EU Preparatory Actions


The main objective of Preparatory Actions is to prepare future EU actions in various priority policy fields.

Programme Description

Preparatory Actions are divided into five headings as follows:

Heading 1a ‐ Competitiveness for Growth and Jobs

Preparatory actions on:

  • Promotion of European and transnational tourism products with special emphasis on cultural and industrial products
  • Tourism and accessibility for all
  • Euromed innovation entrepreneurs for change
  • Your first EURES Job
  • Information centres for posted workers and migrant workers
  • Activation measures targeting young people — implementing the ‘Youth on the Move’ initiative
  • Social innovation driven by social business and young entrepreneurship
  • European transport information and booking interface across transport modes
  • Ships fuelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG)
  • General Aviation — Statistics and Key figures
  • Single Market Forum
  • Capacity building for end users and other non‐industry stakeholders in connection with Union policy‐making in the area of financial services
  • Preparatory action to cover the costs of studies for persons specialising in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and for related academic activities and other educational modules including the functioning of the ENP Chair in the College of Europe (Natolin Campus)
  • European partnerships on sport
  • E‐Platform for Neighbourhood

Heading 1b – Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion

Preparatory actions on:

  • Enhancing regional and local cooperation through the promotion of Union regional policy on a global scale
  • The definition of governance model for the European Union Danube Region — better and effective coordination
  • on an Atlantic Forum for the European Union Atlantic Strategy
  • Supporting Mayotte, or any other territory potentially affected, with the switchover to outermost‐region status
  • Towards a common regional identity, reconciliation of nations and economic and social cooperation including a Pan‐European Expertise and Excellence Platform in the Danube macro‐region
  • A regional strategy for the North Sea Region
  • World cities: EU — third countries cooperation on urban development
  • The actual and desired state of the economic potential in regions outside the Greek capital Athens

Heading 2 – Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources

Preparatory actions on:

  • RECAP: recycling at local scale of internal plastic scrap created by major Union polymer converting regions
  • European farm prices and margins observatory
  • Union plant and animal genetic resources
  • Future legal base on harmonised Union forest information
  • BEST scheme (voluntary Scheme for biodiversity and ecosystem services in the territories of the Union’s outermost regions and overseas countries and territories)
  • Development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe
  • Guardians of the Sea
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR): Research on the causes of high and improper antibiotic
  • usage
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Healthy diet: early years and ageing population
  • Mainstreaming climate action, adaptation and innovation

Heading 3 – Security and Citizenship

  • Share Europe Online
  • Creation of a Union network of experts in the field of adapted care ffor adolescents with psychological problems
  • European study on the burden and care of epilepsy
  • Enable the resettlement of refugees during emergency situations

Heading 4 – Global Europe

  • Strategic environmental impact assessment on the development of
  • the European Arctic
  • Cooperation with middle income group countries in Latin America
  • Business and scientific exchanges with India
  • Business and scientific exchanges with China
  • Cooperation with middle income group countries in Asia
  • European Union‐Asia — Integration of policy and practice
  • Water management in developing countries
  • Pharmaceutical‐related transfer of technology in favour of developing countries
  • Research and development on poverty‐related, tropical and neglected diseases
  • Enhanced health care for victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic  of Congo (DRC)
  • Building resilience for better health of nomadic communities in post crises in  the Sahel region
  • Socio‐economic reintegration of children and female sex workers living at mines in Luhwindja, South Kivu Province, eastern RDC
  • Building and strengthening local partnerships to develop social economy and to establish social enterprises in Eastern Africa
  • New Euro‐Mediterranean strategy for youth employment promotion
  • Asset recovery to Arab Spring countries
  • Preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas
  • European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

Heading 5 ‐ Administration

Preparatory actions on:

  • Erasmus public administration programme

Total Budget

Each preparatory action has its own budget for its annual grant programme, which is defined on an annual basis.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Each preparatory action has its own level of co-financing, which is defined in each call for proposals.

Thematic Categories

  • Audiovisual sector and Media
  • Culture
  • Economy-Finances
  • Enlargement
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Information Technology
  • Land Development
  • Migration and Citizenship
  • Other Services
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Public Administration
  • Regional Development
  • Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights
  • Telecommunications
  • Tourism
  • Youth

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Consumer Organisations
  • Economically Inactive Women
  • Employees
  • Employers
  • Farmers Unions
  • Farmers, Agriculturalists
  • Fishermen, Aquaculturists, Owners of Vessels
  • International Organisations
  • Large Enterprises
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Parliamentary Bodies
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres
  • Unemployed
  • Youth

EU Contact Point

Each preparatory action has its own contact point, which is defined in each call for proposals.

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Innovative Deployable Antennas


    Code: 35887 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2025-DEPLAN | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 04/02/2025 | End submission calls: 27/05/2025

    Deployable antennas are a key element of satellites enabling them to receive and transmit data. They are relevant for all types of space applications such as navigation, Earth observation, science and defence. It is important to explore novel approaches that can reduce development, manufacturing, launch and deployment costs for such large antennas, as well as approaches that can allow in-orbit manufacturing, disassembly, re-use and recycling of parts from defunct satellites, overall contributing to a higher sustainability of space infrastructure. Emerging technologies and concepts linked to the deployment and assembly/disassembly of such structures in orbit, as well as the re-use of parts are key for the future.

  • Upskilling and reskilling the Tourism Ecosystem I Tourism Knowledge hub and Tourism Data Space


    Code: 35320 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-SKILL-FOR-TOURISM | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 28/11/2024 | End submission calls: 13/02/2025

    This call for proposals aims at supporting the current policy work on data management and data sharing by developing guidelines on how to participate and use the D3Hub and the future common European tourism data space for destinations and SMEs in the tourism sector.



    Code: 34544 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-INNOVDEPLANT | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 25/07/2024 | End submission calls: 30/10/2024

    Deployable antennas are a key element of satellites enabling them to receive and transmit data. They are relevant for all types of space applications such as navigation, Earth observation, science and defence. Technology deployed on space antennas may find applications also in the civil, terrestrial market.

    The expected outcomes of this pilot project will allow EU to reduce the dependencies from non-EU countries for the critical space technologies relevant to reflectors and deployable antennas and accelerate time to market. The identification of novel non-dependent materials, techniques to re-use parts, materials from end-of-life assets and antennas for assembly and manufacturing on orbit will contribute to increase EU sovereignty and allow unrestricted access to key, critical space technologies.

  • Sport Supports - emergency sport actions for youth


    Code: 34536 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2024-EMERGENCY-YOUTH | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 24/07/2024 | End submission calls: 17/10/2024

    The objectives of this project are to:

    • promote community integration of children and young people affected by humanitarian crisis such as war in the hosting communities;
    • improve mental well-being and help overcoming trauma of such children and young people through sport;
    • facilitate adaptation and create bonds with the hosting communities;
    • inspire other sport clubs to set up support programmes by publishing and promoting experiences and good practices.

  • Saving our Seas – Reducing danger of munitions dumped in European seas


    Code: 34528 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-MUNITIONS | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 25/06/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024

    A large quantity of chemical and explosive munitions is currently dumped in EU sea basins. This situation raises environmental concerns as, the corrosion of munition casings due to mechanical and chemical processes results in the release of chemicals contained in the munitions.

    This topic focuses on developing new technologies and methodologies and/or improving existing ones used to remove/neutralise/dispose of submerged munitions. Improvements should relate to their efficiency, effectiveness, safety and environmental impact.

  • Pilot Project: Fostering energy transition in the fisheries sector (Demonstrator of a fishing vessel)


    Code: 32661 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2024-FISHVESSELDEMO | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 20/02/2024 | End submission calls: 11/06/2024

    The overarching objective of the call for proposals is to support the energy transition in the marine fishing sector by tackling technology and knowledge gaps and promoting low carbon and energy efficient solutions.

  • Sport for People and Planet - a new approach on sustainability through sport in Europe


    Code: 30238 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2023-PEOPLE-PLANET | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 26/07/2023 | End submission calls: 17/10/2023

    The action should focus on examples of inspirational behaviour and practices at grassroots level that can be multiplied and on methods to engage citizens and sport stakeholders in communities to co-create and cooperate on sustainable sport practices.

  • Pilot Project - Sport Support - emergency sport actions for youth


    Code: 30236 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2023-EMERGENCY-YOUTH | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 26/07/2023 | End submission calls: 17/10/2023

    This pilot project will focus on encouraging community integration of children and youth. By improving their mental well-being by attending sport sessions, these individuals will eventually become ready to adjust to their new environment. Sport activities, with their power of bringing people together, will help interaction with the host community; facilitate integration into the education system and the labour market.

  • Preparatory Action Writing European


    Code: 30020 | Identifier Code: PPPA-MEDIA-2023-WRITINGEU Grant | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 30/08/2023 | End submission calls: 07/11/2023

    The objective of the proposed scheme is to respond to the need for European storytelling suitable for co-production.

    The purpose of this preparatory action “Writing European” is to help the European audiovisual industry to develop excellence in creating and writing high-quality drama content and foster innovative storytelling. It aims to promote co-writing practices, thereby also enlarging the experience of creative talents working on fiction series.

  • Preparatory Action-European Fellowship Scheme for Researchers at Risk


    Code: 29933 | Identifier Code: PPPA-RI-2023-FELLOWSHIPS-RR | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 28/06/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    This action will pilot a European Fellowship Scheme to support Researchers at Risk by establishing, testing and validating procedures for the selection of researchers (assessing their risk and awarding them the fellowship) and for matching researchers with host institutions in the EU. The action will contribute to enhancing support for researchers at risk to continue their work in a safe environment, whether academic or non-academic.

  • EU Competence Centre to support data management in tourism destinations


    Code: 27375 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2022-TOTOLAB-01 | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 23/02/2023 | End submission calls: 26/04/2023

    The objective of the grant will be to contribute to setting up and operation of a knowledge hub that can provide destinations with guidance and information related to data management, as well as business intelligence on how to source and use data and apply data-intensive information to address policy actions and strategies.

    The selected beneficiary, under the present call, must set up a competence centre (knowledge hub) with a business and intelligence support scheme for destination management organisations (DMOs) across the EU, and optionally for tourism SMEs, with a view to support their transition towards data-driven management practices.

  • Developing a system for the automated measuring of tail length and tail lesions of pigs at the slaughter line


    Code: 24200 | Identifier Code: PPPA-ANIMAL-WELFARE-2022-TAIL-DOCKING | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 15/09/2022 | End submission calls: 15/12/2022

    The main objective of this call is to support the development of a system for the automated measuring of tail length and tail lesions of pigs at the slaughter line (at a large scale).

  • Preparatory Action Writing European


    Code: 24066 | Identifier Code: PPPA-MEDIA-2022-WRITINGEU | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 01/09/2022 | End submission calls: 08/11/2022

    The objective of the proposed scheme is to respond to the need for European storytelling suitable for co-production and that can travel across borders. In addition, in order to bring out stories that reflect our European culture, strong teams of creators (e.g. screenwriters, showrunners, other authors, etc.) from several Member States, must be encouraged.



  • Pilot Project - Establishing a European Heritage Hub to support a holistic and cost-effective follow-up of the European Year of Cultural Heritage


    Code: 23808 | Identifier Code: PPPA-CULT-2022-EUHERITAGEHUB | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 02/08/2022 | End submission calls: 18/10/2022

    The main objective of the action to support the establishment of a European Heritage Hub is to:

    • promote a joint action, by pooling cross-sectorial expertise and resources – both public and private – in the cultural heritage sector;
    • promote a holistic and integrated approach to cultural heritage policies at all levels (at EU level and/or transnationally, national and regional levels) and contribute to its implementation, in line with the European Framework for Action published by the European Commission in 2018 ;
    • monitor the inclusion of cultural heritage dimension into relevant policies at EU, national – and where relevant – regional and local levels;
    • provide the Commission with relevant data, analysis, studies and recommendations on how to better integrate the heritage dimension in public policies at all public sectors levels, with regard to the five sectors identified in the European Framework of actions on cultural heritage;
    • promote innovative models of participatory governance and management of cultural heritage, involving all stakeholders, including public authorities, the cultural heritage sector, private actors and civil society organisations.

  • Grassroots sports programmes and infrastructure innovation


    Code: 23806 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2022-GRASSROOTS-INNOVATION | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 02/08/2022 | End submission calls: 12/10/2022

    Grassroots sports is a traditional and slowly evolving area.
    This project will challenge parties outside the traditional sports structure to propose innovative solutions to bring sports supply into line with individuals’ demand at all levels, and provide a sports innovation ecosystem to make it possible for new ways of playing sports to be offered to the general public faster.

  • Sport for People and Planet - a new approach on sustainability through sport in Europe


    Code: 23804 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2022-PEOPLE-PLANET | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 02/08/2022 | End submission calls: 12/10/2022

    The objectives of the proposed project are to:

    • raise awareness, inspire behaviour, and lead the thinking in European society on how sport can enable and accelerate social and environmental transformation;
    • engage EU citizens to actively participate in sustainable measures using the communicative power of sport, its major events and leading role models.

  • Developing a strategic research, innovation and implementation agenda and a roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030


    Code: 14023 | Identifier Code: PPPA-LANGEQ-2021 | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 14/10/2021 | End submission calls: 06/01/2022

    The European Union has 24 official languages, in addition to many regional languages, as well as those of minorities, migrants and important international trade partners. Only a few languages (such as English, French and Spanish) are well supported in the digital domain, while more than 20 official languages as well as regional and minority languages are considered to be in danger of digital extinction. European human language technologies have the potential to overcome this linguistic divide in the digital sphere, but need a strategic research and implementation agenda (SRIA) and roadmap defining tools, processes, actions and actors that need to be involved.

  • Preparatory action - Increasing access to educational tools in areas and communities with low connectivity or access to technologies


    Code: 2278 | Identifier Code: PPPA-2021-RemoteDigEdu | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 05/05/2021 | End submission calls: 15/07/2021

    Αctions under this Call aim at addressing inequalities of access to digital education by enhancing inclusion and by reducing the digital gap suffered by pupils from remote areas and communities with low connectivity, limited or no access to devices and digital educational tools and content.

  • Pilot Project - Building investigative capacity to better fight doping in sport in Europe


    Code: 3592 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2021-FIGHT-DOPING   | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 04/05/2021 | End submission calls: 16/06/2021

    This Call covers the topic of Building capacity to better fight doping in sport in Europe. The goals of the project are to:

    • develop a set of complementary measures and activities that would address the issues related with the Call and have concrete benefits for the maximum number of European Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) and, more generally, the anti-doping system.
    • allow ADOs to partner with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to conduct investigations, protect whistle-blowers and cooperate on joint investigations with law enforcement agencies and the global network of investigators.
    • build capacity in the European anti-doping system, it is necessary to reduce the prevalence of doping in sport, maximising the health benefits generated by the practice of clean sport by European youths.

  • Preparatory Action - Grassroots sport programmes and infrastructure innovation


    Code: 3596 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2021-GRASSROOTS-INNOVATION   | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 04/05/2021 | End submission calls: 16/06/2021

    The purpose of this pilot project is to identify and test innovative ideas. The specific objective of this action is to support the promotion of physical activity through flexible, modern ways of practicing sport both in terms of offer (trainings, activities) and in terms of infrastructure.

  • Preparatory Action - Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees


    Code: 3598 | Identifier Code: PPPA-SPORT-2021-INCLUSION-REFUGEES   | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 04/05/2021 | End submission calls: 16/06/2021

    This Call promotes the use of Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees. The specific objective of this action is to promote the direct engagement of refugees and host communities within the EU and to promote a Europe-wide approach, increasing the potential for European host communities to successfully engage and integrate refugees through sport.

  • Preparatory action - Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in the EU


    Code: 3717 | Identifier Code: EAC/S18/2020   | Programme name: EU Preparatory Actions | Start submission calls: 18/03/2021 | End submission calls: 14/05/2021

    Under the Annual Work Programme for the implementation of Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions in the areas of education, youth, sport and culture, a new call has opened for the submission of proposals with the title “Preparatory action – Bottom-up Policy Development for Culture & Well-being in the EU”.

    The proposed preparatory action shall facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experience and success stories in the EU, related to the role of culture for well-being and health.