Small-scale Hydrogen Valley
ClosedCode: 32476 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-06-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The scope of this flagship topic is to develop and demonstrate a small-scale Hydrogen Valley. It could demonstrate a combination of technologies either in existing and/or new markets for clean hydrogen, especially when applications are used in symbiose with each other.
Proposals should demonstrate innovative approaches at system level: global and synergetic integration of hydrogen production (not restricted to electrolysis), distribution and end-use technologies. Proposals may also investigate interoperability, cause-effect stability of the overall system. Technologies demonstrated should be state-of the-art following technological developments previously funded by (but not limited to) the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Large-scale Hydrogen Valley
ClosedCode: 32474 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-06-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The subject of this topic is the development and demonstration of a large-scale hydrogen valley. It could demonstrate a combination of technologies in either existing and/or new markets for clean hydrogen, especially when the applications are used in symbiosis with each other.
Proposals must demonstrate innovative system-level approaches: total and synergistic integration of hydrogen production (not limited to electrolysis), distribution and end-use technologies. Proposals can also explore interoperability, the cause-and-effect stability of the overall system. Technologies demonstrated should be cutting edge following technological developments previously funded by (but not limited to) the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Development of non-fluorinated components for fuel cells and electrolysers
ClosedCode: 32472 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-05-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The scope of this topic is limited to proton exchange membrane (PEM-based) fuel cells (PEMFCs) and/or electrolysers (PEMELs) because other hydrogen fuel cell and electrolyser technologies, e.g., high temperature solid oxide or proton conducting ceramics, and low temperature anion exchange membrane technologies typically do not incorporate PFAS in their materials components.
More specifically, the proposed project should focus on the development of non-fluorinated ionomers, both membrane and catalyst layer ionomer, as well as non-fluorinated membrane reinforcement materials to replace ePTFE-based membrane reinforcements.
Improved characterisation, prediction and optimisation of flame stabilisation in high-pressure premixed hydrogen combustion at gas-turbine conditions (RIA)
ClosedCode: 32470 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-04-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The research scope involves acquisition of fundamental knowledge, development of modelling and analytical tools, optimisation of advanced fuel injection concepts and/or combustion staging strategies to increase the robustness of operation and the fuel flexibility of gas turbines, while conserving their cycle efficiency and emissions performance.
It is of crucial importance to seek the widest generality and applicability of the results. This objective can be conveniently pursued by the adoption of canonical turbulent premixed flames configurations (e.g. Bunsen, bluff-body, transverse jets or swirl-stabilised) for the proposed work.
Portable fuel cells for backup power during natural disasters to power critical infrastructures
ClosedCode: 32468 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-04-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The topic focuses on the development and demonstration at an operational environment of a lightweight, robust, containerised and modular zero-emission transportable of at least 50 kWe fuel cell system to power critical infrastructures in the event of a natural disaster. The system should include all balance of plant components needed for operation.
Next generation on-board storage solutions for hydrogen-powered maritime applications
ClosedCode: 32466 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-03 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic centres around maritime transport, with a view on a spill-over to rail and road applications of similar energy storage needs (resulting from power by trajectory length).
The scope of the topic is to provide a full conceptual study of the proposed solution to storing hydrogen or a hydrogen carrier below deck of a vessel with high power propulsion needs (>500 kW) and high frequency operation. The scope further entails building a reference prototype for validating the concept, or several concepts in comparison, under real-world operating conditions.
Scaling-up Balance of Plant components for efficient high power heavy duty applications
ClosedCode: 32464 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic aims at development and validation of the new generation of high-power BoP components sized for ≥250 kW heavy duty fuel cell systems containing one single fuel cell stack or multiples of stacks. The developed BoP components should be compatible with upscaling to multi-MW propulsion systems.
Balance of plant components, architectures and operation strategies for improved PEMFC system efficiency and lifetime
ClosedCode: 32462 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic focuses on the balance of plant components, architectures and operation strategies for improved PEMFC system efficiency and lifetime.
The motivation of this topic is to achieve the overall improvement of the PEMFC-based systems by addressing the Balance of Plant (BoP) as the remaining system technology building block, thereby ensuring successful implementation of outcomes from R&I actions.
Demonstration and deployment of multi-purpose Hydrogen Refuelling Stations combining road and airport, railway, and/or harbour applications (IA)
ClosedCode: 32460 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-05 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
It is fundamental to develop and optimise HRS – Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (especially for trains, marine and airport applications), situated on depots, with corresponding captive demand for large-scale hydrogen. This concept assumes the provision of pressurised gaseous and/or liquid hydrogen together with the development of appropriate and reliable systems for lifetime prediction. Combining multi-mobility ecosystems (railway, maritime and airports) within the same HRS may reduce refuelling costs and supply chain costs.
The aim of this topic is to demonstrate a multipurpose HRS able to supply a combination of aviation, rail and/or heavy-duty road applications. -
Demonstration of innovative solutions for highcapacity, reliable, flexible, and sustainable hydrogen compression technologies in commercial applications (IA)
ClosedCode: 32458 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-04 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic aims at further supporting the deployment of critical components in the hydrogen value chain, with demonstration in a real-life application, to increase confidence in and familiarity with hydrogen technologies. It involves dimensioning, manufacturing, installing and demonstrating a compression solution at a client site, including all related safety considerations and regulatory challenges with local authorities. The demonstration site should be a fully commercial site subject to all regulatory requirements of the country in which is deployed, and should be representative site for replication use-cases.
Demonstration of hydrogen purification and separation systems for renewable hydrogen-containing streams in industrial applications (IA)
ClosedCode: 32456 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-03 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
Current commercial purification techniques remain costly. Novel methods to purify hydrogen with higher efficiency and at lower cost would improve the overall hydrogen supply chain. A range of new membrane, electrochemical and thermochemical techniques are being developed and have shown promise to improve processes for purification of hydrogen. The natural progression towards commercialisation of next-level purification technologies is to expose them to real industrial conditions and to observe the hydrogen purity according to globally recognised standards.
This topic focuses on the demonstration of hydrogen purification and separation systems for renewable hydrogen-containing streams in industrial applications (IA).
Hydrogen production and integration in energy-intensive or specialty chemical industries in a circular approach to maximise total process efficiency and substance utilisation (IA)
ClosedCode: 32454 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-05 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic focuses on the production of clean hydrogen and its integration into those industries, within a circular approach. The long-term target (proposals should contribute to it) is to ensure continuous supply of clean hydrogen to those industries, at competitive costs compared to incumbent technologies. It is open to any production technology, and even combination of production technologies, as long as they operate from renewable input. This topic is suitable, but not limited to, a further expansion of a successful smaller project, a demonstration into a sector not yet covered by on-going initiatives, or an innovative demonstration of clean hydrogen production technology (or combination of technologies).
The scope of this topic is to demonstrate the integration of clean hydrogen production and supply to Energy Intensive and/or Specialty Chemical Industries for any combined applications (e.g. feedstock, heat and power generation, amalgamation with CO2, CO or N2 to generate synthetic fuels or hydrogen carriers, etc.) within a prism where circularity and sustainability are central, thereby considering transformation of waste into feedstock and/or capture and integration of any by-products from hydrogen production.
Development and implementation of online monitoring and diagnostic tools for electrolysers
ClosedCode: 32452 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-04 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The scope of this topic is to further develop methods and tools for monitoring and diagnostics of electrolyser systems and demonstrate these at an industrially relevant scale (> 100 kW) on one electrolyser type. Such tools would help reduce OPEX by making dynamic operation more durable and reliable, reducing degradation on the system, and increasing the system efficiency. The commercial utilisation and exploitation should be clearly considered in the project.
Development of innovative technologies for direct seawater electrolysis
ClosedCode: 32450 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-03 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The expectations stemming from the aforementioned expected outcomes create a set of challenges to be overcome in order to produce electrolysers of various scale of power for distributed hydrogen production, performed without other than basic mechanical filtration or purification of seawater. In order to understand and tune reaction mechanisms describing the desired catalytic activities and the overall stability and selectivity, special attention needs to be paid to in-depth experimental, computational and theoretical insight into the mechanistic pathways and properties of the electrode-electrolyte interface under operating conditions. The major effort should, therefore, focus on one hand on the improvement of the hydrogen electrode to work in this harsh environment and on the other hand on the improvement of the selectivity towards the oxygen evolution at the anode electrode, as well as, to the durability issues stemming from both corrosion processes and catalyst (and membrane when applies) poisoning.
Advanced anion exchange membrane electrolysers for low-cost hydrogen production for high power range applications
ClosedCode: 32448 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The scope of this topic is to develop the next generation of anion exchange membrane electrolyser stack layout delivering hydrogen at a pressure suitable for industrial end-uses.
Guidelines for sustainable-by-design systems across the hydrogen value chain
ClosedCode: 32446 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-05-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic addresses the development of sustainable-by-design guidelines, including reference criteria and prioritisation of actions, for a selection of FCH systems in the joint field of safe and sustainability assessment and eco-design. These guidelines should comprehensively address both the sustainability and safety aspects of systems pertaining to the primary applications of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
Investigation of microbial interaction for underground hydrogen porous media storage
ClosedCode: 32444 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
Different studies and projects (e.g. HYUSPRE, HYSTORIES) have assessed the feasibility of storing hydrogen in porous media geological formations. However, a comprehensive assessment of the risks (eg. production of certain corrosives compounds and other impurities) associated with the different groups of microorganisms in specific underground formations needs to be studied in detail, considering the boundary conditions specific of each site (e.g., temperature, pressure, pH, rock’s chemical composition, salinity, etc.). Related impact on rock properties (porosity, permeability, mechanical properties).
Overall this topic focuses on investigation of microbial interaction for underground hydrogen porous media storage. -
Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogen
ClosedCode: 32441 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-02 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
Research activities under this topic should focus on novel safe, low-cost bulk storage solutions with the potential to enable demand-and application-optimised supply of H2 on the (multi-) tons range for the various applications mentioned in the Funding&Tenders. Also, research activities should have a focus on minimising the geometrical footprint and volume of the storage system, as well as on safely preventing the accidental release of large amounts of H2 by developing inherently safe storage solutions.
Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shipping
ClosedCode: 32438 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-04 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
This topic aims at demonstrating, in an operational environment, fuel cell hydrogen based waterborne transport ecosystem, showing the feasibility and benefits of integrating hydrogen and hydrogen carriers into this hard to abate sector. The overarching goal is to address the ability to safely bunker hydrogen (pure or in terms of a hydrogen carrier), to store it on board and to consume it for propulsion in a waterborne environment.
Proposals should address the demonstration of fuel cell hydrogen powered inland or short sea vessels.
Innovative proton conducting ceramic electrolysis cells and stacks for intermediate temperature hydrogen production
ClosedCode: 32433 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-01 | Programme name: 27323 | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The topic focuses on the development of new cell and stack designs aiming at improving the performance and flexibility of operation, while reducing costly ceramic-based components and critical raw materials and strategic raw materials (e.g. light and heavy rare earth materials, LREE and HREE, Ni, Co).