Call for Proposals for the «Research in Enterprises – Energy» Programme – ENTERPRISES/ENERGY/1123
ClosedCode: 31785 | Identifier Code: C6.1I7 | Programme name: 31783 | Start submission calls: 24/11/2023 | End submission calls: 26/01/2024
The ”Research in Enterprises “ Programme and the said Call for Proposals on Energy support the involvement of Cypriot enterprises in research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) activities, for the development of technological solutions of high added value that will respond to challenges faced by Cyprus in the energy production, storage, transmission and distribution field and which solutions can at a later stage, if deemed useful, be exploited by energy production, storage, transmission and distribution organisations.
Quality Label Humanitarian Aid – Full Procedure
OpenedCode: 31780 | Identifier Code: ESC-HUMAID-2021-QUAL-LABEL-FP | Programme name: 17405 | Start submission calls: 10/06/2021 | End submission calls: 22/09/2026
The Quality Label for Humanitarian Aid Volunteering certifies that an organisation is able to carry out high quality solidarity activities in compliance with the principles, objectives and requirements of the action ‘European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps’. Obtaining this Quality Label is a precondition for participation only in volunteering activities in support of humanitarian aid operations.
Establishing capacities for active surveillance of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds in Europe
ClosedCode: 31773 | Identifier Code: EUBA-EFSA-2023-BIOHAW-06 | Programme name: 29844 | Start submission calls: 15/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/02/2024
The objectives of the call are to
- establish a network of surveillance nodes across Europe
- build long-term capacities and partnerships for active surveillance of HPAI viruses in wild birds
- complement already existing (i.e. in wild birds found dead, injured or sick; in wild birds trapped or hunted with or without clinical signs, in sentinel wild birds) or planned surveillance activities
- provide a pipeline for rapid detection and identification of avian influenza viruses
- get a fuller picture of avian influenza viruses circulating in Europe and thereby increase the genetic pool available for further analyses
Topics under this Call:
Scheme of incentives for students’ accommodation in the walled city of Nicosia
ClosedCode: 31769 | Identifier Code: C3.4I6 | Programme name: 13602 | Start submission calls: 04/12/2023 | End submission calls: 29/12/2023
Objective of this Scheme is to provide incentives in the form of government funding to owners or tenants of existing buildings (with the signed consent of the owners) in the area covered by the Scheme. Purpose of the Scheme is the renovation or conservation of their properties with the primary goal of converting them into student residences or student rooms.
The Department of Town Planning and Housing (DTPH) has been designated as the Implementing Agency of the Scheme. -
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – Pilots
ClosedCode: 31766 | Identifier Code: INNOVFUND-2023-NZT-PILOTS | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 09/04/2024
The objective of this topic is to support highly innovative, disruptive or breakthrough technologies in deep decarbonisation needed for achieving the climate neutrality goal.
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – Manufacturing
ClosedCode: 31764 | Identifier Code: INNOVFUND-2023-NZT-MANUFACTURING | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 09/04/2024
This topic supports projects for manufacturing innovative clean-tech components for hydrogen production/consumption, renewable energy and energy storage. The topic seeks to enhance Europe’s innovation and industrial capacity in clean tech manufacturing, including scale-up, its supply chain resilience and strategic autonomy in Europe.
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Small-Scale Projects
ClosedCode: 31760 | Identifier Code: INNOVFUND-2023-NZT-GENERAL-SSP | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 09/04/2024
The following activities can be funded under these topics:
- activities supporting innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes in sectors listed in Annex I and Annex III to the EU ETS Directive 2003/8720, including environmentally safe carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) that contributes substantially to mitigating climate change, in particular for unavoidable process emissions, as well as products substituting carbon intensive ones produced in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive
- activities helping stimulate the construction and operation of projects that aim at the environmentally safe capture and geological storage of CO2 (CCS)
- activities helping the construction and operation of innovative renewable energy and energy storage technologies.
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Medium-Scale Projects
ClosedCode: 31758 | Identifier Code: INNOVFUND-2023-NZT-GENERAL-MSP | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 09/04/2024
The following activities can be funded under these topics:
- activities supporting innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes in sectors listed in Annex I and Annex III to the EU ETS Directive 2003/8720, including environmentally safe carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) that contributes substantially to mitigating climate change, in particular for unavoidable process emissions, as well as products substituting carbon intensive ones produced in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive
- activities helping stimulate the construction and operation of projects that aim at the environmentally safe capture and geological storage of CO2 (CCS)
- activities helping the construction and operation of innovative renewable energy and energy storage technologies.
Innovation Fund 2023 Net Zero Technologies – General decarbonisation – Large-Scale Projects
ClosedCode: 31755 | Identifier Code: INNOVFUND-2023-NZT-GENERAL-LSP | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 09/04/2024
The following activities can be funded under these topics:
- activities supporting innovation in low-carbon technologies and processes in sectors listed in Annex I and Annex III to the EU ETS Directive 2003/8720, including environmentally safe carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) that contributes substantially to mitigating climate change, in particular for unavoidable process emissions, as well as products substituting carbon intensive ones produced in sectors listed in Annex I to the EU ETS Directive
- activities helping stimulate the construction and operation of projects that aim at the environmentally safe capture and geological storage of CO2 (CCS)
- activities helping the construction and operation of innovative renewable energy and energy storage technologies.
CORTEX2 First Open Call – Track 2 Use-case
ClosedCode: 31709 | Identifier Code: CORTEX2 | Programme name: 20613 | Start submission calls: 24/10/2023 | End submission calls: 16/01/2024
In the 1st Open Call, CORTEX² will be aimed at:
- Recruiting tech start-ups/SMEs to co-develop CORTEX².
- Engaging new use cases from different domains to demonstrate CORTEX² replication through specific integration paths.
- Assessing and validating the social impact associated with XR technology adoption in internal and external use cases.
Support Centre for HPC-powered Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications
ClosedCode: 31707 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2023-AISC-03-01 | Programme name: 15593 | Start submission calls: 28/11/2023 | End submission calls: 27/02/2024
The present action will establish an operational AI Support center (AISC) to provide services for AI communities, enabling AI users and developers to benefit from recent investments in a federated European supercomputing infrastructure and ecosystem. The central objective of the action is the transfer of advanced HPC-AI knowledge to the European AI user and developer communities.
Training of national judges in EU competition law and judicial cooperation between national competition law judges
ClosedCode: 31705 | Identifier Code: SMP-COMP-2023-JUDG | Programme name: 3856 | Start submission calls: 28/11/2023 | End submission calls: 06/03/2024
The objective of this call for proposals is to co-finance projects aiming to train national judges in the context of enforcing European competition rules. This includes public and private enforcement of both the Antitrust rules and the State aid rules, thereby increasing the knowledge and know-how of national judges. The final aim is to ensure a coherent and consistent application of EU competition law by national courts.
Space technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness
ClosedCode: 31702 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-SPACE-01-73 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024
This topic is focused on research and innovation to mature critical space technologies that currently have dependency issues for use in the EU space programme components and discussed within the frame of the European Commission-ESA-EDA Joint Task Force (JTF).
Quantum Space Gravimetry Phase-B study & Technology Maturation
ClosedCode: 31697 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-SPACE-01-64 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024
The final objective of this call is to prepare the next phases of the implementation of a Quantum Space Gravimetry (QSG) pathfinder mission. To achieve this objective, one proposal for a phase B study, as specified in ECSS‐M‐ST‐10C, leading to a preliminary definition of a quantum space gravimetry pathfinder mission, will be selected.
The focus of the QSG pathfinder mission shall be on the operation of a complete quantum accelerometer system and the detailed characterization of its performance in space.
Copernicus for Security
ClosedCode: 31695 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-SPACE-01-36 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024
Copernicus Security Services provide, today, a valuable contribution to civil security, law enforcement operations and crisis management in Europe as well as in support to its external actions. Technology and space capacities have been evolving significantly, creating opportunities for an increased outreach across a broader spectrum of related applications.
Member states are also calling to reinforce Copernicus to better contribute to resilience and security in support to civil security and to better react and recover from major upcoming crisis of various forms, such as population displacement due conflicts, impact of climate change or extreme weather phenomena at global or regional levels.
Copernicus for Land and Water
ClosedCode: 31693 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-SPACE-01-35 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024
This topic is focused on the enhancement of quality and efficiency of the Copernicus Land Monitoring service, including water, in order to respond to Green Deal policy and/or user requirements.
Innovation Fund 2023 Auction – RFNBO Hydrogen
ClosedCode: 31691 | Identifier Code: InnovFund-2023-AUC-RFNBO-Hydrogen | Programme name: 15095 | Start submission calls: 23/11/2023 | End submission calls: 08/02/2024
The objective of this topic is to cost-efficiently support the new production of renewable fuel of non-biological origin (RFNBO) hydrogen, on the territory of EU/EEA, as defined in the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2021 and its Delegated Acts, in support of the 2030 targets for renewable hydrogen established in this Directive and supported by the REPowerEU Plan, the Green Deal Industrial Plan and the European Hydrogen Bank Communication.
Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake (IA)
ClosedCode: 31689 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-45 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/11/2023 | End submission calls: 19/03/2024
Proposals under this topic should address the development of mature quantum sensing technologies and single or network-operating devices that have the potential to find a broad range of new applications.
Pilot line(s) for 2D materials-based devices (RIA)
ClosedCode: 31687 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/11/2023 | End submission calls: 19/03/2024
Proposals under this topic should focus on the (co-)integration of 2DM with established technologies such as CMOS integration and heterogeneous integration.
Public recognition scheme for Open Source (CSA)
ClosedCode: 31685 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23 | Programme name: 2939 | Sub-program: Digital, Industry & Space (Cluster 4)(2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/11/2023 | End submission calls: 19/03/2024
The action should first develop a scheme including a list of fields related to Open Source. An indicative but non-exhaustive nor obligatory list of topics could include deep contributions to kernel code, brilliant utilization of open source in companies’ new developments.