It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion. This is nearly double the funding compared to its predecessor programme (2014-2020).
The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also
Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in:
Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide. The outcomes of Erasmus+ are available in reports and compendia of statistics, as well as through the Erasmus+ Projects Platform. This includes most of the initiatives funded by the programme and a selection of good practices and success stories.
Foundation for the Management of European (EU) Lifelong Learning Programmes
Website: Erasmus+ – IDEP
Website with Contact details: Εpikoinonia – Erasmus+ – IDEP
Address: Prodromou & Dimitrakopoulou 2, Nicosia 1090, Cyprus
Τelephone: +357 22448888
Code: 35740 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2025-LSSNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/01/2025 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
Code: 35624 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2025-SSCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
Small-scale Partnerships are designed to widen access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity.
This action will also support flexible formats – mixing activities with transnational and national character although with a European dimension – allowing organisations to have more means to reach out to people with fewer opportunities. Small-scale Partnerships can also contribute to the creation and development of transnational networks and to fostering synergies with, and between, local, regional, national and international policies.
Code: 35622 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2025-SCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
They aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level.
Code: 35619 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2025-SNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
Code: 35617 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2025-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
Capacity Building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of sport in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme in Region 1 (Western Balkans) and Region 2 (Neighbourhood East).
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTION – The action will aim at:
Code: 35615 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PI-FORWARD | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 18/12/2024 | End submission calls: 27/05/2025
This action will aim to foster innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship, in different fields of education and training, within sectors or across sectors and disciplines.
Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. They will support forward-looking ideas responding to key European priorities. They should give input for improving education and training systems, as well as bring a substantial innovative effect in terms of methods and practices to all types of learning and active participation settings for Europe’s social cohesion.
The goal is to support transnational cooperation projects implementing a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:
Code: 35596 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-VIRT-EXCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 29/04/2025
Virtual exchanges projects consist of online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development and make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural education without physical mobility.
Proposals can be submitted under the following calls:
Code: 35594 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CBHE-STRAND-3 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 03/12/2024 | End submission calls: 06/02/2025
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
Projects under this Strand shall support efforts in third countries not associated to the Programme to develop coherent, inclusive and sustainable systems of higher education to meet their socio-economic needs and broad ambition to create a knowledge-driven economy.
Code: 35592 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CBHE-STRAND-2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 03/12/2024 | End submission calls: 06/02/2025
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
Projects under this Strand shall introduce new approaches and initiatives in higher education, based on HEIs peer learing and transfer of experience and good practice affecting not only the institutions but also society at large. The projects’ outcomes should have a significant and long-term impact on the targeted HEIs beyond the projects’ lifetime and as such benefit society as a whole.
Code: 35589 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 03/12/2024 | End submission calls: 06/02/2025
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
The Strand 1 is designed to attract less experienced HEIs and small-scale actors to the CBHE action to facilitate access to newcomer organisations.
The projects that fall under Strand 1 will primarily focus on the following areas within third countries not associated with the Programme:
Code: 35586 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2025-YOUTH-TOG | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 06/03/2025
European Youth Together projects aim to create networks promoting regional partnerships, to be run in close cooperation with young people from across Europe (EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme). The networks should organise exchanges, promote trainings (for instance for youth leaders) and allow for young people themselves to set up joint projects, all of which can be done through both physical and online activities.
Code: 35555 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-TEACH-ACA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 26/03/2025
The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies aim to develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area. The action focuses on networking, mobility and innovative methods, and will also embrace multilingualism, language awareness and cultural diversity topics.
Code: 35542 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CB-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 27/02/2025
Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio economic development.
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTION – Specifically, the action will:
Code: 35476 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-OFET-TT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025
Jean Monnet Teacher Training aims to support schools and VET providers in planning, organising and delivering EU content in their curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Code: 35473 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 06/03/2025
Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. They also aim to boost the provision of new skills and address skills mismatches by designing and creating new curricula for higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET), supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU.
Code: 35416 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-HEI-TCH-RSCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025
The Jean Monnet Actions in Higher Education support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
The Jean Monnet “Teaching and Research” actions will:
Code: 35387 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-COVE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2024 | End submission calls: 11/06/2025
Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) achieve their objectives by bringing together and working closely with a set of local/regional partners such as, initial and continuing VET providers, higher education institutions including universities of applied sciences and polytechnics, research institutions, science parks, innovation agencies, companies, other employers, chambers and their associations, social partners, social enterprises, sectoral skills councils, professional/sector associations, national and regional authorities and development agencies, employment services, qualifications authorities, social inclusion and reintegration organisations, etc.
Code: 35383 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2025
This National Call is announced in addition to the EU Call for Proposals based on Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing the “Erasmus+” programme: the Union programme for education and training, youth and sport and the Erasmus+ annual work programme for 2025. The Erasmus+ programme covers the period 2021 to 2027.
Code: 35375 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-NETWORKS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025
The 3 topics that opened for the submission of proposals, under the present call, are the following:
Code: 35368 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-EMJM-DESIGN | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025
The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures is to encourage the development of innovative, highly integrated new internationalstudy programmes at Master level. These international study programmes are jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
Code: 35366 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
Code: 35364 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2025-OFET-LEARNING-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 12/02/2025
Learning EU initiatives will support schools & Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity -among others). Activities should be taught during the school year and could include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities.
Code: 34883 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-NARIC | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 19/09/2024 | End submission calls: 18/12/2024
The National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC) network plays a major role in supporting the achievement of automatic recognition of qualifications and of the outcomes of learning periods abroad.
This action aims to support NARICs in implementing the key EU and EHEA commitments in the area of recognition, in particular automatic mutual recognition and fair recognition practices for the qualifications of third-country nationals.
Code: 34872 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EHEA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 19/09/2024 | End submission calls: 18/12/2024
The EHEA focuses on creating the conditions necessary for successful student and staff mobility and for international academic cooperation.
This action aims to foster the collaborative engagement of EHEA national authorities, EHEA consultative members, higher education institutions and, in general, all relevant stakeholders in bottom-up activities to address the gaps identified in the Bologna Process Implementation Report 2024, or to achieve the priorities of the Tirana Communiqué.
Code: 33982 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 11/06/2024 | End submission calls: 25/09/2024
The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards 2024 (the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Code: 33083 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 21/03/2024 | End submission calls: 22/05/2024
The #BeActive Awards 2024 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe.
It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of sustainable and green sport. Depending on the prize, projects can focus on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities. They can also support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity.
Code: 32370 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-SNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Βασική Δράση 2 (ΒΔ2) – Συνεργασία μεταξύ οργανισμών και ιδρυμάτων | Start submission calls: 18/01/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2024
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
Code: 32233 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/01/2024 | End submission calls: 05/03/2024
Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of sport in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme in Region 1 (Western Balkans) and Region 2 (Neighbourhood East). They aim to support sport activities and policies in third countries not associated to the Programme as a vehicle to promote values as well as an educational tool to promote the personal and social development of individuals and build more cohesive communities.
Code: 31953 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/11/2023 | End submission calls: 05/03/2024
The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
Code: 31950 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/11/2023 | End submission calls: 05/03/2024
Small-scale Partnerships are designed to widen access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity. This action will also support flexible formats – mixing activities with transnational and national character although with a European dimension – allowing organisations to have more means to reach out to people with fewer opportunities. Small-scale Partnerships can also contribute to the creation and development of transnational networks and to fostering synergies with, and between, local, regional, national and international policies.
Code: 31941 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-NETWORKS-SCHOOLS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Networks of schools and Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, and/or higher education Institutions providing Teacher Training /Education should serve the purpose of giving an international aspect to the new Jean Monnet strand and allow exchange of good practices as well as experiencing co-teaching within a group of countries.
Code: 31939 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-NETWORKS-HEI-NON-EU-AFRICA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 31937 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-NETWORKS-HEI-NON-EU-LATIN-AMERICA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 31935 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-NETWORKS-HEI-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 31933 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-3 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 08/02/2024
Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 3: Projects under this Strand shall support efforts in third countries not associated to the Programme to develop coherent and sustainable systems of higher education to meet their socio-economic needs and broad ambition to create a knowledge-driven economy.
Code: 31930 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 08/02/2024
Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 2: Partnerships for transformation in higher education. Projects under this Strand shall introduce new approaches and initiatives in higher education, based on peer learning and transfer of experience and good practice affecting not only the institutions but also society at large.
Code: 31928 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 08/02/2024
Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 1: Fostering access to cooperation in higher education. This Strand is designed to attract less experienced HEIs and small-scale actors to the CBHE action to facilitate access to newcomer organisations.
Code: 31915 | Identifier Code: ΕΕ 2024 — EAC/A07/2023 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 05/03/2024
This National Call is announced in addition to the EU Call for Proposals based on Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing the Erasmus+ programme: the Union program for education and training, youth and sport and in the Erasmus+ annual work program for 2024 [C(2023) 6157]. The Erasmus+ program covers the period 2021 to 2027. The general and specific objectives of the Erasmus+ program are defined in Article 3 of the Erasmus+ Regulation.
Code: 31899 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CB-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 29/02/2024
Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
Code: 31897 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2024-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 06/03/2024
Capacity-building in the field of youth projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in the EU and countries associated to the Programme, on the one hand, and in third countries not associated to the Programme, on the other hand. Projects aim at supporting international cooperation in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being among youth organisations and young people.
Code: 31895 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-OFET-LEARNING-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Learning EU initiatives will support schools and Vocational Education and Training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (including among others, democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity.
Code: 31893 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 07/03/2024
Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills aim to create new strategic approaches and cooperation for concrete skills development in areas implementing a major action of the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, the Pact for Skills. Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills seek to tackle skills gaps on the labour market that hamper growth, innovation and competitiveness in specific sectors or areas, aiming both at short term interventions and long term strategies.
Code: 31890 | Identifier Code: ΕΕ 2024 — EAC/A07/2023 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
This National Call is announced in addition to the EU Call for Proposals based on Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing the Erasmus+ programme: the Union program for education and training, youth and sport and in the Erasmus+ annual work program for 2024 [C(2023) 6157]. The Erasmus+ program covers the period 2021 to 2027. The general and specific objectives of the Erasmus+ program are defined in Article 3 of the Erasmus+ Regulation.
Code: 31886 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PEX-TEACH-ACA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 06/06/2024
The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism, language awareness and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area.
Code: 31834 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 07/03/2024
Alliances for Education and Enterprises are transnational, structured and result-driven projects, in which partners share common goals and work together to foster innovation, new skills, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets.
Code: 31831 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2024-YOUTH-TOG | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 07/03/2024
European Youth Together projects aim to create cooperation, enabling young people across Europe to set up joint projects, organise exchanges and promote trainings (e.g. for youth leaders/ youth workers) through both physical and online activities. The action will support transnational partnerships for youth organisations from both grassroots and large-scale level, aiming to reinforce the European dimension of their activities. This action will support transnational partnerships for youth organisations from grassroots level to large-scale partnerships, aiming to reinforce the European dimension of their activities.
Code: 31829 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 15/02/2024
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
Code: 31823 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-HIGHER-EDU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
Proposals must address the following priority:
Priority 13: National/regional support to European Universities alliances.
Projects should address both of the below work strands:
Code: 31821 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-MICRO-CRED | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
The objective of Topic 5 is to support reforms and policy impact in Member States and/or third countries associated to the Programme in the implementation of the Council Recommendation of 16 June 2022 on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability.
Micro-credentials are the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. Micro-credentials make it possible for individuals to acquire knowledge, skills and competences in a flexible and targeted way. They can be instrumental in upskilling and reskilling of learners, including disadvantaged vulnerable groups, so that they can adapt to a fast-changing labour market. Micro-credentials do not replace, however, traditional qualifications.
The above-mentioned Council Recommendation sets out three building blocks:
To deliver on the full potential of micro-credentials, Member States are recommended to create an enabling ecosystem composed of various providers of micro-credentials, relevant public authorities, as well as national qualifications frameworks and quality assurance mechanisms. Providers of micro-credentials’ cover education and training institutions and organisations, including higher education institutions, Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions, social partners (i.e. organisations representing workers and employers), employers and industry, civil society organisations, public employment services (PES), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and regional and national authorities, and other types of actors designing, delivering and issuing micro-credentials for formal, non formal and informal learning. There are also already several research projects carried out on micro-credentials to be considered for the purposes of this topic.
Code: 31819 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-SCHOOL | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
The following European policy experimentations aim to support reforms and policy impact in Member States in the school education sector.
Code: 31816 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-ADULT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
Projects under Topic 3 address the adult learning sector. These projects support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda and in particular the Council Recommendation on individual learning accounts, the initiative on the Pact for Skills and the Council Resolution on a new European agenda for adult learning 2021-2030.
Code: 31814 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
Projects under Topic 2 address the VET sector. These projects support the implementation of the principles and objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the European Skills Agenda, the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience and the Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies.
Code: 31812 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-POL-EXP-DIGITAL | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 04/06/2024
Projects under Topic 1 can address different educational sectors or bridge educational sectors, and must support high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.
Code: 31803 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-VIRT-EXCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2024
Virtual exchanges projects consist of online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development and make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural educationwithout physical mobility.
Code: 31801 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-OFET-TT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
Higher Education Institutions or Teacher Training Institutes/Agencies will organise activities under this action enabling teachers in schools and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers (ISCED 1 – 4) to develop new skills, to teach and engage on EU matters, thus empowering them through a better understanding of the EU and its functioning.
Code: 31792 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-HEI-TCH-RSCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 05/12/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
The Jean Monnet Actions in Higher Education support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The Jean Monnet “Teaching and Research” actions will:
Code: 31077 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EUR-UNIV-1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 03/10/2023 | End submission calls: 06/02/2024
The ‘European Universities’ initiative is part of the ‘Partnerships for Excellence’ support provided in the framework of the new Erasmus+ Programme. This initiative has an ambitious mandate aimed to trigger and deepen unprecedented levels of institutional cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable. It aims to encourage the emergence of bottom-up alliances of universities across Europe, which will enable students to combine studies in several countries.
Code: 31075 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-EUR-UNIV-2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 03/10/2023 | End submission calls: 06/02/2024
The ‘European Universities’ initiative is part of the ‘Partnerships for Excellence’ support provided in the framework of the new Erasmus+ Programme. This initiative has an ambitious mandate aimed to trigger and deepen unprecedented levels of institutional cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable. It aims to encourage the emergence of bottom-up alliances of universities across Europe, which will enable students to combine studies in several countries.
Code: 29848 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-BE-INCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 28/09/2023
The #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards 2023 (the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Code: 27940 | Identifier Code: ACCREDITATION IN THE FIELDS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING, SCHOOL EDUCATION AND ADULT EDUCATION | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals | Start submission calls: 01/01/2023 | End submission calls: 19/10/2023
Erasmus accreditation is a tool for organisations in vocational education and training (VET), school education and adult education that want to open up to cross-border exchange and cooperation. Award of the Erasmus accreditation confirms that the applicant has set up a plan to implement high quality mobility activities as part of a wider effort to develop their organisation.
IN ALL THREE FIELDS: – Strengthening the European dimension of teaching and learning by:
Code: 27831 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 16/03/2023 | End submission calls: 24/05/2023
The #BeActive Awards 2023 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe. It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of substainable and green sport. Depending on the prize, projects can focus on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities. They can also support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity.
Code: 26659 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-LSSNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 21/02/2023
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
Code: 26656 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
Cooperation Partnerships aim at:
Code: 26653 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
This Action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension in the following fields:
Code: 26651 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SSCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
Objectives of the action:
Code: 26576 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 10/01/2023 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of sport in Programme and Third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support sport activities and policies in Third countries not associated to the Programme as a vehicle to promote values as well as an educational tool to promote the personal and social development of individuals and build more cohesive communities.
Code: 26550 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
The Jean Monnet Actions in Higher Education support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The Jean Monnet “Teaching and Research” actions will:
Code: 26546 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 03/05/2023
Alliances for Innovation partnerships shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, which should be adaptable to future knowledge developments across the EU. To boost innovation, the focus will be on talent and skillsdevelopment. Firstly, digital competences have become increasingly important in all job profiles across the entire labour market. Secondly, the transition to a circular and greener economy needs to be underpinned by changes to qualifications and national education and training curricula to meet emerging professional needs for green skills and sustainable development. Thirdly, the twin digital and green transition requires an accelerated adoption of new technologies, in particular in the highly innovative deep tech domains, across all sectors of our economy and society.
Code: 26544 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 03/05/2023
Alliances for Innovationpartnerships shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, which should be adaptable to future knowledge developments across the EU. To boost innovation, the focus will be on talent and skills development. Firstly, digital competences have become increasingly important in all job profiles across the entire labour market. Secondly, the transition to a circular and greener economy needs to be underpinned by changes to qualifications and national education and training curricula to meet emerging professional needs for green skills and sustainable development. Thirdly, the twin digital and green transition requires an accelerated adoption of new technologies, in particular in the highly innovative deep tech domains, across all sectors of our economy and society.
Code: 26538 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-VIRT-EXCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 26/04/2023
Virtual exchanges projects consist of online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development and make it possible for every young person to access high-quality international and cross-cultural education(both formal and non-formal) without physical mobility.
Code: 26536 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 28/02/2023
Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
Code: 25694 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/11/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
Small-scale Partnerships are designed to widen access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity. This action will also support flexible formats – mixing activities with transnational and national character although with a European dimension – allowing organisations to have more means to reach out to people with fewer opportunities. Small-scale Partnerships can also contribute to the creation and development of transnational networks and to fostering synergies with, and between, local, regional, national and international policies.
Code: 25688 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/11/2022 | End submission calls: 22/03/2023
The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
Code: 25666 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS-SCHOOLS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
The overall objective is to promote a better understanding, both in general education and vocational training, of the European Union and the functioning of its Institutions and to address the widespread lack of knowledge of
the European Union and a lot of disinformation, these in turn increase people’s disenchantment about the Union and
its policies.
Code: 25664 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 28/02/2023
Code: 25647 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS-HEI-NON-EU-AFRICA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 25641 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS-HEI-NON-EU-VAL-DEM | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 25631 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS-HEI-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (indicatively one network on internal EU issues and two networks on foreign policy issues addressing specific priorities will be supported this year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
Code: 25607 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-OFET-TT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
The Jean Monnet Teacher Training/Education should essentially include the preparation and delivery of teacher training / education. These activities may take the form of targeted courses or modules including distance learning (MOOC and/or blended activities). Teacher Training / Education should be formal and end with a certificate.
Code: 25604 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-OFET-LEARNING-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 14/02/2023
Under the Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme for 2023, the call for proposals “Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU Initiatives” – ERASMUS-JMO-2023-OFET LEARNING-EU, has opened for submission of applications.
Learning EU initiatives will support schools and Vocational Education and Training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (including among others, democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity. Activities should be taught during the school year and could include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities.
Code: 25555 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EMJM-DESIGN | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 16/02/2023
The Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) should enhance the capacities of universities to modernise and internationalise their curricula and teaching practices, pool resources, and for higher education systems to develop common mechanisms related to quality assurance, accreditation and recognition of degrees and credits. The support is also intended to explore and exploit the opportunities offered by the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes.
The main objective of the EMDM is to encourage the development of new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level.
Code: 25535 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-COVE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 08/06/2023
The Partnerships for Excellence support projects with a long-term sustainable perspective.
The initiative on Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) aims to respond to this policy priority supporting reforms in the VET sector, ensuring high quality skills and competences that lead to quality employment and career long opportunities, meeting the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy.
Code: 25532 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 16/02/2023
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
Code: 25509 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 08/03/2023
Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aimto support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.
Code: 25505 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD-LOT3 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2023
This topic is part of the Forward Looking Projects action.
Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. The goal is to support transnational cooperation projects implementing a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:
Code: 25502 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD-LOT1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2023
This topic is part of the Forward Looking Projects action.
Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. The goal is to support transnational cooperation projects implementing a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:
Code: 25496 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-FORWARD-LOT2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2023
Projects under Lot 2 address the VET sector. Proposals submitted under Lot 2 must address one of the two following priorities that are detailed under ‘Setting up a project’:
Code: 25395 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-YOUTH-TOG | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 29/11/2022 | End submission calls: 09/03/2023
European Youth Together projects aim to create networks promoting regional partnerships, enabling young people
across Europe to set up joint projects, organise exchanges and promote trainings (e.g. for youth leaders) through both
physical and online activities
Code: 24972 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CSC-OG-SGA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 18/10/2022 | End submission calls: 20/12/2022
The objective of the present Topic is to provide structural support, referred to as operating grants, to European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) and EU-wide networks active in the field of youth.
Code: 24970 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CSC-OG-SGA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 18/10/2022 | End submission calls: 20/12/2022
The objective of the present topic is to provide structural support, referred to as operating grants, to European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) and EU-wide networks active in the field of education and training.
Code: 24964 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CSC-OG-FPA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 18/10/2022 | End submission calls: 13/12/2022
The objective of the present Topic is to provide structural support, referred to as operating grants, to European non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) and EU-wide networks active in the field of youth.
Code: 24613 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV-1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 04/10/2022 | End submission calls: 31/01/2023
The scope of this call for proposals is to support higher education institutions in gradually achieving their long-term ambitious vision towards becoming a fully-fledged European University. This objective will be achieved through a twofold approach:
Code: 23663 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BEINCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-BBSA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 29/06/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022
The #BeInclusive EU sport Awards 2022 aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Code: 23659 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BEINCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-GENDER | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 29/06/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022
The #BeInclusive EU sport Awards 2022 aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Code: 23645 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BEINCLUSIVE-SPORT-AWARDS-PEACE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 29/06/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022
The #BeInclusive EU sport Awards 2022 aim to reward and give visibility to the best projects that have successfully supported inclusion through sport.
Code: 22804 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-POL-EXP-HE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 15/06/2022 | End submission calls: 06/10/2022
European policy experimentations are transnational cooperation projects that involve testing the relevance, effectiveness, potential impact and scalability of activities through field trials in different countries. By combining strategic leadership, methodological soundness and a strong European dimension, they enable mutual learning and support evidence-based policy at European level.
Code: 22667 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-NET-SCHOOL-HEADS-TEACHERS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 07/06/2022 | End submission calls: 12/10/2022
The Work Programme for Erasmus+ for 2022 C(2021) 78623, as amended, envisages the support of European networks for policy development and implementation in the field of school education and in the field of education of children and young people with a migrant background.
The September 2020 Commission’s Communication on Achieving the European Education Area by 20255 and the February 2021 Council Resolution on the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond6 set out improving quality, equity and success for all in education and training and enhancing competences and motivation in the education profession as two of its priority areas.
Code: 20287 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-BE-ACTIVE-AWARDS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 15/03/2022 | End submission calls: 19/05/2022
The #BeActive Awards 2022 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Awards’) aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe. It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of substainable and green sport.
Code: 19507 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-ECHE-CERT-FP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 23/02/2022 | End submission calls: 26/01/2027
This Call aims at accrediting recognised Higher Education Institutions located in eligible countries, which have operational capacity to take part in Erasmus+ Programme’s activities, such as learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperation for innovation and good practices.
Code: 18299 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-TEACH-ACA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 15/03/2022 | End submission calls: 07/09/2022
The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Erasmus+ Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism, language awareness and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area.
Code: 18034 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/01/2022 | End submission calls: 07/04/2022
The action will aim at:
Code: 18030 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/01/2022 | End submission calls: 23/03/2022
Code: 18026 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SCP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/01/2022 | End submission calls: 23/03/2022
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Cooperation Partnerships aim at:
Code: 17260 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PCOOP-ENGO | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 25/11/2021 | End submission calls: 23/03/2022
Cooperation Partnerships aim at:
Code: 16909 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-PCOOP-ENGO | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 25/11/2021 | End submission calls: 23/03/2022
Cooperation Partnerships aim at:
Code: 16905 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-YOUTH-TOG | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to Policy Development and cooperation | Start submission calls: 25/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022
This Call is under KA3.
European Youth Together projects aim to create networks promoting regional partnerships, enabling young people
across Europe to set up joint projects, organise exchanges and promote trainings (e.g. for youth leaders) through both physical and online activities.
The European Youth Together action consists of two sub-actions:
Code: 16787 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 16/02/2022
This call is part of the Erasmus Mundus action.
Τα Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters και Erasmus Mundus Design Measures αντιπροσωπεύουν δύο ανεξάρτητα Lots:
Lot 1: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)
Lot 2: Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM).
The EMJM aims to enhance the attractiveness and excellence of European higher education in the world and attract talent to Europe, through a combination of:
(i) institutional academic cooperation to showcase European excellence in higher education, and
(ii) individual mobility for all students taking part in the EMJM, with EU-funded scholarships for the best
students applying.
Code: 16785 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EMJM-DESIGN | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 15/12/2021 | End submission calls: 16/02/2022
This call is part of the Erasmus Mundus action.
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures represent two independent lots:
Lot 1: Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)
Lot 2: Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM).
The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures is to encourage the development of new, innovative,
high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level.
Code: 16726 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-COVE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 07/02/2022 | End submission calls: 07/09/2022
This call is part of the Partnership for Excellence.
The initiative on Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) supports a bottom-up approach to Vocational Excellence involving a wide range of local stakeholders. It enables VET institutions to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs, including the digital and green transitions. CoVEs operate in a given local context, being the linchpin of skills ecosystems for innovation, regional development, and social inclusion, while working with CoVEs in other countries through international collaborative networks.
Code: 16722 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-MODULE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education. They support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Modules are short teaching programmes or courses in the field of European Union studies at offered at a higher education institution.
Code: 16719 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-CHAIR | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education. They support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies (as described above) for university professors for a duration of three years.
Code: 16716 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-COE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education. They support teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects.
Code: 16712 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 07/04/2022
Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.
Code: 16710 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-NETWORKS-HEI-NON-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
This topic is part of the Jean Monnet Policy Debate action.
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (one network on internal EU issues and one network on foreign policy issues addressing one specific priority will be supported each year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.)
The Network on foreign policy issues shall address the following thematic: “Europe in the world”.
Code: 16706 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-NETWORKS-HEI-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
This topic is part of the Jean Monnet Policy Debate action.
Large thematic networks in Higher Education (one network on internal EU issues and one network on foreign policy issues addressing one specific priority will be supported each year) will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.).
The Network on internal EU issues shall address the following thematic: ”Future of Europe”.
Code: 16696 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT3 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2022
This topic is part of the Forward Looking Projects action.
Lot 3: Adult education (AE)
Projects under Lot 3 address the adult education sector. Proposals submitted under Lot 3 must address the priority 6’:
Priority 6: Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults
Code: 16694 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2022
This topic is part of the Forward Looking Projects action.
Projects under Lot 2 address the VET sector. Proposals submitted under Lot 2 must address one of the three following priorities that are detailed under ‘Setting up a project’:
Code: 16690 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 15/03/2022
This topic is part of the Forward Looking Projects action.
Forward Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and / or evaluate innovative (policy) approaches that can be integrated, thus improving education and training systems.
Lot 1: Cross-sectoral priorities
Projects under Lot 1 can use different educational areas or bridge educational areas. Proposals submitted under Lot 1 must cover one of two priorities:
Priority 1: Support for high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan
Priority 2: Support education and training systems for adaptation to transition
Code: 16684 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-NETWORKS-SCHOOLS | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
This topic is under the Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training action.
Jean Monnet Networks in other fields of education and training will foster the creation and development of networks of schools and VET institutions that aim to exchange good practices, share experiences on both content and methodologies and build knowledge in teaching European issues. Networks should in particular focus on bringing facts and knowledge about the EU to their learners in an innovative and creative way.
Code: 16682 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-OFET-LEARNING-EU | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
This topic is under the Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training action.
Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives will foster the introduction of a European Union angle in the educational culture of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 –4) and contribute to strengthen European identity and active citizenship among students and teachers.
Code: 16661 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2022-OFET-TT | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/12/2021 | End submission calls: 01/03/2022
Jean Monnet Teacher Training aims to support schools and VET providers in planning, organising and delivering EU content in their curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Code: 16654 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-3 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022
Strand3 is under the ”Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)” action.
The CBHE action, supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
Projects under Strand3 shall support efforts in third countries not associated to the E+ programme to develop coherent and sustainable systems of higher education to meet their socio-economic needs and broad ambition to create a knowledge-driven economy.
Code: 16650 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022
Strand2 is under the ”Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)” action.
The CBHE action, supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
Projects under this Strand shall introduce new approaches and initiatives in higher education, based on peer learning and transfer of experience and good practice affecting not only the institutions but also the society at large.
Code: 16657 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CB-VET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 31/03/2022
Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
Code: 16644 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-1 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 17/02/2022
Strand1 is under the ”Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)” action.
The CBHE action, supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education.
Strand1 is designed to attract less experienced HEIs and small-scale actors to the CBHE action to facilitate access to newcomer organisations.
Code: 16539 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 30/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/03/2022
The scope of this call for proposals is to support higher education institutions in gradually achieving their long-term ambitious vision towards becoming a fully-fledged European University.
European Universities aim to promote common European values by bringing together a new generation of Europeans who are able to cooperate and work within different European and global cultures, in different languages, and across borders, sectors and academic disciplines. Also they aim to reach a substantial leap in quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness and enable deep institutional transformation of involved European higher education institutions.
This objective will be achieved through a twofold approach:
TOPIC 1: European Universities – Intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation
TOPIC 2: European Universities – Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation
Code: 16160 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 01/01/2022 | End submission calls: 31/12/2022
Under the Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme for 2022 (the “Programme” or the “Erasmus+ Programme”) the new call for proposals has been announced.
Code: 15520 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-VIRT-EXCH | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Start submission calls: 03/11/2021 | End submission calls: 22/02/2022
The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges are a bottom-up initiative.
In this call, participating organisations are free to choose the topics on which they will focus:
The activities and outputs of the different projects will aim at reaching a positive impact in relation to the objectives of the call, while varying in accordance with the projects’ specificities, should be closely connected to the learning dimension of the virtual exchanges.
Code: 3601 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SNCESE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 03/05/2021 | End submission calls: 17/06/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and the action aims to support the organisation of sport events with a European dimension.
Code: 3603 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 16/09/2021 | End submission calls: 03/11/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Partnerships for Cooperation – Small-scale Partnerships. This action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity.
Code: 3605 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 08/09/2021 | End submission calls: 03/11/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Partnerships for Cooperation. Cooperation Partnerships aim to increase quality in the work, activities and practices of organisations and institutions involved, opening up to new actors, as well as to build capacity of organisations to work transnationally and across sectors. Additionally, this Call aims to address common needs and priorities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport and to enable transformation and change (at individual, organisational or sectoral level), leading to improvements and new approaches, in proportion to the context of each organisation.
Code: 3618 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-CB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/04/2021 | End submission calls: 01/07/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Capacity Building projects in the field of youth. The Call aims to support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio- economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.
Code: 3620 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/04/2021 | End submission calls: 07/09/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically is Lot2 of the Alliances for Innovation of the Partnership for Innovation. It aims to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation as well as flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education, training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. These alliances are also aiming to boost the provision of new skills and address skills mismatches by designing and creating new curricula for higher education and vocational education and training, supporting the development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets in the EU.
Code: 3622 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/04/2021 | End submission calls: 07/09/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically is Lot1 of the Alliances for Innovation of the Partnership for Innovation. They aim to foster innovation in higher education, vocational education and training, enterprises and the broader socioeconomic environment. This includes confronting societal and economic challenges such as climate change, changing demographics, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and rapid employment changes through social innovation and community resilience, as well as labour market innovation.
Code: 3625 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PCOOP-ENGO | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 20/05/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Partnerships for Cooperation. The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
Code: 3627 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-PCOOP-ENGO | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 20/05/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Partnerships for Cooperation. The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
Code: 3631 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-OFET-NET | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 02/06/2021
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Jean Monnet Networks aim to constitute the support to schools and VET providers for boosting knowledge on how to teach European Union subjects, they will also give an international edge to the learning exercise. Teachers’ exchange of knowledge are the basis of the network activities. The overall objective is to promote a better understanding, both in general education and vocational training of the European Union and the functioning of its Institutions.
Code: 3634 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EMJM-DESIGN | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/04/2021 | End submission calls: 26/05/2021
This Call is under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme and specifically is Lot2 of the Erasmus Mundus Action of Partnerships for Excellence. The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures Call, is to encourage the development of new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level.
Code: 3637 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-EMJM-MOB | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 30/04/2021 | End submission calls: 26/05/2021
This Call is under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme and specifically is Lot2 of the Erasmus Mundus Action of Partnerships for Excellence. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) aims to enhance the attractiveness and excellence of European higher education in the world and attract talent to Europe, through a combination of:
(i) institutional academic cooperation to showcase European excellence in higher education, and
(ii) individual mobility for all students taking part in the EMJM, with EU-funded scholarships for the best students applying.
Code: 3639 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-TEACH-ACA | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 07/09/2021
This Call falls under KA2 and specifically under Partnership for excellence. The action has a main objective to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Erasmus+ Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area.
Code: 3641 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-COVE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 07/09/2021
This Call is under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme and specifically under Partnerships for Excellence. This action supports the gradual establishment and development of European platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence, contributing to regional development, innovation, smart specialisation strategies as well as to international collaborative platforms.
Code: 3643 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 02/06/2021
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education supports Teaching and Research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Code: 3647 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-CHAIR | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 02/06/2021
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education supports Teaching and Research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Code: 3649 | Identifier Code: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-COE | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Jean Monnet Actions | Start submission calls: 20/04/2021 | End submission calls: 02/06/2021
The present call falls under the Jean Monnet Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education supports Teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Code: 3702 | Identifier Code: EAC/A01/2021 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/03/2021 | End submission calls: 20/05/2021
The present call falls under KA2 of the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under Partnerships for Cooperation – Small-scale Partnerships. This action aims at widening access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations and newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity.
Code: 3704 | Identifier Code: EAC/A01/2021 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions | Start submission calls: 29/03/2021 | End submission calls: 20/05/2021
The present call has opened under the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically under KA2 Cooperation Partnerships. The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.
Code: 3709 | Identifier Code: EAC/A01/2021 | Programme name: Erasmus+ Programme | Sub-program: Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals | Start submission calls: 29/03/2021 | End submission calls: 11/05/2021