European Defence Fund (EDF)


The European Defence Fund (EDF) is the Commission’s initiative to support collaborative defence research and development, and to foster an innovative and competitive defence industrial base.

Programme Description

The Fund promotes cooperation among companies and research actors of all sizes and geographic origin in the Union, in research and development of state-of-the-art and interoperable defence technology and equipment. The Fund supports competitive and collaborative projects throughout the entire cycle of research and development for a bigger impact on the European defence capability and industrial landscape.

It strongly encourages participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in collaborative projects and fosters breakthrough innovative solutions.

The EDF was preceded by two test programmes with limited duration and budget:

  • The Preparatory Action on Defence Research
  • The European Industrial Development Programme

Total Budget

€ 8 billion

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Research actions can receive up to 100% of EU funding of the eligible costs, mainly in grants, while development actions are co-funded. The Fund will complement Member States’ investment by co-financing up to 20% of the costs for prototype development and up to 80% of ensuing certification and testing activities.

Thematic Categories

  • Industry
  • Justice - Security
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Defense
172-174 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos, Nicosia
Telephone: 22 807500

Department of Research and Innovation
Telephones: 22 807755, 22 807754

EU Contact Point

European Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS)


Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Non-thematic research actions by SMEs and research organisations


    Code: 35991 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-SMERO-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs and Research Organisations (RO) in bringing forward innovation defence research, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

  • Naval hybrid propulsion and power systems


    Code: 35988 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-SI-ENERENV-NH2PS-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This call topic aims to address the design of a prototype, the testbed and general architecture for a future modular and hybrid propulsion systems, hybrid DC power systems and their components for military application, while performing its system integration in a combined digital and physical development environment. These novel propulsion and power systems can achieve reduced Green House Gas (GHG) and hazardous emissions from well-to-wake in peacetime and can power wartime missions effectively with maximum autonomy at sea, survivability and minimal and controllable noise, infrared, electromagnetic and radar-cross-section signatures. To achieve these benefits, mostly civilian developed technology needs to be navalised and effectively integrated in the naval propulsion and power system. These naval propulsion and power systems aim to serve a wide spectrum of naval vessels ranging from small and lightweight high-speed combat vessels, slow speed manhunting vessels and motherships, medium- and high-speed frigates, through to high-speed air-defence destroyers. These vessels have in common that they serve a wide range of propulsion systems, diverse variable speed drives and many DC combat system loads and therefore could all benefit from modular and scalable hybrid propulsion systems and hybrid DC power systems.

  • Improved cyber defence operations capabilities


    Code: 35986 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-CYBER-CDOC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This topic aims at consolidating existing National and EU initiatives and projects to address cyberspace challenges and assist cyberspace integration in military operations in a mosaic and/or distributed approach, where emerging technological enablers like artificial intelligence, distributed sensor networks, cloud computing, data fusion or simulation for serious wargaming are expected to play a major role.

  • Aircraft propulsion and energy management systems


    Code: 35984 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-ENERENV-APEM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The objective of this call topic is to develop and mature a new suite of advanced technologies for propulsion, power and thermal management system for fighter aircraft that can be applied in a modular and flexible manner to different sizes and types of systems, operating within a System-of-Systems (SoS) configuration that should include various interconnected elements, including manned and unmanned systems, swarms of drones and auxiliary platforms.

  • Advanced underwater networks


    Code: 35982 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-UWW-AUWN-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The aim of this call topic is to develop a new generation of Unmanned Underwater Super Systems (UUSS) and networks, where systems and subsystems would reach a technology maturity level of up to TRL 7, potentially TRL 8 on sub-system-level. The goal is to address specific needs of future UTS missions and to demonstrate these systems in an operational seawater environment. Current state of the art UUVs and fixed infrastructure should natively support UTS by application of a common non-proprietary and interoperable standards without the limitations of retrofit solutions.

  • Technologies for optronic detectors


    Code: 35980 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-SENS-IRD-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The goal of this topic is for EU IR detector developers to integrate detection circuits of varying wavelengths onto ROICs platforms and incorporate these focal plane arrays into integrated demonstrators. This should be carried out to enhance the technological maturity of the advanced ROIC designs and fully qualify the supply chain for advanced ROICs components compatible with the various IR technologies and 2D/3D architectures, as requested by the call topic EDF-2021-SENS-R-IRD.

    A first assessment of the performances should be done at demonstrator level. In parallel, 3D stacking technologies should be explored to increase the maturity of this technological key enabler for future smart IR sensors.

  • On-orbit operations and services


    Code: 35977 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-SI-SPACE-3OS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The specific objective of this call topic is to develop a ‘dual-use by-design’ demonstrator of the space systems, sub-systems and related key technologies, ready for IOD/IOV, needed to address the abovementioned defence needs. The demonstrator has to be designed to be potentially operated by defence users through their military C2 ground segments in order to enable or perform on-orbit operations and services on their own satellites.

  • Digital Ship and Naval Combat Cloud


    Code: 35975 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-NAVAL-DSNCC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The specific objective is:

    • To design, prototype and test a digital platform as an EU-based infrastructure framework (i.e., digital platform) for the integration and common operation of the SOTS.
    • To launch the initial design of a multidomain naval combat cloud which could cover the gap between the cloud at naval platform level and the global and joint inter-services combat cloud.

  • Space-based ISR constellation


    Code: 35973 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-SPACE-SBISR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This SBISR call topic aims at contributing to develop an affordable constellation of small satellites, including its ground segments able to handle various types of innovative sensor payloads (optical, night vision, low light infrared, hyperspectral, RADAR, passive RF detection, video) for ISR applications. Such a constellation would complement high-end existing military capabilities while allowing responsive and smart tasking and data collection for near real-time operational and tactical use.

    The objective of the topic is to develop European SBISR capabilities through three pillars:

    1. An access system called the Federation Layer.
    2. The development of a low-latency constellation made of multi-sensor small-satellites.
    3. The access to existing national capabilities and capabilities under development.

  • Land collaborative combat including air-land


    Code: 35970 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-GROUND-LCC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Battlefield transparency is still insufficient due to high complexity warfare in a multi-domain environment with increased battle rhythm, deception, and electronic warfare measures.

    Deployments should happen mainly in NATO as well as in EU operations and missions and build upon a networking and service infrastructure compliant with Federated Mission Networking (FMN) spiral specifications. Some of them should need pooling and sharing capabilities. Native interoperability up to the enterprise level between all relevant platforms (e.g., command post, vehicular, dismounted) is thus an increasing operational need.

    New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence AI, edge computing, cloud-native architectures, and evolving technology-based manufacturing processes such as Dev(Sec)Ops, allowing for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) of IT services and Software Defined Defence (SDD) need to be adopted in the defence sector as key enablers to provide for improved decision and effect making at the relevance of speed. The distribution of commercially available storage and compute power, however, cannot but adapt to the available communication means to interconnect resources scattered throughout the combat arena and the power made available by the platforms (i.e., vehicles, and dismounted soldiers).

  • Enhanced pilot environment


    Code: 35967 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-AIR-EPE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    From the point of view of the human-machine relationship, the new generation of military aircraft involved in this collaborative air combat is likely to require a new generation of human-machine relationship that allows ergonomic cooperation between the crew and the machine, effective and safe flight, as well as cooperation with other assets, including unmanned ones. The new technologies would make it possible to gain a tactical advantage by assisting the crew as a real teammate, responding to requests, suggesting tactics and procedures, and adapting interfaces to the pilots’ and/or operators’ status and needs.

    Taking into account the new paradigm of human-machine teaming in future collaborative and connected air warfare, this call topic aims to address the following areas:

    • New or disruptive Human-Machine Interface (HMI) technologies, such as displays, wearables, vocal dialogue, augmented reality, stereoscopy.
    • Pilot status monitoring in relation to the mission and systems status.
    • Assisted decision-making support based on advanced techniques like Artificial Intelligence (AI) not excluding other approaches.

  • Multiband 4D Radar


    Code: 35965 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-SENS-MB4DR-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The specific challenge of this topic is to propose a technology integration demonstrator, as the basis for a future multiband 4D radar system that performs simultaneous sea, land, air and space warfare capabilities, and that is suitable to be integrated into a naval platform self/area-defence and combat management system within an air surveillance command and control system.

    Regarding radar, it aims to show enhanced detection of conventional air/surface and Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM) targets as well as new threats including tactical and strategical hypersonic targets and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) objects. The objective of the final system is to be seamlessly integrated within the combat management system and the fire control loop, being able to provide a multistatic capability (the radar being an illuminator or a receiver) and being multifunctional enabling communications to establish datalinks within collaborative signals/carriers.

  • Risk, robustness and resilience for autonomous vehicles in military operations


    Code: 35963 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-SI-CYBER-3RAV-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Unmanned vehicles (UxV) such as drones, ground vehicles, and surface/underwater vessels are bound to become an integral part of military operations. From a security perspective, this poses various new challenges that need to be properly resolved to deploy these vehicles in real missions and exploit their full potential.

    The cyber-physical nature of UxVs affects security in various way. It brings the attack surface of a typical computer (network) into a new context where successful cyber-attacks can have serious consequences in the physical world, while imposing new physical and operational constraints on available and well-established cyber security controls. New attack vectors emerge, and threat models need to be revised.

    Designing appropriate security controls for UxVs requires capabilities to identify and evaluate complex trade-offs between data protection, cybersecurity and assured autonomy to best support a mission. Automating parts of the analysis process is necessary to handle the complexity of this task, including processing large amount of data, reducing costs and risks associated with testing physical systems, and producing structured and traceable documentation.

    Existing security and safety approaches may be tailored to suit UxVs so that they can be made both secure and robust against well-known deliberate and accidental threats, however new solutions are expected. An additional challenge is whether UxVs can be made resilient in the sense that they can still react in a way that minimises the consequences, and possibly allows for alternative ways to complete the mission autonomously, in the presence of a successful cyber-attack.

  • Full-size demonstrators for next generation soldier systems


    Code: 35949 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-PROTMOB-SS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This call topic aims to develop the next-generation dismounted soldier system (NGDSS), finding synergies with existing topical EDF projects’ concepts and developments through an updated open-source architecture, as well as NATO efforts and the development of individual and networking capabilities.

  • Future modular multifunctional land platforms and enabling technologies, including green technologies


    Code: 35947 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-GROUND-FM2LP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This topic aims to further develop the technologies required to enhance the performance and effectiveness of armoured land platform systems in high-intensity operations, making them more capable, modular, multifunctional and energy efficient by maximising synergies, standardisation and interoperability of armoured land vehicle families.

  • Collaborative air combat


    Code: 35945 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-AIR-CAC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Today’s EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ air forces are built on a wide variety of heterogeneous systems. This diversity poses the challenge of interoperability at functional, software and hardware levels. With the plausible introduction of unmanned systems into air combat, future interoperability require much deeper networking, which could be provided by a new generation of tactical data links.

    The overall objective is to jointly develop an EU perspective to enable EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries to harmonise, standardise and share processes and tools to efficiently operate, in the medium to long term, joint air combat capabilities combining future air combat systems, manned or unmanned platforms, legacy platforms and their evolution, including sensors and effectors.

  • Drone-based affordable mass munitions


    Code: 35943 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-DA-SI-GROUND-DAMM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    As it is related to EUDIS, and in addition to the development activities, this call topic aims to support innovation opportunities and enable small companies to demonstrate innovative technologies relevant to drone-based affordable mass munitions and receive limited acceleration support. To achieve this objective, financial support to third parties (FSTP, i.e., cascade funding) is included as a mandatory part of the grant. This should increase the opportunities for various smaller actors, including those not previously active in the defence sector, to adapt innovative technologies for drone-based affordable mass munitions and to identify potential business opportunities in the defence sector.

  • Privacy-preserving human-AI dialogue systems – Participation in a technological challenge


    Code: 35941 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HAIDP-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The fast progress of generative artificial intelligence (AI), large language models and dialogue systems (chatbots) paves the way towards high impact defence applications in various domains such as intelligence, strategic planning, tactical operations, and life-cycle support. However, these technologies are still prone to errors, leading them in particular to present false or misleading information as fact (hallucinations). They should also be adapted to defence-specific needs. There is therefore a need for further research to develop high-performance human-AI dialogue systems for defence.

  • Privacy-preserving human-AI dialogue systems – Organisation of a technological challenge


    Code: 35939 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HAIDO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Human-AI dialogue systems offer impressive results but are still prone to errors of various types. Moreover, there is no established metric to measure system performances. In order to ensure trustworthiness and steer progress, these systems should be submitted to common tests using shared data and clear metrics and protocols.

    The goal of this call topic is thus to set up a testing environment and organise a technological challenge to evaluate the performances of such systems for defence use cases, including their abilities to manage classified information and to justify their answers. The challenge should be open to research teams supported through another call topic (EDF-2025-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HAIDP) and possibly by other sources of funding. Representative defence users should be involved to contribute to the definition of the use cases and associated data, to test the demonstrators produced by the participating teams, and to provide feedback.

  • Non-thematic development actions by SMEs


    Code: 35937 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-DA-SME-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

  • Support to the EDF National Focal Points (NFP) network


    Code: 35932 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-CSA-NFP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The National Focal Points for the EDF (EDF-NFPs) consists of a network of individuals nominated by EU Member States and EDF Associated countries that are supported by national structures established under the responsibility and control of the EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries. The NFPs form an essential part of the EDF implementation by providing practical information, advice, training, and other forms of assistance to stakeholders on all aspects of participation in the EDF. This action aims at facilitating trans-national cooperation between EDF NFPs with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to (potential) programme applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors that could benefit from the programme and thus contribute to strengthening the EDTIB.

  • Stand-off anti-submarine warfare engagement


    Code: 35930 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-UWW-SOASW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    It is essential for the survivability of a surface warship to be able to engage and neutralise an adversary submarine outside its effective weapon range when the mission dictates that evasion is not possible. The engagement capability must consequently be available at any time and within short notice, even outside of the deck cycles of the organic aircraft or availability of non-organic aircraft.

    Specific objective: Market available rocket-launched torpedoes like the VL ASROC or MILAS are being launched from the Vertical Launch Systems (VLS) or upper deck surface-to-surface missile (SSM) containers, therefore consuming the very limited space and weight that could otherwise be used for air defence missiles or strike capabilities, increasingly required for present and future Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) threat environment, to achieve the Surface Warfare mission.
    Current developments in the field of torpedo technology aim at developing very-lightweight torpedoes (VLWT) and ultra-lightweight torpedoes (ULWT). However, these new developments pose new challenges because of a reduced underwater effective range and the simultaneous requirement for extended range for transfer from the launching unit to the target area and with greater precision, delivering the effector at shorter range from its target, by suitable means to be determined. The surface warship requires an optimisation of its UW sensor suite for the prerequisite long-range detection and classification of targets with higher accuracy and update rates, which must be addressed before these new stand-off capabilities can develop their full potential.
    Future multi-domain mission profiles require enhanced firepower distributed on board smaller size surface combatants, demanding for new and more flexible approach that delivers solutions able to be integrated in a multi-mission or multi- weapons bay, where both offboard and onboard sensors and effectors, can be loaded and integrated in a mission tailored configuration.
    The aim of this activity is the identification of feasible common effector components, like V/ULW torpedoes or depth charges, which can be deployed by systems, which are usable for other purposes or in other warfare areas or even other warfare domains as well, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)/ Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) for reconnaissance and surveillance, affordable precision strike capability, or deploying sensors like sonobuoys, in a configuration similar to the multiple launch rocket system. This approach may allow greater degree of flexibility for the procurement of systems and as well reduce individual integration, certification and storage footprints thus increasing their viability for navies of EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries.

  • Technologies for counter-battery capabilities


    Code: 35928 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-GROUND-CBC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Given that artillery is still responsible for the vast majority of losses suffered by armies facing each other on the battlefield, this call topic aims to explore and mature the technologies required to destroy or neutralise all enemies’ artillery potential, thereby ensuring the survival of own forces and safeguarding their operational capacity.

  • Multi-Disciplinary design and Analysis Framework for Aerial Systems


    Code: 35926 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-SIMTRAIN-DAFAS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    A key objective of this call topic is to explore the benefits of applying DT technologies across the entire lifecycle of military systems, from design and development to operation and maintenance. This includes investigating how DTs can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and interoperability of systems throughout their lifespan.

  • Chiplet for Defence Application


    Code: 35923 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-MATCOMP-CDA-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The objective is to explore the possibilities the chiplet technology in combination with heterogeneous packaging can add to systems used for defence applications. Combining e.g., chiplets made in different technologies (GaN, GaAs, Si etc) and with analogue, mixed analogue/digital and digital functions may lead to new capabilities in processing power and still achieve a reasonable cost level and power consumption. New and/or improved devices can be made by exploring chiplet technology in various fields of defence applications such as, but not limited to: radar systems, Electronic Warfare systems, communication systems, munition applications, signal processing applications.
    This call topic contributes to the STEP objectives, as defined in STEP Regulation, in the target investment area of deep and digital technologies.

  • Autonomous triage and evacuation


    Code: 35921 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-MCBRN-ATE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) between peer adversaries can result in mass casualty scenarios where the need for casualty care and evacuation dramatically outstrips available medical resources. Unmanned air, ground and sea vehicles could significantly improve evacuation capacity and enable rapid automated or fully autonomous battlefield triage, also under Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) conditions and in high intensity fighting areas, resulting in faster and more efficient care, increasing life and limb saving opportunities in the early stages of the evacuation chain. This call topic addresses the urgent need to develop and validate innovative Robotic and Autonomous System (RAS), i.e., autonomous and robotic-assisted capabilities that address the specific challenges of military battlefield triage and evacuation in mass casualty scenarios, including CBRN contamination and ongoing high intensity fighting spots with limited or no access of first responders.

  • Multifunctional Information Distribution System


    Code: 35919 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-C4ISR-MIDS-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) is an indispensable C4ISR capability to facilitate international conflict prevention and crisis management in all phases of operations. EU Member States (MS) and EDF Associated Countries have already used various types of MIDS in recent operations to provide tactical Link interoperability between their major platforms (e.g., fighters, frigates, etc.).

    The specific objective of this topic is to design, develop and build a demonstrator of a radiocommunication system that provides this critical defence capability to respond to future security challenges.

  • Propulsion system for next generation rotorcrafts


    Code: 35916 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-ENERENV-PSR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The general objective of this call is to develop and mature the technologies required for a new state-of-the-art, breakthrough, affordable, efficient, and high-power (above 3000 shp / 2.237 kW) engine for future generation of EU military rotorcraft systems.

    The objective of this research topic, is to better understand and analyse the future needs EU Members States and EDF Associated Countries and the transition to future rotorcraft features, concepts, and capabilities, and to derive specific design parameters for next generation propulsion systems. Conception and pre-design of an alternative propulsion system for rotorcraft platforms must be performed.

  • Live, Virtual, Constructive training interoperability – Joint operations and service-specific solutions


    Code: 35914 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-RA-SIMTRAIN-LVC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Live training is paramount to conduct realistic multi-domain operations (MDO) training in a multi-national context. Creating a realistic joint training environment is however challenging due to aspects such as limitations in access to training areas, the number of available real assets and the need to protect information regarding tactics and system capabilities.

    Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) technology has a clear potential to be important to perform cost-efficient Multi Domain training by alleviating some of the above limitations. An integrated blend of real platforms (Live), simulators (Virtual) and computer-generated players and targets (Constructive) is developing rapidly. Various recent technologies such as modern communication systems, security solutions and eXtended Reality (XR) also show potential for further enhancing Live as well as Virtual solutions, facilitating flexible use of LVC for training participants. Using LVC in Multi Domain Education and Training reduces operational risks and enhances decision support.
    A major challenge is to design and evaluate LVC-training to ascertain training value to both Live and Virtual participants.

  • Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence


    Code: 35910 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-DIS-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    The specific challenge is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in defence research and innovation, including excellent researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs and visionary research centres of big companies, universities or research and technology organisations.

  • Great-depth enabling technologies


    Code: 35908 | Identifier Code: EDF-2025-LS-RA-DIS-GDET | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/02/2025 | End submission calls: 16/10/2025

    Due to a growing number of sabotage acts on critical underwater infrastructure, SBW has gained a very high level of interest for many EU navies. It is therefore necessary to be able to counter the various threat types operating in deep waters up to 6000m in depth. An extensive and precise research activity, focused on “great-depth enabling technologies”, could represent an important intermediate step towards an optimised and more efficient future SBW. The results of the research activity could facilitate and speed up the design of new systems specifically conceived and optimised for the operation in the new operational scenarios. At the same time, these new great-depth technologies could facilitate the adaptation of current systems to new operational requirements.
    Therefore the aim is to progress in undersea operations (e.g., SBW) in deep waters up to a depth of 6000m, with a concept phase to study and evaluate technologies suitable for platforms and payloads to allow unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV), detection systems, warning systems, communication systems, and weapon systems to perform deep water undersea missions (e.g., SBW missions), or even to be applied on fixed elements such as monitoring systems.

  • Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence


    Code: 34603 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The specific challenge is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in defence research and innovation, including excellent researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs and visionary research centres of big companies, universities or research and technology organisations.

  • Beyond the line-of-sight close combat


    Code: 34600 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-BLOS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) engagement is the capability of firing at a target not directly seen by the effector, based on information given by a remote sensor. The Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) capability offers tactical advantages, as mobile units acquire an increased engagement capability with higher kill probability and without being spotted by the adversary.

    To succeed in a BLOS-firing mission, reconnaissance, intelligence, and adequate preparations is likely essential. A technical system design (i.e., incorporating command and control, mobility, survivability, lethality, intelligence and endurance) for BLOS must be versatile against future alterations pending an evolving hostile threat. A BLOS system design therefore needs to be future-proof regarding robustness and security to motivate investments in resources and funds for the anticipated period of life.

  • Defence multi-dimensional communication standard


    Code: 34595 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-COMS-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic focuses on system level integration and orchestration of 5G technologies for seamless interaction of private military and public 5G networks. Hence, the overall objective is to support the need for an always connected concept enabling military applications to roam securely through a mix of private and public networks. To achieve this, there is a need to study, develop and demonstrate how the military can exploit seamless and uninterrupted transfer of secure applications and services in a coverage area served by a mix of private military and public 5G networks, including BLoS (Beyond Line of Sight) through Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) communication systems integrated in 3GPP standard.

    The specific challenge of this topic is to demonstrate robust and dynamic operational capabilities of 5G connectivity solutions matching the military needs for tactical command and control applications and services.

    The solution should always be connected via a hybrid form of networks, while ensuring secure communications, using tactical networks, private military and public 5G networks and other federation solutions. The use of flexible reach back solutions such as 5G NTN is also necessary to reach shared centralised cloud services.

    Within this context, secure integration of commercial and military hardware, software and services is a fundamental challenge that must be addressed on both a technological and a commercial level.

  • Next generation armoured infantry fighting vehicle


    Code: 34593 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-AIFV | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles (AIFV) remain a pivotal element of land military manoeuvre, both in a conventional warfare context as well as in the asymmetric one, thanks to the combination of protection, mobility, and firepower. Nonetheless, AIFVs currently numbered in the fleet inventories of the EU Member States are to some extent either ageing or obsolete and, therefore, the same States face the compelling need to modernise their in-service platforms and replace those of them approaching the end of their operational life. There is also a need to accelerate the acquisition and increase the size of the AIFV fleets updating some of the new requirements stemming from the war in Ukraine and the new threat scenarios. Against this background, the upgrade of the current and development of the next generation armoured infantry fighting vehicle capable of outstanding operational effectiveness and mission success in all possible future scenarios are highly necessary.

    Modularity, reduced crew workload, the integration of automatic systems, Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T), and increased survivability must guide design considerations.

  • Small enhanced European UAS


    Code: 34590 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-SEEU-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic intends to contribute to address the following specific challenges that small UAS are prone to:

    • Low UAS signatures and extended operational ranges;
    • Operate autonomously and automatic, including with assisted piloting considerations;
    • Miniaturisation of sensors and payloads, including potential weapons and communication systems;
    • Operational capability and survivability in contested, congested and challenging (e.g., weather) airspace.

  • Non-thematic development actions by SMEs


    Code: 34588 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-DA-SME-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

  • Autonomous heavy minesweeping system


    Code: 34586 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-UWW-AHMS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Uncrewed systems are a familiar asset in naval capabilities, and they are being increasingly adopted. These types of assets and the technologies that go with them have the potential to offer a diverse mission set, minesweeping being one of them. The maritime drones and their payloads currently used and integrated by the navies operate with different levels of autonomy and endurance. This topic aims to enhance naval minesweeping capabilities by pushing the design and level of the autonomy of particularly maritime drones. Furthermore, this topic addresses sweep gear and sweep sources for minesweeping operations adjoining the higher level of autonomy. In this context the drone/platform and its payload/sweeping gear form the minesweeping system.

    The objective of this call is to reach at least technology readiness level 6 for a minesweeping system (platform/drone and payload designed for it).

  • Quantum technologies


    Code: 34584 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-QUANT-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Quantum technologies count amongst the main emerging and disruptive technologies for defence capabilities. Within these quantum technologies, Quantum Sensing (QS) is one of the most mature domains and has the potential to notably impact defence operations. Nevertheless, significant technical challenges remain before operational systems can be developed. Further research is therefore needed in a range of QS domains such as quantum sensors for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT), optronics and RF sensing. Besides, with the possible emergence of quantum computers, current technologies for secure communications face a risk of becoming compromised and need to be upgraded. There is therefore a need for research on technologies future-proof communication technologies such as quantum communication or quantum-resistant cryptography.

  • Secure waveform for satellite communications


    Code: 34581 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-SPACE-EPW-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic aims specifically at further developing a European interoperable protected waveform for satellite military communications that can be used by different EU nations individually or together in a joint operational context (EU, NATO, multi-nation missions). Such European Protected Waveform (EPW) should in particular target efficiency, security, affordability and interoperability of satellite communications. The EPW should be license-based and flexibly adapted according to the application, service or platform (fixed, on-the-move or on-the-pause) during peacetime or in operations.

  • Simulation and training for medical emergencies


    Code: 34579 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-SIMTRAIN-STME-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The topic aims to address the current operational challenges facing military medical personnel in the EU Member States (MS) and EDF Associated Countries, including in and out of areas of deployment.

  • Next generation rotorcraft


    Code: 34575 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-AIR-NGRT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic is intended to lead to a step improvement in EU VTOL capability with a view to future EU/NATO rotorcraft programmes (EIS 2035/2040+). Moreover, developed technologies should also be used for upgrades of legacy platforms, where applicable.

  • Medium altitude long endurance RPAS


    Code: 34572 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-MALE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    MALE RPAS reconnaissance includes optical, infrared, radar and signal intelligence sensors and generates geoinformation data. The sensors for optical, infrared and radar reconnaissance are usual configuration parts of a MALE system. As signal intelligence is often classified for national eyes only, it would be preferable to develop a common pod design, which is suitable to contain the national electronics. The integration effort into the MALE system can be shared with a common pod design. This pod design is also a suitable baseline for additional future sensors.

    The ultimate objective is to develop, produce and sustain a system that provides this critical defence capability to respond to future security challenges.

    In addition, a strong European supply chain is intended to be developed at all levels to promote the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) in the long term. The supply chain should not be a pre-determined black box, but is expected to be open to competitive suppliers in a largely open tendering process, with the suppliers for mission-critical or security-relevant systems intended to be EU-based.

  • Functional smart system-of-systems under an integral survivability approach for future naval platforms


    Code: 34570 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-NAVAL-FNP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The specific objective of this topic is to define the common operational requirements of the System of Systems (SoS) framework and the essential elements of the next generation of European naval platforms. Such a SoS framework is expected to embrace the supporting infrastructure including interfaces, data, and common and specific services. It must identify the technological needs for the future development of European naval platforms with special attention on emerging technologies, promising solutions, and the increased resilience of naval vessels when facing the most sophisticated threats by near real-time evaluation of survivability.

  • Next-Generation Cooperative Cyber Range


    Code: 34568 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-CYBER-NGCR-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic aims to address the remaining challenge on design and development of solutions that deliver notable progress vis-à-vis the current state-of-the-art, including in view of wider technology landscape. This means that focus has to shift from creating cyber ranges that fulfil basic needs to cyber ranges that target next-level capability requirements. Therefore, the specific objective is about the use of cyber ranges for trainings and exercises. The proposed solutions, however, can benefit also other cyber range use-cases such as product development and penetration testing. Therefore, considerations of such use-cases may be taken into account for developing the solutions.

  • AI-based multifunctional aperture and transceiver


    Code: 34566 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-AIMA-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    To cope with multi-dimensional warfighting environments, modern militaries need relevant situational awareness across all domains. They also need to be able to both operate cross-domain capabilities, such as any-sensor-to-any-shooter networking, and prevent the enemy from doing so. This requires communications systems that can perform ad hoc networking in all domains in dynamically evolving tactical situations. Currently, this is done with mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) data links.

    Today, MANET data links, ES receivers, jammers, BFT and IFF are separate pieces of equipment requiring decentralised control, separate installation space, power supply, cabling, antennas, etc. By combining these functionalities into a single autonomously controlled equipment, it would be possible to achieve better performance, higher reliability, lower weight and lower life cycle costs.

    In addition to the aforementioned technological reasons for converged aperture, there is also a need for converged systems. The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) is expected to continue to be contested, congested and constrained. This would require AI-based operation at the device and system of systems (fleet/network) level in order to coordinate actions of several systems with minimal detectability and platform losses.

  • Energy-independent and energy-efficient systems for military camps


    Code: 34564 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-ENERENV-EEMC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The specific objective of this topic is to substitute the fossil fuel dependency reduction in military deployable camps (support and mobility) without any drop of operational performances, in a context of increasing electrical energy demand in the battlefield. Moreover, investigation on the return of experience of the demonstration stage, should include specifications of a whole concept of energy independent and efficient deployable camps. Furthermore, the ability to support the diminution of their fossil fuel consumptions while maintaining operational performances, avoiding logistics, security burden and reducing logistics footprint should be validated.

  • Multipurpose unmanned ground systems


    Code: 34562 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-UGS-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The use of such UxV systems has a direct impact in reducing the exposure of human operators and soldiers to associated risks. Such systems can radically improve the efficiency and performance of the tactical unit to provide tactical/ operational superiority and offer robust and reliable solutions in very demanding conditions.

    Thus, the aim of this topic is to develop an unmanned modular system of systems capable of supporting dismounted, mechanised and motorised infantry in all types of European geographic and operational land environments, including denied environments, in adverse light and weather conditions with evolving levels of autonomy and robustness.

    The overarching goal of this topic is to contribute to the maturing, testing and verification of the Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) capability, so that the technology is expected to be ready for integration into the European armed forces by 2030.

  • Methods for bridging reality gaps


    Code: 34389 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-SIMTRAIN-BRG-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Mission planning and execution in the present and future multi-domain operation environment (MDO) employing manned and unmanned force elements demand that the human decision makers are very well supported to be able to handle the complexity and dynamics of the battlespace and make decisions faster and better than the adversary.

    The general objective is to develop advanced automated support tools for the generation and evaluation of courses of action (COAs) in an MDO context. The toolset is expected to support wargaming of the candidate COAs to ensure that commanders and staff can assess the plan and options in detail before final decision making.

  • Secured and adaptive underwater communications for UUSs


    Code: 34387 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-UWW-SACOM-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Efficient, robust, and secured underwater communication is a key enabler for maritime uncrewed systems (MUS), including the use of uncrewed underwater systems (UUS). There is a need for exchange of classified information in MUS. Identification, authentication and authorisation are important functionalities in the field of digital trusted gateways. Further research needs to be done to overcome the physical characteristics of the underwater environment that limits the possibility of having wireless communication systems with sufficient robustness and bandwidth required by many underwater warfare functions.

    The specific objective is to design and demonstrate feasibility of secured (communications security COMSEC and transmission security TRANSEC) underwater (network) communication solutions (acoustic, optical, or other modalities) for UUSs designed for military needs.

  • Future mid-size tactical cargo aircraft


    Code: 34385 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-PROTMOB-FMTC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    By maturation of the required technologies and innovations, this topic aims to lower the risks for the Future Mid-size Tactical Cargo aircraft (FMTC) capability development and therefore the costs for further potential development phases, with a view to possibly enabling first flight of prototype early 2030’s.

  • Intelligent weaponry and ammunition systems


    Code: 34383 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-GROUND-IWAS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic aims to pave the way for the development of an autonomous European state-of-the-art capability in the field of high precision weaponry, such as guided mortar and artillery ammunition (shells and rockets), missiles, and other munitions with loitering capabilities. Such systems should aim to increase precision in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-contested/denied environments, reduce dependency on non-EU satellite navigation, and improve terminal guidance and effects on targets at extended ranges, as well as providing more affordable solutions.

    The use of data fusion techniques and high accuracy Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for Inertial Measurement Units (MEMS IMU) should be considered.

  • Unmanned collaborative combat aircraft (U-CCA) systems


    Code: 34380 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-AIR-UCCAS-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic aims to explore technologies, concepts, products, processes and services related to U-CCA systems in different possible configurations. These U-CCA systems are expected to be combat ready, hence highly manoeuvrable and, depending on the mission assigned, they should also be able to collect multispectral information from large areas, while identifying and countering potential threats in a wide range of missions including, but not limited to, defensive and offensive counter air, anti-surface warfare (ASuW) and suppression/destruction of enemy air defences (SEAD/DEAD), in a highly contested environment.

  • Concept study on advanced air-to-air missiles


    Code: 34378 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-AIR-AAM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The main objective is therefore to develop at European level concepts and operational requirements for a short-range air to-air missile (SRAAM) to primarily counter modern 5th and future 6th generation combat aircraft and other airborne threats, such as UAS and cruise missiles. Opportunities and limitations are to be explored in various disciplines, such as image processing, target detection, navigation sensors, missile hardware related to kinematic properties, propulsion, warhead unit design, missile guidance, missile control, multi-sensor data fusion, missile computer architecture design, advanced materials (e.g., morphing materials), new production techniques and network integration.

  • Automated structural modelling for effect prediction


    Code: 34376 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-DIGIT-ASMEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The effects of attacks on structures such as buildings, plants, oil tanks, pipelines, bridges, dams, etc., are a common subject of concern to military planners and engineers, weaponeers, munition designers, battle damage assessors, and modelling and simulation analysts and developers. However, predicting such effects currently involves a large uncertainty due to the difficulty in estimating the relevant characteristics of these structures. There is therefore a need to efficiently estimate such characteristics from available data such as imagery or documentation and to combine them with effect prediction models to provide reliable predictions.

  • Advanced radar technologies


    Code: 34374 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-SENS-ART | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic addresses the maturation of new RF sensor technologies, such as, but not limited to, high-power, high-frequency (up to Ka band), multi and wide band operation both active and passive, adaptive waveform design, modern AESA antennas with digital beam-forming, advanced resource management, innovative signal processing and spectrum-sensing techniques, multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) radar, multi-static configurations and cognitive capabilities with for instance Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML). The aim is to render radars highly versatile and adaptive, while being compatible with operational constraints in terms of performance, size, weight, power consumption and cost (SWaPC).

  • Multi-source satellite image analysis – Organisation of a technological challenge


    Code: 34289 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The objective evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as those used for satellite image analysis, requires a specific organisation whereby systems are tested on datasets that are new to the systems (blind testing), but that are representative of the tasks under study, and using common protocols. This scheme is commonly referred to as a “technological challenge”. One objective of the call is to organise a technological challenge driving research toward enhanced satellite image analysis for defence applications, and in particular for the combined analysis of optical and radar images. While a few challenges on satellite image analysis are organised in other contexts, there is a need for evaluations focusing on defence use cases, and for large datasets with annotations enabling accurate performance measurements.

  • Multi-source satellite image analysis – Participation in a technological challenge


    Code: 34287 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    Optical and radar images of a given geographic area contain complementary information. While these different types of images result from very different physical principles, which make their combination quite challenging, such a combination can lead to improved information extraction and capabilities. This call topic therefore aims at progressing information fusion approaches towards this objective.

  • Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation – Organisation of a technological challenge


    Code: 34284 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The proposals must address the organisation of a technological challenge on autonomous drone navigation in non-permissive environments based on the preliminary evaluation plan provided as part of the call documents (cf. Annex 4a). This includes the collection of data recorded by the participating teams during field tests, the annotation of this data, and the sharing of the resulting databases.

  • Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation – Participation in a technological challenge


    Code: 34282 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    To fulfil their missions, the next generation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are expected to offer an increased level of autonomy. Their effective deployment necessitates key features of swarming and navigation to target positions when GNSS availability is contested or lost and more generally in non-permissive environments.
    The use of various types of sensors (e.g. inertial, optical, infrared, hyperspectral, radar, LIDAR, acoustic, etc.) and intelligent information fusion are needed to provide the necessary capabilities to tackle these technical and operational challenges. Such intelligent navigation payloads should be usable on a wide range of unmanned assets, including in swarm formations, while having a low SWaP-C (Size, Weight, Power and Costs). Their performances should be measured in a quantitative, objective and comparable way.

  • Countering hypersonic glide vehicles


    Code: 34176 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-DA-EUCI-AIRDEF-CHGV | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    The scope of this topic is to build a common understanding and classification, proposals must address studies and performance assessment of the most demanding HGV systems, detailing their signature and behaviour depending on their characteristics.

  • Electronic components


    Code: 34174 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-RA-SI-MATCOMP-EC-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This topic aims to increase interoperability and resilience, including secured production and exchange of data, to master critical defence technologies, to strengthen the security of supply and to enable the effective exploitation of results for defence products and technologies.

  • Call for proposals dedicated to SMEs and research organisations


    Code: 34089 | Identifier Code: EDF-2024-LS-RA-SMERO-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 20/06/2024 | End submission calls: 05/11/2024

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs and Research Organisations (RO) in bringing forward innovation defence research, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

  • Common procurement of surface-to-surface ammunition


    Code: 33277 | Identifier Code: EDF-EDIRPA-2024-FNLC-AMMO-S2S | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 27/03/2024 | End submission calls: 25/07/2024

    The Instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA) aims to reinforce European defence industrial capabilities and support Member States’ cooperation on common procurement of the most urgent and critical defence products, especially those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

    The objectives of the Instrument are to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the EDTIB by speeding up its adjustment to the new security environment and to foster cooperation in defence procurement processes between participating Member States and associated countries.

  • Common procurement of platforms and replacement of legacy systems


    Code: 33250 | Identifier Code: EDF-EDIRPA-2024-FNLC-LSP-PRLS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 27/03/2024 | End submission calls: 25/07/2024

    The Instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA) aims to reinforce European defence industrial capabilities and support Member States’ cooperation on common procurement of the most urgent and critical defence products, especially those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

    The objectives of the Instrument are to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the EDTIB by speeding up its adjustment to the new security environment and to foster cooperation in defence procurement processes between participating Member States and associated countries.

  • Common procurement of air and missile defence capabilities and systems


    Code: 33207 | Identifier Code: EDF-EDIRPA-2024-FNLC-AMD-CS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 27/03/2024 | End submission calls: 25/07/2024

    The Instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement (EDIRPA) aims to reinforce European defence industrial capabilities and support Member States’ cooperation on common procurement of the most urgent and critical defence products, especially those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

    The objectives of the Instrument are to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the EDTIB by speeding up its adjustment to the new security environment and to foster cooperation in defence procurement processes between participating Member States and associated countries.

  • Increased production capacity for shells


    Code: 31480 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-SHL-IPC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    The objective of the Instrument is to foster the efficiency and competitiveness of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) to support the ramp-up of the production capacity and timely delivery of relevant defence products (groundto-ground and artillery ammunition as well as missiles) through industrial reinforcement.

    Any eligible action that addresses the increase of production capacities in the area of shells (forging shell bodies, shell filling or assembling of shell-integrated components) that aims at supporting the ramp-up of the production capacity and timely delivery of 155mm artillery ammunition, with potential positive spill over effects on other ground-to-ground and artillery ammunition.

  • Increased production capacity for explosives with strong focus on reduction of lead production time


    Code: 31478 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-XPL-FAST | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    This topic is focued on increased production capacity for explosives with strong focus on reduction of lead production time.

  • Increased production capacity for explosives with strong focus on elimination of bottlenecks and cross-border cooperation


    Code: 31475 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-XPL-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    This topic focuses on increased production capacity for explosives with strong focus on elimination of bottlenecks and cross-border cooperation.

  • Testing and reconditioning certification for artillery ammunition


    Code: 31472 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-TRC-AM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    The objective of the Instrument is to foster the efficiency and competitiveness of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) to support the ramp-up of the production capacity and timely delivery of relevant defence products (groundto-ground and artillery ammunition as well as missiles) through industrial reinforcement.

    Any eligible action as defined in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1525, that addresses primarily the obsolescence, testing or reconditioning certification in the area of artillery ammunition and that aims at supporting the timely delivery of artillery ammunition, with potential positive spill over effects on other ground-to-ground ammunition.

  • Increased production capacity for powders with strong focus on reduction of lead production time


    Code: 31470 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-POW-FAST | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    This topic focuses on increased production capacity for powders with strong focus on reduction of lead production time.

  • Increased production capacity for powders with strong focus on elimination of bottlenecks and cross-border cooperation


    Code: 31468 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-POW-STEP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    This topic is focused on increased production capacity for powders with strong focus on elimination of bottlenecks and cross-border cooperation.

  • Increased production capacity for missiles


    Code: 31465 | Identifier Code: EDF-ASAP-2023-LS-MIS-IPC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 13/12/2023

    The objective of the Instrument is to foster the efficiency and competitiveness of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) to support the ramp-up of the production capacity and timely delivery of relevant defence products (groundto-ground and artillery ammunition as well as missiles) through industrial reinforcement.

    This topic is focused on any eligible action that addresses the increase of production capacities in the area of missiles, in particular assembly of final product and production of propulsion systems, and that aims at supporting the timely delivery of missiles.

  • Electromagnetic signal propagation


    Code: 29815 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-SENS-EMSP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The main objective is to develop and test an efficient model of electromagnetic wave propagation capable of assessing and predicting EM signal propagation conditions to contribute to the creation of a tactical decision-making aid (TDA).

  • Strategic air transportation of outsized cargo


    Code: 29813 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-PROTMOB-SATOC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The objective of this topic is to explore the creation of a new European Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo (SATOC) capability to meet the requirements of Member States and EDF associated countries (Norway).

  • Demonstrators and technologies to defeat threats posed by Unexploded Explosives Ordnances (UXO) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)


    Code: 29811 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-PROTMOB-DEXPLO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The main objective of this topic is to prepare a next generation of explosive hazards countermeasures (equipment, materials, etc.) using innovative technologies.
    This research topic aims at developing technologies to defeat the threats posed by explosive ordnance (UXO and/or IED), in complex and diverse environments within the military domain.

  • Laser-based directed energy weapons


    Code: 29809 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-DIS-LDEW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    HEL weapons need to highly concentrate light energy on designated targets to defeat incoming threats. The laser beam must dwell and remain focused on target during several seconds, after having propagated through a turbulent atmosphere. Moreover, it should be possible to repeat this action as many times as needed to achieve the desired effect and address all incoming threats.

  • Dedicated hardware architectures for energy-efficient AI


    Code: 29806 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-DIGIT-HAAI | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The goal of the topic is to create new types of processors for AI that offer very significant performance gains for defence applications, and to develop European supply chains offering a technological autonomy for these technologies.

  • Non-thematic research actions by SMEs and research organisations


    Code: 29788 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-LS-RA-SMERO-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs and Research Organisations (RO) in bringing forward innovation defence research, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

    NOTE: Successful SME beneficiaries will be offered Business Coaching, to reduce the time of bringing the results to the next phase, e.g., development.

  • Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence


    Code: 29786 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-LS-RA-DIS-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific challenge is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in defence research and innovation, including excellent researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs and visionary research centres of big companies, universities or research and technology organisations.

    NOTE: Successful SME beneficiaries will be offered Business Coaching, to reduce the time of bringing the results to the next phase, e.g., development.

  • Agile and robust human language technologies for defence – Participation to a technological challenge


    Code: 29784 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HLTP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The overarching goal of the call is to create a European library of generic and adaptive human language technology components that offer high performances for several defence applications. In particular, the technologies should be robust to noise and communication quality, cover a wide range of language and dialects including under-resourced ones, manage specific vocabulary, and offer more robust processing of high-level semantic information.

  • Agile and robust human language technologies for defence – Organisation of a technological challenge


    Code: 29782 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HLTO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The objective evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as human language technologies (HLT) requires a specific organisation whereby systems are tested in a blind manner on data that is representative of the tasks under study, using common protocols. This scheme, which has been pioneered by the HLT community under the term “evaluation campaign”, is also often called a “technological challenge”. One objective of the call is to organise a technological challenge driving research toward enhanced HTL systems for defence applications.

  • Non-thematic development actions by SMEs


    Code: 29780 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-LS-DA-SME-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    This call topic encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare.

    NOTE: Successful SME beneficiaries will be offered Business Coaching, to reduce the time of bringing the results to the next phase, e.g., development.

  • Future maritime mine countermeasures capability


    Code: 29778 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-UWW-MCMC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is to enable solutions that are easily deployable both on current (by retrofit) and future naval assets. The focus is on interoperability and interchangeability as from the design phase of the systems, including data-sharing.

    The aim is to provide capable and cost-effective technologies for MCM operations. These include enabling systems for mine warfare platforms (such as launch and recovery (LARS) and command and control (C2) systems), development of unmanned platforms, decision support, planning, and evaluation tools.

  • Unmanned anti-submarine and seabed warfare


    Code: 29776 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-UWW-ASW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is to develop and assess, in a real environment, unmanned platforms and other new assets along with traditional platforms to manage efficiently anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and seabed warfare (SBW) operations to face current and future threats in the new security context.

    The aim is to progress in the ASW and SBW with unmanned systems beyond a concept phase to develop and test models or prototypes of UxVs (UAVs, USVs, UUVs, and other unmanned systems) with payloads which will enable ASW and SBW missions.

  • Threat surveillance and protection of space-based assets


    Code: 29773 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-RA-SPACE-PSA | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objectives of this topic are to identify and consolidate the potential threats to space assets and an overall preliminary system layout with associated functional chains of the different components (open architecture with interfaces and the possibility to integrate other and legacy systems), to study and select the best promising technologies to counter such threats based on this overall preliminary system layout, and to elaborate the associated technological roadmap as well as to start its implementation on some technological blocks.

  • Initial operational capacity for Space situational awareness C2 and sensors


    Code: 29770 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-SPACE-SSA | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is to develop military SSA sensors, command and control centres and Space Surveillance Network initial operational capability among the sMS.

  • Sensor grid


    Code: 29767 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-SENS-GRID | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The proposals must address the establishment of a European Architecture Framework for multiple interoperable and collaborating sensors. Efforts should aim at overall sensor performance optimisation (e.g. in terms of coverage, accuracy and efficient use of electromagnetic spectrum) against diverse and evolving challenging threats.

  • Modular and multirole patrol corvette


    Code: 29764 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-NAVAL-MMPC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The main objective of this topic is to generate a new multirole and modular “second line class of vessels”, able to increase current EU Member States and EDF associated countries (Norway) navies’ interoperability and capabilities mainly in terms of maritime situational awareness, surface superiority and power projection. Such units are due to carry out a large spectrum of naval operations ranging from peacetime and crisis time actions up to wartime operations.

  • Federating CBRN systems


    Code: 29762 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-MCBRN-FCS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The general objective of this topic is to create an overarching information system that enables interoperability between the different existing national CBRN defence information management systems, or subsystems, with the aim to improve and to better use and coordinate available CBRN defence resources within the EU Member States and EDF associated countries (Norway) to obtain greater endurance for their armed forces.

  • Technologies and processes for maintenance, joining and repair through an innovation test hub


    Code: 29760 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-MATCOMP-MJR-CBDIN | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    Τhe specific objective of this topic is twofold. The first is the development of a new test environment for testing and the improvement of technologies up to certification level. The second is the creation of a cross-border defence innovation network that encompasses players that would otherwise not have the means to access EDF actions, thereby further enhancing innovation capacity and competitiveness of the European Defence Industrial and Technological Base.

    This topic aims at supporting the technological maturation of various joining or repair or maintenance technologies, including the associated processes.

  • Main battle tank platform systems


    Code: 29758 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-GROUND-MBT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    Main Battle Tanks (MBT) remain a pivotal element of land military manoeuvre, especially in a conventional warfare context, thanks to their unique combination of protection, mobility, and firepower. Nonetheless, MBTs currently numbered in the fleet inventories of the EU Member States and EDF associated countries (Norway) are either ageing or obsolete and, therefore, the latter face the compelling need to modernise their in-service platforms and replace those of them approaching the end of their operational life. Against this background, the upgrade of current and development of future main battle tank technologies capable of outstanding operational effectiveness and mission success in all possible future scenarios are highly necessary.

  • Long-range indirect fire support capabilities for precision and high efficiency strikes


    Code: 29744 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-GROUND-IFS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The main objectives of this topic are to address challenges regarding precision, range (155mm shell: 80km with a minimum range of 50km; rocket: at least 150km), terminal effect and operation in stressful environment like GNSS-denied battlefield.

  • Deployable Autonomous AI Agent


    Code: 29742 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-CYBER-DAAI | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The proposals under this topic must focus on the development of an autonomous and adaptive deployable AI agent.

  • Full-Spectrum Cyber Situational Awareness for enhanced Cyberspace Operations Support


    Code: 29737 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-CYBER-CSA | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    Previous national and EU initiatives have addressed the conceptualisation and development of technologies for the acquisition of situational awareness by focusing on the logical sub-layer of cyberspace (software, services, networks, interfaces, etc.) but there is a raising demand of military-focused solutions able to holistically understand the cyberspace as a whole, taking into account all the layers.

    The proposals must focus on developing capabilities for mission-centric CySA, which as a System of Systems (SoS), must comprise independent enablers able to act jointly towards facilitating human decision-making through synergies between them.

  • Tactical RPAS


    Code: 29735 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-C4ISR-TRPAS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is to develop a multi-purpose/multi-role T-RPAS, for the potential use by units of mainly up to divisional size. It will collect tactical level intelligence (real-time target cinematics, terrain, enemy location and movements) with high-performance multi-sensor equipment, through ISR (ground, maritime and air) and targeting missions, in addition to other related tasks (target acquisition, identification, tracking).

  • Laser communications


    Code: 29732 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-C4ISR-LCOM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is the development of an Airborne Laser Communication System (ALCoS), able to establish a very high data rate bi-directional communication link to satellite, providing BLOS communication capability with LPD and LPI characteristics.

  • Detect and avoid


    Code: 29729 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-C4ISR-DAA Grant | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The specific objective of this topic is to take the necessary steps towards a standardised, qualified and certified DAA solution to be integrated in many different UAS, hence allowing a full integration for civil and military airspace and U-space services where applicable, and operational use of current and near-term platforms to be used, such as MALE RPAS.

  • Counter unmanned aerial systems


    Code: 29725 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-AIRDEF-CUAS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    Unmanned aerial system (UAS), including cheap commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and easy to assemble UAS components are widely available and their popularity is even growing. Traditional surveillance systems often fail to cope with these flying objects because of their characteristics. The high manoeuvrability of some machines makes their movement hard to track once detected, and their increasing on-board processing capabilities (e.g. automated and vision-based navigation, use of artificial intelligence) makes them more resilient to some counter-UAS (C-UAS) systems that rely on RF detection and jamming.

    Current C-UAS technology is largely ineffective against military grade UAS (such as loitering munitions), swarms and flocks of drones and threats that may emerge in the short to medium term, also considering that the use of cellular networks (4G, 5G or beyond) will increase the speed, stability and immediacy of intercommunication between aircraft and control stations. Moreover the costs of engagement may be prohibitive to counter large-scale attacks.

  • Smart technologies for next generation fighter systems


    Code: 29722 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-AIR-STFS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    New solutions regarding, for instance, hardware (HW), software (SW, including operating systems, middleware, system services, etc.) and framework, need to be defined in order to comply with new requirements for processing, network, interfaces, storage, power supply, etc.

    Military aerial platforms, from fighters to helicopters and other specific mission platforms require dedicated solutions to comply with specific military requirements (e.g. SWAP, multi-level security data flow, real time reactive response, etc.). In particular, modular architectures for avionics are widely recognised as key to reduce development cycles and costs and to increase interoperability in multi-industrial collaborative development, compared to classical federated systems. However, the next generation military aerial platforms, both manned and unmanned, will operate through a system-of-systems approach which implies much higher data sharing and processing needs than in the civil market, as well as new specific requirements in terms of development cycle (cf. need for faster adaptability of mission solutions applying DevSecOps type of development, but also involvement of more industrial entities) and in terms of defence-related missions.

    The general objective is then to exploit the knowledge and solutions conceived for civil purposes in the application of such technologies on various military platforms in accordance with defence requirements.

  • Self-protection systems


    Code: 29719 | Identifier Code: EDF-2023-DA-AIR-SPS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 22/06/2023 | End submission calls: 22/11/2023

    The main objective of the next generation self-protection systems (SPS) is to increase survivability of fixed-wing and rotary-wing, combat or non-combat aircraft in hostile environments.

    SPS is to face a wide, heterogeneous and evolving spectrum of hostile and directly threatening systems of surveillance, as well as to prioritise risks in the operational area and select the proper reaction mode through a network of distributed capabilities exploiting sensor nodes of various type inter/intra platforms. It should be reconfigurable depending on the mission and the platform targeted. It should also be able to self-adapt while operating, based on scenario monitoring and mission assets availability.

  • European command and control system


    Code: 23348 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-C4ISR-EC2 | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    An effective and robust EU military C2 capability for missions and operations is an essential element of the overall EU effort regarding the CSDP. The lack of an adequate Joint C2 system in the EU military C2 structure is a critical shortfall identified in the EU High Impact Capability Goals 2020 and capability development processes in the area of cross-domain capabilities contributing to achieve EU’s Level of Ambition (LoA), particularly, capabilities to operate autonomously within EU’s LoA. This is especially pressing for the development of the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC), which is currently not able to achieve the Full Operational Capable status with the current C2 and CIS arrangements. Interoperability with existing or in-development national C2 systems is of key importance in order to ensure the seamless coordination of joint and combined (EU) military operations.

  • Naval Collaborative Surveillance


    Code: 23346 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-NAVAL-NCS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    In the context of a changing geopolitical landscape, European Military Forces are facing new and evolving threats that are smaller, faster and more diverse, with increased manoeuvrability, like for instance Ballistic Missiles (BMs), Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGV) and Hypersonic Cruise Missiles (HCM), and swarmed attacks in a sensor adverse environment (e.g., stealth target, high target mix, environmental clutter, electronic attack).

    Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) in the naval domain requires new technological developments to ensure lasting superiority at sea of EU naval surface vessels. Successful engagement to counter new threats can only be done by significantly reducing times as regards detection, tracking, identification and engagement.

    EU navies already operate a variety of high-end sensors and weapons controlled by several combat management system, interconnected through Tactical Data Links (TDL) and other communication means, or have these under development. However, communications used nowadays (e.g., TDL 16/22) do not provide the speed, precision, configuration and update rate that enable successful engagements of future threats. Key challenge is to move from these existing capabilities to a naval collaborative surveillance ability in the Above Water Warfare (AWW) domain, based on real-time Plot Level Data Exchange and Fusion (PLDEF), emanating from diverse and heterogeneous platforms (ships or aerial) and relying on adequate and resilient communication means.

    This new Naval Cooperative Surveillance (NCS) capability is considered as a first step and the basis for a capability on effector coordination (i.e., Force Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment) and Naval Collaborative Engagement (NCE).

  • Airborne electronic warfare


    Code: 23343 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-AIR-AEW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The proliferation of advanced long-range Integrated Air Defence Systems (IADS), incorporating threats that can operate across different frequency bands and attack aircraft at ranges up to 400 km, could create Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) areas.
    In such A2/AD areas, which could equally affect EU Member States’ and associated countries’ airspace, air operations including projection of forces by air would not be possible in case of emergence of a crisis.

    As European forces increasingly face sophisticated long range IADS and A2/AD systems, airborne electronic attack (AEA) capabilities become essential to create safe bubbles around formations of aircraft. From the operational perspective, the AEA
    capability must be able to mitigate Electro Magnetic (EM) threats in the largest possible Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum used in military operations. The effects should be coordinated with stand-in, stand-off, self-protection of manned and
    unmanned platforms. This implies to operate in a consistent and a synergetic way all the assets of the electronic warfare (transmitter, receiver) that would be in motion and in different places.

  • Space-based missile early warning


    Code: 23341 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-SPACE-SBMEW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Taking into full consideration the ongoing EU, Member States and Norway funded activities in this domain, the topic general objective is to contribute to the further development of a European space-based early warning capability against various types of missile threats: ballistic, hypersonic and anti-satellites (ASAT). This topic will focus on the one hand, on the consolidation of the overall system architecture and on the other hand, on the development of the critical technologies needed for such capability.

  • Deployable special operations forces multi-environment command post and C2 System


    Code: 23338 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-C4ISR-SOFC2 | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    In the context of CSDP operations, Small Joint Operations (SJO) conducted by Special Operation Forces (SOF) can provide a wide array of flexible military options for a rapid and effective response to the whole spectrum and all the stages of the fastevolving crisis management landscape. The use of SOF can evidently decrease the risk of escalation that is generally associated with the employment of larger and more visible combat forces. Furthermore, SOF can be used in order to prepare and
    incorporate the full capacity and rapid deployment of such larger EU military forces and reinforce their operational capacities when they are already deployed in an operational theatre, in order to stabilise a deteriorating situation.

    SOF can also contribute to the effort to maintain the maritime security across Mediterranean Sea, to conduct maritime security and interdiction operations in the context of combating maritime terrorist, to mitigate refugee flows and intercept illegal
    trafficking of people and goods.

  • Non-thematic research actions by SMEs and research organisations


    Code: 23331 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-SMERO-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    This call encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs in bringing forward innovation defence research, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare. Successful SME beneficiaries may be offered Business Coaching, to reduce the time of bringing the results to the next phase, e.g., development.

  • Collaborative combat for land forces


    Code: 23316 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-GROUND-CGC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    In the next 10 to 15 years, the evolution of threats will drastically change the management of land operations linked to other domains. Our forces will face a new conflict, including technological dissemination and porosity between different categories of opponents. Future asymmetric enemies will benefit from this dissemination, which may include advanced systems such as long-range antitank missiles as well as armoured vehicles and unmanned autonomous aerial and ground systems (UAxS). Threats will also reveal through immaterial and non-kinetic actions (information, cyber, electromagnetic), and even through hybrid warfare (mix of
    military and non-military activities). Space, which supports air-land operations, will also become a domain of confrontation.

  • Medium-size semi-autonomous surface vessel


    Code: 23314 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-NAVAL-MSAS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The goal is to study, design, prototype and test a medium-sized semi-autonomous surface vessel (MSAS) with at least an ISR modular mission payload. Medium-sized should be understood as a vessel that can host the designed mission modules, be optionally manned based on the level of ambition described in scope and functional requirements sections of this call text.

  • Cybersecurity and systems for improved resilience


    Code: 23312 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-CYBER-CSIR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Kinetic and digital military operations increasingly rely on computers and networked communications for information gathering, intelligence, coordination and weapon control. At the same time as the dependencies on digital technologies rapidly grows, so does the potential threats and vulnerabilities. The global community, military, and battlefield may be affected by increasing threats. Furthermore, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become widely integrated into a variety of sectors and industries, offering “readymade” solutions for surveillance, monitoring, healthcare, and military platforms. Examples for IoT devices are drones, software defined radios, sensors (cameras, humidity, temperature), TV devices, cars/vehicles). Many IoT solutions are designed primarily for functionality, without being properly secured. As a result, attacks on IoT environments have gained momentum due to the increased attack surface. Therefore, the need for cybersecurity services, including ensuring an appropriate level of control and prevention (e.g., over data, communications, systems), must be addressed.

  • Modelling, simulation and simulator integration contributing to decision-making and training


    Code: 23171 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-SIMTRAIN-MSSI | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    This proposal should lead to an enhanced EU military training and decision-making capability by connecting individual national systems through distributed solutions. Achieving the added benefit of sharing and pooling resources across EU through a shared ecosystem of simulation services. The goal of this initiative should be to establish a Distributed Synthetic Training and decision-making capability in Europe.

  • Smart and multifunctional textiles


    Code: 23169 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-MATCOMP-SMT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Soldier equipment needs to allow for activities that are often physically demanding, while bringing protection, situational awareness and preserving capacity to act, endurance, and mobility. The garment is an integral part of that equipment and must meet this challenge. Smart and multifunctional textiles are a new generation of materials and systems with multifunctional properties which, given their ability of being integrated into uniforms, have drawn the attention of the defence community.

    Smart textiles are defined as textiles able to interact with their surroundings: they respond and adapt to a given stimulus. Functional textiles provide an additional and specific function through their composition, their construction and/or their finish. Typically, these functions encompass enhanced mechanical resistance, water and/or dirt repellence, fire retardancy, antibacterial properties, protection against ultraviolet
    radiation, pest or chemicals, thermal isolation, etc. Smart and multi-functional textiles pave the way to multiple possibilities for developing high-tech garments responding to multiple needs in an elegant solution.

    These materials enable to integrate different components and devices, in a comfortable and ergonomic way, providing a wide range of functionalities that can improve the safety, performance and wellbeing of the soldiers. Moreover, those textiles also offer new integration opportunities with platforms and systems.

  • Innovative multi-sensor space-based Earth observation capabilities towards persistent and reactive ISR


    Code: 23167 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-SPACE-ISR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    This topic aims at developing an affordable constellation of small satellites, including its ground segments able to handle various types of sensor payloads (e.g., optical video, low light, infrared, hyperspectral, RADAR, SIGINT) for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) applications. Such a constellation would complement high-end existing military capabilities while allowing responsive and smart tasking and data collection for near real-time tactical use.

    This topic may also pave the way towards a collective and concerted approach regarding a future operational European Earth observation capability for ISR applications.

  • European defence medical countermeasures alliance


    Code: 23095 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-FPA-MCBRN-MCM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The framework partnership will support individual troop readiness and total force health protection by developing technologies and products to rapidly identify and respond to biological threats (including natural and genetically modified organism), chemical hazards and attacks, toxins as well as countermeasures regarding radio-nuclear and nuclear threats. Funded actions also focus on the research and development of vaccines and drugs and other antibiological substances (e.g., bacteriophages) against biological agents that may affect a sizable number of the military and/or be used on the battlefield. A subset of the funded actions specifically supports solutions to be used by personnel with minimal medical training, deployable laboratory capabilities even in the low-resource environments typical of many military operations.

  • Non-thematic development actions by SMEs


    Code: 23092 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-DA-SME-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    This call encourages the driving role of innovative SMEs to turn technology and research results into defence products in a fast and cost-efficient way, possibly by adapting technologies from civil applications or addressing hybrid warfare. Successful SME beneficiaries may be offered Business Coaching, to reduce the time of bringing the results to the next phase of development.

  • Innovative technologies for adaptive camouflage


    Code: 23090 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-DIS-AC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Camouflage is an important measure to protect soldiers and military platforms. The adaptation of the camouflage characteristics to the conditions, such as encountered sensors, environment and threat level, could bring this protection to a new level. Both the performance of the adaptive camouflage and material characteristics, including its passive properties (e.g., fire/electric shock protection and camouflage), will influence the impact of this technology on military capabilities. This topic complements ongoing projects, in particular following the PADR call on research in technology and products in the context of Force Protection and Soldier Systems.

  • Electromagnetic artillery demonstrator


    Code: 23086 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-DIS-EAD | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The combination of electromagnetic artillery guns with smart ammunition can provide long-range precision strikes, as well as increased air defence and anti-surface warfare capabilities. Such combination is expected to improve the effectiveness and the protection of future European land and naval systems. Electromagnetic guns might provide a drastic superiority over conventional guns due to its hypersonic muzzle velocities, while guided projectiles will provide higher accuracy and precision. This
    topic complements ongoing projects, in particular following the 2019 PADR call on emerging technologies for defence.

  • Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence


    Code: 23083 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-DIS-NT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The specific challenge is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in defence research and innovation, including excellent researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs and visionary research centres of big companies, universities or research and technology organisations.

  • Cyber and information warfare toolbox


    Code: 23081 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-DA-CYBER-CIWT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The continuously and rapidly increasing flow of information in the information environment, facilitated through cyber capabilities, is a well-established fact. We are witnessing an increasing number of malicious actions targeting the information
    environment. In the more and more digitalized battlespace, the Cyber and Information domains become decisive to anticipate and manage conflicts in the full spectrum of threat activities from sub-threshold interference to open warfare.

  • Support to the National Focal Point (NFP) network


    Code: 23078 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-CSA-NFP-SNFPN | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 26/10/2022

    The objectives of this call are to:

    • enhance the functioning of the EDF-NFP network and contribute to the increase of the impact of the EDF in maximising the competitiveness of EU defence industry, its capacity to innovate and contribute to developing key technologies
      for the future;
    • strengthen cross-border collaboration between EDF-NFPs and to improve coordination in EDF-NFP-related activities that reach more than one Member State or Associated Country;
    • continuously improve the services of the individual EDF-NFPs with respect to all aspects of participation in the EDF and to all stakeholders concerned;
    • foster matchmaking activities to facilitate the forming of consortia participating in the EDF calls
    • enhance the cooperation of EDF-NFPs with the Enterprise Europe Network and other relevant networks

  • Unmanned ground and aerial systems for hidden threats detection – Organisation of a technological challenge


    Code: 23075 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HTDO | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    IED and landmine detection has been a research topic for many years. However, progress is hindered by the lack of standardised benchmarks. There is a need to rely on representative testing environments enabling an objective and comparable
    evaluation of developed systems.

    Furthermore, field tests cannot be repeated at will and are not perfectly reproducible, especially for detection systems that involve artificial intelligence. Online tests of software components, for which measurements are easily reproducible and which
    enable short development cycles, should therefore also be organised. Since little data is readily available, data for online tests need to be collected during field tests organised previously during the challenge. This combination of field tests and online
    tests is needed to steer fast progress toward operational goals.

  • Unmanned ground and aerial systems for hidden threats detection – Participation to a technological challenge


    Code: 23072 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-DIGIT-HTDP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and landmines are a significant threat to military personnel, civilians and equipment, and a major cause of casualties for European forces during operations. Countering these hidden threats is essential to protect
    soldiers, reduce loss of equipment, secure critical logistic activities, improve mobility and freedom to act by increasing the security of operation areas, and more generally enhance operational efficiency. Furthermore, in a hybrid warfare context, these
    threats are increasingly used against civilian populations. In particular, they have the potential to severely disrupt both military and civilian supply chains, damage critical infrastructures and affect strategic lines of communication.

  • Single European Sky interoperability


    Code: 23070 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-C4ISR-AIRC2 | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    In order to cope with sustained air traffic growth and operations over Europe, the Single European Sky (SES) initiative has been running since 2004. It intends to improve the performance of Air Traffic Management (ATM) in terms of safety,
    capacity, cost-efficiency and the environment. It hence paves the way for a European airspace that is used optimally, embraces emerging disruptive technologies, facilitates the integration of “new entrants” such as all types of drones, High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) to super- and hyper-sonic aircraft, trans-atmospheric and suborbital vehicles, and complies with emerging challenges. This modernisation of the civil aviation sector does not directly apply to military operations and training. However, civil and military aviation activities are closely interlinked, as they share the same airspace considered as a continuum. Therefore, SES implies a necessary coordinated modernisation of the different Air Command and Control (C2) systems, which are furthermore to collaborate at national and EU levels. Indeed, in this context, concomitant with a more hostile security environment, the timely sharing of correct and consistent information covering all phases of flight, between civil and military
    parties is a must.

  • Packaging technologies for critical defence components


    Code: 23066 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-MATCOMP-PACOMP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Future defence systems that target information superiority, new communication capabilities, new battlefield operations, combat capabilities and inter-theatre air operations require electronic components with high performance and multiple
    functionalities. Systems such as radiofrequency (RF) sensors for radars or electronic warfare systems, intelligent processing platforms or hardware-secured/cyber-secured modules need to be highly integrated and to fulfil specific military requirements. A particular challenge for defence forces is the digital control of the RF spectrum. For example, digital radar equipment will be driven mainly by components like analog-todigital converters (ADC), digital-to-analog converters (DAC), the RF frontend, which
    will be mainly characterised by a transmit (high power amplifier – HPA) signal chain and a receiver (low noise amplifier – LNA) signal chain, and a robust switch, setting the mode of operation.

  • Diagnostics, treatment, transport and monitoring of highly contagious, injured and/or contaminated personnel


    Code: 23064 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-MCBRN-HICP | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Research and development in detection, diagnostics, treatment, transport and monitoring of highly contagious, injured and/or contaminated personnel (HICP) provides for new life-saving techniques, concepts and strategies for soldiers on the
    battlefield, including surgical robots, ultra-portable telemedicine devices and diagnostics sensors, Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) containment systems, ‘porter’ or load- carrying Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) and battlefield casualty extraction devices. Battlefield logistics are a challenge regardless of the mission. Adversaries, terrain, and the environment all serve to complicate the process of delivering supplies to the wounded and sick. The medical support to a force must be capable of maintaining the necessary quality and quantity of supply, treatment and evacuation activities during peace, crisis, and conflict. This requires having on hand or in reserve appropriate medical equipment, supplies, integrated medical evacuation capabilities and remote casualty care capacity, as well as having the ability to resupply and to replace medical personnel on a continuous basis.

  • Responsive space system


    Code: 23062 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-SPACE-RSS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The general objective of this research topic is to pave the way towards a future European responsive space system able to place small satellites in various types of orbits within a short notice in order to address specific operational needs, including
    tactical ones, and capability gaps stemming from shortage, failures and damages of existing space assets. This is particularly relevant in the field of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and satellite communication (SATCOM) where
    space assets have to be continuously operational and available to monitor and react to risks and events.

    Such a responsive space system will enhance the resilience and autonomy of the Member States, Norway and of the European Union in the fields of ‘access to space’ and ‘space capabilities for defence applications.

  • Underwater manned-unmanned teaming and swarms


    Code: 23059 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-UWW-UTS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    This topic addresses research for future capabilities addressing moving subsurface threats using manned-unmanned teaming and swarm technologies, possibly including surface and air platforms and components, particularly in confined and shallow waters (CSW). This System-of-Systems (SoS) should enable enhanced operational efficiency and performance. The actions in this topic should address state-of-the-art, and beyond, swarm control solutions. This includes analysis of centralised, distributed, and hybrid control models. Swarm control may employ control scheme with a global or local approach and their optimised combination. The control-scheme should adopt to mission type changes as the operation evolves from one phase to another. Guidance and control strategies for the swarm are also to be considered, where inductive and swarm internal cognitive-like self-control needs to be analysed.

  • Sustainable components for underwater applications


    Code: 23055 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-ENERENV-CUW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Piezoelectric materials used for military applications, especially in underwater acoustics, are to a very large extent based on ceramics, more specifically, on lead titano-zirconate Pb1-xZrxTiO3 (PZT). Civilian and military users now face challenges with European regulations regarding lead and its derivatives identified in the Candidate List of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation from 2012, with the risk of its inclusion in the Annex XIV (substances under authorization) in the coming years. This is a concern for sonar systems used in underwater applications utilising piezoelectric ceramics. In addition to the REACH regulations, other global regulations, such as the Restriction of Hazardous
    Substances (RoHS) or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), require the elimination of lead and its salts from consumer goods and industrial devices. These constraints and regulations stimulate the need for an increased technological and
    industrial maturity of piezoelectric material alternatives to PZT. As an example, the recent update of the European RoHS directive has precluded the use of PZT ceramics from July 2021 for civil applications.

  • Future mid-size tactical cargo aircraft


    Code: 23052 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-PROTMOB-FMTC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Tactical transport aircrafts are the workhorses of battlefields, fulfilling missions like airdrop delivery, parachutist drop, logistics, medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), air to air refuelling, special missions under harsh and adverse conditions, which are critical for the success of military operations. Operations in hostile environments demand e.g., built in electronic warfare self-protection systems and set requirements on the platform performance/build up in order to be suitable for the task, and furthermore to
    operate with limited ground infrastructure (e.g., unprepared runways).

  • Underwater observation, detection, acquisition and communications


    Code: 23049 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-UWW-ODAC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Timely and robust detection and monitoring of moving underwater threats (such as submarines, swimmer delivery vehicles (SDV), combat divers, underwater unmanned vehicles (UUV)) in open sea and coastal waters is critical for maintaining sea control, for ensuring freedom to operate own forces, for A2AD operations, for harbour protection, for force protection, and for protection of critical national infrastructure.

  • Shared databases and integrated systems for image recognition


    Code: 23047 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-DIGIT-DBIR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Image recognition technologies become essential for defence applications. There is in particular an increasing need for forces to analyse their environment more efficiently in order to enhance decision-making, responsiveness and survivability while ensuring the observation function effectively. This need is reinforced by the emergence of new forms of threats such as hypersonic, swarming, miniaturised or stealth weapons,
    which require increased speed, sensitivity or accuracy of the recognition systems. This need applies to manned and unmanned platforms as well as to wide-area or longlasting surveillance.

  • Advanced radar technologies


    Code: 23045 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-SENS-ART | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Passive and active radio-frequency (RF) systems in general and surveillance radar systems in particular remain vital assets for supporting multi-domain operations: incl. air and air defence missions, as well as ground/maritime operations.

  • Covert sensing


    Code: 23040 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-SENS-CSENS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    Due to the current geopolitical instability, European military forces will be obliged to participate in demanding military multi – domain operations like securing air superiority, land and sea control, border surveillance, traffic management, security of critical infrastructures, etc. Military information superiority is key to these operations, because they are relying on the best possible battlefield awareness, which is created by the exploitation of data acquired by modern sensors, integrated both in a range of platform and in a range of concepts of use enabled by the digital transformation of the battlefield.

  • Adapting cyber situational awareness for evolving computing environments


    Code: 23036 | Identifier Code: EDF-2022-RA-CYBER-CSACE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 21/06/2022 | End submission calls: 24/11/2022

    The overall goal is to explore novel concepts and operational opportunities for providing to the Commander essential intelligence about the adversary, their capabilities and objectives while operating in and through cyberspace. CTI enhanced with a Semantic Threat Enrichment module able to analyse both data coming from public repositories and the dark web to generate Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and Indicators of Attacks (IoAs) will support Cyberspace Operations.

  • European protected waveform and accompanying technologies for resilient satellite communications against jamming


    Code: 13484 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-SPACE-D-EPW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic aims at bridging a shared and recognised gap in terms of European interoperable protected waveform for satellite communications in military applications, including in joint operations. The scope also addresses complementary ancillary technologies to provide an integrated multi-layered security and resilience approach for military satellite networks. These developments may have positive externalities on GovSatCom initiative.

  • Infrared detectors


    Code: 13482 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-SENS-R-IRD | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    The proposals under this topic of the Call, must address the development of the next generation of ROICs for Infrared detectors, including the EU supply chain. That next generation of ROIC will be based on an advanced Silicon technology (compatible with a 3D architecture) that can be used in various future cooled and uncooled IR detector architectures.

  • Advanced radar technologies


    Code: 13476 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-SENS-R-RADAR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    Proposals should address the development of new concepts, technological blocks, sub-systems and/or systems in in order to realize a new class of sensors with remarkable sustainable characteristics in all domains (sea, land and air). These aimed achievements should be applicable in different kinds of active or passive radar systems (unification between different kinds of platforms desirable) and need to be able to support future military operations and to cope with new generation of unpredictable and unimaginable threats.

  • Space and ground-based NAVWAR surveillance


    Code: 13473 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-SPACE-D-SGNS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    The proposals must aim at developing a comprehensive EU NAVWAR capability, relying on space-based and ground-based surveillance, and complementing current European efforts to strengthen the future Galileo PRS service resilience for military applications and the development of the user segment used by the forces of the EU Member States. To this end, the proposals must address the NAVWAR overall system, including a modular NAVWAR information-management system, networked with NAVWAR subsystems and NAVWAR PRS sensors. The objective is to achieve overall global capability dealing simultaneously with resilience, surveillance, and offensive measures.

  • Development of full-size demonstrators for soldier systems


    Code: 13471 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-PROTMOB-D-SS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    Soldier Systems support force protection, increase operational effectiveness, reliability and endurance of individual soldiers and formations. They comprise the gender-neutral equipment of individual military personnel to be able to operate with a sufficient level of protection in any operational environment. Soldier Systems are a primary force multiplier. The development and integration of cutting-edge technology is key for forces. 

  • Development of a digital system for the secure and quick exchange of information related to military mobility


    Code: 13467 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-PROTMOB-D-DMM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    Timely and accurate logistic information and sharing is required for the efficient management and coordination of multinational logistic networks and hubs. Information management for multinational logistics, including for Military Mobility related information, contributes to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness, notably to the reduction of overall costs and environmental footprint, flexibility of forces, improved interoperability and fair burden sharing between Member States or conservation of scarce local resources.

  • Quantum technologies for defence


    Code: 13463 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS-QSENS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    Quantum sciences have the potential to be a disruptive technology for a wide range of application domains including defence. At the core of this “second quantum revolution” is information: its acquisition (quantum sensors, quantum imaging), its transmission (quantum communications) or its processing (quantum computation).
    In the long term, quantum communications or digital superiority by quantum computing are two examples of how quantum technologies can benefit defence applications.
    In a shorter-term, quantum sensors are expected to play a major role in offering unprecedented advantages in a defence context.

  • Next generation electrical energy storage for military forward operation bases


    Code: 13381 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-ENERENV-D-NGES | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Energy efficiency and energy management” (EDF-2021-ENERENV-D).

    This topic aims at developing new alternative technologies for deployable energy storage systems that are reliable, stable, compact, lightweight, high power (SWaP), mobile, safer, smart managed, characterized by the lack of “memory effect” and with a high operating time (number of discharge / charge cycles).

  • Energy independent and efficient systems for military camps


    Code: 13378 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-ENERENV-D-EEMC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Energy efficiency and energy management” (EDF-2021-ENERENV-D).

    This topic aims at developing concepts, processes and products for autonomous military camp that integrates a wide energy source approach, with several different technological bricks (fuel cells, batteries, synthetic fuels small refinery, hybrid electric generator, deployable solar panel, etc.) with a focus on Energy Security, reducing heat waste and efficiency.

  • High-altitude platform systems


    Code: 13375 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-C4ISR-D-HAPS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”ISR and advanced communications” (EDF-2021-C4ISR-D).

    The proposals must aim to validate HAPS solutions, developing at least two different flight demonstrators of different kinds to test properly the operational and technical challenges of the different HAPS platform types, and as such making a substantial contribution to European Defence and Security applications.

  • Enhanced pilot environment for air combat


    Code: 13371 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-AIR-D-EPE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Avionics and advanced air combat” (EDF-2021-AIR-D).

    The improvement in the performance of effectors and platforms and the networking of more and more various systems in an increasingly collaborative combat mode result in a greater diversity and a greater amount of information to deal with, while requiring an even higher pilot’s responsiveness. The objective is therefore to improve the gender-neutral cockpit environment and to provide the pilot of next generation air combat systems with enhanced tools and avionics in order to keep the pilot efficiently focused on the mission to be carried out, e.g. through AI based pilot support, integrated sensor management, path finding technology or manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) enhanced features.

  • Robust defence multi-dimensional communications


    Code: 13367 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-C4ISR-D-COMS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”ISR and advanced communications” (EDF-2021-C4ISR-D).

    This topic addresses design and development activities in that respect, using commercial and military secure hardware, software and architecture, including LTE 5G and beyond, digital transceivers, considering multi-functional digital antenna systems, all with a SWAP-C (Size, Weight, Power and Cost) approach.
    The specific challenge of this topic is to assess identified use cases, whereby 5G will bring improved operational capacities and build corresponding interoperable 5G solutions matching the military constraints in terms of robustness, resilience, security, sovereignty and manageability, and at the same time ensuring efficient interoperability of the 5G solutions with military networking technologies.

  • Non-line-of-sight optical sensors applications


    Code: 13364 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS-NLOS | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic was opened in the framework of the call “Research on naughty technologies for defense applications” (EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS).

    This theme aims to stimulate the development of new quantum detection devices, laser technologies and computational algorithms, such as geometric reconstruction and artificial intelligence, as to enable discovery in visual sense and state awareness. Thus, reconstruction and artificial intelligence could be explored in order to expand the range of perception of the forces and thus increase their survival and supremacy on the battlefield.
    NLOS applications can extend the perception range of optical sensors to areas where direct projection is hidden while maintaining high spatial optical resolution.

  • Over-the-horizon radars applications


    Code: 13362 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS-OTHR | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Research for disruptive technologies for defence applications” (EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS).

    This topic addresses the technologies for an EU OTH radar network concept offering deep collaborative strategic surveillance and data sharing. In this regard, both HF Surface- and Sky- Wave radar technologies, possibly in combination with higher frequency sensors, should be explored regarding their respective advantages in terms of covered area in long ranges and gap filler.

  • New materials and technologies for additive manufactured defence applications


    Code: 13354 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS-AMD | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Research for disruptive technologies for defence applications” (EDF-2021-DIS-RDIS).

    Research activities under this topic could include but are not limited to identification and analysis of material properties, such as (super)alloys or concrete composites, full functional 3D printed electrified structures, new technologies to further improve military propulsion, AM parts or structures for an improved protection of soldiers and equipment, specialized AM-materials for function and structure in next-gen ammunition and missiles or AM technologies for ballistic functional structures as well as new approaches to lightweight applications.

  • European interoperability standard for collaborative air combat


    Code: 13351 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-AIR-D-CAC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Avionics and advanced air combat” (EDF-2021-AIR-D).

    European air forces are built on a wide variety of heterogeneous systems, thus leading to the challenge of interoperability at the functional, software and hardware levels. The objective is to develop jointly a European perspective enabling the member states to address with a middle to long-term perspective collaborative air warfare, through a common European standard that must be compliant with ongoing activities in Europe in that respect and with NATO too.

  • Future modular ground vehicles and enabling technologies, including green technologies


    Code: 13349 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-GROUND-D-FMGV | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Fleet upgrade and close combat” (EDF-2021-GROUND-D).

    The evolving operational environment requires the development of next generation and the modernisation of current armoured platforms with improved robustness, agility, versatility and interoperability. Moreover, future land vehicles will require the ability to operate in adverse conditions, in digitised battlefield and network centric environments, and to obtain scalable effects, while ensuring efficient maintainability and support, high level of operational readiness and optimized life cycle cost. This topic addresses mainly technologies enhancing the mobility performance of ground platforms, making them more capable, modular and energy-efficient.

  • Unmanned ground vehicle technologies


    Code: 13347 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-GROUND-D-UGVT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Fleet upgrade and close combat” (EDF-2021-GROUND-D).
    There are significant cooperation opportunities in the Union regarding unmanned systems, which could be based on a shared operational concept and the resulting harmonisation of requirements. Moreover, the CDP analysis identifies the need to deploy unmanned systems to reduce the danger to human personnel and manned platforms, as well as to increase robustness, sustainability and resilience of ground systems. A comprehensive set of unmanned systems should contribute to the capability of land manoeuvre in the joint operational environment to gain positional advantage in respect to the adversary.
    Purely unmanned tracked vehicles as funded under EDIDP will be not considered under this topic.


  • BLOS collaborative close combat architecture


    Code: 13336 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-GROUND-D-3CA | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Fleet upgrade and close combat” (EDF-2021-GROUND-D).

    The availability of mobile precision systems able to provide the necessary high degree of accuracy and efficiency, avoiding widespread collateral damage, and reducing exposure of friendly forces is a priority for Member States’ armed forces. In the context of this topic some requirements are becoming increasingly important, e.g. to provide the land and naval combat units with the ability to defeat at medium and long ranges, and with a very high degree of accuracy and reliability. In order to meet these requirements, research activities on a Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) collaborative close combat architecture are required.

  • Alternative propulsion and energy systems for next generation air combat systems


    Code: 13323 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-ENERENV-D-PES | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Energy efficiency and energy management” (EDF-2021-ENERENV-D).

    This topic aim at efficient sub and supersonic enhanced propulsion systems combined with a more efficient on-board energy management system coming mainly from the conversion of fuel energy by the engine into propulsion, power, compressed air, etc. within an optimized thrust and power integrated system, which are key for next generation air combat systems, and which are likely to require more propulsive and non-propulsive energies.

  • Advanced RF components


    Code: 13302 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-MATCOMP-R-RF | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Advanced materials and structures, and critical electronics” (EDF-2021-MATCOMP-R).

    This calls aims at strengthening the supply chain for leading-edge radio-frequency defence applications. It builds on a rich legacy of R&D projects performed over the last decades in national, EDA and EU activities.
    There are two key aspects for the building of a GaN supply chain for defence applications in Europe, both of which have been developed in parallel through the aforementioned projects. Following those two work strands, proposals should address firstly, the need to secure supply of epitaxial wafers with GaN-HEMT structures and the development of an improved GaN manufacturing process.

  • Materials and structures for enhanced protection in hostile environments


    Code: 13297 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-MATCOMP-R-PHE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Advanced materials and structures, and critical electronics” (EDF-2021-MATCOMP-R).

    This topic aims to improve the performance of protective materials against ballistic and novel threats in different military applications. The funded project should address aspects related to characterization and testing of new and aged materials and prepare a platform to test the outcome of current and future projects (funded by national, EDA Cat. B, PADR, EDF but also other R&D programmes) in terms of performance and improved functionality.

  • Development of innovative and future-oriented defence solutions


    Code: 13292 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-OPEN-D-SME | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Open call dedicated to SMEs for development of innovative and future-oriented defence solutions” (EDF-2021-OPEN-D).

    The proposals must address innovative defence products, solutions and technologies, including those that can improve readiness, deployability and sustainability of EU forces in all spectrum of tasks and missions, for example in terms of operations, equipment, basing, energy solutions, new surveillance systems.

  • Ship Structural Health Monitoring


    Code: 13286 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-NAVAL-R-SSHM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call  ”Smart ships” (EDF-2021-NAVAL-R).

    The objective is rerlated with the researching on structural health monitoring techniques and their integration in an expert system specific for naval vessels.
    The proposals must aim to obtain improved naval vessels’ operational capability through research on advancing the utilization of data from the state of the art, and/or innovatively improve the hull ship structural health monitoring systems, using modern data science tools, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), digital twin models or other.

  • Digital ship and ship digital architecture


    Code: 13282 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-NAVAL-R-DSSDA | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call  ”Smart ships” (EDF-2021-NAVAL-R).

    The proposals must aim at obtaining higher degrees of automation in ship and combat systems using big data analysis, data fusion, Artificial Intelligence (AI), including machine learning and multi-agent technology and other technologies to obtain higher speed in the OODA loop, including digital twinning. This objective will be achieved through the definition of a data-centric digital architecture and shared data/interface standards, allowing for new services.

  • Improved warheads


    Code: 13271 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-GROUND-R-IW | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call Precision Strike Capabilities (EDF-2021-GROUND-R).

    Defeating improved protection systems of main combat platforms, hardened targets and reinforced (critical) infrastructures remains a focal challenge for military operations. Enhanced effects on targets, like blast, perforation, penetration, shock, bubble effects or electromagnetic pulse, are required to defeat such advanced protection systems. In this way, the development of new types of warheads with higher performance is required. Activities should cover the research on an enhanced penetration performance.

  • Next generation rotorcraft technologies


    Code: 13267 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-AIR-R-NGRT | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Next generation vertical take-off and landing systems” (EDF-2021-AIR-R).
    The scope of this topic concerns research on future technologies and the future operating environment (FOE) and future operating concepts (FOC) of military vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) systems.

  • Improving cyber defence and incident management with artificial intelligence


    Code: 13265 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-CYBER-R-CDAI | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic that has opened under the call ”Cyber threat intelligence and improved cyber operational capabilities” (EDF-2021-CYBER-R).

    Addressing the challenges identified under the topic will require inter- and multidisciplinary approaches, where teams conduct work of both a technical and a non-technical nature. Analysis of technical, tactical, operational, strategic and political considerations are required.

  • Frugal learning for rapid adaptation of AI systems


    Code: 13258 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIGIT-R-FL | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Artificial intelligence” (EDF-2021-DIGIT-R).

     The aim of this topic is to tackle the problem of robustness and frugality in military AI software components to facilitate the development of new systems and their adaptation to the evolution of their environment, including from user supervision, for a reasonable cost, with minimal intervention from expert developers, and without regression. State-of-the-art research on transfer learning, zero- or few-shot learning, active learning, domain adaptation, hybrid AI and other relevant topics should be leveraged to propose new methods to improve AI-based methods, while preserving high performance. The proposals must cover activities that aim to create, underpin and improve knowledge, products and technologies, including disruptive technologies for defence, which can achieve significant effects in the area of defence.

  • Military multi-domain operations cloud


    Code: 13255 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-DIGIT-D-MDOC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Cloud technologies” (EDF-2021-DIGIT-D).

     Proposals under this topic should address the development of a multi-domain cloud architecture for defence and an associated technological demonstrator, providing a common shared information space and federated services enabling multi-domain operations. The ambition is to combine data of existing and future systems through a federated network, shared cloud interfaces and implementation of the associated shared services. The ambition is also to make the data securely available for re-use in the promising field of AI.

  • Improved efficiency of cyber trainings and exercises


    Code: 13252 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-CYBER-D-IECTE | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    The topic has opened under the call is ”Improved capacity for cyber training and exercises” (EDF-2021-CYBER-D).

     The objective of this topic is to create a toolset that allows significantly increased efficiency in the cyber trainings and exercises process while also enhancing cyber ranges interoperability and cost-efficiency, taking into account challenges described in the Work Programme under the specific topic (the challenges may also be found in the Funding & Tenders portal page for the specific topic).

  • Research on innovative and future-oriented defence solutions


    Code: 13247 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-OPEN-R-SME | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Open call focused on SMEs for research on innovative and future-oriented defence solutions” (EDF-2021-OPEN-R).

     The proposals must address innovative defence technologies and solutions, including those that can improve readiness, deployability and sustainability of EU forces in all spectrum of tasks and missions, for example in terms of operations, equipment, basing, energy solutions, new surveillance systems. The proposals could address any subject of interest for defence.

  • Modular and multirole patrol corvette


    Code: 13241 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-NAVAL-D-MMPC | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Multirole and modular offshore patrol vessel” (EDF-2021-NAVAL-D).

     The proposals must aim to:

    • define a shared and common set of rules, standards and interfaces applicable to naval architecture and associated systems to improve the industrial cooperation and integration of the European naval companies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and promote common European supply chains;
    • create standardised industrial processes and methodologies and increase Member State’s joint capability to develop future warships in a reduced amount of time and at most optimised cost, and so contribute to the competitiveness of the European defence industry;
    • increase availability through integration of modularity and flexibility in the design of military vessels, and ultimately to generate a new 2500t-3500t class modular vessel able to increase current capabilities of the navies mainly in terms of MSA, Surface Superiority and Power Projection and also carry out a large spectrum of maritime operations ranging from peacetime governmental activities to wartime operations.

  • Endo-atmospheric interceptor – concept phase


    Code: 13234 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-AIRDEF-D-EATMI | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Protection against high velocity aerial threats” (EDF-2021-AIRDEF-D).

     This topic is an opportunity for Europe to federate efforts under a European design authority to master critical technologies, materials, components and expertise key to develop a state-of-the-art endo-atmospheric interceptor. The concept exploration study of the interceptor will be the cornerstone for possible future European ground and sea-based missile defence systems, able to complement significantly and improve the robustness of NATO BMD and TBMD.

  • Development of defence medical countermeasures


    Code: 13228 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-MCBRN-D-MCM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Defence medical countermeasures” (EDF-2021-MCBRN-D).

     Proposals should focus on innovation and development of medical countermeasures (MCMs) against Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats as well as their integration into armed forces. Proposals may also provide for analysis of the relevance and feasibility of novel MCMs and related technology, mapping of CBRN MCM capacities across EU, as well as options for ensuring EU’s access and availability of MCMs. MCMs may include any medicines or medical devices that are aimed at combating CBRN threats. This extends both to countermeasures that prevent or treat the threat.

  • Research on disruptive technologies for defence


    Code: 13206 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-OPEN-RDIS-Open | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Open call addressing disruptive technologies for defence” (EDF-2021-OPEN-RDIS).

     The specific challenge, under the present topic, is to lay the foundations for radically new future technologies of any kind with unexpected impact that aims to bring radical technological superiority over potential adversaries. This topic also encourages the driving role of new actors in defence research and innovation, including excellent researchers, ambitious high-tech SMEs and visionary research centres of big companies, universities or research and technology organisations

  • Detection, identification and monitoring (DIM) of CBRN threats


    Code: 13201 | Identifier Code: EDF-2021-MCBRN-R-CBRNDIM | Programme name: European Defence Fund (EDF) | Start submission calls: 09/09/2021 | End submission calls: 09/12/2021

    This topic has opened under the call ”Capabilities for CBRN risk assessment, detection, early warning and surveillance” (EDF-2021-MCBRN-R).

     Proposals must cover the generation of knowledge, methods and technologies leading to improved capacities for sampling, detection, identification, characterisation, and monitoring of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats and data management. Proposals may also cover the dynamic mapping of threats, vulnerabilities and capacities to respond at geographical levels as well as mapping of strategic CBRN detection technologies and related production capacities in the Union.
    Considering maturity and current capabilities, the priority order is: prio 1: B-DIM; prio 2: C-DIM and prio 3 R-DIM.