Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027)


The Fund aims to further boost national capacities and improve procedures for migration management, as well as to enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between Member States, in particular through emergency assistance and the relocation mechanism.

Programme Description

AMIF will contribute to the achievement of four specific objectives:

  • to strengthen and develop all aspects of the common European asylum system, including its external dimension
  • to support legal migration to the Member States, including by contributing to the integration of third-country nationals
  • to contribute to countering irregular migration and ensuring effectiveness of return and readmission in third countries
  • to enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between the Member States, in particular towards those most affected by migration and asylum challenges

Actions funded through AMIF can include a wide range of initiatives, such as:

  • providing support and services consistent with the status and the needs of the person concerned, in particular vulnerable groups
  • supporting resettlement, humanitarian admission and transfers of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection
  • supporting the development and implementation of policies promoting legal migration, such as the development of mobility schemes to the EU and raising awareness of the appropriate legal channels for immigration
  • supporting integration measures tailored to the needs of third-country nationals and early integration programmes focusing on education, language and other training (such as civic orientation courses and professional guidance) to prepare their active participation in and their acceptance by the receiving society
  • supporting infrastructures for the reception of third country nationals, including the possible joint use of such facilities by more than one Member State
  • supporting an integrated and coordinated approach to return management at the EU and Member States’ level, development of capacities for effective and sustainable return and reducing incentives for irregular migration
  • cooperating with third countries on asylum, legal migration and countering irregular migration and on effective return and readmission for the purpose of managing migration

Total Budget

€ 9.9 billion

Thematic Categories

  • Migration and Citizenship

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Educational Institutions
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Training Centres

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Interior
Contact persons

Doris Constantinou
Administrative Officer
Telephone: 22 409904

Christina Hadjieconomou
Administrative Officer
Telephone: 22 409944

EU Contact Point

Migration and Home Affairs
Telephone: +3222991111 (Commission switchboard)


Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Call for proposals on the assistance, support and integration of third country national victims of trafficking in human beings


    Code: 33804 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2024-TF2-AG-THB-01 | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/05/2024 | End submission calls: 21/08/2024

    This call aims at strengthening the actions of relevant stakeholders in the context of the implementation of the revised Anti-trafficking Directive and the Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021-2025, in particular, in relation to victims. More specifically, this call is expected to contribute to enhanced identification, assistance, support and integration of third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings, addressing the challenges identified in the Commission’s Fourth Report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings and in trends observed through the EU-wide data collection.

  • Steel Pilot and Demonstration Projects


    Code: 29644 | Identifier Code: RFCS-2023-02-PDP | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/06/2023 | End submission calls: 20/09/2023

    Proposals presented under this topic shall address one or several of the RFCS objectives for steel as set out in the RFCS Regulation, and should clearly identify which work packages address which objective(s) i.e.:

    • new, sustainable and low-carbon steelmaking and finishing processes
    • advanced steel grades and applications
    • conservation of resources, protection of the environment and circular economy
    • management of work force and working conditions

  • Support to integration in education of migrant children and young adults


    Code: 27740 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-03-EDUCATION | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The general objective of the topic is to lead to more effective language learning for migrant children involving local stakeholders, including school, NGOs, local and regional authorities and migrant-led organisations.

    This can be achieved through the following specific objectives:

    • providing adapted and balanced language reception/introduction classes for both children;
    • creating an inclusive school culture and maintaining and building on languages of migrant learners spoken at home
    • developing a favourable environment for migrants’ inclusion in non-formal and informal education.

  • Transnational actions to support Member States in the field of protection of children in migration


    Code: 27737 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-06-CHILDREN | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The objective of the topic is to stimulate and support the exchange of good practices and knowledge-sharing amongst various relevant actors, in particular, public administrations and institutions, international organisation, private organisations and citizens (non-exhaustive list) – on the types of support to be given to guardians of unaccompanied migrant children, in function of their specific needs.

    Projects aimed at capacity-building for institutionalised care or research shall not be financed under this topic.

  • Multi-stakeholder initiatives for migrant integration into the labour market


    Code: 27734 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-04-LABOUR | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    Proposals should address one or more of the following specific objectives:

    • strengthen cooperation between labour market actors and migrants themselves at EU, regional, national and local levels by creating and/or reinforcing transnational partnerships on labour market inclusion;
    • advance effective inclusion of migrants in the labour market both early on after their arrival in the EU and at a level adequate to their qualifications, including by mobilising all stakeholders who can help and by promoting/ building on the EU tools available;
    • contribute to a better matching between skills, competences and qualifications of migrants that are already in the EU, on the one hand, and demand on EU labour markets (including labour shortages) on the other hand;
    • Promote inclusive workplaces, including by raising awareness about direct and indirect discrimination and elaborating good practice on tackling discrimination and promoting diversity in the workplace;
    • Promote sustainable employment conditions for migrants, in particular beneficiaries of international and temporary protection and applicants for international protection.

  • Promoting complementary pathways linked to education and/or work


    Code: 27732 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-05-PATHWAYS | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The general objective of this topic is to increase the impact and the sustainability of complementary labour pathways as regards numbers of legal admission places and the quality of the programmes.

    This could be achieved via one or more of the following specific objectives:

    • creating new and/or upscaling existing complementary labour pathway programmes to offer more places of admission to skilled persons in need of international protection and address labour shortages in the Member States,
    • expanding the number of Member States that implement such programmes and expanding the number of businesses willing to engage,
    • creating the necessary (facilitated) procedures and support structures to enable admission of skilled persons in need of international protection through complementary labour pathway programmes.

  • Integration and inclusion at regional and local level


    Code: 27729 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-02-LOCAL | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The objective of the topic is to help develop and implement local integration strategies as well as increasing the effectiveness of migrants’ inclusion at regional and local level. Proposals that include the design of concrete good practices and their dissemination through transnational cooperation between relevant stakeholders in the development and implementation of local integration strategies will be considered particularly relevant.

  • Promoting community sponsorship schemes and integration of persons in need of protection


    Code: 27726 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-01-SPONSORSHIP | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The general objective of this topic is to increase the impact and the sustainability of community sponsorships as regards numbers of persons in need of international protection covered, the effectiveness of integration of the persons in need of international protection and should also enhance the quality of the programmes. This general objective can be achieved by supporting actions aiming at mobilising local support and building strong partnerships between key stakeholders.

  • Information and awareness raising campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in third countries and within Europe


    Code: 20543 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2022-TF1-AG-INFO | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 31/03/2022 | End submission calls: 05/07/2022

    The general objective of the call is to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of third country nationals pondering to irregularly migrate to the EU and of key influencers of their decisions (e.g. families, religious or community leaders, teachers, returning migrants, providers of services facilitating migration).

  • Αssistance, support and integration of third country national victims of trafficking in human beings


    Code: 18717 | Identifier Code: AMIF-2022-AG-CALL-THB | Programme name: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 17/02/2022 | End submission calls: 19/05/2022

    This call will support concrete transnational measures aiming to enhance the integration of the victims in the host country, taking into account their specific needs and circumstances, as well as victims among vulnerable groups.