Connecting Europe Facility


The Connecting Europe Facility is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through infrastructure investment at European level.

Programme Description

Programme Sectors:

  • Energy Infrastructure (Connecting Europe Facility): is the EU funding programme to implement the Trans-European Networks for Energy policy. It aims at supporting investments in building new cross-border energy infrastructure in Europe or rehabilitating and upgrading the existing one.

  • Connecting Europe Facility for Transport: supports the European transport infrastructure policy by helping realise key projects across Europe.
  • Connecting Europe Facility-Digital: Aiming to support and catalyse investments in digital connectivity infrastructures of common interest.

Total Budget

€ 33.71 billion

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • International Organisations
  • Private Bodies
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works Department of Public Works Website: Address: 165 Strovolou Avenue, 2048 Strovolos Telephones: +357 22806521, +357 22806550, +357 22806537 Email: Contact person: Elpida Epameinondas Senior Executive Engineer Τelephone: +357 22806643 Email:

EU Contact Point

European Health and Digital Executive Agency:

CINEA – Energy and Transport:

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Support to the coordination of ITS National Access Points


    Code: 35133 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2025-TAGENDG-NAPCORE | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 05/11/2024 | End submission calls: 04/02/2025

    The NAPs, together with regional and local access points that might exist in the Member States, are an important component of the common European mobility data space under the European strategy for data and should be relied upon in particular as regards the accessibility of ITS data. By cooperating on the facilitation of access to data via the NAPs, Member States should strive to improve the NAPs’ effectiveness, interoperability, and cooperation across the Union as well as to facilitate the data users’ access to them.

    Despite NAPs being operated in all Member States, there is still a need to improve accessibility of data concerning many data types that are deemed crucial to support the development of essential services providing the necessary information to the end users.

    Building on and integrating the outcomes of the CEF Programme Support Actions NAPCORE and Data4PT project, the objective of this action is to further support the harmonised implementation of Delegated Regulations adopted under Directive 2010/40/EU. This action should support implementation of the requirements to make infrastructure, safety, traffic and travel data accurate and accessible to users (such as transport authorities or service providers) via the NAPs, i.e. all NAPs and associated data stemming from the implementation of Delegated Regulations (EU) No 885/2013, No 886/2013, 2015/962, 2017/1926 and 2022/670, including their possible revision during the lifetime of this action in the framework of the implementation of the working programme of the ITS Directive.

    Τhis action is expected to further support the coordination and harmonisation of a standardised NAP data distribution ecosystem throughout the EU, contributing to the creation of a digital twin of the physical transport infrastructure and its operations, providing for a data layer supporting transport services.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Works


    Code: 35098 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2024-GATEWAYS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. Access to backbone connectivity in EU Member States may differ significantly. In certain regions a lack of adequate backbone connectivity may have an impact on the development of, and service provided by access networks, and may generate possible imbalances in the prices of services, both for network operators in these regions, as well as for the users. This can be the case, for example, for Member States that are themselves islands and/or have islands as part of their territory. For some remote territories such as islands, Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories, commercial prices and other conditions of backbone connectivity may hinder the full participation of both users and enterprises in the digital European economy.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Studies


    Code: 35095 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2024-GATEWAYS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. Access to backbone connectivity in EU Member States may differ significantly. In certain regions a lack of adequate backbone connectivity may have an impact on the development of, and service provided by access networks, and may generate possible imbalances in the prices of services, both for network operators in these regions, as well as for the users. This can be the case, for example, for Member States that are themselves islands and/or have islands as part of their territory. For some remote territories such as islands, Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories, commercial prices and other conditions of backbone connectivity may hinder the full participation of both users and enterprises in the digital European economy.

    This topic will support studies for the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States (including OCTs), between Member States (including OCTs), and between Member States (including OCTs) and third countries.

  • European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works


    Code: 35090 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2024-EUROQCI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    CEF Digital actions to co-fund the terrestrial backbone network components will be complementary to those developed through the Digital Europe Programme and will be focused on supporting cross-border links between two or more national quantum communication networks in Member States, and/or linking the EuroQCI’s terrestrial and space segments.

    The first services provided by EuroQCI will be based on QKD, which uses the properties of quantum physics to establish a secure encryption key at each end of a communications line in order to protect against vulnerabilities, namely eavesdropping. The first phase of the EuroQCI infrastructure deployment is focused on the deployment of terrestrial backbone components. It should aim for solutions providing end-to-end security.

  • 5G large scale pilots – 5G and Edge for Smart Communities – Works


    Code: 35087 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2024-5GLSP-SMARTCOM-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The overall objective of the call “5G Large-scale pilots” is to deploy large-scale 5G SA infrastructures that integrate connectivity and edge cloud capacities along the 3C Network value chain. Each pilot is expected to maximise the number of use cases enabled by 5G systems in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, education, mobility, transport (including use cases for Connected and Automated Mobility for road, railway and inland waterway as well as coastal maritime automation, or multimodal transport as appropriate) etc., targeting urban, sub-urban, rural, and cross-border areas.

    Specific objectives are the following:

    • 5G SA large-scale pilots will stimulate a wider and faster deployment and takeup of 5G across Europe, while providing the foundation for developing “lead markets” for 5G and edge cloud systems, relying where applicable on technologies and standards developed under other EU programmes, in particular the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots should demonstrate the benefits gained in specific vertical applications, following the evolution from current electronic communications networks towards virtualised and cloud-native network functions and distributed telco edge cloud, opening new opportunities to Europe’s key industries.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots funded under this call for proposals are expected to leverage 5G infrastructures delivering leading-edge connectivity characteristics e.g.: symmetric gigabit performance, high-user-density, ubiquitous coverage (e.g. to connect IoT devices), low latency and very high reliability. They will contribute to the integration of devices, networks, cloud and edge computing, and communication capabilities for telco edge cloud deployment to realise a ubiquitous mesh of computing and communication resources. Where necessary, the pilots should bundle 5G networks with a cloud-to-edge middleware stack capable of supporting the data intensive use cases and applications designed for a multi-purpose context (5G corridors and/or 5G applications for socio-economic drivers).
    • These large-scale pilots are encouraged to cover multiple use cases. Crosssector synergies between multiple use cases are expected to be enabled by 5G SA supporting local smart communities and connecting multiple sites distributed across multiple countries and regions.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots should be designed in a way that, with adaptations due to possible different requirements, they can be replicated across Europe, for instance under other funding programmes such as ERDF, EAFRD or national investments. Projects may be preceded by inception studies or best practices funded in earlier calls under this programme or may be based on any other preparatory work funded under other programmes (such as R&I under Horizon Europe).

  • 5G large scale pilots – 5G coverage along Transport Corridors – Works


    Code: 35085 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2024-5GLSP-CORRIDORS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    The overall objective of the call “5G Large-scale pilots” is to deploy large-scale 5G SA infrastructures that integrate connectivity and edge cloud capacities along the 3C Network value chain. Each pilot is expected to maximise the number of use cases enabled by 5G systems in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, education, mobility, transport (including use cases for Connected and Automated Mobility for road, railway and inland waterway as well as coastal maritime automation, or multimodal transport as appropriate) etc., targeting urban, sub-urban, rural, and cross-border areas.

    Specific objectives are the following:

    • 5G SA large-scale pilots will stimulate a wider and faster deployment and takeup of 5G across Europe, while providing the foundation for developing “lead markets” for 5G and edge cloud systems, relying where applicable on technologies and standards developed under other EU programmes, in particular the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots should demonstrate the benefits gained in specific vertical applications, following the evolution from current electronic communications networks towards virtualised and cloud-native network functions and distributed telco edge cloud, opening new opportunities to Europe’s key industries.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots funded under this call for proposals are expected to leverage 5G infrastructures delivering leading-edge connectivity characteristics e.g.: symmetric gigabit performance, high-user-density, ubiquitous coverage (e.g. to connect IoT devices), low latency and very high reliability. They will contribute to the integration of devices, networks, cloud and edge computing, and communication capabilities for telco edge cloud deployment to realise a ubiquitous mesh of computing and communication resources. Where necessary, the pilots should bundle 5G networks with a cloud-to-edge middleware stack capable of supporting the data intensive use cases and applications designed for a multi-purpose context (5G corridors and/or 5G applications for socio-economic drivers).
    • These large-scale pilots are encouraged to cover multiple use cases. Crosssector synergies between multiple use cases are expected to be enabled by 5G SA supporting local smart communities and connecting multiple sites distributed across multiple countries and regions.
    • 5G SA large-scale pilots should be designed in a way that, with adaptations due to possible different requirements, they can be replicated across Europe, for instance under other funding programmes such as ERDF, EAFRD or national investments. Projects may be preceded by inception studies or best practices funded in earlier calls under this programme or may be based on any other preparatory work funded under other programmes (such as R&I under Horizon Europe).

  • Cross-border renewable energy studies projects


    Code: 35083 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 16/01/2025

    This topic aims at financing projects contributing to the goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, as well as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 climate and energy targets and the EU’s objectives for climate neutrality, in accordance with recitals 5 and 30 of the CEF Regulation and in line with the Multi annual Work Programme. This topic refers to projects for studies contributing to the implementation of a CB RES project.

  • Cross-border renewable energy works projects


    Code: 35081 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 22/10/2024 | End submission calls: 16/01/2025

    This topic refers to works projects contributing to the implementation of a CB RES project. Works in the meaning of CEF Energy include the purchase, supply and deployment of components, systems and services including software, the development, construction and installation activities relating to a CB RES project, the acceptance of installations and the launching of a CB RES project.

    This call aims to enable CB RES projects which have significant socioeconomic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy. In particular, the financial assistance under this call for proposals shall contribute to supporting CB RES projects that do not receive adequate financing from the market and should maximise its added value towards uptake of renewable energy investments.

  • CEF 2 Transport - Projects related to smart and interoperable mobility


    Code: 34951 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The call covers the following topics:

    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS: ERTMS – unit contribution: The objective is to increase the interoperability of rail transport by deploying European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS: ITS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure and to facilitate road traffic on the TEN-T network, including urban nodes.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS: RIS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise inland waterway transport infrastructure and facilitate the traffic, safety and transport management in the inland waterways of the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS: EMSWe – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure and facilitate maritime traffic on the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS: VTMIS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure and facilitate maritime traffic on the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS: eFTI – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise freight transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS: Removing rail interoperability barriers, studies, works or mixed: The objective is to increase the interoperability of the rail system in EU.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS: SESAR digital sky demonstrators for a greener, more scalable and resilient ATM – works: The objective is to modernise air transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-CP-WORKS: SESAR Common Project One implementation projects – works: The objective is to modernise air transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
    • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-OP-WORKS: Other ATM Projects – works: The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads and multimodal freight terminals – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34948 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on roads and multimodal freight terminals of the TEN-T comprehensive network.

    The multimodal freight terminals must be located in or adjacent to the maritime ports, inland ports, airports of the comprehensive network or classified as comprehensive rail-road terminal or comprehensive terminals along the inland waterways of the trans-European transport network, as listed in Annex II of the revised TEN-T Regulation.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34946 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the TEN-T comprehensive network.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34942 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the TEN-T comprehensive network.

  • Inland ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34940 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects related to inland ports on the TEN-T comprehensive network.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34933 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 34931 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBGEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise road transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34929 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network with the purpose of accelerating external border checks.

  • Roads and multimodal freight terminals – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34927 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on roads and multimodal freight terminals of the TEN-T core and extended core networks.

    The multimodal freight terminals must be located in or adjacent to maritime ports, inland ports, airports of the core and extended core network or classified as rail-road terminal or terminal along the inland waterways of the trans-European transport network.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34924 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the TEN-T core and extended core networks.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34922 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the TEN-T core network.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34919 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the TEN-T core network.

  • Road safety – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34901 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise road transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 34895 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 34892 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise road transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.

  • Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 34889 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SIMOBCOEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The call objective is to increase the interoperability of rail transport by deploying European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The following works can be supported: European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS) on-board and track-side deployment.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – Studies


    Code: 34887 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-Studies | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise passenger transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network. Studies related to projects aiming to seamless connections between and with long distance transport modes in a multimodal passenger hub as defined in the revised TEN-T Regulation.

  • European Maritime Space / Short-sea shipping – works


    Code: 34885 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-SUSTMOBGEN-EMS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 24/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure on the TENT network. Works projects aiming to alleviate congestion and/or to reduce the environmental impact of transport through cross-border short sea shipping links.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Studies


    Code: 34427 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 30/04/2024 | End submission calls: 22/10/2024

    This topic aims to enable PCIs and PMIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs and PMIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.
    The objective of this topic is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs and PMIs.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks - Works


    Code: 34424 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 30/04/2024 | End submission calls: 22/10/2024

    This topic aims to enable Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMis) to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs and PMIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.

    This topic refers to projects for works contributing to the implementation of a PCI or a PMI.

  • Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Co-funding Rate


    Code: 33065 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFGEN-COSTS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025

    This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions


    Code: 33063 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFGEN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025

    This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Co-funding Rate


    Code: 33059 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-COSTS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025

    This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions


    Code: 33056 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2025

    This call aims at supporting the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy projects


    Code: 32007 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2023-CBRENEW | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 19/12/2023 | End submission calls: 06/02/2024

    Both topics under this call aim to enable CB RES projects which have significant socioeconomic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy. In particular, the financial assistance under this call for proposals shall contribute to supporting CB RES projects that do not receive adequate financing from the market and should maximise its added value towards uptake of renewable energy investments.

    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of CB RES projects.

  • 5G and Edge Cloud for Smart Communities - Works


    Code: 31454 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2023-5GSMARTCOM-EDGE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 17/10/2023 | End submission calls: 20/02/2024

    The aim of this call is to support the early deployment of 5G-based systems that enable use cases for certain socio-economic drivers (SEDs).
    Proposals funded under the call are expected to rely on performance characteristics of the 5G technology that are indispensable to implement one or more use cases allowing the concerned public authority or SGI/SGEI provider(s) to deliver new or more efficient services.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies


    Code: 31261 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2023-5GCORRIDORS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 17/10/2023 | End submission calls: 17/01/2024

    This topic targets preparatory actions in view of foreseen deployment projects that support investments in challenging areas, where market forces alone will not deliver 5G services with the necessary quality of service.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Works


    Code: 31259 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2023-5GCORRIDORS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 17/10/2023 | End submission calls: 17/01/2024

    This topic targets actions that support investments in challenging areas, where market forces alone will not deliver 5G services with the necessary quality of service.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Studies


    Code: 31255 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2023-GATEWAYS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 17/10/2023 | End submission calls: 17/01/2024

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. This call is technology neutral. The deployment may include submarine cables systems, satellite infrastructures and connectivity to internet exchange points under this call.

    This topic will support studies for the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States, between Member States, and between the EU and third countries, including to remote territories. Proposals under this call shall address studies, including all preparatory work required prior to signing a contract with a supplier is covered under this call.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gatewys - works


    Code: 31253 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2023-GATEWAYS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 17/10/2023 | End submission calls: 17/01/2024

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. This call is technology neutral. The deployment may include submarine cables systems, satellite infrastructures and connectivity to internet exchange points under this call.

    This topic will support the deployment of backbone connectivity for routes within Member States, between Member States, and between the EU and third countries, including to remote territories.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs: studies


    Code: 31096 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Motorways of the Sea: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31094 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Road safety: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31092 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31090 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure: works


    Code: 31088 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31085 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on the roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms of the Core Network of the TENT.

  • Rail: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31083 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COREGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31081 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COREGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31079 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COREGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop inland waterway transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Other ATM Projects – Works or Mixed


    Code: 31058 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-OP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • SESAR Common Project One implementation projects – works


    Code: 31053 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-CP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • SESAR digital sky demonstrators for a greener, more scalable and resilient ATM – works


    Code: 31051 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31049 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • New technologies and innovation – studies


    Code: 31047 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Data – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31044 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-DATA-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • eFTI – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31042 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • VTMIS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31040 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • EMSWe – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31038 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • RIS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31035 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • ITS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31033 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 31031 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T and facilitate interoperable railway traffic in EU.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31027 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on the road, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms of the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 31002 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop inland waterway transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30999 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30996 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on the roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms of the Core Network of the TEN-T.


  • Maritime ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30993 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30991 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30988 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30986 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30984 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects on the road, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms of the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30981 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30979 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland ports: studies, works or mixed


    Code: 30976 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 26/09/2023 | End submission calls: 30/01/2024

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects


    Code: 30942 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2023-CBRENEW-PREPSTUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 21/09/2023 | End submission calls: 09/01/2024

    The objective of this call is to support preparatory studies as per Article 7(3) of the CEF Regulation, e.g. to develop and identify CB RES projects. Such studies can assist project promoters in selecting the best project concept and setting up the cooperation agreement, allowing for projects to be supported prior to having acquired the official status of a CB RES project (CB RES status).

  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 28950 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2023-MILMOB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 03/05/2023 | End submission calls: 21/09/2023

    This call is under the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 – multiannual work programme for the transport sector and specifically aims at adapting sections of the TEN-T for civilian-defence dual-use (addressing both civilian and defence needs) in the context of the Action Plan on Military Mobility (for instance technical requirements on dimensions and capacity.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks - Works


    Code: 28444 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2023-PCI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    Both topics under this call aim to enable PCIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.

    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks - Studies


    Code: 28441 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2023-PCI-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    Both topics under this call aim to enable PCIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.

    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs.

  • CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy works projects


    Code: 25226 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2022-CBRENEW-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 30/11/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    It aims to enable CB-RES projects which have significant socio-economic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy. In particular, the financial assistance under this call for proposals shall contribute to supporting CB-RES projects do not receive adequate financing from the market and should maximise its added value towards uptake of renewable energy investments.
    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of CB RES projects. This topic refers to projects for studies contributing to the implementation of a CB RES project.

  • CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy studies projects


    Code: 25222 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2022-CBRENEW-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 30/11/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    It aims to enable CB-RES projects which have significant socio-economic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy. In particular, the financial assistance under this call for proposals shall contribute to supporting CB-RES projects do not receive adequate financing from the market and should maximise its added value towards uptake of renewable energy investments.
    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of CB RES projects. This topic refers to projects for studies contributing to the implementation of a CB RES project.

  • 5G for Smart Communities - Works


    Code: 24804 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-5GSMARTCOM-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    The aim of this call is to support the early deployment of 5G-based systems that enable use cases for certain socio-economic drivers (SEDs).
    The call aims to support 5G best practices beacons in different sectors that can serve as templates for possible replication with other resources, national or EU, or under other programmes (in particular RRF).

  • Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federations – Studies


    Code: 24802 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-CLOUD-FED-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    The studies under this call should explore interconnection needs and prepare for future deployment of Gigabit links between the data processing capacities of public administrations, public or private SGIs or SGEIs entities, and – where relevant – their cloud providers. This should aim at improving the availability and resilience of cloud services for these users, including their protection against cyberthreats and cover future investment needs and required technology for the interconnection of cloud, HPC and edge infrastructures.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Works


    Code: 24799 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-GATEWAYS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. This call is technology neutral.

  • European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works


    Code: 24796 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-EUROQCI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    The objectives of this call are CEF Digital actions to co-fund the terrestrial backbone network components complementary to those developed through the Digital Europe Programme and focus on supporting cross-border links between two or more national quantum communication networks in Member States, and/or linking the EuroQCI’s terrestrial and space segments.
    This scope includes the actions needed at the level of telecommunications networks to manage encryption keys efficiently and securely in an end-to-end manner and ensure their transmission to recipients.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies


    Code: 24794 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    This topic targets preparatory actions for envisaged deployment projects that support investments in challenging areas, where market forces alone will not deliver 5G services with the necessary quality of service and focus on key European transport paths.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Works


    Code: 24792 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    This topic aims to complement the early wave of deployment actions for 5G systems deployment along transport paths for connected and automated mobility (CAM) including safety and non-safety services. These may encompass roads, rail, and inland waterways, and if appropriate in combination with other modes of transport based on early preparatory work that already started before the submission of the proposal.

  • Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms


    Code: 24692 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-TA-PLATFORMS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    This CSA will prepare future works project(s) by identifying the most appropriate cases to be funded and by delivering the building blocks (such as governance, detailed design, etc.) needed for immediate deployment of the cross-border infrastructure within the works project(s).

  • Integration of 5G with edge computing and federated cloud facilities


    Code: 24690 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2022-TA-5GINTEGRA | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/10/2022 | End submission calls: 23/02/2023

    The main objective of this CSA is to accelerate the development of edge computing solutions as part of 5G corridors and 5G smart communities and thus ensure their integration in the European federated cloud and edge infrastructures funded under the CEF Digital and Digital Europe programmes.
    • the interconnection of newly deployed 5G corridor sections and 5G infrastructure for local communities with edge computing facilities and federated cloud infrastructures
    • relevant operational service platforms that enable the provision of CAM and commercial 5G connectivity services
    • the support of services of general interest in local communities.

  • New technologies and innovation – studies


    Code: 24385 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • ITS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24378 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 24375 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • EMSWe – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24371 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • data - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24368 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-DATA-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24363 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBCOEN-REMIB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 24360 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBCOEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24356 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24353 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24347 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24345 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24342 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Other SESAR Projects – works


    Code: 24340 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSD-OP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to support projects that implement Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) ground and airborne infrastructure, route and procedures that are not addressed by the Common Project One.

  • New technologies and innovation – studies


    Code: 24332 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24330 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 24327 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Road safety - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24323 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24321 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.



    Code: 24318 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDA-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective of the demonstrations under this topic is to address the issue of the lack of flexibility in sector configuration capabilities at pan-European level clearly highlighted by the airspace architecture study.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24314 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Motorways of the Sea – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24312 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • VTMIS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24310 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 24308 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • RIS – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24294 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Common Project One implementation projects – works


    Code: 24291 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSD-CP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective of this topic is to support the timely and synchronised implementation of Common Project One (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1/02/2021) in accordance with the deployment approach defined in the SESAR Deployment Programme.



    Code: 24287 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    High Level of Automation Support – The Digital Sky Demonstrators (DSD) under this topic aim to increase the level of automation support in Air Traffic Management (ATM).
    The objective is to establish a network of Digital Sky Demonstrators to accelerate the transition to deployment of a number of SESAR solutions that are part of measure 3 under the airspace architecture study transition plan (AAS TP) in order to fully leverage breakthrough technologies that can contribute to the defragmentation of European skies (e.g. dynamic airspace configurations, solutions boosting the level of automation support, enhanced air-ground datalink capabilities, multilink environment, etc.)

  • eFTI – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24283 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – studies


    Code: 24280 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Rail Freight Noise - Unit Contribution


    Code: 24274 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-RFN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24272 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximity (approx. 20-30 km) of the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24270 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24268 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximity (approx. 20-30 km) of the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24265 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24257 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximity (approx. 20-30 km) of the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24255 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24253 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24251 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24247 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24241 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on/in the proximity (approx. 20-30 km) of the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24238 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24236 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed


    Code: 24232 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 13/09/2022 | End submission calls: 18/01/2023

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects


    Code: 24203 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2022-CBRENEW-PREPSTUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Μηχανισμός «Συνδέοντας την Ευρώπη» – Ενεργειακή Υποδομή | Start submission calls: 20/09/2022 | End submission calls: 10/01/2023

    The objective of this call is to support preparatory studies as per Article 7(3) of the CEF Regulation, e.g. to develop and identify CB RES projects. Such studies can assist project promoters in selecting the best project concept and setting up the cooperation agreement, allowing for projects to be supported prior to having acquired the official status of a CB RES project (CB RES status).

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks - Studies


    Code: 22642 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2022-PCI-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 18/05/2022 | End submission calls: 01/09/2022

    Both topics under this call aim to enable PCIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.

    The European Green Deal has emphasized the key enabling role of energy infrastructure in the transition to a climate neutral economy. Projects supported by this call pursue the goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, as well as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 climate and energy targets and long-term decarbonisation objectives. Therefore, financial assistance provided under this call for proposals should maximise its added value towards decarbonisation of the energy sector.

    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks - Works


    Code: 22636 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2022-PCI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 18/05/2022 | End submission calls: 01/09/2022

    Both topics under this call aim to enable PCIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.

    The European Green Deal has emphasized the key enabling role of energy infrastructure in the transition to a climate neutral economy. Projects supported by this call pursue the goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, as well as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 climate and energy targets and long-term decarbonisation objectives. Therefore, financial assistance provided under this call for proposals should maximise its added value towards decarbonisation of the energy sector.

    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs.

  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - works or mixed


    Code: 21653 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-MILMOB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 12/05/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022

  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - studies


    Code: 21650 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2022-MILMOB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 12/05/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022

  • European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research


    Code: 17489 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-03-01 | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 21/04/2022

    Proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:

    • Based on a trusted governance and effective working modalities, research funders, health policy-makers and the research community work together in order to identify and prioritise topics of common interest and European benefit;
    • Research funders and policy-makers;
    • Public health research systems in the ERA are more effective and integrated;
    • Health and care authorities, policymakers and other stakeholders use the research results to develop evidence-based strategies and policies, and deploy good practices to European countries and regions;
    • Patients and citizens are more knowledgeable about disease threats and contribute to a patient-centred decision-making process;
    • Countries cooperate better and use context-specific knowledge and evidence to make their health and care systems more sustainable

  • Integration of 5G with edge computing and federated cloud facilities


    Code: 17484 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-TA-5GINTEGRA | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    The CSA should gather and consolidate information on the various planned actions under European and national programmes. Based on this information it should – in close cooperation with stakeholders – deliver principles and network architecture concepts for connecting 5G infrastructures along transport corridors and 5G local communities to the edge node and federated cloud infrastructure with the aims
    (i) to meet service requirements for connected and automated mobility, in particular the stringent requirements for road safety and digital train operations,
    (ii) and to generate economic efficiencies, whereby the overall 5G-edge-cloud platform would serve the vertical needs of various communities and sectors, in particular mobility and socio-economic drivers.

  • Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms


    Code: 17482 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-TA-PLATFORMS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    Operational digital platforms (including this CSA), as one of CEF Digital Synergy actions, aim to support EU environmental and energy targets, by providing both technologies and connectivity to enable a cyber-secure Internet of Energy and an optimised transport system along the major European paths, as per the 5G objectives in the Gigabit Society Communication and in the Directive on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Studies


    Code: 17479 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-GATEWAYS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    The objective of this topic is to deploy strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. It specifically includes submarine cables systems, satellite infrastructures and connectivity to internet exchange points.
    By supporting the targeted deployment of such connectivity, CEF Digital will have a positive impact not only on strengthening the connectivity capacity, but also on stimulating commercial offers of connectivity.

  • Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Works


    Code: 17475 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-GATEWAYS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    The objective of this call is to support the deployment of strategic networks as part of the Digital Global Gateway Strategy of the EU, contributing to strengthen the quality of connectivity within the Union as well as with third countries. The deployment may include submarine cables systems, satellite infrastructures and connectivity to internet exchange points under this call.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Works


    Code: 17467 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-5GCORRIDORS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    This topic aims to support an early wave of deployment actions for 5G systems deployment along transport paths for connected and automated mobility (CAM) including safety and non-safety services. These may encompass roads, rail, and inland waterways, and if appropriate in combination with other modes of transport based on early preparatory work that already started before the submission of the proposal.

  • 5G Strategic Deployment Agenda coordination


    Code: 17459 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-TA-5GAGENDA | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    The CSA will – in close cooperation with the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking – coordinate the development of 5G Strategic Deployment Agendas in the area of 5G for CAM. This includes the development of deployment roadmaps, cooperation models and regulatory approaches.
    Related objectives include the achievement of common deployment approaches among projects in view of a consistent deployment of 5G Corridors across the EU, monitoring and reporting on deployment progress, and the build-up of a pipeline of future projects to be funded by CEF.

  • 5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies


    Code: 17456 | Identifier Code: CEF-DIG-2021-5GCORRIDORS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Digital | Start submission calls: 12/01/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022

    This topic targets preparatory actions for envisaged deployment projects that support investments in challenging areas, where market forces alone will not deliver 5G services with the necessary quality of service, and focus on key European transport paths, including but not limited to, the indicative list of 5G corridors. The priority for this call will be to support investment in cross-border sections involving two or more Member States, but additional sections considered relevant from a European perspective are equally in the scope of this call.

  • Technical Assistance Member States


    Code: 16872 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TACOENEA-MS-LS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022

    The scope of activities supported under this technical assistance will support the Member States to successfully implement and effectively manage the TEN-T related infrastructure investments.

  • Technical Assistance CESNI


    Code: 16867 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TAGENDG-CESNI-AC | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 27/01/2022

    To provide technical support to the preparation, development and implementation of standards and to advice and analysis in the field of vessel technical requirements, professional qualifications and information technologies in the context of the implementation of the CESNI strategic guidelines.

  • Technical Assistane EUROCAE


    Code: 16857 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TAGENDG-EUROCAE-AC | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 27/01/2022

    The objective of this action is for EUROCAE to ensure effective and efficient coordination of industrial stakeholders involved in standardisation processes to timely develop fit-for-purpose technical specifications and industry standards that:

    • are necessary for the implementation of new ATM technologies in support of the implementation of the Single European Sky, particularly those stemming from the SESAR project and included in the ATM Master Plan;
    • ensure global ATM standardisation harmonisation, notably though international cooperation with RTCA, SAE and ICAO;
    • are in support to EASA towards a transition to performance-based regulatory framework, where rules set performance objectives and industry delivers the concrete technological solutions to achieve them; and
    • are in support of the implementation of the European satellite navigation programmes, Galileo and EGNOS, in aviation.

  • Technical Assistance RailNetEurope


    Code: 16807 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TAGENEA-RNE-AC | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022

    The general objective of this call is to support accompanying measures concerning a European rail network for competitive freight, establishing a single European railway area.
    The first specific objective is to provide technical assistance to support the promotion of international rail corridors for a European rail network for competitive freight with implementation of high quality, interoperable infrastructure for international freight traffic and traffic management.
    The second specific objective is to provide technical assistance to support the rail Infrastructure Managers and Railway Undertakings in the implementation, monitoring and management of rail infrastructure in the EU.

  • Technical Assistance Member States


    Code: 16804 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TAGENEA-MS-LS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022

    The scope of activities supported under this technical assistance will support the Member States to successfully implement and effectively manage the TEN-T related infrastructure investments.

  • Technical Assistance Rail Freight Corridors


    Code: 16794 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-TAGENEA-RFC-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022

    The general objective of this technical assistance is to support infrastructure managers and allocation bodies, in particular the management board set up and the one-stop shop set up.

  • New technologies and innovation - works or mixed


    Code: 14666 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies


    Code: 14663 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 14661 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed


    Code: 14658 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – studies


    Code: 14655 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - works or mixed


    Code: 14652 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-MILMOB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    Studies related to the following actions will be supported:

    • All actions should be relevant for civilian-defence dual-use;
    • Actions regarding the upgrade of sections and components of the Core and Comprehensive Network;
    • Actions concerning air transport infrastructure components.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - works or mixed


    Code: 14650 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Road safety - studies


    Code: 14646 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – works or mixed


    Code: 14642 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies


    Code: 14639 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-MARP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - studies


    Code: 14626 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-MILMOB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    Studies related to the following actions will be supported:

    • All actions should be relevant for civilian-defence dual-use;
    • Actions regarding the upgrade of sections and components of the Core and Comprehensive Network;
    • Actions concerning air transport infrastructure components.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies


    Code: 14620 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-IWWP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • New technologies and innovation – studies


    Code: 14615 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed


    Code: 14601 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – works or mixed


    Code: 14599 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14591 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies


    Code: 14576 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-RAIL-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14545 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies


    Code: 14539 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-MARP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies


    Code: 14499 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - works or mixed


    Code: 14495 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies


    Code: 14493 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-RAIL-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – works or mixed


    Code: 14473 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies


    Code: 14469 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-IWWP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - Studies


    Code: 14467 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14458 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies


    Code: 14454 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-MARP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14450 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Core Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed


    Code: 14436 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - ITS – works or mixed


    Code: 14407 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Removing interoperability barriers– studies


    Code: 14403 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - RIS – studies


    Code: 14397 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-RIS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Removing interoperability barriers- works or mixed


    Code: 14388 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport- SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS A - works


    Code: 14386 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDA-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective of the demonstrations under this topic is to contribute to achieve the objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 set by the European Green Deal. This implies the need for aviation to intensify its efforts to reduce emissions, in line with the targets set in Flightpath 2050. To this end, a set of operational measures to improve the fuel efficiency of flights will have to be put in place. At the same time, to ensure sustainable air traffic growth, it is necessary to speed up the modernisation of the air infrastructure to offer more capability and capacity, making it more resilient to future traffic demand and adaptable through more flexible air traffic management procedures. Furthermore, reducing aircraft noise impacts and improving air quality will remain a priority around airports.

  • Smart applications for transport - ITS – studies


    Code: 14383 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ITS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport – data - studies


    Code: 14380 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-DATA-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport – data - works or mixed


    Code: 14374 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-DATA-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 14365 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBCOEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – works or mixed


    Code: 14361 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – studies


    Code: 14355 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – works or mixed


    Code: 14346 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBCOEN-MULTHUB-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Motorways of the Sea – studies


    Code: 14342 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Motorways of the Sea – works or mixed


    Code: 14337 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - VTMIS – works or mixed


    Code: 14334 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - eFTI – studies


    Code: 14330 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - eFTI – works or mixed


    Code: 14326 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - VTMIS – studies


    Code: 14323 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Multimodal passenger hubs – studies


    Code: 14314 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBCOEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - RIS – works or mixed


    Code: 14294 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport- SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS U - works


    Code: 14281 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The Digital Sky Demonstrators (DSD) on U-space and urban air mobility, supported by the new regulatory framework and a set of new standards, will support the implementation of U1/U2 services across Europe ensuring safety and interoperability. The objective of the digital sky demonstrators is to accelerate the transition towards deployment of a number of U-space services and capabilities. The objective of the demonstrations is to ensure that the service definition is coordinated across Europe and that early movers are incentivised in order to accelerate the uptake (R&I need: Mature basic U-space services).

  • Maritime ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14270 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies


    Code: 14265 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-MARP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14261 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - LNG


    Code: 14258 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-WORKS-LNG | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure for waterborne transport by supporting low-emission solutions in the transition phase towards decarbonising maritime and inland waterway transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies


    Code: 14238 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-IWWP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – works or mixed


    Code: 14235 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies


    Code: 14230 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-RAIL-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop rail transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14223 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Maritime ports – studies


    Code: 14220 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-MARP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – works or mixed


    Code: 14214 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-RAIL-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Rail – studies


    Code: 14212 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-RAIL-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies


    Code: 14208 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop road infrastructure projects and rail-road terminals on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed


    Code: 14205 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-IWWP-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Inland waterways and ports – studies


    Code: 14200 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-IWWP-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to develop inland waterways transport infrastructure projects on the Comprehensive Network of the TEN-T.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions


    Code: 14198 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions


    Code: 14196 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - LNG


    Code: 14183 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-WORKS-LNG | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure for waterborne transport by supporting low-emission solutions in the transition phase towards decarbonising maritime and inland waterway transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - Zero Emissions


    Code: 14180 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-WORKS-ZE | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - Zero Emissions


    Code: 14177 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-WORKS-ZE | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

  • Rail Freight Noise- Unit Contribution


    Code: 14169 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-RFN-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - works or mixed


    Code: 13837 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works


    Code: 13831 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-PARKINGS-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies


    Code: 13818 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution


    Code: 13810 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - EMSWe – studies


    Code: 13801 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Smart applications for transport - EMSWe – works or mixed


    Code: 13781 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies


    Code: 13762 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies


    Code: 13757 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-STUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Road safety - works or mixed


    Code: 13748 | Identifier Code: CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Transport | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/01/2022

    The general objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

  • Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks


    Code: 13721 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2021-PCI-STUDIES, CEF-E-2021-PCI-WORKS | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 07/09/2021 | End submission calls: 19/10/2021

    Both topics under this call aim to enable PCIs to be implemented within the framework of the deployment of trans-European networks in the energy sector. In particular, the call shall contribute to supporting energy infrastructure PCIs that have significant socio-economic benefits and ensure greater solidarity among Member States, but which do not receive adequate financing from the market.
    The objective of studies and works is to support and contribute to the implementation
    of PCIs.

    This Call covers the following topics:


  • Preparatory studies cross border RES projects


    Code: 13710 | Identifier Code: CEF-E-2021-CBRENEW-PREPSTUDIES | Programme name: Connecting Europe Facility | Sub-program: Connecting Europe Facility – Energy Infrastructure | Start submission calls: 22/09/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    The objective of preparatory studies as per Article 7(3) is to assist project promoters in selecting the best project concept and setting up the cooperation agreement, allowing for projects to be supported prior to having acquired the status as a cross-border project in the fielf of renewable energy.
    Based on the provisions of Article 7 and Annex Part IV of CEF Regulation, cross-border RES projects shall promote cross-border cooperation between Member States in the field of planning, development and the cost-effective exploitation of renewable energy sources, as well as facilitate their integration through energy storage facilities and with the aim of contributing to the Union’s long term decarbonisation strategy, completing the internal energy market and enhancing the security of supply.