Digital Europe Programme


Digital Europe Programme is the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe.

Worth €7.6 billion (in current prices), the Programme is a part of the next long-term EU budget, (the Multiannual Financial Framework), and it covers 2021 to 2027. It will provide funding for projects in five crucial areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society.

The Programme is fine-tuned to fill the gap between the research of digital technologies and their deployment, and to bring the results of research to the market – for the benefit of Europe’s citizens and businesses, and in particular SMEs. Investments under the Digital Europe programme supports the Union’s twin objectives of a green transition and digital transformation and strengthens the Union’s resilience and strategic autonomy.

Programme Description

What will the Digital Europe Programme fund?

€2.2 billion for supercomputing to:

  • Build up and strengthen the EU’s supercomputing and data processing capacities by buying world- class exascale supercomputers by 2022/2023 (capable of at least a billion billion or 1018 calculations per second) and post exascale facilities by 2026/2027.
  • Increase accessibility and broaden the use of supercomputing in areas of public interest such as health, environment and security, and in industry, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

€2.1 billion for artificial intelligence to:

  • Invest in and open up the use of artificial intelligence by businesses and public administrations.
  • Set up a true European data space and facilitate safe access to and storage of large datasets and trustworthy and energy efficient cloud infrastructure.
  • Strengthen and support existing artificial intelligence testing and experimentation facilities in areas such as health and mobility in Member States and encourage their cooperation.

€1.6 billion for cybersecurity to:

  • Strengthening cybersecurity coordination between Member States tools and data infrastructures.
  • Support the wide deployment of the cybersecurity capacities across the economy.

€580 million for advanced digital skills to:

  • Support the design and delivery of specialized programmes and traineeships for the future experts in key capacity areas like data and AI, cybersecurity, quantum and HPC.
  • Support the upskilling of the existing workforce through short trainings reflecting the latest developments in key capacity areas.

€1.1 billion for ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society to:

  • Support high impact deployments in areas of public interest, such as health (complemented by EU4Health programme), Green Deal, smart communities and the cultural sector.
  • Build up and strengthen the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs, aiming to have a Hub in every region, to help companies benefit from digital opportunities.
  • Support the uptake of advanced digital and related technologies by the industry, notably small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Support European public administrations and industry to deploy and access state of-the-art digital technologies (such as blockchain) and build trust in the digital transformation.

Total Budget

€ 7.6 billion

Thematic Categories

  • Audiovisual sector and Media
  • Industry
  • Information Technology
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Space
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport

Eligibility for Participation

  • Investment Funds
  • Large Enterprises
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Services Providers
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy
Directorate of Research and Innovation

Eleana Gabriel
Telephone: +357 22 691918

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Alliance for Language Technologies


    Code: 34542 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-B-06-LANGUAGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 01/08/2024 | End submission calls: 26/09/2024

    This action will directly contribute to preserving the linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe while effectively implementing the European Common Data Infrastructure and Service MCP’s objectives in the area of language technologies. By providing the necessary data and model adaptation capacities, the action will have a strong impact on the deployment of large language foundation models and their applications such as generative AI. This federated effort will be established around two work strands.

  • Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas


    Code: 34532 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-DIGITAL-07-KEYCAPACITY | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024

    The objective of the call for this topic is to support excellence in higher education institutions, making them world leaders in training the digital specialists of the future and to increase the capacity of the educational offer in the area of advanced digital skills. This should lead to the development of dynamic digital educational ecosystems where higher education institutions as well as innovative partners from industry and research work together to attract and retain the best talents worldwide.

  • Support for Implementation of EU Legislation on Cybersecurity and National Cybersecurity Strategies (2024)


    Code: 34372 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-CYBERSEC-02 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The action focuses on capacity building and the enhancement of cooperation on cybersecurity at technical, operational and strategic levels, in the context of existing and proposed EU legislation on cybersecurity. It complements the work of SOCs in the area of threat detection. It is a continuation of work currently supported under the previous Digital Work Programme.

    In addition, this action also aims at supporting the implementation of the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) by market surveillance authorities/notifying authorities/national accreditation bodies, by increasing their capacities to ensure effective implementation of the CRA.

  • Preparedness Support and Mutual Assistance, Targeting Larger Industrial Operations and Installations


    Code: 34370 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-LARGEOPER | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    This mechanism aims to complement and not duplicate efforts by Member States and those at Union level to increase the level of protection and resilience to cyber threats, in particular for large industrial installations and infrastructures, by assisting Member States in their efforts to improve the preparedness for cyber threats and incidents by providing them with knowledge and expertise.

  • Development and Deployment of Advanced Key Technologies


    Code: 34368 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-KEYTECH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    The objective is to enable European cybersecurity actors to take advantage of these new breakthroughs, improving detection and prevention capabilities, efficiency, scalability, and facilitating data sharing and regulatory compliance.

  • Strengthening the SOC Ecosystem


    Code: 34366 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOCSYS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    This topic will empower SOCs which are linked to National SOCs, and to a stronger collaboration between local SOCs, National SOCs and Cross-Border SOC platforms, leading to an increased data sharing and better detection capability for cyber threats. This should in particular foster interoperability, identifying what data can be shared, how this is shared and in what format, requirements and sharing agreements, and ways to enable better exchange.

  • Enlarging existing or Launching New Cross-Border SOC Platforms


    Code: 34364 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOCPLAT | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    This action aims at new cross-border SOC platforms, as well as supporting those that were already launched under the previous DIGITAL work programme (2021-2022). While the main focus of this action is on processes and tools for prevention, detection and analysis of emerging cyber-attacks, it also foresees in particular the acquisition and/or adoption of common (automation) tools, processes and shared data infrastructures for the management and sharing of contextualised and actionable cybersecurity operational information across the EU.

  • National SOCs


    Code: 34362 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07-SOC | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/01/2025

    National SOCs are public entities given the role at national level to act as clearinghouses for detecting, gathering and storing data on cybersecurity threats, analysing this data, and sharing and reporting Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), reviews and analyses.

    The objective is to create or strengthen National SOCs, in particular with state-of-the- art tools for monitoring, understanding and proactively managing cyber events, in close collaboration with relevant entities such as CSIRTs. They will also, where possible, benefit from information and feeds from other SOCs in their countries and use the aggregated data and analysis to deliver early warnings to targeted critical infrastructures on a need-to-know basis.

  • Towards networked Local Digital Twins in the EU


    Code: 34296 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-07-DIGITALTWIN | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024

    The action is divided in three objectives, each to be achieved through a separate work strand:

    Objective 1: Technical inter-connection of existing LDTs: Connecting data platforms and LDTs from cities and communities that already have a LDT in place, in order to create an EU “federation” of LDTs.

    Objective 2: Creation of LDTs based on common needs: Developing open-source pilots of LDTs services, based on shared needs of cities and communities that already have a local data platform and/or a LDT and want to expand them with new real-life use case services.

    Objective 3: Adding new complex AI-based tools to the LDTs toolbox: Complementing the EU LDT toolbox launched under WP2021-22 with additional complex AI-based and innovative services (e.g., for adaptable multi-sector considerations, advanced simulation and modelling approaches including bottom-up self-organised models).

    These objectives will be implemented through three work strands by a single project that will provide cascading funding to the third parties through a single call.

  • Support to the implementation of Multi-Country Projects (MCPs)


    Code: 34294 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-07-MULTICOUNTRY | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024

    Multi-Country Projects (MCPs) are large scale projects facilitating the achievement of the targets for digital transformation of the Union and industrial recovery. They involve at least three Member States and typically include the Union’s and Member States’ financing.

    The topic aims to facilitate the implementation of Multi-Country projects, including where the European Digital Infrastructure Consortia (EDICs) have been chosen as implementation mechanism. The selected projects should be implemented either by an EDIC or through another mechanism listed in the DDPP Decision, including a consortium which includes at least three Member States.

  • European Digital Media Observatory


    Code: 34270 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07-EDMO | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 04/07/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024

    The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) has been created with the aim of supporting an independent multidisciplinary community to tackle the phenomenon of disinformation. The objective of this topic is to finance the work of independent regional hubs for analysis of digital media ecosystems in order to ensure the coverage of geographical areas covered by the EDMO hubs for which the funding is ending at the end of 2024 and in 2025.

  • European Digital Identity and Trust Ecosystem (Standards and Sample Implementation)


    Code: 34129 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-06-TRUST | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 14/05/2024 | End submission calls: 24/09/2024

    This call aims to facilitate the implementation of the European Digital Identity and Trust Ecosystem in line with the amended Regulation establishing the European Digital Identity Framework.

    The objective of the European Digital Identity Framework is to improve citizen’s and businesses’ access to highly trusted and secure electronic identity means and trust services such as electronic signatures or attestations of attributes, expand citizens’ possibilities to use them to access public and private online services and improve their ability to control when and with whom their personal identity data is accessed or shared.

  • Deploying The Network of National Coordination Centres with Member States


    Code: 33076 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-NCC-06-MS-COORDINATION | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 28/11/2024

    The objective is to support the operation of the NCCs and to enable them to support the cybersecurity community, including SMEs, for the uptake and dissemination of state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions and strengthen cybersecurity capacities.

  • Agricultural Data Space (Deployment)


    Code: 33017 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-AGRISPACE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective is to deploy a secure and trusted data space to enable the agriculture sector to transparently share and access data, allowing for an increase in its economic and environmental performance. The sharing of private and public data will provide a basis for applications and new services that will contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Data Strategy, the Green Deal, and the Common Agricultural Policy. Also, the objective is to support the initiative taking into account the potential creation of a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC).

  • 1+ Million Genomes: sustainability and uptake


    Code: 33015 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-GENOME | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to enable sustainable operation and uptake of the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) that implements the EU Member States’ initiative 1+ Million Genomes (1+MG). As endorsed by Member States’ representatives in the 1+MG Group, establishing a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) to operate and maintain the European GDI is the preferred option for the sustainability of the initiative and data infrastructure.

    This action will support the preparatory work for the creation and for the operation of an EDIC, facilitate strategic orientation of the 1+MG initiative and support expert work to enable the uptake of genomics for healthcare and public health purposes, as well as the data aspects of the 1+MG Framework.

  • Competence Centre for 3D (deployment)


    Code: 33013 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-06-COMPETENCE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    This action will develop and deploy the Competence Centre for 3D, as a rich and focused reference place for 3D, XR, AI, virtual worlds and other advanced technologies for the digital transformation of CHIs. It will aim at supporting Cultural Heritage Institutions to benefit from the opportunities brought by such technologies, and sharing best practices on technical, legal and online publishing requirements, in particular standardisation of data in cooperation with the sector.

  • Demonstrating the in-service use of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) in healthcare settings


    Code: 32984 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-HEALTHRECORD | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to showcase in-service, sustainable implementation of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) in healthcare settings. In particular, it will aim at demonstrating that the EEHRxF brings value, without introducing undue burden on health professionals and health systems. The result of this action will be real-world demonstrators of the EEHRxF that will guide other stakeholders to adopt the EEHRxF, reduce the costs for its adoption and produce lessons learned.

  • Supporting patients’ access to their health data in the context of healthcare services for citizens across the EU


    Code: 32982 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-HEALTHACCESS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The action will enable patients to access their health data in the context of healthcare provision for individual citizens (i.e., ‘primary use’ of health data) thus contributing to reaching the digital target of 100% of EU citizens having access to electronic health records by 2030 as set by the Digital Decade Policy Programme. It will scale up and leverage the results from existing projects, frameworks and technologies, such as the services implemented in the ‘MyHealth@EU’ infrastructure supported under EU4Health, the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF), the EU Digital Covid Certificate (EU DCC), or the EU Digital Identity Wallet.

  • Common European mobility data space


    Code: 32979 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-MOBSPACE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to contribute to the effective implementation of the Multi-Country Project (MCP) on European common data infrastructure and services with a focus on the mobility and transport sector.

  • Energy Data Space


    Code: 32977 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-ENERSPACE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective is to deploy a reliable and secure common European data space for energy announced in the European Strategy for Data and the EU Action plan on digitalising the energy system. This data space will broaden access to data needed to develop innovative energy services that will help to balance and optimise the electricity grids and improve the energy efficiency of the built environment. It will play a key role in increasing the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources and thus advancing towards the goals set by the ‘Fit for 55’ package and the RePowerEU plan.

  • European Green Deal Data Space


    Code: 32975 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-GREENDEAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to deploy an operational Green Deal Data Space (GDDS). The action is expected to deploy a technical infrastructure and governance mechanism for the GDDS with related use cases. It will enable reusing and sharing data from existing relevant data ecosystems and dataspaces, which will feed new services and applications that contribute to reaching the objectives of the Green Deal.

  • Reference deployments of European cloud-edge services (industrial IoT Edge and Telco Edge developments)


    Code: 32970 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-AI-06-EDGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to setup one pilot demonstrating Telco Edge deployment and benefits obtained in key application areas and sectors. Furthermore, this topic intends to incentivise the balanced deployment of climate-neutral highly secure edge nodes across the EU.

  • Making available a high performing open-source European foundation model for fine-tuning


    Code: 32959 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-06-FINETUNE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The initiative aims to propose and make available one open-source large language foundation model as an infrastructure designed to be largely used by public or private users, and in particular by European SMEs, for further fine tuning. With this objective, the initiative will support the scaling up of an existing European foundation model and will release it under an open licence to maximize the impact on European Industry.

  • Alliance for Language Technologies (CSA)


    Code: 32957 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-06-LANGUAGE-02 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    This action will directly contribute to preserving the linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe while effectively implementing the European Common Data Infrastructure and Service MCP’s objectives in the area of language technologies. This action will have a strong impact on the deployment of large language foundation models and their applications such as generative AI.

  • Alliance for Language Technologies (SG)


    Code: 32955 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-06-LANGUAGE-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    This action will directly contribute to preserving the linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe while effectively implementing the European Common Data Infrastructure and Service MCP’s objectives in the area of language technologies. This action will have a strong impact on the deployment of large language foundation models and their applications such as generative AI.

  • AI in support of Quantum-Enhanced Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems


    Code: 32953 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-06-IMAGING | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The scope of this call is to develop and experimentally validate in an hospital environment a more precise and faster tool for the study, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer and/or neurological disorders (such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis) by enhancing existing MRI systems with quantum enhanced metabolic MRI and AI techniques.

  • EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action


    Code: 32949 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-INNOV | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    This topic should focus on the creation of guidance, tools, software, online courses and technical specifications to enable easy implementation of the AI Act by companies, particularly SMEs, and public entities.

  • Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI


    Code: 32947 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-TESTAI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The main objective of this action is to launch a pilot project to prepare the implementation of the concept of “EU AI testing support structures” and define the requirements for a full-scale operation of these testing facilities (after the pilot phase).

  • AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support


    Code: 32944 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-AI-ACT-06-SANDBOX | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    This action aims at providing support and coordination at EU level for AI regulatory sandboxes established under the future AI Act. This action will play a critical role in providing technical support, advice, tools and common frameworks for the effective establishment and operation of AI regulatory sandboxes and cross-border cooperation at EU level.

  • Support for Health Data Access Bodies to foster efficient pathways for AI in healthcare


    Code: 32942 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06-HEALTHCARE-AI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The goal of this action is to facilitate and streamline access to EU-wide real-world health data for specific purposes such as the development, testing, deployment and uptake of products or services contributing to public health or the training, testing and evaluation of algorithms, including in medical devices, AI systems and digital health applications. The aim of this action is also to reduce time-to-market and foster the development of new AI-based healthcare products and services that significantly improve patient safety and wellbeing, while preserving privacy and security.

  • Data Space for Skills (deployment)


    Code: 32940 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06-SKILLS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this topic is to develop and deploy a secure and trusted data space for skills. The awarded proposal will integrate, test, and deploy the data space, allowing participants to make data available and accessible, as well as sharing it, in a controlled, simple and secure way.

  • Data Space for Manufacturing (deployment)


    Code: 32938 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-06-MANUFSPACE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The goal of this action is to significantly scale up the deployment and use of the data space(s) for manufacturing by reaching a critical mass of manufacturing industries sharing industrial data and improving company operations and value chains among providers.

  • Digital Skills and Jobs Platform


    Code: 32936 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-DIGITAL-06-SKILLS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this call is to ensure the establishment of new National Coalitions and national websites in Member States that do not have one yet as well as the continued operation and expansion of activities of already established National Coalitions and national websites.

  • Innovative and Connected Public Administrations


    Code: 32921 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-06-INNOV-ADMIN | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The aim of this action is to create the conditions for developing a platform for awareness raising, ideation and piloting interoperability assets needed for cross-border digital public services.

  • Girls and Women in Digital


    Code: 32919 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-SKILLS-06-WOMEN | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/02/2024 | End submission calls: 29/05/2024

    The objective of this action is to enhance girls’ and women’s involvement in Information and communications technology (ICT), hence advancing on the DDPP target of employing 20 million ICT specialists in the Union by 2030 as well as on the ‘Women in Digital Declaration’ goal of equality in tech.

  • Roadmap for the transition of European public administrations to a post-quantum cryptography era


    Code: 32291 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-TRANSITIONEUPQC | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    Proposals should foresee a leading role for national security agencies in developing a roadmap for the transition of public administrations to post-quantum cryptography PQC. This should take into account an inventory of systems to be replaced, the timeframe, and technical and legal aspects of the migration to PQC in public administrations.

  • Standardisation and awareness of the European transition to post-quantum cryptography


    Code: 32288 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-STANDARDPQC | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    Proposals should aim to strengthen Europe’s efforts on the transition to PQC by supporting European and international standardisation activities, delivering a comprehensive European PQC industrial migration roadmap and raise awareness regarding PQC endeavours.

  • Deployment of Post Quantum Cryptography in systems in industrial sectors


    Code: 32286 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-PQCINDUSTRY | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    The objective is to enable the adoption of PQC in industrial sectors like automotive, automation, finance, control systems or energy. The overarching aim is to seamlessly integrate PQC systems, equipment, components, protocols, and network technologies into existing digital security and communication networks.

  • Tools for compliance with CRA requirements and obligations


    Code: 32283 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-COMPLIANCECRA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    The objective of this topic is to support the implementation of the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) through tools that support, and where possible automate, internal compliance procedures, including testing and specification drafting with focus towards European SMEs, in particular micro and small enterprises.

  • Strengthen Cybersecurity capacities of European SMEs in line with CRA requirements and obligations


    Code: 32281 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-STRENGTHENCRA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    The objective of this topic is to support European SMEs, with a focus on micro and small enterprises, to strengthen their cybersecurity capacities and to support the implementation of the proposed Regulation on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

  • Novel applications of AI and other enabling technologies for security operation centres


    Code: 32279 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06-ENABLINGTECH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2024

    This topic addresses enabling technologies (such as AI) for SOCs, including National SOCs which provide a central operational capacity and support other SOCs at national level and play a central role as a hub within a context of SOCs, and also Cross-border SOC platforms where such technologies can strengthen capacities to analyse, detect and prevent cyber threats and incidents, and to support the production of high-quality intelligence on cyber threats.

  • Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs – Associated Countries


    Code: 32003 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-EDIH-04-ASSOCIATED | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 20/12/2023 | End submission calls: 10/04/2024

    Set-up the Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) from all designated candidate entities resulting from the Expression of Interest. Upgrade these entities to provide the complete set of services of an EDIH, including the necessary infrastructure, in a specific geographical area, covering the needs of the local SMEs, small mid-caps and/or public sector organisations with respect to their digital transformation. Network these EDIHs with each other and with other projects selected in Digital Europe Programme developing capacities in High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and accelerating the best use of these technologies.

  • Support Centre for HPC-powered Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications


    Code: 31707 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2023-AISC-03-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 28/11/2023 | End submission calls: 27/02/2024

    The present action will establish an operational AI Support center (AISC) to provide services for AI communities, enabling AI users and developers to benefit from recent investments in a federated European supercomputing infrastructure and ecosystem. The central objective of the action is the transfer of advanced HPC-AI knowledge to the European AI user and developer communities.

  • Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas - Advanced digital skills analysis


    Code: 31663 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-05-SPECIAL-PROGEDU | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024

    This call topic will recommend priority areas for upcoming funding programmes in the area of advanced digital skills and will provide best practice examples for designing and implementing education programmes and training in this area. This topic will further support networking opportunities among the different consortia awarded from the different call topics of the Digital Europe Programme – Strategic Objective 4 (Advanced Digital Skills), building a brand of excellence.

  • Cybersecurity Skills Academy


    Code: 31661 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-05-CYBERACADEMY | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024

    The Cybersecurity Skills Academy (implemented by the European Commission, the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) constitutes a European framework for action, providing political goals and mechanisms for cooperation, to integrate various learning and training activities with the objective of increasing their visibility, accessibility and impact.

  • Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas


    Code: 31649 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-05-SPECIALEDU | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 21/11/2023 | End submission calls: 21/03/2024

    The primary objective of the call topic is to support the design and delivery of higher education programme(s), such as bachelor’s and master’s leading to a degree (at ISCED levels 6, 7 or equivalent – hereafter programmes) and to develop related selfstanding modules (online, hybrid or in-person) leading to a certification.

  • EuroHPC Virtual Training Academy


    Code: 31451 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2023-ACADEMY-02-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 07/11/2023 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024

    Central objective of the action is to establish the EuroHPC Academy covering the multidisciplinary field of HPC, including related areas such as emerging technologies (e. g. quantum computing), and its cross-cutting dimension. The action will ensure the availability of common quality and qualification standards in HPC, the compatibility of training modules and learning objectives as well as the uptake of standardisation of training and education in the European HPC ecosystem. Overall, the Academy will significantly contribute to a more knowledgeable HPC workforce driving innovation and competitiveness in the European economy.

  • Data Space for tourism


    Code: 31062 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-DATA-AI-05-DATATOURISM | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 28/09/2023 | End submission calls: 23/01/2024

    The objective is to develop a trusted and secure common European data space for tourism building on the work and recommendations of two preparatory actions for the data space for tourism.

  • Data Space for Cultural heritage


    Code: 31060 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-DATA-AI-05-CULTHERITAGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 28/09/2023 | End submission calls: 23/01/2024

    The objective of this call is to support and increase the offer of 3D and XR content in the common European data space for cultural heritage. In this way, the selected projects will help advance the digital transformation of the cultural heritage institutions, as well as the reuse of such content in other domains, such us tourism or education.

  • Supporting competitiveness and innovation potential of SMEs


    Code: 30778 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2023-SME-01-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 07/09/2023 | End submission calls: 07/11/2023

    Central objective of the action is to empower SMEs with advanced computational capabilities on the basis of HPC, enabling them to drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and overcome challenges in the digitisation of R&D and business processes. By promoting HPC adoption, the action will unlock new opportunities, accelerate growth, and foster economic development for SMEs.

    Stimulating the HPC innovation potential of SMEs aims to position SMEs as technology leaders, fuel their success, and contribute to the overall advancement of industries and economies.

  • Standardisation in the area of Cybersecurity


    Code: 29396 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2023-DEPLOY-CYBER-04-STANDARDISATION | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objective of this topic is to support further standardisation in the area of cybersecurity, notably in view of the implementation of the proposed Regulation on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), in particular with a view to improving the awareness and engage stakeholders in such standardisation work.

  • Support for implementation of EU legislation on cybersecurity and national cybersecurity strategies


    Code: 29394 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2023-DEPLOY-CYBER-04-EULEGISLATION | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action focuses on capacity building and the enhancement of cooperation on cybersecurity at technical, operational and strategic levels, in the context of existing and proposed EU legislation on cybersecurity. In addition, it aims at improving industrial and market readiness for the cybersecurity requirements set in the proposal for a regulation on cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements, known as the Cyber Resilience Act bolstering cybersecurity rules to ensure more secure hardware and software products.

  • Coordination between the cybersecurity civilian and defence spheres


    Code: 29391 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2023-DEPLOY-CYBER-04-CIVIL-DEFENCE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The aim is to organise activities that bring foster exchange with regards to cybersecurity technologies that have relevance in both civilian and defence context: meetings, workshops and collaborative activities between stakeholders of the civil and defence communities, addressing all stakeholders (academic, SMEs, industry, public authorities, etc.).

  • Preparedness support and mutual assistance


    Code: 29358 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2023-DEPLOY-CYBER-04-SUPPORT-ASSIST | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This mechanism aims to complement and not duplicate efforts by Member States and those at Union level to increase the level of protection and resilience to cyber threats, by assisting Member States in their efforts to improve the preparedness for cyber threats and incidents by providing them with knowledge and expertise.

  • Uptake of Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions


    Code: 29356 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-UPTAKE-CYBERSOLUTIONS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 06/07/2023

    The focus will be on improving cybersecurity capabilities across the EU, notably for SMEs and public organisations, through both supply and demand support measures. This may include awareness raising measures (where relevant in line with activities promoted by ENISA), or marketplace platforms supporting interaction between suppliers and adopters of cybersecurity solutions and training.

  • Capacity building of Security Operation Centres


    Code: 29354 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-SOC | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 06/07/2023

    The objective will be to create, support and/or strengthen, and interconnect, cyber threat detection capacities, allowing for reinforced capacities to monitor and detect cyber threats, the creation of collective knowledge and sharing of best practices. In addition, data and capacities related to cybersecurity threat intelligence will be brought together from multiple sources (such as CSIRTs and other relevant cybersecurity actors) where appropriate.

    The aim is to improve cybersecurity resilience with faster detection and response to cybersecurity incidents and threats through the establishment of cyber threat detection and analysis capabilities, leveraging disruptive technologies, and sharing of information leading to increased situational awareness and stronger cyber resilience.

  • EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecurity Ranges


    Code: 29351 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-B-03-CYBER-RESILIENCE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 06/07/2023

    Proposals should address at least one of the following objectives:

    • To strengthen the capacity of cybersecurity actors in the Union to monitor cyber-attacks and threats and supply chain risks, to react jointly against large incidents, and to improve relevant knowledge, skills and training. This objective will be pursued through the implementation of the Blueprint considering the important role of the Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) network and of the Cyber Crisis Liaison Organization Network (CyCLONe).
    • To create, interconnect and strengthen cybersecurity ranges at European, national and regional level as well as within and across critical infrastructures, including in but not limited to sectors covered by the NIS Directive, in view to share knowledge and cybersecurity threat intelligence between stakeholders in the Member States, better monitor cybersecurity threats, and respond jointly to cyber-attacks.

  • Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform


    Code: 29342 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-B-03-AI-ON-DEMAND | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 25/05/2023 | End submission calls: 29/08/2023

    The objective of this action is to develop and deploy the AI-on-demand platform, building on the results from the project implementing the AI-on-demand preparatory action, providing the requirements and underlying mechanisms for such platform. The awarded project will develop and deploy the AI-on-demand platform in close cooperation with the project implementing the preparatory action, taking into account the proposed requirements and mechanisms to optimise the impact of the AI-on-demand platform.

  • Highly secure collaborative platform for aeronautics and security industry


    Code: 29221 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-AEROSEC Grant | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objective is to develop a commercially viable highly secure cloud-based collaborative platform for the management of sensitive multi-country industrial initiatives in the aeronautics and security sector, including civil security.

  • Coordination of AI sectorial testing and experimentation facilities


    Code: 29219 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-COORDINATEF | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The Coordination and support action grant will support the sectorial Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) created under the WP 2021-2022 (Health, Manufacturing, Agri-Food, Smart Cities and Communities) and the future new ones to be create under the Digital Europe Programme, to develop complementary cross-TEF activities in providing AI services from a cross-sector perspective, to maximise the overall impact of TEFs in their ambitions of achieving world-class excellence and help the sectorial TEFs to better link with relevant EU projects, initiatives and stakeholders in the AI ecosystem of excellence.

  • Developing citiverse


    Code: 29216 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-DEVELOPCITI Grant | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action will help define what the ‘CitiVerse’ means for Europe building on the smart communities’ data infrastructure that is developed under WP2021-22 and WP23-24. The objective is to bring EU CitiVerse industry, including SMEs, together in developing the different layers of VR/AR worlds useful for local authorities and citizens.

  • Genome of Europe


    Code: 29212 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-GENOME | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action will support the implementation of the Genome of Europe (GoE) multi-country project and contribute to achieving the objectives and long-term ambition of the 1+million Genomes (1+MG) initiative. The focus of the action is on whole genome sequencing at clinical grade depth necessary for clinical application.

  • Federated European Infrastructure for intensive care units' (ICU) data


    Code: 29208 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-ICU-DATA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The action will establish and deploy a pan-European federated infrastructure for Intensive Care Units’ (ICU) data combined with governance mechanisms allowing secure cross-border access and use of ICU datasets, related tools and resources.

  • Cloud IPCEI Exploitation office


    Code: 29206 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-AI-04-IPCEI-EXPLOIT | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action will support the overall coordination, monitoring, dissemination and long-term exploitation of the activities within the pre-notified Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud and Edge Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS) via the set-up of a Cloud IPCEI Exploitation Office.

  • European Digital Media observatory (EDMO) - National and multinational hubs


    Code: 29201 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-DEPLOY-04-EDMO-HUBS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objective of this topic is to finance the work of independent national and multinational EDMO hubs operating in geographical areas covered by existing EDMO hubs for which the funding is ending at the end of 2023 and in 20246.  In this regard, one Member State should be covered by only one hub (including existing hubs and hubs yet to be established), unless this can be duly justified by the media and information ecosystem. At the same time, one hub can cover more than one Member State.

  • Network of safer Internet Centres (SICs)


    Code: 29198 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-DEPLOY-04-NETWORK-OF-SICs | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objective of the topic is to continue to support national Safer Internet Centres (which may be composed of one or more NGOs, government bodies/agencies, private sector organisations) in providing online safety information, educational resources, public awareness tools and counselling and reporting services (through dedicated helplines and hotlines) for children and youth, parents/carers, teachers and educators, and other professionals working with children. The activities performed by the Safer Internet Centres will help minors to tackle online risks and to become media-literate, resilient, digital citizens, and will allow citizens to anonymously report online child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

  • Support to Dissemination and exploitation (D&E)


    Code: 29196 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-PROGRAM-SUPPORT-04-DISSEM-EXPLOIT | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action will maximise the impact of the Digital Europe Programme and the take up of its results through a Dissemination and Exploitation (D&E) conceptual and operational framework, including the delivery of a number of practical actions.

  • Supporting the network of National contact points (NCPs)


    Code: 29194 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-PROGRAM-SUPPORT-04-NETWORK-NCPs | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    This action will support the coordination between different National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Digital Europe Programme, the preparation and execution of actions that maximise awareness and the impact of the programme and the long-term dissemination and exploitation of results. The selected project will provide support for all specific objectives of Digital Europe Programme and contribute to the development of a specific NCPs network for Digital Europe Programme.

  • Boosting Digital Skills of young pupils, in particular girls


    Code: 29191 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-04-BOOSTINGDIGIT | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The first objective of the selected project is to scale up the EU Code Week initiative to spread computational thinking and coding to as many people as possible, focusing particularly on young people, teachers and schools.
    The second objective of the selected project is to put a strong emphasis on boosting the digital skills of young people, particularly of girls, to encourage them to pursue studies in STEM disciplines and take up a career in ICT.

  • Reinforcing skills in semiconductors


    Code: 29188 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-04-SEMICONDUCTORS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The share of students choosing semiconductors disciplines is too low to satisfy the demand required by the labour market. The shortage of employees with specific knowledge in semiconductors, and in particular the negligible share of students willing to undertake this field, has many different causes related to the low awareness of the impact of semiconductors in the society and citizens’ daily life, and too low expectations in terms of prospective career and employment conditions. The problem is acute, given the gap between the labour market demands and the unavailability of both technicians and high-level graduates, and it is even more exacerbated by a strong gender imbalance.

    A further effort is needed to increase the workforce, i.e., the number of graduated students and of technicians, and assure the acquired skills meet the job profiles required by industry.

  • EU Energy saving reference framework


    Code: 29162 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-DEPLOY-BESTUSE-TECH-04-ENERSAVING | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objective of this call for proposals is to establish and promote the widespread adoption of a Common European Reference Framework (CERF) for energy saving applications throughout the EU. This framework will include an open-source reference implementation, for energy and cost saving consumer applications and it is designed for integration into both commercial and non-commercial applications.

  • Digital Product Passport


    Code: 29132 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2023-CLOUD-DATA-04-DIGIPASS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 26/09/2023

    The objectives of this call are the following:

    • to enable sharing of key product related information that are essential for products’ sustainability and circularity, including those specified in Annex III of ESPR proposal, across all the relevant economic actors. Consequently, to accelerate the transition to circular economy, boosting material and energy efficiency, extending products lifetimes and optimising products design, manufacturing, use and end of life handling;
    • to provide new business opportunities to economic actors through circular value retention and optimisation (for example product-as-a-service activities, improved repair, servicing, remanufacturing, and recycling) based on improved access to data;
    • to help consumers in making sustainable choices; and
    • to allow authorities to verify compliance with legal obligations.

  • Application Support in High Performance Computing


    Code: 27876 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-APPSUPPORT-01-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 01/02/2023 | End submission calls: 03/05/2023

    The call aims for the establishment and four-year operation of a distributed European-wide high- performance computing application support service. The selected project should bring together Application Support Teams (AST) established (primarily) in current or future EuroHPC Hosting Entities, operating the EuroHPC supercomputers. ASTs will work closely with the EuroHPC JU Peer Review Office managing the evaluation and allocation of access time to European HPC supercomputers as the applications and respective user teams to be supported will be primarily selected by peer-review process managed by the EuroHPC JU. Through this process ASTs are expected to provide their services to a selected number of flagship/lighthouse which have been allocated time in the context of the EuroHPC JU Extreme Scale and Regular Access calls.

  • EuroHPC Training Platform and support to the International HPC Summer School


    Code: 27873 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-TRAINING-02-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 26/01/2023 | End submission calls: 04/04/2023

    EuroHPC JU would like to build on prior experience to support an International Summer School in HPC and to gradually increase the participation compared to previous International Summer Schools.
    EuroHPC JU would like to bring together at least 40 advanced HPC users, primarily from the EuroHPC Participating States, annually to meet and share best practice in the field of HPC and Quantum computing.
    The International Summer School aims to attract HPC users who are usually graduate students and post-doctoral researchers with relevant knowledge in HPC. The participants must come from a number different scientific communities from across the world.

  • EuroHPC traineeships in Hosting Entities, Centres of Excellence and Competence Centres, SMEs and Industry


    Code: 27870 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-TRAINING-03-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 26/01/2023 | End submission calls: 04/04/2023

    EuroHPC JU would like to invite applications from consortia who will develop a EuroHPC Training Platform which will be a portal that will provide a central database of HPC training services based on a user-oriented approach, is inclusive, interactive, easy to administer, and provide a neutral and independent platform to promote training initiatives from across the EuroHPC ecosystem.

    The objective is to train future HPC specialists to acquire the necessary advanced digital skills needed for the deployment of a specific technology, by providing traineeships in either an HPC competence centre, companies or SMEs using HPC systems or EuroHPC Hosting Entities.

  • Data space for security and law enforcement


    Code: 25952 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-DATA-SEC-LAW-03-ENFORCE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/12/2022 | End submission calls: 16/03/2023

    The objective of this call is to deploy a common European Security data space for innovation allowing research, development, testing, training and validation of algorithms for AI-based systems for security (law enforcement) based on various types of datasets, including operational pseudonymized and anonymised datasets.

  • Uptake Of Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions


    Code: 25009 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-UPTAKE-CYBERSOLUTIONS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The focus will be on improving cybersecurity capabilities across the EU, notably for SMEs and public organisations, through both supply and demand support measures. This may include awareness raising measures (where relevant in line with activities promoted by ENISA), or marketplace platforms supporting interaction between suppliers and adopters of cybersecurity solutions and training.

  • Securing 5G Strategic Digital Infrastructures And Technologies


    Code: 24998 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-SEC-5G-INFRASTRUCTURE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The objective will be to support relevant entities in Member States, such as regulators of electronic communications or security agencies, in the implementation of their national cybersecurity strategies and legislation, in line with European 5G cybersecurity policy. This aims to support knowledge and capacity building for relevant national authorities regarding e.g.:

    • exchange of best practices
    • staff trainings
    • deployment of innovative evaluation methods
    • support standardisation actions
    • procurement of specialised services (e.g. audit and technical assessments)

  • Testing and Certification Capabilities


    Code: 24994 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-TEST-CERT-CAPABILTIES | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The objective of this topic is to increase and facilitate security and interoperability testing capabilities and certification of connected ICT systems. This aims to improve the capabilities and cooperation of cybersecurity certification stakeholders.

  • EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecurity Ranges


    Code: 24990 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-CYBER-RESILIENCE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The implementation of this topic has two main objectives:

    • To strengthen the capacity of cybersecurity actors in the Union to monitor cyber-attacks and threats and supply chain risks, to react jointly against large incidents, and to improve relevant knowledge, skills and training. This objective will be pursued through the implementation of the Blueprint and the future Joint Cyber Unit considering the important role of the Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) network and of the Cyber Crisis Liaison Organization Network (CyCLONe).
    • To create, interconnect and strengthen Cybersecurity ranges at European, national and regional level as well as within and across critical infrastructures, including in but not limited to sectors covered by the NIS Directive, in view to share knowledge and cybersecurity threat intelligence between stakeholders in the Member States, better monitor cybersecurity threats, and respond jointly to cyber-attacks.

  • Specialised education programmes or modules in key capacity areas


    Code: 24550 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-SKILLS-03-SPECIALISED-EDU | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    The action aims at increasing and improving the offer of education programmes and the number of students specialised in key capacity areas.
    The actions also aim at supporting more inter-disciplinary courses that can equip professionals with relevant advanced digital skills and increase diversity among students and future digital experts (for example data analytics skills for professionals in different sectors).

    The primary objective of this call is to support the design and delivery of higher education programme(s), such as bachelor’s and master’s (at ISCED LEVEL 6,7 or equivalent – hereafter education programmes) and to develop related self-standing modules/courses (online or in-person) leading to a certification.

  • Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs


    Code: 24548 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-EDIH-03-INITIAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    Set-up the Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) from all designated candidate entities resulting from the Expression of Interest. Upgrade these entities to provide the complete set of services of an EDIH, including the necessary infrastructure, in a specific geographical area, covering the needs of the local SMEs, small mid-caps and/or public sector organisations with respect to their digital transformation.

  • Capacity building of Security Operation Centres


    Code: 24544 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-SOC | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The objective will be to create, support and/or strengthen and interconnect SOCs at regional, national and EU level. This will allow for reinforced capacities to monitor and detect cyber threats, the creation of collective knowledge and sharing of best practices.
    The aim is to improve cybersecurity resilience with faster detection and response to cybersecurity incidents and threats at national and EU level through the establishment of SOCs, leveraging disruptive technologies, and sharing of information leading to increased situational awareness and stronger EU supply chains.

  • Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Centres With Member States


    Code: 24539 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-NAT-COORDINATION | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    Working together through a network – will contribute to achieving the objectives of this regulation and to foster the Cybersecurity Competence Community in each Member State, contributing to acquire the necessary capacity. National Coordination Centres (NCC) will support cybersecurity capacity building at national and, where relevant, regional and local levels. They shall aim at fostering cross-border cooperation and at the preparation of joint actions as defined in the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and Network regulation.

  • Large-scale pilots for cloud-to-edge based service solutions


    Code: 24522 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-03-PILOTS-CLOUD-SERVICES | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    Large-scale pilot projects will be launched aiming at the deployment at scale of innovative, sustainable, secure and cross-border cloud-to-edge based services applied in a set of well-chosen application sectors. These deployments will serve the double objective of, first, being the first actual concrete implementations and deployments of the middleware platform and its different open source middleware solutions serving the needs of a specific application sector and use case and the gained experience should feedback into this separate process. Diversity, both in geography and use cases, of the retained large scale pilot projects will therefore be key in testing the versatility and robustness of the platform. The second objective is to deploy additional cloud-to-edge services that are particularly innovative and/or not (yet) of enough general interest to be procured for the common good.

  • Data space for mobility (deployment)


    Code: 24520 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-MOBILITY | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    The objective is to contribute to the further development of the common European mobility data space announced in the Data Strategy and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, built and operated in full compliance with existing EU legislation in the mobility and transport sectors.
    The specific aim is to support the creation of a technical infrastructure combined with governance mechanisms that will facilitate easy, cross-border access to key data resources in this area.

  • Data space for media (deployment)


    Code: 24517 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-MEDIA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    The objective is to respond to the challenge of boosting innovation and mobilize the media industry and provide a strong support for the creation of a European data space able to foster the competitiveness of the European media sector. Such a data infrastructure will be used to boost the use of data for innovative content (entertainment, education and news), and for innovative production and distribution.

  • Supporting The NIS Directive Implementation And National Cybersecurity Strategies


    Code: 24515 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03-NIS-DIRECTIVE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 15/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/02/2023

    The action focuses on Member States and European capacity building and the enhancement of cross-border cooperation on cybersecurity at technical, operational and strategic levels. It is a continuation of work currently supported under the CEF Telecom programme.

  • Data space for manufacturing (deployment)


    Code: 24511 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-MANUF | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    Data sharing among manufacturing companies and with (service) providers will be increased by the deployment of two data spaces of the manufacturing industry, which will demonstrate how sharing industrial data improves company operations across supply chains and using deep industrial data within production environments, enhances business opportunities for industrial data value added services, and supports the transition towards a circular economy.
    The main objective is to deploy two operational data spaces across value chains in the manufacturing sector, which enable companies in different user roles (e.g. supplier, client, service provider) to interact with large amounts of industrial data across their organisational borders.

  • Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform


    Code: 24498 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-AI-ON-DEMAND | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    The objective of this action is to develop and deploy the AI-on-demand platform, providing the requirements and underlying mechanisms for such platform.

  • Data space for smart communities (deployment)


    Code: 24496 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-DS-SMART | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 29/09/2022 | End submission calls: 24/01/2023

    Activities in this topic will pilot and apply the principles of the data space for smart communities defined in the blueprint, on a large scale and with good geographical coverage, to build EU capacity for connecting data from all relevant domains, following their specific legislation. They will also contribute to the fine-tuning and improving the blueprint via a continuous feedback loop to the project. This Data Space will be controlled by public data holders, using open standard based tools and supported by the common middleware platform. It should also create synergies with the project.

  • Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks


    Code: 24049 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-QCI-02-DEPLOY-NATIONAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 30/08/2022 | End submission calls: 22/09/2022

    The objective of this topic is twofold. On one hand to deploy advanced national quantum systems and networks for testing quantum communication technologies and for integrating them with existing communication networks. On the other hand to use these quantum systems and networks for developing and testing use cases in support of national QCI initiatives in the context of the EuroQCI initiative.

  • Security (law enforcement): AI-based pilot


    Code: 19440 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02-LAW-SECURITY-AI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The overall objective is to enable the final validation and foster the uptake of AI systems for LE by running large scale pilots in LEAs premises. This is necessary, as AI systems for LE need, in most cases, a final validation on real operational datasets that can only be accessed in stand-alone secured environments.

  • Support to the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation


    Code: 19437 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02-ELECTRONIC-ID | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The topic aims to develop and pilot tools that support the implementation of the new European electronic identity for all stakeholders.
    It also intends to develop and develop use cases, including innovative solutions, for the new EU-eID ecosystem by leveraging and using decentralized technology synergies and working on a self-governing identity framework undertaken at EBSI and developed as part of a new electronic trust service. (electronic ledgers). It will support the application of the one-time principle and the sharing of data between public administrations in the EU under user control.

  • GovTech Incubator


    Code: 19429 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-GOVTECH-02-INCUBATOR-FPA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The GovTech incubator Framework Partnership Agreement aims to foster cross-border collaboration between digitalisation agencies in the different Member States and countries associated to the Programme, involving also GovTech actors from the private sector and academia.

  • Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Centres With Member States


    Code: 19427 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CYBER-02-NAT-COORDINATION | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    With the creation of the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre the National Coordination Centres – working together through a network – will contribute to achieving the objectives of this regulation and to foster the Cybersecurity Competence Community in each Member State, contributing to acquire the necessary capacity. National Coordination Centres (NCC) will support cybersecurity capacity building at national and, where relevant, regional and local levels. They shall aim at fostering cross-border cooperation and at the preparation of joint actions as defined in the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and Network regulation.

  • Data space for cultural heritage (deployment)


    Code: 19424 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CULTURAL-02-HERITAGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The aim of this call is to create a technical infrastructure in conjunction with governance mechanisms that will ensure easy, cross-border access to key data sets in the target area. The call focuses on seizing the opportunities of advanced technologies for the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, like 3D, artificial intelligence or machine learning for increasing the quality, sustainability, use and re-use of data. These projects must contribute to the common European data space of cultural heritage, and will build digital capacity by collaborating with existing and relevant European national and regional initiatives and platforms.

  • EBSI – Deployment of services


    Code: 19421 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02-EBSI-SERVICES | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The objective is to support through grants actions that reinforce the EBSI infrastructure and the EBP use cases. This will engage a large range of European actors in actions related to EBSI and EBP priorities.

  • Testing and experimentation Facility for smart cities and communities


    Code: 19407 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-TEF-SMART | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The objective of this call is to provide a testing and experimentation facility for AI and robotics in cities and communities and make their resources accessible to EU cities, communities and innovative academia and industry stakeholders (including SMEs) that would enable them to validate novel AI-driven services in close-to-real-life environments before their further massive deployment.

  • Short term training courses in key capacity areas


    Code: 19404 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-TRAINING-02-SHORT-COURSES | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The aim of this action is to give the possibility to the current workforce to access trainings reflecting the latest developments in key capacity areas, such as HPC, Cybersecurity, AI and other emerging technologies. These technologies evolve at such a fast pace that requires a constant update of the digital skills, also of the people already in employment. This investment will increase the number of men and women able to design, develop and deploy digital solutions in the economy and across sectors.

  • Promoting European innovation in education


    Code: 19400 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-SKILLS-02-INNOVATE-EDU | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    This action will support the digital transformation of the education sector at European level by boosting innovation in education in Europe by supporting EdTech start-ups and SMEs to accelerate their disruptive EdTech solutions.

  • Testing and Experimentation Facility for Manufacturing


    Code: 19398 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-TEF-MANUF | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The scope and resources of the manufacturing TEF will be driven by use cases of significant economic value and will provide adequate coverage of activities allowing the deployment of the latest AI-based technologies in real manufacturing environments.

  • Public Sector Open Data for AI and Open Data Platform


    Code: 19396 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-OPEN-AI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The objective is to increase the easy availability, quality and usability of public sector information in compliance with the requirement of the Open Data Directive, in order to boost the re-use and combination of open public data across the EU for the development of information products and services, including AI applications.

  • Federated European infrastructure for cancer images data


    Code: 19392 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-CANCER-IMAGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    This action will support the deployment of the infrastructure needed to link and explore fragmented European databases of medical images of different types of cancer, with a solid governance and clear business model for ingestion of data and its exploitation by public and private organisations in Member States and associated countries (controllers of data), industry and innovators.

  • Support to cybersecurity in the health sector


    Code: 19390 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CYBER-02-SUPPORTHEALTH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The focus will be on improving the cybersecurity capabilities of healthcare and public health institutions across the EU, including cybersecurity services and products, skills and training, awareness raising, and exchange of information, and others.
    Cross-border solutions will be promoted where appropriate.

  • Testing and Experimentation Facility for Agri-Food


    Code: 19317 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-TEF-AGRIFOOD | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The principal objective of this measure is to further the development of the agri-food sector by enabling the full benefit of the digital transformation with AI and AI-powered robotics technologies and the move to a Circular Economy for a more sustainable, affordable, efficient and competitive production under high standards.

  • Data space for security and law enforcement


    Code: 19314 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02-SEC-LAW | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The objective is to deploy a common European Security data space for innovation allowing research, development, testing, training and validation of algorithms for AI-based systems for security (law enforcement) based on various types of datasets, including operational pseudonymized and anonymized datasets, following the data minimization principle. Particular attention must be given to reducing potential bias in algorithms to be used by law enforcement.

  • Blockchain Standardisation


    Code: 19308 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02-BLOCKCHAIN-STANDARD | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 22/02/2022 | End submission calls: 17/05/2022

    The objective is to reinforce the European presence in blockchain standardisation efforts.

  • Preparatory actions for data spaces for manufacturing


    Code: 15699 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-MANUFACT | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The preparatory action will establish a multi-stakeholder data governance, an inventory of existing data platforms for manufacturing and a blueprint for manufacturing-specific building blocks which could contribute to the long-term convergence of existing and new data-related initiatives in manufacturing by making use of the data space technical infrastructure. The preparatory actions will support the deployment of these data spaces for manufacturing, and propose sustainable business models and incentives schemes to motivate participants to share data.
    The action will bring together existing national, regional and local data ecosystems, and relevant stakeholders, to join efforts and identify common principles for sharing industrial data and re-using large pools of data at the EU level.

  • Data Space for Mobility


    Code: 15697 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-MOB | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective is to contribute to the further development of the common European Mobility data space announced in the Data Strategy and in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, built and operated in full compliance with existing EU legislation in the mobility and transport sectors. The specific aim is to support the creation of a technical infrastructure combined with governance mechanisms that will facilitate easy, cross-border access to key data resources in this area.
    Data for sustainable urban mobility indicators (SUMI) and for traffic and travel information in urban and regional areas will be made available for reuse for the development of innovative services and applications, and for policymaking.

  • Create a European Industrial Ecosystem for Secure QCI technologies and systems


    Code: 15694 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-INDUSTRIAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    To prepare for the industrialisation and deployment of quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) technological and operational capabilities and advanced QCI networks essential for European cybersecurity, and contribute to the development of a European industrial QCI ecosystem, including a thriving SME sector. This support is needed to contribute to European technological autonomy in the highly strategic field of quantum communication technologies.

  • Data Spaces Support Centre


    Code: 15691 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-SUPPCENTRE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of this action is to set up and operate a Support Centre, which coordinates all relevant actions on sectorial data spaces and makes available (blueprint) architectures and data infrastructure requirements for the data spaces, including possible technologies, processes, standard and tools that will allow reuse of data across sectors by the public sector and European businesses, notably SMEs. It will also support the work of the envisaged Data Innovation Board in view of enhancing the interoperability of data as well as data sharing services between different sectors and domains.

  • e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange (e-CODEX)


    Code: 15688 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-ECODEX | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of this topic is to continue ensuring the operation and evolutive maintenance of e-CODEX started under previous programmes (ICT Policy Support Programme, ICT PSP, part of the Competitive and Innovation framework Programme, CIP, of the EU, ICT PSP CIP, and further developed and maintained under the Connecting Europe Facility, CEF, programme of the EU) and now in use, and to provide support to the stakeholders and users of the system until the planned hand-over to eu-LISA in 2023 in accordance with relevant legislation.

  • Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs


    Code: 15685 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-INITIAL-01 | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    Set-up the Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) from all designated candidate entities resulting from the Expression of Interest (1.1). Upgrade these entities to provide the complete set of services of an EDIH, including the necessary infrastructure, in a specific geographical area, covering the needs of the local SMEs, small mid-caps and/or public sector organisations with respect to their digital transformation. Network these EDIHs with each other and with other projects selected in Digital Europe Programme developing capacities in High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and accelerating the best use of these technologies.

  • Preparatory actions for the data space for Agriculture


    Code: 15682 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-AGRI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The main objective is to develop a secure and trusted data space to enable the agriculture sector to transparently share and access data allowing for an increase in its economic and environmental performance. The data space is expected to facilitate the sharing, processing and analysis of production data, open data and possibly other public data (e.g. soil data). Production data supplemented by publicly held data will present new opportunities for monitoring and optimising the use of natural resources and will contribute to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal and the Common Agricultural Policy.

  • Preparatory actions for the data space for tourism


    Code: 15680 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-TOURISM | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    A tourism data space, through its connection to other sectoral data spaces (e.g. cultural heritage) will provide access to information to the ecosystem, with an impact on productivity, greening and sustainability, innovative business models and upskilling. The preparatory action will establish a multi-stakeholder data governance, an inventory of existing data platforms for tourism and a blueprint for tourism-specific building blocks which could contribute to the long-term convergence of existing and new data-related initiatives in tourism by making use of the data space technical infrastructure. The preparatory actions will support the deployment of these data spaces for tourism, and propose sustainable business models and incentives schemes to motivate participants to share data.

  • Advanced digital skills analysis


    Code: 15677 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01-ANALYSIS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of this action is to support the rollout of initiatives for advanced digital skills development, by gathering inputs on the existing education offers in digital areas and the related needs of the labour market.

  • Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas


    Code: 15675 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01-SPECIALISED | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The action aims at increasing and improving the offer of education programmes and the number of students specialised in key capacity areas. The offer will be expanded in terms of geographical distribution (including outermost regions and other disadvantaged regions), number of opportunities and relevance to latest technological developments. The actions also aim at supporting more inter-disciplinary courses that can equip professionals with relevant advanced digital skills and increase diversity among students and future digital experts (for example data analytics skills for professionals in different sectors). The goal is to encourage organisations to work together and develop ecosystems of excellence able to train, attract and retain the best digital talents, including by contributing to closing the gender gap in these fields.

  • Testing and Experimentation Facility for Edge AI


    Code: 15671 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-TEF-EDGE | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The overall aim of the Testing and Experimentation Facility (TEF) for Edge AI hardware is to ensure the availability in Europe of trusted, high-performance, low-power edge components and technologies to support the massive data-processing requirements of AI and the digital transformation. The emergence of novel computing paradigms, such as neuromorphic, provides an opportunity for the European industry to take the lead in a new generation of edge and distributed computing systems.
    This project aims at delivering a European platform that will enable companies to develop, test and experiment AI product prototypes based on advanced low-power computing technologies, custom-designed for their application environment.

  • Preparatory actions for the Green Deal Data Space


    Code: 15669 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-DS-GREEN-DEAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The action should also establish links to relevant initiatives under the Green Deal to ensure a user-driven development of the data space, in particular those (e.g. Horizon Europe activities such as the Green Deal Missions) that will provide significant opportunities to test, experiment and up-scale the input to and use of the data space
    with local partners. Τhe project will propose a roadmap for the deployment of a full-fledged common European Green Deal data space and liaise with potential users and other relevant actors to ensure synergies between users and infrastructures.

  • Coordinate the first deployment of national EuroQCI projects and prepare the large-scale QKD testing and certification infrastructure


    Code: 15664 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-EUROQCI-QKD | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    To coordinate the developments and findings of the national QCI projects; to prepare for the deployment of a flexible large-scale testing and certification QKD infrastructure that is in the service of all relevant actors of the participating Member States; and to assess the full-scale compliance of different EU technologies with a view to their later integration in EuroQCI. This support is needed to contribute to European technological autonomy in the highly strategic field of quantum communication technologies.

  • An ecosystem for digital twins in healthcare


    Code: 15661 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-DEPLOY-01-TWINS-HEALTH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The development of digital twins in healthcare (DTH) has progressed substantially, profiting from advances in science and technology. In order to exploit their benefits in view of better prevention approaches, faster and more accurate diagnoses, personalised treatments and care, a framework to structure cooperation and leverage on synergies between academia, private sector, regulators and end-users needs to be strengthened.

    The objective is to support the roll-out of DTH by mapping and structuring the ecosystem within the EU Member States and associated countries to identify and pool existing resources, and foster collaboration and overall integration of the stakeholders, while ensuring adequate clinical representation.

  • Uptake of digital solutions in Health and Care


    Code: 15658 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-DEPLOY-01-HEALTH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    This action will support a coordinated multi-stakeholder approach for the uptake and integration of digital solutions along the continuum of health and care. It will take forward and consolidate achievements in terms of interoperability, common dataspaces, telemedicine and digital solutions for person-centred care by engaging with the ecosystem, and creating buy-in from key stakeholders. It will also build on existing initiatives to support swift actions for digital preparedness for pandemics. This action should also ensure synergies with relevant efforts supported under Horizon Europe cluster 1 “Health”, in particular with the Co-funded Partnership with Member States and Associated Countries aimed at Transforming Health and Care Systems.

  • Preparatory actions for the data space for smart communities


    Code: 15652 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-SMART-COMM | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The project will bring together existing local data ecosystems, and relevant stakeholders, public and private, to join efforts and identify common principles for sharing large pools of data at the EU level. The action will contribute to the definition of the technical infrastructure for data sharing across relevant domains (in particular, traffic, electricity, pollution, urban infrastructure, extreme weather events, water and waste management, etc.) in order to create cross-domain innovation and move towards the Green transition in each local context.

  • Preparatory actions for the AI-on-demand platform


    Code: 15641 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-PREP-AI | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of this support action is to prepare the development of the AI-on-demand platform described above, in order to optimise its design and maximise its impact.

  • Safer Internet Centres (SICs)


    Code: 15638 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-SAFERINTERNET | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of the topic is to support national SICs (i.e., hubs gathering NGOs, government bodies/agencies, private sector organisations) in providing online safety information, educational resources, public awareness tools and counselling and reporting services (through dedicated helplines and hotlines) for young people, teachers, and parents. The activities performed by the SICs will help minors to tackle online risks and to become media literate, resilient digital citizens, and will allow citizens to anonymously report online child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

  • Digital Product Passport: sustainable and circular systems


    Code: 15636 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-DIGIPASS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of the DPP is to support sustainable production, to enable the transition to circular economy, to provide new business opportunities to economic actors, to support consumers in making sustainable choices and to allow authorities to verify compliance with legal obligations.
    The objective of this Coordination and Support Action, is to prepare the ground for a gradual deployment as of 2023 of digital product passport in minimum 3 key value chains: electronics (at least consumer electronics), batteries. 

  • Preparatory actions for the data space for skills


    Code: 15633 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-PREPACTS-DS-01-SKILLS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective is to deploy a secure and trusted data space to support sharing and accessing skills data for various purposes, from analytical and statistical purposes to policy development or re-use in innovative applications. The data space will provide easy, cross-border access to key datasets, deploying trust mechanisms (security and privacy by design) and develop data services matching European values, in particular of ethics, diversity and privacy.
    Data is at the core of skills and education, offering enormous potential for innovative applications. Databases of job offers, lists of curricula and certifications, inventory of topics studied at all levels of education can help better defining human resource, training, business or educational policy strategies.

  • Digital Solutions in support of the New European Bauhaus Initiative


    Code: 15630 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-DEPLOY-01-BAUHAUS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The project will identify digital solutions that could contribute to the implementation of the New European Bauhaus initiative and more broadly of the adoption of its values (sustainability, inclusiveness, and aesthetics) in living spaces for a better quality of life. This action will support better coordination of relevant New European Bauhaus stakeholders and digital stakeholders through the creation of a network to this purpose. The project will further accelerate the deployment of projects implementing the New European Bauhaus initiative, and identify best practices in relevant EU funded digital projects.

  • Secretariat for the Alliance on industrial data, cloud and edge


    Code: 15627 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-INDUSTRIAL-DATA | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    This action is set to support the activities of the Alliance on industrial data, cloud and edge that was announced in the Communication on “Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy” ( COM(2021) 350 final).The purpose of the Alliance is to gather relevant stakeholders, including industry, Member States representatives and other experts, from across Europe in view of strengthening Europe’s industrial capacities in disruptive cloud and edge technologies.
    The Alliance will focus on fostering the joint development and deployment of next-generation EU native cloud and edge technologies that meet the requirements to process Europe’s sensitive personal and/or highly sensitive business and public sector data sets, by addressing use cases for all sectors of the economy, with a specific focus on defence, security, mobility, health, and space.

  • Federated European infrastructure for genomics data


    Code: 15623 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-FEI-DS-GENOMICS | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective is the creation of a technical infrastructure combined with governance mechanisms that will secure easy, cross-border access to key datasets in the targeted area. In particular, the aim of this topic is to achieve sustainable cross-border linkage of and access to a multitude of genomic and related phenotypic, clinical and other datasets across Europe based on the progress achieved in the context of the 1+ Million Genomes initiative (1+MG).

  • European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) - national and multinational hubs


    Code: 15619 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01-EDMO | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    Following-up from the first round of hubs created under CEF, this topic aims to create new national or multinational hubs for analysis of digital media ecosystems in order to expand the geographical coverage of EDMO. A national/multinational hub is a network of organisations active in one or several Member State(s), that will provide specific knowledge of local information environments so as to strengthen the detection and analysis of disinformation campaigns, improve public awareness, and design effective responses relevant for national audiences. These national/multinational centres will focus their activities around emerging digital media vulnerabilities and disinformation campaigns, which are of special relevance within the territory and/or linguistic area in which they will operate. Multinational hubs will cover more than one Member State with similar media ecosystems within an EU region.
    The activities of the hubs should be independent from any public authority. 

  • Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks


    Code: 15617 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-DEPLOY-NATIONAL | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective of this topic is twofold. On one hand to deploy advanced national quantum systems and networks for testing quantum communication technologies and for integrating them with existing communication networks. On the other hand to use these quantum systems and networks for developing and testing use cases in support of national QCI initiatives in the context of the EuroQCI initiative. This support is needed to contribute to European technological autonomy in the highly strategic field of quantum communication technologies.


  • Governance of the community


    Code: 15615 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-DEPLOY-01-LIVING-EU | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The aim is to support the governance of the community by coordinating the broad range of activities and stakeholders with various expertise (legal, financial, technical, education and capacity building, impact measuring).

  • Marketplace for federated cloud-to-edge based services


    Code: 15610 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-DS-MARKETPLACE-CLOUD | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    The objective is to deploy and operate an EU online marketplace for cloud and edge services. The marketplace should be the single point of access for trusted services, notably cloud and edge services, building blocks deployed under the Common Services Platform and more generally any software and data processing services developed under EU programmes. It should as well complement the AI-on-demand platform, in providing access to the necessary cloud services. By facilitating access to these services for crucial EU sectors, the catalogue of curated services will improve the EU’s open strategic autonomy. This will ensure that the digital transformation of the economy is undertaken on the basis of secure, fair, inclusive and resource-efficient infrastructures and services.

  • Secretariat for the Alliance on Processors and Semiconductor technologies


    Code: 15602 | Identifier Code: DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01-DATA-TECH | Programme name: Digital Europe Programme | Start submission calls: 17/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022

    This action is to support the activities of the Industrial Alliance on processors and semiconductor technologies that was announced in the Communication on “Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy” The purpose of the Alliance is to gather relevant stakeholders, including industry, Member States representatives and other experts, from across Europe in view of strengthening Europe’s industrial capacities in the design and manufacturing of advanced processors and other electronic components. The activities of the Alliance will contribute to delivering on the EU’s digital targets for 2030, by addressing use cases for all sectors of the economy, notably mobility, communications, industrial manufacturing, security, and health.