
  • Data Space for Manufacturing (deployment)


    Code: 32938 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06-MANUFSPACE | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The goal of this action is to significantly scale up the deployment and use of the data space(s) for manufacturing by reaching a critical mass of manufacturing industries sharing industrial data and improving company operations and value chains among providers.

  • Digital Skills and Jobs Platform


    Code: 32936 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-DIGITAL-06-SKILLS | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this call is to ensure the establishment of new National Coalitions and national websites in Member States that do not have one yet as well as the continued operation and expansion of activities of already established National Coalitions and national websites.

  • EUROSTARS Cyprus


    Code: 32930 | Identifier Code: EP/EUROSTARS-3/0324 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 01/03/2024 | End submission calls: 22/03/2024

    “European Partnerships” Programme aims to encourage local organisation to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU “Horizon Europe” Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

    The present Call for Proposals aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and to enhance their competitiveness through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the development of significantly improved existing products / services / production methods which are expected to be commercially exploited by the participating organisations.

    Further, the Programme aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisation through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

  • Comparative law studies and periodical publications


    Code: 32931 | Identifier Code: EUAF-2024-TRAI-04 | Programme name: 10984 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024

    Projects must aim to protect the EU’s financial interests by preventing and combating fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the EU’s financial interests.

    Under this topic, the following activities can be funded: studies in comparative law and periodical publications and disseminating relevant information through periodical publications.

  • Staff exchanges


    Code: 32924 | Identifier Code: EUAF-2024-TRAI-03 | Programme name: 10984 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024

    Projects must aim to protect the EU’s financial interests by preventing and combating fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the EU’s financial interests.

    Under this topic, the following activities can be funded: organising staff exchanges between national and regional administrations (including from candidate and neighbouring countries) aiming to help further develop, improve and update staff skills in protecting the financial interests of the Union.

  • Innovative and Connected Public Administrations


    Code: 32921 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-06-INNOV-ADMIN | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The aim of this action is to create the conditions for developing a platform for awareness raising, ideation and piloting interoperability assets needed for cross-border digital public services.

  • Girls and Women in Digital


    Code: 32919 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-SKILLS-06-WOMEN | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to enhance girls’ and women’s involvement in Information and communications technology (ICT), hence advancing on the DDPP target of employing 20 million ICT specialists in the Union by 2030 as well as on the ‘Women in Digital Declaration’ goal of equality in tech.

  • Conferences, workshops and seminars


    Code: 32715 | Identifier Code: EUAF-2024-TRAI-02 | Programme name: 10984 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024

    Projects must aim to protect the EU’s financial interests by preventing and combating fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the EU’s financial interests.

    Under this topic, the following activities can be funded: organising conferences, workshops and seminars and creating networks and structural platforms between Member States, candidate countries, other third countries, EU institutions and international organisations in order to:

    • facilitate the exchange of information, experience and best practices, including in the field of IT anti-fraud and anti-corruption systems and data analysis;
    • create networks and improve coordination between Member States, candidate countries, other third countries, EU institutions and international organisations;
    • facilitate multidisciplinary cooperation and awareness-raising between anti-fraud and anti-corruption practitioners (in particular customs authorities and other law-enforcement bodies) and academics on protecting the financial interests of the Union, including support for the Association for European Criminal Law and the Association for the Protection of EU Financial Interests;
    • raise the awareness of this matter among the judiciary and other legal professionals.

  • Grants Scheme for the installation of 1000 charging points for electric vehicles “EV 1000” – 2nd Call


    Code: 32697 | Identifier Code: C2.2I2b | Programme name: 13600 | Start submission calls: 19/03/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024

    The Grant Scheme promotes the creation of the necessary infrastructure for electrification with the installation of recharging stations, with the aim of providing free public access to an extensive network of recharging points for electric vehicles. It is included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in the Policy Axis “Rapid transition to a Green Economy – Sustainable Transport”.

    The Grant Scheme will be implemented in two phases, with a total available budget of €3.7m. The receipt of applications for Phase 1 was completed on 04/30/2023. The receipt of applications for Phase B will be until 31/07/2024 at 12:00 am. with sponsorships of €2.5m. The form of aid that will be granted is in accordance with the provisions of the General Exemption Regulation 651/2014 (GAK), emphasizing article 36a.

  • Specialised training sessions


    Code: 32698 | Identifier Code: EUAF-2024-TRAI-01 | Programme name: 10984 | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024

    Projects must aim to protect the EU’s financial interests by preventing and combating fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the EU’s financial interests.

    Under this topic, the following activities can be funded: development of specialised training sessions to improve the knowledge and use of IT tools and to increase anti-fraud data analysis capabilities by acquiring new skills and knowledge of specialised methodologies and techniques.

  • Youth4Cooperation: the future of cooperation


    Code: 32667 | Identifier Code: ERDFTA-2024-YOUTH4COOP | Programme name: 17855 | Start submission calls: 22/02/2024 | End submission calls: 03/04/2024

    The call is launched in accordance with the 2024 Work Programme2 and will be managed by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban policy (DG REGIO).

    Youth4Cooperation reaches all age groups, from elementary school to young professionals that benefited from Interreg projects and macro-regional strategies actions. Based on this network of almost 1000 young people and given the next challenge for the European Commission to present the Cohesion Policy draft regulation 2028-2034, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) would like to start a vast consultation process towards young people.

    The aim is to carry out the consultation with digital tools and communication campaigns, using channels popular among young people. This does not exclude that applicants use their existing communication channels in their standard youth activities. The result of the consultation will have to be collected in a report with specific recommendations, which will delivered to DG REGIO. The Youth consultation which is the object of this call is part of a wider consultation exercise that involves all 2021-2027 Interreg programmes. Some coordination might be required with the programmes in the area covered by the successful beneficiaries.

    This call for proposals has the objective of selecting three beneficiaries which will secure the involvement of young people in the consultations on Cooperation post 2027 which will help shaping its future and make sure that youth voices and needs are fully taken into consideration in the next programming period 2028-2034. The voices of young people will be a positive and valuable addition to the reflection on the future shape of territorial cooperation.

  • Protection of the euro against counterfeiting


    Code: 32664 | Identifier Code: PERI-2024-ANTI-COUNTERFEIT | Programme name: 3864 | Start submission calls: 22/02/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The objective of the Pericles IV Programme is to prevent and combat counterfeiting and related fraud, preserve the integrity of the euro banknotes and coins, thus strengthening the trust of citizens and business in the genuineness of these banknotes and coins and therefore enhancing the trust in the Union’s economy, while securing the sustainability of public finances. As successor to the Pericles 2020 Programme, the Pericles IV Programme aims to continue the exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2027. Under the Programme, one call will be published each year, with two submission dates.

    The present call aims to support and supplement the measures undertaken by the Member States and to assist the competent national and authorities in their efforts to develop among themselves and with the European Commission a close and regular cooperation and an exchange of best practices, where appropriate including third countries and international organisations.

  • Pilot Project: Fostering energy transition in the fisheries sector (Demonstrator of a fishing vessel)


    Code: 32661 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-FISHVESSELDEMO | Programme name: 2280 | Start submission calls: 20/02/2024 | End submission calls: 11/06/2024

    The overarching objective of the call for proposals is to support the energy transition in the marine fishing sector by tackling technology and knowledge gaps and promoting low carbon and energy efficient solutions.

  • Bilateral Collaborations: Cyprus – Israel (MOST)


    Code: 32655 | Identifier Code: BILATERAL/ISRAEL(MOST)0224 | Programme name: 2799 | Start submission calls: 08/02/2024 | End submission calls: 14/11/2024

    The starting point for the “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme is the Bilateral Agreements or Cooperation Protocols signed by the Cypriot Government and the Government of another country. Usually, one of their fundamental provisions is the launch of a Joint Collaboration Programme in the areas of Research and Innovation which allows interested organisations from the two countries to submit proposals for the implementation of joint projects in selected thematic areas that reflect the common interests of the two parts.

    The Research and Innovation Foundation for Cyprus, and another organisation/agency from the other country undertake the responsibility for implementing the provisions set by each Agreement or Cooperation Protocol.

    In the frame of the Programme, it is expected that the supported projects apart from networking activities will also include research activities that serve the Priority Sectors of the S3Cy. Therefore, although it is possible to specify Thematic Areas within a Call for Proposals according to the provisions of the Agreement between the two countries, it should be in the frame that has emerged through the S3Cy.

    The aim of the Cyprus – Israel (MOST) joint Call for Proposals is to support the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Cypriot and Israeli researchers and to strengthen the scientific partnership between research groups for both countries, by establishing bilateral research networks, enhancing research cooperation and promoting the exchange between Cypriot and Israeli scientists.

  • URBACT IV Call for Proposals for Innovation Transfer Networks


    Code: 32647 | Programme name: 32601 | Start submission calls: 10/01/2024 | End submission calls: 20/03/2024

    The focus of this call is on Innovation Transfer Networks (ITN). An Innovation Transfer Network is specifically aimed at cities that seek to develop an investment plan to replicate innovative actions projects using Cohesion policy programmes and/or other European, and national public or private funding.

  • NGI Zero Commons Fund 1st Open Call – “Reclaim the public nature of the internet”


    Code: 32614 | Identifier Code: Commons Fund 1st Open Call | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024

    NGI0 Commons Fund, co-funded from Horizon Europe foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet. The goal of the NGI Zero Commons Fund is to help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications. 

  • NGI TALER 1stOpen Call – “Privacy-preserving digital payments”


    Code: 32612 | Identifier Code: TALER 1stOpen Call | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024

    NGI TALER is a project funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State to roll out a new electronic payment system that benefits everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers.

  • NGI Mobifree 1st Open Call – “Working towards mobile freedom”


    Code: 32610 | Identifier Code: 1st Open Call | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024

    NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software, and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards.

  • NebulOuS 1st Open Call


    Code: 32608 | Identifier Code: 1stopen Call | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 14/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024

    The objective of NebulOuS Open Call #1 will be validation of basic aspects of the platform and NebulOuS bringing an added value to NebulOuS by showcasing new use cases in different domains than those covered already by the Project.

    Also it has the objective to give selected applicants the opportunity to discover NebulOuS at the second half of the project, when a mature release of the Meta-OS stack will be available.



    Code: 32606 | Identifier Code: A-AAgora | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 31/01/2024 | End submission calls: 20/03/2024

    A-AAGORA will engage with other areas with ecosystems that can benefit from the demonstration activities ‘Associated Regions’ to showcase the feasibility, replicability and scale-up of the co-developed solutions in other coastal areas from different and diverse geographic locations, including the EU outermost regions.