European Parliament Programme


Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels

Programme Description

DG Communication has adopted a multi-annual work programme for grants in the area of communication covering the period 2020-2021. This multi-annual work programme for grants is implemented through calls for proposals published on this website. Applicants shall apply for funding following the requirements set out in the calls for proposals.
The purpose of this multi-annual work programme is to inform potential applicants that European Parliament intends to award grants in 2020-2021. It does not constitute an obligation to publish calls for proposals or to provide financial support during that period.

Thematic Categories

  • Agriculture - Farming - Forestry
  • Audiovisual sector and Media
  • Culture
  • Education and training
  • Employment
  • Energy
  • Enlargement
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture and Maritime Policy
  • Health
  • Industry
  • Information Technology
  • Justice - Security
  • Land Development
  • Migration and Citizenship
  • Other Services
  • Public Administration
  • Regional Development
  • Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Rural development
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights
  • Space
  • Sports
  • Telecommunications
  • Tourism
  • Trade and Commerce
  • Transport
  • Youth

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Central Government
  • Chambers
  • Consumer Organisations
  • Disabled Persons
  • Economically Inactive Women
  • Educational Institutions
  • Employees
  • Employers
  • Farmers Unions
  • Farmers, Agriculturalists
  • Financial Institutions
  • Fishermen, Aquaculturists, Owners of Vessels
  • International Organisations
  • Investment Funds
  • Large Enterprises
  • Local Authorities
  • National Contact Points - NCPs
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Parliamentary Bodies
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Services Providers
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres
  • Youth

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Questions of clarification may be sent by email to:

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Media actions


    Code: 35222 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2025-MEDIA | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 14/11/2024 | End submission calls: 15/01/2025

    The objective of the call is to co-finance media actions by news agencies television channels, radio stations, digital media and written press.

    Digital media includes both digital-only media and digital platforms of other media, including content creators that develop news reports and articles, interviews etc. to be distributed on social media platforms.

  • Research and analysis of jurisprudence on international protection and registration in the EUAA Case Law Database


    Code: 35137 | Identifier Code: EUBA-EUAA-2025-ASYLUMCASELAW | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 31/10/2024 | End submission calls: 16/01/2025

    This call for proposals aims to enhance the accessibility to and collection of asylum jurisprudence from national, European and UN appeals bodies, both judicial and non-judicial, within the context of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and UN instruments.

    This call aims to expand the repository of relevant case law related to the implementation of CEAS, and consequently, facilitate stakeholder access to critical jurisprudence and emerging issues and ensure that analyses of key topics are publicly available. The call seeks to support efforts that contribute to a more comprehensive and accessible EUAA Case Law Database, ultimately strengthening the effective implementation of the CEAS.

  • EYE2025 - Coordination of the EYE Village Programme


    Code: 33537 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2025-EYE-VILLAGE-COORDINATION | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 16/04/2024 | End submission calls: 30/05/2024

    The main objective of this call is the design, implementation and coordination of the programme in the EYE Village during EYE2025 aimed at:

    • offering young people opportunities to learn about European democracy as the foundation of the EU and about the key role of citizens and civil society organisations in the democratic process;
    • inspiring and engaging young people as European citizens through meetings with European decision-makers and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs);
    • encouraging young people to become active citizens and engage in European democracy

  • Support for training interpreting 2024-2025


    Code: 33074 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2024-CONF-INT | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 07/03/2024 | End submission calls: 07/05/2024

    The call covers the following 3 topics for the submissions of proposals:

    • Topic 1 – Organisation of high-quality master or post-graduate courses in conference interpreting
    • Topic 2 – Support for training interpreting 2024-2025 – Promotion of excellence in conference interpreter training, cooperation among universities training conference interpreters and research into technical developments in the area of conference interpreting
    • Topic 3 – Organisation of high-quality master, post-graduate courses or bachelor courses by Ukrainian universities with conference interpreting components

  • Organisation of two local European Youth Events (EYE) in 2024


    Code: 30000 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2024-LOCAL-EYE | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 11/07/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    The objective of the call is the organisation by two different organisers of local EYEs taking place over a weekend in two different EU Member States before the European elections in 2024.

    The aim of a local EYE is to activate and inspire young people, and make them part of a conversation with European decision makers at the local level and pave the way for a long-lasting engagement.

  • Civil Society Engagement Actions


    Code: 28907 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CIVIL-SOCIETY | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 27/04/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The objectives of the actions financed under this call are:
    • To grow awareness among European citizens from as diverse public as possible about the role and democratic values of the EU, provide understanding of the benefits that the EP provides, how EP affects our daily lives and why it is therefore important to vote by participating in the forthcoming EE24, also in the context of the community (delivering democratic engagement).
    • To support increased non-partisan civic engagement of European citizens and organisations from as diverse groups as possible while promoting the idea of the importance of voting, thus encouraging active involvement (also as change-makers), with focus on mobilising voters in the run up to European Election Day(s), also in the context of the community.

  • Engagement Actions by Change - Makers


    Code: 28904 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-NAT-E-2023-CHANGE-MAKERS | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 27/04/2023 | End submission calls: 16/05/2023

    The objectives of the actions financed under this call are:

    • To grow awareness among European citizens from as diverse public as possible about the role and democratic values of the EU, provide understanding of the benefits that the EP provides, how EP affects our daily lives and why it is therefore important to vote by participating in the forthcoming EE24, also in the context of the community (delivering democratic engagement).
    • To support increased non-partisan civic engagement of European citizens and organisations from as diverse groups as possible while promoting the idea of the importance of voting, thus encouraging active involvement (also as change-makers), with focus on mobilising voters in the run up to European Election Day(s), also in the context of the community.

  • Promotion of excellence in conference interpreter training, cooperation among universities training conference interpreters and research into technical developments in the area of conference interpreting. Other projects.


    Code: 27925 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2023-CONF-INT-02 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 21/03/2023 | End submission calls: 11/05/2023

    Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) collaborates with universities and organisations specialising in conference interpreter training to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters to cover the service needs.

    DG LINC wishes to support the following topics in the field of interpretation:

    • promotion of quality and linguistic diversity in the teaching of conference interpreting in the official languages of the EU, of the candidate countries and of the countries which are the main political partners of the Union;
    • The establishment of postgraduate centres of excellence;
    • Cooperation among postgraduate courses from different European, candidate and third countries offering relevant language combinations;
    • Regional cooperation among universities with complementary language regimes; and
    • Integration of modern information and communication technologies in the training of conference interpreters

    Topic 2: Promotion of excellence in conference interpreter training, cooperation among universities training conference interpreters and research into technical developments in the area of conference interpreting.

  • Organisation of master or post-graduate or bachelor courses (relevance to the priority needs for the Ukrainian language at the European Parliament and the EU institutions)


    Code: 27922 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2023-CONF-INT-03 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 21/03/2023 | End submission calls: 11/05/2023

    Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) collaborates with universities and organisations specialising in conference interpreter training to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters to cover the service needs.

    DG LINC wishes to support the following topics in the field of interpretation:

    • promotion of quality and linguistic diversity in the teaching of conference interpreting in the official languages of the EU, of the candidate countries and of the countries which are the main political partners of the Union;
    • The establishment of postgraduate centres of excellence;
    • Cooperation among postgraduate courses from different European, candidate and third countries offering relevant language combinations;
    • Regional cooperation among universities with complementary language regimes; and
    • Integration of modern information and communication technologies in the training of conference interpreters

    Topic 3: Organisation of master, post-graduate or bachelor courses (relevance to the priority needs for the Ukrainian language at the European Parliament and the EU institutions and bodies for which it provides interpretations services).

  • Organisation of master or post graduate courses in conference interpreting


    Code: 27920 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2023-CONF-INT-01 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 21/03/2023 | End submission calls: 11/05/2023

    Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) collaborates with universities and organisations specialising in conference interpreter training to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters to cover the service needs.

    DG LINC wishes to support the following topics in the field of interpretation:

    • promotion of quality and linguistic diversity in the teaching of conference interpreting in the official languages of the EU, of the candidate countries and of the countries which are the main political partners of the Union;
    • The establishment of postgraduate centres of excellence;
    • Cooperation among postgraduate courses from different European, candidate and third countries offering relevant language combinations;
    • Regional cooperation among universities with complementary language regimes; and
    • Integration of modern information and communication technologies in the training of conference interpreters

    Topic 1: Organisation of master or postgraduate courses in conference interpreting

  • Media actions EE24


    Code: 25054 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2022-MEDIA-EE24 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 27/10/2022 | End submission calls: 26/01/2023

    The principal objective this call is to award grants co-financing media actions by news agencies, television channels, radio stations, digital media and written press. Digital media includes both digital-only media and digital platforms of other media.

  • Workshop and Debates


    Code: 24413 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2023-EYE-WORKSHOPS | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 14/09/2022 | End submission calls: 10/11/2022

    The main objective of the call is to build and strengthen European citizenship among young people, raise awareness about how the EU works and the democratic role of the European Parliament, and empower them to become active citizens, encouraging their active involvement and participation in the European Elections 2024.

  • Music


    Code: 24409 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2023-EYE-MUSIC | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 14/09/2022 | End submission calls: 10/11/2022

    The main objective of the call is to build and strengthen European citizenship among young people, raise awareness about how the EU works and the democratic role of the European Parliament, and empower them to become active citizens, encouraging their active involvement and participation in the European Elections 2024.

  • Art


    Code: 24406 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2023-EYE-ART | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 14/09/2022 | End submission calls: 10/11/2022

    The main objective of the call is to build and strengthen European citizenship among young people, raise awareness about how the EU works and the democratic role of the European Parliament, and empower them to become active citizens, encouraging their active involvement and participation in the European Elections 2024.

  • Capacity building actions


    Code: 23561 | Identifier Code: PAN-EU-E-1 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 22/06/2022 | End submission calls: 30/08/2022

    The European Parliament is looking to co-finance projects articulating a coherent, consistent and cost efficient work programme to encourage and support citizens, who volunteer to become elections change-makers by organising capacity building actions offline and online.

  • Citizen Engagement activities


    Code: 23558 | Identifier Code: PAN-EU-E-2 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 22/06/2022 | End submission calls: 30/08/2022

    The principal objective of the call is to encourage and to facilitate the active engagement of a wide network of European citizens around the European Elections 2024.The European Parliament is looking to co-finance projects articulating a coherent, consistent and cost efficient work programme to engage with citizens through offline and online communication activities.

  • Combination of capacity-building & citizens’ engagement actions


    Code: 23555 | Identifier Code: PAN-EU-E-3 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 22/06/2022 | End submission calls: 30/08/2022

    The principal objective of the call is to encourage and to facilitate the active engagement of a wide network of European citizens around the European Elections 2024.

  • EYE Village Activities


    Code: 21460 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2023-EYE-Outdoor-activities | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 04/05/2022 | End submission calls: 15/06/2022

    The specific objectives of the call are to:

    • organise and coordinate outdoor activities in line with the EYE values for the EYE Village programme;
    • engage youth and civil society organisations in the process of the co-creation and co-organisation of the EYE;
    • propose actions which support Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024;
    • create conditions for young people to generate and develop ideas for the future of Europe, that will be collected at the EYE and presented to the Members of the European Parliament as reference for their work;
    • encourage diversity (i.e. wide representation of views and beliefs, cultural diversity of Europe, social and ethnic background, etc.), gender balance and inclusiveness;
    • ensure consistency with the EP communication guidelines and branding

  • Support for training interpreting 2022-2023 Technology tools


    Code: 20833 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2022-CONF-INT-02 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 31/03/2022 | End submission calls: 11/05/2022

    To ensure the availability of sufficient numbers of trained conference interpreters, the Directorate-General for Conference and Interpreting supports and assists in strengthening program programs by providing professional and assistance. The aim of these activities is to help the new generations of qualified conference interpreters, who can then be added by the EU institutions, and in particular by the European Parliament, as officials or accredited conference interpreters.

  • Support for training interpreting 2022-2023 organisation of Master or post-graduate courses


    Code: 20823 | Identifier Code: EP-LINC-SUBV-2022-CONF-INT-01 | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 31/03/2022 | End submission calls: 11/05/2022

    To ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters, Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences supports and assists in strengthening training programmes by providing professional and financial assistance. The aim of these activities is to help produce new generations of qualified conference interpreters who may, subsequently, be recruited by the EU institutions, and in particular by the European Parliament, as officials or as accredited conference interpreting agents.

  • European Year of Youth grants


    Code: 20352 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2022-EYY | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 24/03/2022 | End submission calls: 11/05/2022

    The principal objective of the call is to encourage and to facilitate the active engagement of European young citizens with the construction of a vibrant European democracy keeping particularly in mind their participation in the European Elections 2024.

  • Organisation of two local European Youth Events (EYE) in 2022


    Code: 17871 | Identifier Code: EP-COMM-SUBV-2022-LOCAL-EYE | Programme name: European Parliament Programme | Start submission calls: 19/01/2022 | End submission calls: 02/03/2022

    The main objective of this call for proposals is to bring the European Parliament closer to its citizens in organising two local European Youth Events (local EYEs).