Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027)


Funding through CERV programme aims at protecting rights and values enshrined in the EU treaties in order to sustain open, democratic and inclusive societies.

Programme Description

The programme sets out four specific objectives:

  •  Τo promote equality and rights, including gender equality, anti-discrimination and the rights of children.
  • Τo promote citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the EU and to raise awareness of the common European history.
  • Τo fight violence, notably against children and women.
  • Τo protect and promote EU values.

Total Budget

€ 1.55 billion

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Differs for each funding scheme.

Thematic Categories

  • Culture
  • Migration and Citizenship
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Central Government
  • Disabled Persons
  • Economically Inactive Women
  • Local Authorities
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Organization for European Programmes and Cultural Relations
Head of CERV Contact Point
Nenad Bogdanovic

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space


    Code: 33872 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-CIVIC | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    Projects under this priority should promote rights and values by empowering civil society actors to work together at the local, regional and national levels on the fields covered by the programme.

  • Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate speech and hate crime


    Code: 33870 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-SPEECH | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    Projects under this priority should aim to enable civil society organisations to establish mechanisms of cooperation with public authorities in particular to support the reporting and recording of episodes of hate crime and hate speech; to ensure support to victims of hate speech and hate crime; and to support law enforcement, including through training or data collection methodologies and tools.

  • Strategic litigation


    Code: 33868 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-LITIGATION | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    Strategic litigation involving the rights enshrined in the Charter contributes to a more coherent implementation and application of EU law and to the enforcement of individuals’ fundamental rights.

    Strategic litigators are key to fostering the promotion and protection of Charter rights and support should be given to strengthening their capacity and specialised knowledge on the Charter and on how to develop a strategic approach to cases. In this context, the support and assistance to victims provided by civil society organisations, NHRIs and equality bodies and Ombuds-institutions is instrumental.

  • Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers


    Code: 33865 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-WHISTLE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    Support will be given to creating an enabling environment for reporting and informing on breaches of the Union law, in particular by building capacity on the effective application of the Directive on whistleblower protection. This Directive provides for an obligation to establish internal and external reporting channels, a strict obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the reporting person as well as for high standards of protection from retaliation and legal remedies for whistleblowers who report on breaches of EU law in a wide range of key policy areas, thus promoting the fundamental values of the rule of law and democracy as well as the right to freedom of expression, enshrined in Article 11 of the Charter.

  • Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights


    Code: 33862 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-CHARTER | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights underlines the importance of strengthening the application of the Charter in the Member States, through awareness raising and capacity building initiatives. The projects funded under this priority could address the capacity building and awareness raising needs on the Charter in general, or they could focus on one or several of the topics below:

    • Rights enshrined in the Charter and awareness of the Charter’s scope of application.
    • Protecting fundamental rights in the digital age.

  • Town-Twinning


    Code: 33261 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 09/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The objective of this call is to promote exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through town twinning, to give them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future.

  • Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU


    Code: 33204 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HOLOCAUST | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 05/03/2024 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024

    Projects under this priority should focus on specific crimes such as the Holocaust, totalitarian crimes or other 20th century crimes like genocides, war crimes and crimes against humanity and should analyse how these crimes were organised, which actors were involved and how they were committed.

    Within further analysis, this topic is under the European remembrance call, which aims to commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage, and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity, and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

    An overarching aim of this call, is to promote a more nuanced understanding of historic events by integrating a gender perspective when examining them. Looking through a gender-lens at history can highlight the role, representation and perspective of groups and individuals of all gender and promote a more holistic and gender-sensitive understanding of history.

    European Remembrance is fundamentally linked to the realisation and protection of EU values and rights today.

  • Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies


    Code: 33202 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HISTMIGRATION | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 05/03/2024 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024

    Projects under this priority can deal with common European experiences of migration that can be linked to a multitude of events such as wars, transition moments, colonisation and de-colonisation, economic impacts, persecution, or others.

    Within further analysis, this topic is under the European remembrance call, which aims to commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage, and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity, and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

    An overarching aim of this call, is to promote a more nuanced understanding of historic events by integrating a gender perspective when examining them. Looking through a gender-lens at history can highlight the role, representation and perspective of groups and individuals of all gender and promote a more holistic and gender-sensitive understanding of history.

    European Remembrance is fundamentally linked to the realisation and protection of EU values and rights today.

  • Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights


    Code: 33200 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-TRANSITION | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 05/03/2024 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024

    Projects under this priority should focus on the transition from authoritarian and totalitarian rule to democracy in different European countries, their similarities and differences and the lessons retained for the future about how to defend and sustain EU values such as democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights.

    Within further analysis, this topic is under the European remembrance call, which aims to commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage, and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity, and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

    An overarching aim of this call, is to promote a more nuanced understanding of historic events by integrating a gender perspective when examining them. Looking through a gender-lens at history can highlight the role, representation and perspective of groups and individuals of all gender and promote a more holistic and gender-sensitive understanding of history.

    European Remembrance is fundamentally linked to the realisation and protection of EU values and rights today.

  • European integration and its defining achievements


    Code: 33182 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-EUINTEGRATION | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 05/03/2024 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024

    The projects under this priority should explore and promote to all generations the defining moments and reference points of European integration, its history, and how these changes have in practice affected the daily lives of Europeans.

    Within further analysis, this topic is under the European remembrance call, which aims to commemorate defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage, and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity, and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

    An overarching aim of this call, is to promote a more nuanced understanding of historic events by integrating a gender perspective when examining them. Looking through a gender-lens at history can highlight the role, representation and perspective of groups and individuals of all gender and promote a more holistic and gender-sensitive understanding of history.

    European Remembrance is fundamentally linked to the realisation and protection of EU values and rights today.

  • Call for proposals to national data protection authorities on reaching out to stakeholders in data protection legislation


    Code: 32034 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-DATA | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 19/12/2023 | End submission calls: 24/04/2024

    The objective of this call is the protection and promotion of the right to the protection of personal data.

  • Call for proposals to National Roma Contact Points for Roma equality, inclusion and participation


    Code: 32013 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-NRCP | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 19/12/2023 | End submission calls: 07/03/2024

    The objective of the Call is to foster the implementation of the EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion, and participation (EURSF), and of the Council Recommendation, in the Member States. Hence, the Call will also actively contribute towards promoting equality and preventing and combating inequalities and discrimination on grounds of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation and respecting the principle of non discrimination on the grounds provided for in Article 21 of the Charter.

  • Call for proposals to promote gender equality


    Code: 32001 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-GE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/12/2023 | End submission calls: 29/02/2024

    The objective of the Call is to support, advance and implement comprehensive policies to promote women’s full enjoyment of rights, gender equality, including work-life balance, equal pay between women and men, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming.

  • Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children


    Code: 31999 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-DAPHNE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 21/12/2023 | End submission calls: 24/04/2024

    To fight violence, including gender-based violence and violence against children by:

    • Preventing and combating at all levels all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls in all their diversity and domestic violence, including by promoting the standards laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence;
    • Preventing and combating all forms of violence against children, young people and other groups at risk, such as LGBTQI persons and persons with disabilities;
    • Supporting and protecting all direct and indirect victims of the forms of violence referred to in points (1) and (2), such as the victims of domestic violence perpetrated within the family or within intimate relationships, including children orphaned as a result of domestic crimes, and supporting and ensuring the same level of protection throughout the Union for victims of gender-based violence.

  • Networks of Towns


    Code: 31965 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 14/12/2023 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    It is expected that Networks of Towns projects reflect on a holistic narrative for Europe, one that is citizen-oriented, equality promoting, forward-looking and constructive that would be more engaging for the younger generation in particular. Projects may be based on the outcome of citizens’ consultations and may lead to debates about concrete ways to create a more democratic Union, to enable citizens to re-engage with the EU and to develop a stronger sense of ownership of the European project.

    Networks of Towns should provide towns and municipalities the possibility to deepen and intensify their cooperation and debate in a long-term perspective, to develop sustainable networks and to outline their long-term vision for the future of European integration.

  • Rights of the child and children’s participation


    Code: 31631 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CHILD | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/11/2023 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    This call for proposals aims at responding to children’s current needs and challenges in the EU. It pays specific attention to the rights of children with specific needs and vulnerabilities, including those who fled the Russian’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

  • Call for proposals for civil society organisations active on protecting and promoting Union values: call to intermediaries (giving financial support to third parties)


    Code: 31425 | Identifier Code: CERV-2024-CITIZENS-VALUES | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 26/10/2023 | End submission calls: 07/03/2024

    The objective of this call for proposals is to protect, promote and raise awareness of fundamental rights and of EU values by supporting local, regional and/or national civil society organisations and by increasing their capacity.

    The aim of this call is to select and support a limited number of intermediaries in EU Member States capable of building the capacities of a large number of CSOs active at local, regional and/or national level in the fields covered by the CERV programme, including through providing them with financial support.

  • Citizens’ engagement and participation


    Code: 28278 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 04/04/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    This call aims to support projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. These projects will gather a diverse range of people from different backgrounds and genders in activities directly linked to EU policies, giving them an opportunity to actively participate in the EU policymaking process and thus contribute to the democratic and civic life of the Union.

  • Networks of Towns


    Code: 27851 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 19/01/2023 | End submission calls: 20/04/2023


    • To promote exchanges between citizens of different countries.
    • To give citizens the opportunity to discover the cultural diversity of the European Union and to make them aware that European values and cultural heritage constitute the foundation for a common future.
    • To guarantee peaceful relations between Europeans and to ensure their active participation at the local level.
    • To reinforce mutual understanding and friendship between European citizens.
    • To encourage cooperation between municipalities and the exchange of best practices.
    • To support good local governance and reinforce the role of local and regional authorities in the European integration process.

  • Town-Twinning


    Code: 27825 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/03/2023 | End submission calls: 20/09/2023

    The objective of this call for proposals is to promote exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through town twinning, to give them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future.
    This call aims to support projects that bring together a wide range of people from twinned towns, from different socio-economic background, gender and countries. By mobilising members of the public at the local and EU levels to debate specific issues on the European political agenda, this call seeks to promote mutual understanding, inclusion and cultural diversity and develop opportunities for civic engagement at the EU level.

  • European Remembrance - 2023


    Code: 27689 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CITIZENS-REM | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 16/02/2023 | End submission calls: 06/06/2023

    This call for proposals will support projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance. Projects must address one or several of the following policy priorities:

    • Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights;
    • Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU;
    • Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies;
    • European integration and its defining achievements.

  • Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers


    Code: 27672 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-WHISTLE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 24/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/05/2023

    Projects under this priority should support and protect whistleblowers and build capacity of national authorities and legal practitioners to ensure adequate legal remedies to protect whistleblowers.

  • Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space


    Code: 27669 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-CIVIC | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 24/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/05/2023

    Projects under this priority should promote rights and values by empowering civil society actors to work together at the local, regional and national levels on the fields covered by the programme.

  • Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights


    Code: 27666 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-CHARTER | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 24/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/05/2023

    Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

    The Charter Strategy underlines the importance of strengthening the application of the Charter in the Member States, in particular through awareness raising and capacity building initiatives.

  • Strategic litigation


    Code: 27654 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-LITIGATION | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 24/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/05/2023

    Strategic litigators are key to fostering the promotion and protection of Charter rights and support should be given to strengthening their capacity and specialised knowledge on the Charter and on how to develop a strategic approach to cases.

  • Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate speech and hate crime


    Code: 27652 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-SPEECH | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 24/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/05/2023

    Civil society organisations play a crucial role in combating hate speech and hate crime, thereby safeguarding and promoting fundamental rights. Projects under this priority should aim to enable civil society organisations to establish mechanisms of cooperation with public authorities to support the reporting of episodes of hate crime and hate speech; to ensure support to victims of hate speech and hate crime; and to support law enforcement, including through training or data collection methodologies and tools.

  • Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination


    Code: 26540 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-EQUAL | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 08/12/2022 | End submission calls: 20/06/2023

    The objective of this call is to support a comprehensive and intersectional approach and specific actions to prevent and fight against discrimination and combat intolerance, racism and xenophobia, in particular on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, including when this manifests itself in the form of antigypsyism, anti-black racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, and LGBTIQ phobia.

    Projects can be national or transnational. Transnational projects are particularly encouraged.

  • Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children: call to intermediaries (giving financial support to third-party civil society organisations)


    Code: 25714 | Identifier Code: CERV-2023-DAPHNE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 08/12/2022 | End submission calls: 19/04/2023

    The overall aim of this call is to support, empower and build the capacity of independent civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level in combating gender-based violence and/or violence against children and championing EU values, thereby contributing to women and children’s full enjoyment of rights, the equal empowerment of women and men and the empowerment of children, in all their diversity.

  • Union Values


    Code: 16750 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-VALUES | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 29/03/2022

    The overall aim of this call for proposals is to protect, promote and raise awareness of EU fundamental rights and values by supporting local, regional and/or national civil society organisations and increasing their capacity thereby also strengthening the effective application of the Charter and the respect of the rule of law and of democracy in the EU.

  • Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child


    Code: 16602 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CHILD | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 18/05/2022

    The call aims to strengthen the sustainability and impact of child participation mechanisms (existing or to be created) at local and national level in decision making processes.

  • Call for proposals limited/restricted to National Roma Contact Points


    Code: 16598 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-NRCP | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 03/03/2022

    The aim of this Call is to advance the institutional development and capacity of the National Roma Contact Points for Roma equality, inclusion and participation (NRCPs) in their role of facilitating national consultation processes, particularly through reforming and strengthening their established National Roma Platforms (NRPs). NRPs purpose is to promote and facilitate dialogue, mutual learning, cooperation and policy review among all national stakeholders (e.g. Roma and pro-Roma civil society organizations, activists, elected and appointed officials in public administration, academia, etc.). Within the context of the NRPs, the NRCPs are also expected to boost
    in a gender-sensitive way the representation of Roma people in the platform structures, including women and youth, as well as by nominating a Roma representative to ensure the link between National and the European Roma Platforms.

  • Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children


    Code: 16588 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-DAPHNE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 12/04/2022

    This call is divided into 5 priorities, with the aim to:

    • Integrate prevention of various forms of gender-based violence against women in different contexts, with a systemic approach (priority 1)
    • Tackle harmful practices against women and girls (priority 2)
    • Prevent gender-based violence by tackling its root causes (priority 3)
    • Support and improve national data collection on violence against children (priority 4)
    • Strengthen responses that prevent and support child victims of violence by reinforcing child protection systems at national and local level (priority 5)

  • Call for proposals to promote gender equality


    Code: 16581 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-GE | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 16/03/2022

    Supporting, advancing and implementing comprehensive policies to promote women’s full enjoyment of rights, freedom from gender stereotypes, gender equality, including work-life balance, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming.
    Policy initiative supported: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.

  • Citizens’ engagement and participation


    Code: 16579 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 28/10/2021 | End submission calls: 10/02/2022

    The objective of this call is it to promote citizens’ and representative associations’ participation in and contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union by making known and publicly exchanging their views in all areas on Union action. It aims to support projects promoted by transnational partnerships and networks directly involving citizens. These projects will gather a diverse range of people from different backgrounds in activities directly linked to EU policies, giving them an opportunity to actively participate in the EU policymaking process in areas related to the programme’s objectives.

  • Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination


    Code: 16556 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-EQUAL | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 24/02/2022

    The objective is to support a comprehensive and intersectional approach and specific actions to prevent and fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination, in particular on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, including when this manifests in the form of antigypsyism, antisemitism, anti Muslim hatred, Afrophobia and LGBTIQ phobia offline and online. In this context, the call for proposals can cover actions addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting these groups in terms of intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination and hate. 

  • European Remembrance


    Code: 16553 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-REM | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 24/03/2022

    The objective of this call for proposals is to support projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

  • Networks of Towns


    Code: 16547 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 24/03/2022

    Municipalities and associations working together on a common theme in a long-term perspective may wish to develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable. Networking between municipalities on issues of common interest appears to be an important means for enabling the exchange of good practices.

  • Town-Twinning


    Code: 16545 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 24/03/2022

    This measure aims at supporting projects bringing together a wide range of partner towns in a town-twinning event around topics in line with the objectives of the Programme and taking into consideration the policy priorities. This measure will seek to promote civic participation in the Union policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.

  • Promote capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation relating to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights breaches


    Code: 16455 | Identifier Code: CERV-2022-CHAR-LITI | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 28/10/2021 | End submission calls: 24/02/2022

    The objective of this Call for proposals is to promote capacity building and awareness on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and activities on strategic litigation relating to democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights breaches.

  • Call for proposals limited/restricted to national Data Protection Authorities on reaching out to stakeholders in data protection legislation


    Code: 13144 | Identifier Code: CERV-2021-DATA | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 06/05/2021 | End submission calls: 08/12/2021

    Building on experience gained from the calls for proposals launched in the Framework of the 2014-2020 REC Program (2017, 2019 and 2020) and in view of implementing the conclusions of the above-mentioned report on the GDPR, actions under this call should aim to further support activities carried out by national data protection authorities. 

  • Specific Grant Agreement under FPA CERV-2021-DISABILITY


    Code: 13137 | Identifier Code: CERV-2021-DISA-OG-SGA | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/06/2021 | End submission calls: 30/09/2021

    The call aims at awarding the first annual operating grants for 2022 to networks active in the area of disability that will sign a 4-year Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) for the period 2022-2025.

  • Framework Partnership agreement under CERV-2021-DISA-OG-DISABILITY


    Code: 13134 | Identifier Code: CERV-2021-DISA-OG-FPA | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 23/06/2021 | End submission calls: 28/09/2021

    The call aims at setting up 4-year Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) with networks active in the area of disability for the period 2022-2025.

  • Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination


    Code: 3658 | Identifier Code: CERV-2021-EQUAL   | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 15/06/2021

    The objective of this Call is to support a comprehensive and intersectional approach and specific actions to prevent and fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination.

  • Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children


    Code: 3660 | Identifier Code: CERV-2021-DAPHNE   | Programme name: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) (2021-2027) | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 15/06/2021

    This Call focuses on the early detection, prevention and protection of and/or support to women, children, young people and LGBTIQ victims or potential victims of violence, with specific attention paid to situations emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, it aims to prevent any gender-based violence by addressing masculinities and the engagement of men and boys.