NGI SARGASSO General Open Call
ClosedCode: 33127 | Identifier Code: Open Call- 3rd cut - off date | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 15/03/2024 | End submission calls: 15/05/2024
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons.
The European Capital of Innovation Awards 2024 (iCapital)
ClosedCode: 33103 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-EIC-2024-ICAPITAL-PRIZE-02-1 / HORIZON-EIC-2024-ICAPITAL-PRIZE-02-2 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: European Innovation Council-EIC (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 05/03/2024 | End submission calls: 18/06/2024
The European Capital of Innovation Awards aim to champion inspiring cases of municipality-enabled innovation flourishing in cities.
The Awards will feature two categories:
- European Capital of Innovation 2024 category.
- European Rising Innovative 2024 City category.
European Partnerships – Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)
ClosedCode: 33096 | Identifier Code: EP / SBEP / 0324 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 13/03/2024 | End submission calls: 13/11/2024
Participation in the «Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)» European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges.
Incentive Scheme for providing incentives for the employment of the unemployed by providing flexible forms of work through teleworking
ClosedCode: 33093 | Programme name: 13609 | Start submission calls: 20/03/2024 | End submission calls: 27/01/2025
The scheme involves subsidising part of the salary costs of staff as an incentive for employers to hire unemployed people to work in various forms of telework. The Project is included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan and is funded by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, the central instrument of NextGenerationEU, the temporary instrument to finance the EU’s recovery and exit from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interreg Europe third call for proposals
ClosedCode: 33090 | Identifier Code: 3rd call | Programme name: 20174 | Start submission calls: 20/03/2024 | End submission calls: 07/06/2024
The Interreg Europe programme supports the exchange and transfer of experience, innovative approaches and capacity building among public authorities and other policy relevant organisations across Europe with a view to improving their regional development policy instruments including programmes under the Investment for jobs and growth goal.
This is a call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects.
EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS)
ClosedCode: 33085 | Identifier Code: ESF-2024-EURES-TMS | Programme name: 20859 | Start submission calls: 19/03/2024 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
The EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) constitutes a European-level labour market measure designed to address labour shortages and hard-to-fill vacancies.
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to ensure around 4000 placements for mobile jobseekers, in particular of young people. Within further analysis, the action targets the filling of hard-to-fill vacancies and labour shortages as identified in national/EU labour market studies or other data sources.
Call for a prize – #BeActive Awards
ClosedCode: 33083 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS | Programme name: 2918 | Start submission calls: 21/03/2024 | End submission calls: 22/05/2024
The #BeActive Awards 2024 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe.
It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of sustainable and green sport. Depending on the prize, projects can focus on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities. They can also support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity.
Technical Assistance
ClosedCode: 33078 | Identifier Code: EUAF-2024-TA | Programme name: 10984 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024
The EUAF Programme pursues the general objective to protect the EU financial interests. To achieve this general objective, the EUAF sets a specific objective to prevent and combat fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the EU financial interests.
The AWP 2024 provides for a technical assistance call for projects having as their main purpose the acquisition of specialised equipment, tools and data technologies, including a compulsory accompanying training component on the use of purchased equipment. Hence, all technical assistance applications should demonstrate a training component on the use of purchased equipment.
The call will support the following four topics in 2024:
- EUAF-2024-TA-01 — Investigation and surveillance equipment and methods
- EUAF-2024-TA-02 — Digital forensic hardware
- EUAF-2024-TA-03 — Data analytics technologies and data purchases
- EUAF-2024-TA-04 — Detection of illicit trade
Deploying The Network of National Coordination Centres with Member States
ClosedCode: 33076 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-NCC-06-MS-COORDINATION | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 28/11/2024
The objective is to support the operation of the NCCs and to enable them to support the cybersecurity community, including SMEs, for the uptake and dissemination of state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions and strengthen cybersecurity capacities.
Support for training interpreting 2024-2025
ClosedCode: 33074 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2024-CONF-INT | Programme name: 17864 | Start submission calls: 07/03/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024
The call covers the following 3 topics for the submissions of proposals:
- Topic 1 – Organisation of high-quality master or post-graduate courses in conference interpreting
- Topic 2 – Support for training interpreting 2024-2025 – Promotion of excellence in conference interpreter training, cooperation among universities training conference interpreters and research into technical developments in the area of conference interpreting
- Topic 3 – Organisation of high-quality master, post-graduate courses or bachelor courses by Ukrainian universities with conference interpreting components
Grant Scheme to encourage the use of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving in Homes (2024-2025)
OpenedCode: 33070 | Programme name: 31783 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 20/12/2025
The Support Scheme is intended to:
- Provide financial incentives to encourage the utilisation of RES and Energy Saving for existing residential buildings that belong to natural persons and to contribute to the confrontation of energy poverty.
- Reduce primary energy consumption.
- Reduce energy costs for consumers and achieve the national renewable and energy efficiency targets.
- Implement actions included in the National Strategy of the Development of Mountain Communities.
Grant Scheme to encourage the use of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving in Homes (2024-2025)
OpenedCode: 33067 | Programme name: 13600 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 20/12/2025
The Support Scheme is intended to:
- Provide financial incentives to encourage the utilisation of RES and Energy Saving for existing residential buildings that belong to natural persons and to contribute to the confrontation of energy poverty.
- Reduce primary energy consumption.
- Reduce energy costs for consumers and achieve the national renewable and energy efficiency targets.
- Implement actions included in the National Strategy of the Development of Mountain Communities.
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility – Co-funding Rate
OpenedCode: 33065 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFGEN-COSTS | Programme name: 3569 | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025
This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility – Unit Contributions
OpenedCode: 33063 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFGEN-UNITS | Programme name: 3569 | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025
This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility – Co-funding Rate
OpenedCode: 33059 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-COSTS | Programme name: 3569 | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025
This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility – Unit Contributions
OpenedCode: 33056 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-UNITS | Programme name: 3569 | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025
This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.
European Initiatives – National Development (PRIMA)
ClosedCode: 33029 | Identifier Code: P2P/PRIMA/0324 | Programme name: 2941 | Start submission calls: 08/03/2024 | End submission calls: 03/10/2024
The “European Initiatives – National Development” Programme aims at enhancing the extroversion of the national Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) system which is one of the horizontal priorities of the Smart Specialisation Strategy for Cyprus (S3Cy).
Cyprus, through the RIF, participates in a series of European Initiatives (Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-NET COFUND and Programmes under the Article 185 of the EU Treaty), which aim at coordinating the funding of research activity and the establishment of research priorities at a pan-European level, through the design and implementation of Joint Research Programmes.
The “European Initiatives – National Development” Programme is the institutional framework for announcing the Transnational Calls for Proposals, in which the RIF participates and their content being relevant to the S3Cy Priority Sectors.
Interreg Euro-MED Programme – 4th Call for proposals targeted to Test or Transfer thematic projects
ClosedCode: 33027 | Identifier Code: 4th Call for proposals | Programme name: 20028 | Start submission calls: 13/03/2024 | End submission calls: 12/06/2024
The objective of the Interreg Euro-Med Programme is to support the transition towards a climate-neutral and resilient society, ensuring continuity with the Interreg MED program of the previous period 2014-2020.
This call is focused on the following priorities, which are implemented through the thematic projects:
- Smarter Mediterranean
- Greener Mediterranean
In order to reach this goal and ensure concrete and manageable solutions, the Programme identified 4 missions:
- Mission 1: Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy
- Mission 2: Protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage
- Mission 3: Promoting green living areas
- Mission 4: Enhancing sustainable tourism
PRIMA Section 2 Multitopics 2024
ClosedCode: 33019 | Identifier Code: PRIMA Section 2 | Programme name: 2933 | Start submission calls: 11/03/2024 | End submission calls: 03/10/2024
Under the Annual Work Plan 2024 for the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), the call PRIMA Section 2 Multitopics 2024 has opened for submission of proposals.
The topics that have opened under the present call are the following:
- Thematic Area 1 – Water management in the Nexus: Topic 2.1.1-2024 (RIA) Effective water accounting approaches under crisis conditions: climate change and external shocks
- Thematic Area 2 – Farming systems in the Nexus: Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) Revitalizing agroforestry practices for sustainable land use and climate resilience in the Mediterranean Region
- Thematic Area 3 – Food value chain in the Nexus: Topic 2.3.1 (RIA) Leveraging urban and local food systems for sustainable food systems transformation
Agricultural Data Space (Deployment)
ClosedCode: 33017 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-AGRISPACE | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024
The objective is to deploy a secure and trusted data space to enable the agriculture sector to transparently share and access data, allowing for an increase in its economic and environmental performance. The sharing of private and public data will provide a basis for applications and new services that will contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Data Strategy, the Green Deal, and the Common Agricultural Policy. Also, the objective is to support the initiative taking into account the potential creation of a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC).