
  • Announcement of the 3rd call for applications for the Grants Scheme to Enhance Business Activity in the Walled City of Nicosia


    Code: 33592 | Programme name: 2949 | Start submission calls: 29/04/2024 | End submission calls: 29/11/2024

    The main objectives of the Plan are to attract new businesses to the walled city of Nicosia, to encourage existing businesses to move to the Plan’s application areas, to encourage businesses already operating in said areas to expand their existing facilities, the social and economic upgrading of the area, the upgrading of the built environment with the contribution to the circular economy and green development, the attendance of citizens from all over Cyprus and from the entire urban area of Nicosia, and the creation of new jobs.

  • Crowding in private finance


    Code: 33587 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-PRIVAFIN | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to increase the amount of private finance allocated to energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy sources by establishing innovative financing schemes for investments in sustainable energy.

    Proposals should clearly focus on tailored, market-oriented solutions to crowd in private finance at scale for sustainable energy investments, understood as investments in energy efficiency and/or small-scale renewable energy sources and storage.

  • Supporting district heating and cooling


    Code: 33585 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-DHC | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    District heating and/or cooling operators/owners need to prepare and implement plans so that existing systems fulfil the criteria for “efficient district heating and cooling”, defined in the EED. This will require, among other aspects, the integration of low-temperature renewable energy (e.g. from solar thermal, ambient energy and geothermal resources) and waste heat as well as the cost-effective and energy efficient retrofitting of existing, inefficient district heating networks.

    The option to further develop district heating and cooling systems should be integrated in energy planning and heat mapping by public administrations, taking a district approach when addressing the policy priority of deploying renewable and efficient heating and cooling, including for instance building or modernising district heating systems when planning renovation programmes.

    Technical support and enabling frameworks are therefore needed to support the preparation of modernisation and development projects.

    Waste heat as well as the cost-effective and energy efficient retrofitting of existing, inefficient district heating networks.

  • Supporting the roll-out of high-quality heat pump installations


    Code: 33582 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-HEATPUMPS | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The aim of this topic is to strengthen the enabling framework for the accelerated roll-out of high-quality heat pumps, complementing existing legislative and financial incentives at the EU, national and local levels. In particular, the topic aims to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps in existing buildings through alternative business and delivery models as well as in industrial sectors through a closer collaboration between different industrial sectors and industrial heat pump technology providers.

  • Climate Change Adaptation


    Code: 33580 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-CCA | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    Projects under this strand should help to achieve the long-term vision of the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change that, in 2050, the EU will be a climate-resilient society which is fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Projects should help to reinforce adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerability, in line with the Paris Agreement and the European Climate Law.

  • Climate Change Mitigation


    Code: 33578 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-CCM | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    Projects under the Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area should contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 to at least 55% compared with 1990 levels.

  • Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe


    Code: 33576 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-ENERPOV | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Efforts should focus on offering support to overcome barriers to the uptake of renovation measures in multi-apartment buildings requiring coordinated action amongst homeowners, as well as supporting relevant actors, including public authorities, in designing longer-term strategies and coordination frameworks to mitigate energy poverty at different governance levels, including dedicated financing schemes specifically addressing energy performance improvements for energy poor households. As obligated parties under energy efficiency obligation schemes have potentially at their disposal the necessary data and means to identify energy poverty and vulnerability among their customers, supporting the obligated parties is needed in order to spread such schemes across the EU.

  • Developing support mechanisms for Energy Communities


    Code: 33574 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-ENERCOM | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Energy communities can help citizens and local authorities invest in renewables and energy efficiency.
    An increasing number of local and regional authorities wish to make sure that more citizens and local communities benefit from the energy transition and play an active role in it. Supporting energy communities can be a way to achieve that and local governments are uniquely well-placed to support their development by creating an enabling framework for communities and addressing their development hurdles.
    Therefore, this topic aims to foster the collaboration between local/regional authorities and energy communities.

  • Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments


    Code: 33571 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-PDA | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Project Development Assistance (PDA) will support project promoters in preparing and launching investment pipelines of sustainable energy projects. Also it aims to support project developers across Europe to deliver a highly ambitious sustainable energy project pipeline. It offers technical assistance to public and private project developers to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy investments of ambition and scale.

    The call topic aims to build technical, economic and legal expertise of project promoters needed for the successful project development and implementation.

  • Facilitation structures for the renovation of public buildings


    Code: 33568 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-RENOPUB | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Proposals should establish and operate regional/national facilitation structures, for example one-stop-shops, to accelerate the renovation wave in the public sector (e.g. office buildings, social housing, schools, leisure facilities etc.) covering a larger territory and offering to public authorities a comprehensive, all-inclusive service from technical, financial to legal advice, procurement and quality assurance of works.

    Actions should clearly focus on the ambitious energy renovation of existing public buildings (e.g. administrative buildings, hospitals, schools) to nZEB or ZEB standards, and should target legal entities operating under public law (e.g. public authorities, public bodies, social/public rental housing operators, etc.) as the main final beneficiaries of the services to be put in place.

  • Climate Governance and Information


    Code: 33566 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-GOV | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    LIFE Climate Change Governance and Information aims at supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change, contributing to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. This includes improving governance through enhancing the capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society.

  • LIFE Clean Energy Transition – Standard Action Project


    Code: 33564 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-SAP | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic aims to support actions from key commercial and non-commercial actors in the clean energy transition, involving in particular local and regional authorities, energy agencies, energy service companies (ESCOs), financial institutions and EU manufacturers of net-zero energy technologies.
    Actions under this topic should contribute to the implementation of the EU’s energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and legislation and demonstrate their positive contribution to the overall clean and fair energy transition.

  • Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses


    Code: 33562 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BUSINESS | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The overall objective of this topic is to support the clean energy transition and decarbonisation of businesses by strengthening national ecosystems for energy management systems and energy audits as well as by fostering collaborative approaches between companies operating either in the same value chain or in physical proximity.

    Synergies with relevant EU projects and initiatives such as the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are encouraged.

  • BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions for building decarbonisation


    Code: 33560 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BUILDSKILLS | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The first objective of the topic –Scope A, is to increase the number of skilled building professionals at all levels of the building design, operation and maintenance value chain. The focus is on the skills needed to enable the Clean Energy Transition, in particular the EU Renovation Wave, the EU Solar Energy Strategy, the Communication on Digitalising the Energy System – EU action plan, as well as the implementation of the provisions on skills as part of revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), and Renewable Energy Directive (RED).

    The second objective of the topic – Scope B, is to create a thriving community of practitioners actively involved in upskilling activities for building professionals, which will support the large-scale roll-out of successful approaches across Europe.

    Proposals should address only one of the two scopes below.

  • One-Stop-Shops – Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses


    Code: 33556 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-OSS | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic aims at supporting the creation or replication of One-Stop-Shops, proposing integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses.

    Proposals are expected to focus on one of the two scopes (A or B):

    • Scope A: Integrated Home Renovation Services
    • Scope B: Integrated services for private rental housing energy upgrade

  • Clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions


    Code: 33552 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-LOCAL | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to provide local and regional authorities with the necessary capacity, integrated approaches and organisational structures to deliver and implement plans and strategies for the clean energy transition (CET).

    The focus should be on delivering the right mix of activities that will build/increase lasting technical, legal, financial, administrative and social innovation skills among LRAs with a clear aim to initiate the implementation of sustainable energy actions with an integrated approach in their constituencies.

  • Energy Performance of Buildings – Making renovation faster, deeper, smarter, service- and data-driven


    Code: 33550 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BETTERRENO | Programme name: 10710 | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic addresses several areas that are key for the achievement of the ambitious EU targets for the decarbonisation of buildings. It aims to develop and deploy approaches that bring actors, markets, frameworks and innovative solutions together to increase the attractiveness of building performance up-grades and to reduce the administrative, logistic and financial burden that still goes along with (deep) retrofitting of buildings. The topic also aims to address the need for quality data to make verification and financing more robust and to help deploy services that valorise building energy efficiency and smartness.

    Proposals are expected to focus on one of the two scopes (A or B):

    • Scope A: Facilitating large-scale deep renovation
    • Scope B: Buildings energy data and services

  • EYE2025 – Coordination of the EYE Village Programme


    Code: 33537 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2025-EYE-VILLAGE-COORDINATION | Programme name: 17864 | Start submission calls: 16/04/2024 | End submission calls: 30/05/2024

    The main objective of this call is the design, implementation and coordination of the programme in the EYE Village during EYE2025 aimed at:

    • offering young people opportunities to learn about European democracy as the foundation of the EU and about the key role of citizens and civil society organisations in the democratic process;
    • inspiring and engaging young people as European citizens through meetings with European decision-makers and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs);
    • encouraging young people to become active citizens and engage in European democracy

  • Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities


    Code: 33533 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-04 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    An important aim of Missions is bringing together various disciplines, sectors and actors, such as philanthropy. Hundreds of cancer charities and foundations across Europe support patient-centred research, including clinical trials.

    The EU contribution aims to facilitate the coordination and networking between charities themselves as well as with relevant stakeholders across Member States and Associated Countries.
    The EU contribution will not co-fund the trials.

  • Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer


    Code: 33531 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Missions | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    This topic will contribute to the achievement of the Mission’s objective to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, survivors and their families. The focus should be exclusively on adolescent and young adult (AYA, age range 15-39) cancer patients and survivors.