Innovative Approaches Tackling Long-Term Unemployment
ClosedCode: 33435 | Identifier Code: ESF-SI-2024-LTU-01 | Programme name: 20859 | Start submission calls: 22/04/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
The aim of this Call is to encourage applicants to transfer or scale up proven and promising social innovations aimed at facilitating the integration or reintegration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market and/or fostering their social inclusion.
DigitalHealthUptake Call for Training
ClosedCode: 33399 | Identifier Code: DigitalHealthUptake | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 15/04/2024 | End submission calls: 14/06/2024
Digital Health Uptake (DHU) is offering financial support to third parties to support the implementation of technical assistance and training activities aimed at enabling training users to apply and make use of key methods and tools that support digital health implementation and scale up. The assistance and training programme is part of DHU’s overall objective of strengthen capacity building for implementation/uptake by stimulating mutual learning between regions, Member States and countries associated with the Digital Europe Programme, under which DHU is funded.
Transition Open 2024
ClosedCode: 33397 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIC-2024-TRANSITIONOPEN-01 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Council-EIC (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024
EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of your novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – junior call
ClosedCode: 33395 | Identifier Code: SMP-COSME-2024-EYEJR-01 | Programme name: 3856 | Start submission calls: 10/04/2024 | End submission calls: 27/06/2024
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries, while giving experienced entrepreneurs access to innovative ideas and new partner markets.
Encourage the reduction of CO2 emissions in businesses
ClosedCode: 33392 | Identifier Code: C2.1I4 | Programme name: 13600 | Start submission calls: 28/02/2024 | End submission calls: 31/07/2024
The objective of the scheme is to bring businesses closer to the country’s energy and climate strategy and goals (NECP), by changing their mindset and actions towards a green economy, free from carbon emissions. For this purpose, it provides financial incentives to businesses/beneficiaries in the form of government grant for the submission of documents and studies including specific actions, the implementation of which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in their operations and/or domestic supply chains.
ClosedCode: 33323 | Identifier Code: CODEVELOP/0824 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 01/08/2024 | End submission calls: 27/11/2024
The “CO-DEVELOP” Programme aims to enhance the effective collaboration between enterprises and the research community, with the aim of jointly identifying challenges and jointly designing and implementing research and development projects to develop new cost-effective solutions to address these challenges. In the context of effective collaboration, the sharing of resources and infrastructure and the mobility of staff are expected, among other things, in order to enable the technology transfer and the exchange of knowledge.
The ultimate objective is bridging the gap between academia and industry and the utilization of the existing know-how to meet specific needs and challenges, thus contributing to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life in Cyprus.
Excellence (Nysides Aristeias)
ClosedCode: 33320 | Identifier Code: EXCELLENCE/0524 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 02/05/2024 | End submission calls: 20/01/2025
The “Excellence Hubs” Programme aims to promote scientific excellence, which is a fundamental part for the sustainable development of the Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) System, through the funding of pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields.
Additionally, the Programme aims to contribute towards creating growth prospects for the local economy and to tackle social and other contemporary challenges.
Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy
Policy Objective: A more Competitive and Smarter Europe
Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation
Geographical Coverage: Cyprus
Project Type: Grant Scheme
Cyprus Award – Commercial Exploitation of Research Results 2024
ClosedCode: 33316 | Programme name: 2941 | Start submission calls: 02/05/2024 | End submission calls: 28/06/2024
It is awarded to a scientist or group of scientists, who has/have demonstrated successful commercial exploitation of the results of his/her/their physical or social sciences, engineering, or humanities research as demonstrated by a licensee or start-up which is developing the technology for a commercial application and has at least begun beta testing or the equivalent with intended end-users in terms of functionality, usability and reliability. The Award grant of €60.000 may be used by the winner on a project of their choice to carry out research and development activities (TRL 4-8) maiming to improve the level of his/hers research’s commercialization readiness, at a Host Organisation of his choice.
In addition, the winner(s) will automatically become beneficiaries of the services and knowledge transfer support and tools provided by the Foundation in the framework of the Central Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) and the Innovation Factory.
Vision ERC
ClosedCode: 33314 | Identifier Code: VISION ERC/0524 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 27/05/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2024
Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy
Policy Objective: A more Competitive and Smarter Europe
Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation
Geographical coverage: Cyprus
Project Type: Grant Scheme
The programme aims to promote scientific excellence, which is a fundamental basis for the sustainable development of the ETAK System, through the financing of pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields.
ERC Visiting Research Fellowship
OpenedCode: 33312 | Identifier Code: ERC FELLOWSHIP/0524 | Programme name: 2941 | Sub-program: i. “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes | Start submission calls: 27/05/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2025
The “ERC Visiting Research Fellowship” Programme aims to encourage more excellent young and advanced researchers to apply for the European Research Council (ERC) Calls for Proposals of the «Horizon Europe» Programme by giving them the opportunity to travel abroad to an ERC Grantee, with the aim of enhancing his/her research profile and knowledge exchange in an international environment and prepare a proposal (with a Host Organisation in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus) for one of the ERC calls listed below.
Cyprus Research Award – Young Researcher 2024
ClosedCode: 33309 | Programme name: 2941 | Start submission calls: 02/05/2024 | End submission calls: 28/06/2024
The “Cyprus Research Award – Young Researcher” is awarded to young researchers that have demonstrated the ability to perform high quality research.
The Award aims to highlight the research activity, achievements and personality of young scientists undertaking research in Cyprus, who have shown an ability to produce significant and internationally recognized results from the early stages of their career.
In addition, the Award aims to actively support young researchers, facilitating the continuation of their work and research career.
Support for Social Dialogue
ClosedCode: 33307 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2024-SOC-DIALOG | Programme name: 2923 | Start submission calls: 10/04/2024 | End submission calls: 10/07/2024
This call aims at contributing to the promotion of social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level, developing European social dialogue, and building and strengthening the capacity of national social partners.
Scheme Plan to support New Business Activity – 2nd Announcement (2024)
ClosedCode: 33293 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 31/07/2024
The Plan aims to strengthen the sustainable development and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, including productive investments. In other words, it focuses on the development, support and promotion of entrepreneurship among young people from 18 to 29 years old, men from 30 to 50 years old and women from 30 to 55 years old, who wish to be active in business in any economic activity (excluding those included in Appendix I, which is attached in the “Ineligible economic activities”), making use of their knowledge, experience, training and talents. This purpose is expected to be achieved by utilising incentives in the form of non-refundable financial aid.
Twin Cities to Accelerate Climate Neutrality
ClosedCode: 33288 | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 08/04/2024 | End submission calls: 31/05/2024
The NetZeroCities project (NZC), has opened a Call for Twin Cities.
The NetZeroCities (NZC) project is a four-year project designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.
The Twinning Learning programme is based on a hands-on approach of sharing knowledge from the pilot cities to the Twin Cities, while also enabling a peer-to-peer learning framework, allowing the pilot cities to also learn from the Twin Cities’ experiences.
The European Social Innovation Competition 2024
ClosedCode: 33281 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIC-2024-EUSIC-PRIZES-04 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Council-EIC (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 09/04/2024 | End submission calls: 11/06/2024
The European Social Innovation Competition aims at raising awareness about social innovation across a wide audience, sparking the creation of new socially innovative ideas, creating a network of like-minded practitioners and supporting finalists to transform their ideas into structured businesses.
National Competence Centres for High Performance Computing
ClosedCode: 33279 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2024-NCC-02-01 | Programme name: 24430 | Start submission calls: 09/04/2024 | End submission calls: 14/05/2024
The aim is to support existing or to create up to a new NCC in the EuroHPC JV.
Participating States not currently funded by the EuroHPC JV.
The NCCs will provide HPC services to industry (especially SMEs), academia and public administrations, providing customized/modular solutions for a wide variety of users, with the aim of facilitating and promoting the transition to wider HPC adoption in Europe.SMEs will be at the heart of NCC activities.
Academic institutions and interested parties can only be addressed to a limited extent and most of the resources of an NCC will be dedicated to supporting local SMEs, industry and public services HPC recruitment. -
Common procurement of surface-to-surface ammunition
ClosedCode: 33277 | Identifier Code: EDF-EDIRPA-2024-FNLC-AMMO-S2S | Programme name: 3564 | Start submission calls: 27/03/2024 | End submission calls: 25/07/2024
The Instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA) aims to reinforce European defence industrial capabilities and support Member States’ cooperation on common procurement of the most urgent and critical defence products, especially those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.
The objectives of the Instrument are to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the EDTIB by speeding up its adjustment to the new security environment and to foster cooperation in defence procurement processes between participating Member States and associated countries.
NGI TALER 2nd Open Call – “Privacy-preserving digital payments”
ClosedCode: 33275 | Identifier Code: TALER | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
NGI TALER is a project funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State to roll out a new electronic payment system that benefits everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers. Under this call project proposals are invited to help reshape the state of play of digital payment systems, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.
NGI Mobifree 2nd Open Call – “Working towards mobile freedom”
ClosedCode: 33273 | Identifier Code: MOBIFREE | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Under this call, project proposals are invited to contribute to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organisations more choice in, and access to, human-centered and ethical mobile software.
European Partnerships – Accelerating farming systems transition (AGROECOLOGY)
ClosedCode: 33268 | Identifier Code: EP/AGROECOLOGY/0424 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 11/04/2024 | End submission calls: 26/09/2024
Participation in the “Accelerating farming systems transitions” (AGROECOLOGY) European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects to support the agroecological transition of farming systems.