants and public investments for their development. In many cases, while they benefit the public good, they struggle to prove any profitability and they risk getting abandoned at the end of the project when the initial financing comes to an end.
The European Investment Bank has shown that climate projects succeeding in securing investments are very rarely only addressing adaptation to climate change and in most of the cases they rather add a climate proofing component to a bigger project.
Proposals should identify financially valuable cases of climate projects including climate adaptation dimension on top of other benefits.
Demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities
ClosedCode: 33963 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-07 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 24/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024
This topic focuses on the demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities.
Proposals should identify approaches and innovative solutions leading to an increase of the resilience and adaptation capacity to climate change which are particularly suitable for implementation by small and medium local authorities and the rural context. These solutions could include technological, social and business-related aspects or a combination of those. Nature-based solutions should be explored as priority and be at the very heart of the development whenever possible.
Demonstration of approaches by regions and local authorities focused on increasing climate resilience of the most vulnerable social groups (just climate resilience)
ClosedCode: 33960 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-08 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 24/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024
This topic is related with the demonstration of different approaches by regions and local authorities focused on increasing climate resilience of the most vulnerable social groups (just climate resilience).
Proposals should identify, develop, test and demonstrate equitable adaptation actions and solutions, increasing adaptive capacity, reducing vulnerability and risks and addressing specific climate vulnerabilities identified as relevant at regional and local scale, taking into account place-based climate data, socio-economic information, and local governence.
Systemic and cross-sectoral solutions for climate resilience, tailored to the local needs of regions and local authorities
ClosedCode: 33958 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-09 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 24/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024
The growing complexity, interdependencies and interconnectedness of modern societies and economies require that climate action is tackled with a systemic approach. Effectively adapting to climate change relies on cross-sectoral approaches, looking at the system as a whole, and on the inclusion of a variety of actors.
This topic focuses on systemic and cross-sectoral solutions for climate resilience, tailored to the local needs of regions and local authorities.
Supporting national, regional and local authorities across Europe to prepare for the transition towards climate neutrality within cities
ClosedCode: 33956 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-02-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 16/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024
Cities are increasingly taking a leading role in the green and digital transition. National and regional authorities have a key role to play to support cities ambition and facilitate the process.
The objective of this action is to strengthen existing national networks in Member States and Associated Countries as well as encourage and support the creation of such structures in countries where this has not yet taken place and empower them to act as clearly identifiable national contacts to support cities in pursuing their climate neutrality ambition and related targets.