Funding provided under previews programmes.
Code: 36035 | Identifier Code: JARVIS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 05/03/2025 | End submission calls: 05/05/2025
This open call is part of the JARVIS research project that is funded under the Horizon Europe Programme. JARVIS focuses on advancing human-robot collaboration through user-centric principles, and by implementing AI-driven multimodal interaction tools and cognitive mechatronics. Its scope includes creating interfaces for both physical and remote information exchange, robot control, and programming, as well as providing social skills to various robotic platforms to enable seamless human-robot interaction. The JARVIS consortium will deploy and validate the components of the JARVIS framework across four pilots coming from the following sectors: aeronautics, automotive, and energy-specifically nuclear plant decommissioning, and offshore energy production.
Code: 35961 | Identifier Code: ENFIELD | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/02/2025 | End submission calls: 14/04/2025
The ENFIELD – Exchange Scheme Open Call aims to attract the top-level researchers to conduct fundamental research in the fields of Green AI, Adaptive AI, Humancentric AI, and Trustworthy AI. These research activities are focused on addressing specific scientific and technological challenges within the domains of energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and space.
Code: 35952 | Identifier Code: NEBA Alliance | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 28/02/2025 | End submission calls: 05/05/2025
The NEBA Alliance is a project consortium funded by the European Commission. The goal of the Alliance is to codesign the foundation of a long-lasting European network of NEB Academy Hubs, which can reach workers and stakeholders across all EU countries and offer meaningful trainings and knowledge transfer and form the NEB Academy. NEB Academy’s long-term mission is to train, upskill, and reskill the construction ecosystem to achieve a carbon neutral building sectorand a beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive transformation of the built environment.
Code: 35934 | Identifier Code: CoARA Boost | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 21/02/2025 | End submission calls: 21/04/2025
CoARA Boost’s second cascade funding call facilitates institutional change and targets pilot and exchange-of-knowledge initiatives. It will fund +20 projects facilitating knowledge-exchange, piloting new initiatives within institutions, and enabling lasting institutional change. As such, it encourages and supports research organisations to investigate and test what will efficiently work ‘in real life’.
More specifically, the call aims to:
Code: 35878 | Identifier Code: PartArt4OW | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/02/2025 | End submission calls: 03/04/2025
The PartArt4OW Open Call is intended to support the implementation of participatory art initiatives (PAIs) addressing the following challenge: “Engage local communities for protecting and restoring marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity”.
The overall goal of the supported PAI will be to:
Code: 35875 | Identifier Code: NGI0 Commons Fund | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2025 | End submission calls: 01/04/2025
The goal of this new fund is to help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications.
Code: 35862 | Identifier Code: PoliRuralPlus | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/01/2025 | End submission calls: 31/03/2025
The PoliRuralPlus project, under the Horizon Europe framework, extends an invitation to submit proposals that advance rural-urban interactions across the European Union. Within the PoliRuralPlus project, a series of four open calls are anticipated. The primary objective of these calls is to extend the impact of the PoliRuralPlus initiative in enhancing rural attractiveness, fostering rural-urban integration and leveraging technological innovations for sustainable rural development. The main objective of the Mobilise call is to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) for community-driven innovation focused on enhancing rural-urban interactions.
Code: 35742 | Identifier Code: FutureLakes | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/01/2025 | End submission calls: 31/03/2025
FutureLakes aims to demonstrate innovative solutions needed to transform lake restoration across Europe. These solutions aim to significantly improve ecological and chemical status of European lakes, reduce nutrient pollution, restore biodiversity, recover valuable resources, enhance the services that lakes provide and make society more resilient to climate change.
The FutureLakes Open Call aims to fund three Associated Regions to engage and work alongside the FutureLakes consortium. The aim of this is to showcase the feasibility and replicability of restoration solutions developed within the FutureLakes project in other areas of the EU, or eligible associated countries.
Code: 35681 | Identifier Code: dAIEDGE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/01/2025 | End submission calls: 13/03/2025
dAIEDGE is a Network of Excellence (NoE) for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge.
The Collaborative Projects call aims to solve the Industrial Challenges defined by the dAIEDGE Consortium, with the possibility of using resources from the dAIEDGE Virtual Lab or adding new resources to it or to re-use developments of the dAIEDGE project or dAIEDGE use-cases.
Code: 35662 | Identifier Code: 3rd Open call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 07/01/2025 | End submission calls: 13/03/2025
This open accelerator call is for funding and supporting citizen science initiatives addressing the IMPETUS challenge.
Code: 35650 | Identifier Code: CYSSDE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 07/01/2025 | End submission calls: 07/04/2025
The CYSSDE Open Call 2 for Penetration Testing and Vulnerability, funded by the European Commission, is an initiative aimed at strengthening European cybersecurity preparedness, enhancing capacity and capability building, and aligning with the objectives of the Digital Europe Programme.
CYSSDE aims to collaborate with up to 10 selected Penetration Testing organisations to execute a minimum of 100 Penetration Tests and Vulnerability Assessments for Essential Service Operators, SMEs, and other entities. The focus will be on critical infrastructure, with lessons learned adapted to support essential operators and SMEs.
Code: 35645 | Identifier Code: DTO-BioFlow | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 18/12/2024 | End submission calls: 28/02/2025
This call invite institutions to contribute to the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO) by making their data available through EMODnet Biology, a portal providing open, free access to interoperable data on the temporal and spatial distribution of marine species (e.g., angiosperms, benthos, birds, fish, macroalgae, mammals, reptiles, phyto- and zooplankton) from European regional seas. The primary goal is to support the standardization and publication of previously unavailable biodiversity data and the establishment of (semi-)automated workflows, enabling the sustained, long-term ingestion of this data into the EU DTO.
Code: 35636 | Identifier Code: MoniFun | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 16/12/2024 | End submission calls: 16/03/2025
This call aims to support a project that will demonstrate how digital solutions, such as blockchain technology, can be utilized to create transparent and immutable records that enhance trust among stakeholders and ensure data integrity over time. Specifically, this call seeks to support activities that advance the knowledge on these methods in the context of distributed information for forest monitoring. The goal is to improve the accessibility, reliability, traceability, and efficiency of forest-related data collection and analysis.
Code: 35630 | Identifier Code: ERDERA | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 09/07/2025
ERDERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2025, invites innovative research proposals focusing on “Pre-clinical therapy studies for rare diseases using small molecules and biologicals – development and validation.” The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with the expected impact being future use of the results to benefit patients.
Code: 35627 | Identifier Code: EP PerMed | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/12/2024 | End submission calls: 13/03/2025
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, is a platform for joint programming of national and European regional research and innovation (R&I) programmes putting into action “The Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalised Medicine (2023)” SRIA for PM (2023), through dedicated research, development and innovation funding.
Code: 35498 | Identifier Code: InnovFund-2024-AUC-RFNBO-Hydrogen | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/12/2024 | End submission calls: 20/02/2025
Auction calls for proposals are economically more efficient for technologies moving from commercial demonstration to scale-up of technologies.
The call supports the RFNBO industry and mobility targets established in the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2021 and is aligned with its Delegated Regulations on methodology for RFNBOs.
The call covers the following topics:
Code: 35481 | Identifier Code: AGROECOLOGY | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 02/12/2024 | End submission calls: 17/02/2025
The 2ndco-funded call of the AGROECOLOGY Partnership, welcomes the submission of proposal responding to one of the following topics:
The first Topic focuses on assessing and evaluating the performance of agroecology compared to conventional agricultural practices, in the long term, in its various dimensions.
The second Topic focuses on transforming value chains (e.g., by developing new economic models and/or business structures within value chains) as well as public policies to better support the transition.
Code: 35471 | Identifier Code: DS4SSCC-DEP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2024 | End submission calls: 28/02/2025
The aim of the DS4SSCC-DEP project’s piloting activities is to validate in practice an EU-wide cross-sectoral data space, and to advance its development and implementation to support policy priorities of cities and communities within the European Union, including the green-digital transformation based on secure and sovereign data infrastructure. In particular, the CfP aims to attract local communities to apply with their specific cross-sectoral use cases of data sharing that they intend to implement by using the blueprint developed by the preparatory action for Data Space for Sustainable and Smart Cities and Communities (DS4SSC).
Code: 35468 | Identifier Code: AGRARIAN | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2024 | End submission calls: 31/01/2025
The objective of the AGRARIAN – Open Call 1 is to extend AGRARIAN scope and technology by inviting startups, SMEs, universities and research organizations to submit proposals that harness cloud, edge, and mixed-model technologies to address the challenges in agriculture, focusing on AI and IoT innovations. The goal is to find solutions that can be tested and validated within the AGRARIAN framework to improve efficiency, sustainability, and environmental friendliness in farming.
Code: 35465 | Identifier Code: BioAgora | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 26/11/2024 | End submission calls: 27/01/2025
BioAgora is a collaborative European project funded by the Horizon Europe programme. It aims to connect research results on biodiversity to the needs of decision-making in a targeted dialogue between scientists, other knowledge holders and policy actors. Its main outcome will be the development of a fair and functional Science Service for Biodiversity (SSBD), that will orchestrate processes and initiatives at the Science-Policy Interface at the European level.
Code: 35462 | Identifier Code: euROBIN | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 20/11/2024 | End submission calls: 19/02/2025
Project proposals for the Collaborative projects should primarily focus on improving the performance of beneficiaries’ robotic systems or leverage robotics solutions in applications that are not yet fully automated, using technologies from the EuroCore repository. Projects aimed at enhancing and validating the systems or approaches of euROBIN partners are also encouraged.
Code: 35460 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 20/11/2024 | End submission calls: 19/02/2025
euROBIN is the Network of Excellence that brings together European expertise on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will establish a unified pan-European platform for research and development. Goals include both significant scientific advances on core questions of AI-based robotics as well as strengthening the scientific robotics community in Europe by providing an integrative community platform. The network is open to the entire robotics community and provides mechanisms of cascade funding to double its number of members over the next years.
Code: 35429 | Identifier Code: 4th Reinforcing Open Call (Booster Call) | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 18/11/2024 | End submission calls: 30/01/2025
REINFORCING supports organizations and institutions in Europe to transition to a new paradigm where responsibility and openness drive research and innovation (R&I) processes. The green and digital transitions have become of paramount importance to address the societal challenges that European societies currently face. The twin transition will bring enormous benefits but also non-desired externalities and implications. In this regard, EU institutions and territories need to shift to more open and transparent R&I practices in which all actors share responsibility to develop services and products that are acceptable, sustainable and bring social satisfaction. The Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (ORRI) approach promotes collaborative efforts, sharing research outputs as early as possible for engaging citizens in co-creation processes and opening R&I to the whole society.
Code: 35425 | Identifier Code: 7th Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 22/11/2024 | End submission calls: 24/01/2025
In a series of nine open calls, running until June 2025, will provide €2.925.000 of direct funding to support the participation of European standardisation specialists in keyinternational and global Standards Development Organisations (SDOs). The objective of the funding is to enable the specialists to contribute to and help create a fully integrated European Standardisation Ecosystem, thereby strengthening Europe’s position in global standardisation initiatives.
Code: 35413 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2024 | End submission calls: 07/03/2025
In this third wave of Open Calls, third parties are invited to submit projects that qualify for receiving financial support that leverage 6G-XR’s enablers, infrastructure facilities and testbeds to deploy, replicate and validate the verticals of their interest. This is strongly aligned with, and enabled by, key expected outcomes of the project:
Code: 35226 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/11/2024 | End submission calls: 30/04/2025
The ScienceUs project aims to establish an EU-wide network of interconnected citizen science initiatives across various research and technological fields aligned with the EU mission “Adaptation to Climate Change.” To further this goal, the ScienceUs project is launching an open call to identify, scale up, and connect exceptional citizen science projects in these key areas, fostering collaboration and innovation in addressing climate adaptation challenges.
Code: 35224 | Identifier Code: LIVEMX | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 05/11/2024 | End submission calls: 06/01/2025
Supported by Music Moves Europe, LIVEMX aims to nurture a more diverse and sustainable music sector through dedicated funding designed to answer some specific needs of the European music ecosystem in three specific areas. This programme aims to help music organisations and professionals to develop and strengthen their skills, abilities, processes and resources to adapt and thrive in such a dynamic industry.
Code: 35055 | Identifier Code: SPIRIT | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 17/10/2024 | End submission calls: 19/12/2024
The second SPIRIT Open Call (OC2) is open to a wide range of third-party contributors to validate and test their applications on the SPIRIT platform, Europe’s first multi-site and interconnected platform for real-time immersive telepresence applications.
Code: 35053 | Identifier Code: MOBIFREE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2024 | End submission calls: 01/12/2024
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Under this call, project proposals are invited to contribute to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organisations more choice in, and access to, human-centered and ethical mobile software.
Code: 35050 | Identifier Code: TALER | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2024 | End submission calls: 01/12/2024
NGI TALER is a project funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State to roll out a new electronic payment system that benefits everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers. Part of the budget of NGI TALER is reserved for open calls to fund additional free and open source efforts that are aligned with the topics and approach of NGI TALER. Under this call project proposals are invited to help reshape the state of play of digital payment systems, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.
Code: 35048 | Identifier Code: Fediversity | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2024 | End submission calls: 01/12/2024
Fediversity is a comprehensive effort to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services with service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. It wants to provide everyone with high-quality, secure IT systems for everyday use.
Code: 35045 | Identifier Code: LIFE21-CET-EUCF-LIFE EUCF | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/10/2024 | End submission calls: 18/12/2024
Τhe European City Facility (EUCF) aims to support municipalities and local authorities in developing Investment Concepts related to the implementation of actions identified in their climate and energy action plans. The ultimate objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe.
Code: 35041 | Identifier Code: EBRAINS 2.0 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2024 | End submission calls: 02/12/2024
Το EBRAINS is a collaborative digital European Research Infrastructure that enhances and accelerates progress in neuroscience and brain health. Emerging from the Human Brain Project (HBP). EBRAINS represents an ecosystem where researchers, clinicians, and experts from diverse disciplines work together to explore and understand brain complexity. This includes analysis from the molecular and cellular levels to the functioning of the entire organ.
Code: 35039 | Identifier Code: NGI0 Commons Fund | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2024 | End submission calls: 01/12/2024
NGI Zero Commons Fund has announced its 4th Open Call, open for the submission of proposals.
The following types of activities qualify for financial support in the call:
Code: 34878 | Identifier Code: CETP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 19/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 is a 2 stage-call structured with 10 Call modules, addressing different energy technology and system challenges as well as different RDI approaches, thus complementing, and completing each other. Transition Initiatives (TRI) developed Call Modules based on their strategic topics and content, allowing to cover the whole spectrum of their specific SRIA challenges.
Code: 34876 | Identifier Code: 6G-PATH | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 23/09/2024 | End submission calls: 21/11/2024
The objective of the 6G-PATH project is to help foster the further development and integration of new and improved tools and products from EU companies with 5G/6G, while also measuring relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Value Indicators (KVIs).
Code: 34874 | Identifier Code: NGI Sargasso | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 23/09/2024 | End submission calls: 25/11/2024
Proposals submitted to the NGI Sargasso 5th Open Call could use some of the following base technologies to address the challenges in the following areas of knowledge:
The proposals are not limited only to the use of the technologies mentioned above.
Code: 34818 | Identifier Code: Water4All | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 12/09/2024 | End submission calls: 13/11/2024
The 2024 Joint Transnational Call (JTC) is the third in the series of the Water4All co-funded calls. It is jointly launched by 36 Funding Partner Organisations (FPOs) from 31 countries responsible for funding research and innovation actions in the field of water, with the financial support from the EC.
With the aim of developing the capacities of talented young researchers and giving them the opportunity to act as leaders of the project consortia, Water4All also integrates an independent modality of the Early Career Researchers (ECR) in this JTC. The thematic focus of the ECR modality is aligned with the JTC topics.
Code: 34756 | Identifier Code: FIDAL | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 09/09/2024 | End submission calls: 10/12/2024
The overall goal of FIDAL Open Call is to reach two main added values of the project:
Code: 34753 | Identifier Code: OpenAgri | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 02/09/2024 | End submission calls: 02/12/2024
The main aim of the OpenAgri Open Call (OC) is to support the co-creation and testing of new Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) across more countries, crops and framing conditions, by introducing additional opensource software and open hardware outputs that will become available to the community and boost the project’s overall impact. The goal of this Open Call is to deploy high value and impactful pilots, employing OpenAgri’s methodologies and technologies.
Code: 34751 | Identifier Code: DS4SSCC-DEP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/09/2024 | End submission calls: 30/11/2024
The European data space for smart communities (DS4SSCC-DEP) action launches three rounds of Calls for Pilots to validate an EU-wide cross-sectorial data space in practice and to advance its development and implementation to support policy priorities of cities and communities within the European Union, including the green-digital transformation based on secure and sovereign data infrastructure. The pilots will build on and evolve the governance and technical blueprint, established by the DS4SSCC preparatory action, which comes out of joint efforts of the Living-in.EU movement and which represents all local governments in the EU through relevant networks and EU institutions.
Code: 34733 | Identifier Code: dAIEDGE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 29/08/2024 | End submission calls: 31/10/2024
dAIEDGE is a Network of Excellence (NoE) for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge. dAIEDGE seeks to strengthen and support the development of a dynamic European cutting-edge AI ecosystem under the umbrella of the European Lighthouse for AI, and to sustain the development of advanced AI. dAIEDGE fosters the exchange of ideas, concepts, and trends on cutting-edge next generation AI, creating links between ecosystem actors to help both the European Commission (EC) and the European Union (EU) identify strategies for future developments in Europe.
Code: 34731 | Identifier Code: ENFIELD | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/08/2024 | End submission calls: 14/10/2024
The ENFIELD – Exchange Scheme Open Call aims to attract the top-level researchers to conduct fundamental research in the fields of Green AI, Adaptive AI, Humancentric AI, and Trustworthy AI.
Code: 34729 | Identifier Code: PQ-REACT | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/08/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
The main objective of PQ-REACT project is to design, develop and validate a framework for a faster and smoother transition from classical to quantum resistant solutions for a wide variety of contexts and usage domains. This framework will include PQC migration paths and cryptographic agility methods and will develop a portfolio of tools (including an actual quantum computer) for validation of post quantum cryptographic systems, that will allow users to switch to quantum resistant cryptography, taking under consideration their individualities and various contexts.
Code: 34701 | Identifier Code: DUT | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 02/09/2024 | End submission calls: 14/11/2024
The purpose of this Call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning.
Code: 34685 | Identifier Code: EITUM-BP23-25 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 14/08/2024 | End submission calls: 15/10/2024
The overall purpose of the Innovation Programme is to address existing or anticipated mobility challenges facing European cities. In this regard, we support projects that can develop and test new solutions in real-life demonstrations and attain commercial viability by the end of the project. The aim for this Call is to strategically select projects that complement EIT existing portfolio by addressing new sectors, business models, technological advances or market demands.
Code: 34620 | Identifier Code: FORWARDS - G-06-2024 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/07/2024 | End submission calls: 31/10/2024
This call aims to set up pilots for long-term climate impact forest monitoring sites across Europe. Current long-term forest monitoring networks provide important information on the impact of climate change on forests. Still, most monitoring networks are not particularly focused on assessing climate change impacts. With this call, the aim is thus to increase the potential of existing forest monitoring sites – especially but not inclusively ICP Forests, ICOS or LTER sites (i.e., sites which already provide a basic set of monitoring data) – to assess the impact of climate and climatic extremes on trees and forests.
Code: 34618 | Identifier Code: aerOS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 25/07/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
AerOS is a project funded by the Horizon Europe programme aiming at designing and building a virtualised platform-agnostic meta operating system for the IoT-edge-cloud continuum.
Code: 34616 | Identifier Code: Fediversity | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/08/2024 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
Fediversity is a comprehensive effort to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services with service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. It wants to provide everyone with high-quality, secure IT systems for everyday use.
Code: 34607 | Identifier Code: PQ-REACT | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/08/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
The main objective of PQ-REACT project is to design, develop and validate a framework for a faster and smoother transition from classical to quantum resistant solutions for a wide variety of contexts and usage domains.
Code: 34403 | Identifier Code: GreenBoost4WISEs | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 22/07/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
GreenBoost4WISEs aims at making the business and processes of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) and Social Economy Enterprises (SEEs) more sustainable and to raise awareness on the benefits of greener practices through capacity building, knowledge transfer and transnational cooperation.
Code: 34181 | Identifier Code: CLIMAAX | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/07/2024 | End submission calls: 15/10/2024
Through the 2nd Open Call, CLIMAAX will support regional/local authorities and communities in regions/areas with high vulnerability to climate change impacts requiring the implementation of Climate Change Adaptation strategies and/or updated Risk Management Plans.
Code: 34168 | Identifier Code: FUTURAL | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 28/06/2024 | End submission calls: 30/09/2024
The FUTURAL Open Call for co-creating SS with rural communities aims to attract SMEs and other interested parties including start-ups, research organisations, rural communities (e.g., municipalities, regional authorities, development agencies, NGOs etc.) who can either develop and implement SS within the 5 domains or contribute to the expansion of the local ecosystem, capacity building of the community, and improvement of the livelihoods.
Code: 34139 | Identifier Code: FILOVAX | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 04/06/2024 | End submission calls: 04/08/2024
CfP-FILOVAX aims to support the development of broadly protective Filovirus vaccines with a focus on preventive use, with co-funding from the European Union.
Code: 34137 | Identifier Code: DS4SSCC-DEP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/09/2024
The European data space for smart communities (DS4SSCC-DEP) action launches three rounds of Calls for Pilots to validate an EU-wide cross-sectorial data space in practice and to advance its development and implementation to support policy priorities of cities and communities within the European Union, including the green-digital transformation based on secure and sovereign data infrastructure. The pilots are set to build on and evolve the governance and technical blueprint established by the cross-sectorial data space preparatory action (DS4SSCC action), which comes out of the joint efforts of the Living-in.EU movement and which represents all local governments in the EU through relevant networks and EU institutions.
Code: 34135 | Identifier Code: MOBIFREE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Under this call, project proposals are invited to contribute to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organisations more choice in, and access to, human-centred and ethical mobile software.
Code: 34133 | Identifier Code: TALER | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
Under this call project proposals are invited to help reshape the state of play of digital payment systems, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.
Code: 34131 | Identifier Code: ENFIELD | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 31/07/2024
Through the ENFIELD Innovation Scheme open calls and the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) mechanism, the project aims to attract the research/industry partners to conduct applied research related to specific scientific/technological challenges within the sectors of energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and space, contributing to the creation of ENFIELD network and the adoption of AI technologies to boost overall EU competitiveness.
Code: 34085 | Identifier Code: CORTEX2 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 13/06/2024 | End submission calls: 15/08/2024
The objective is to deliver an inclusive XR teleconference platform while involving organisations in the ‘Lab-To-Market’ stage that will bring new modules and features, enhancing the functionalities and opportunities CORTEX2 can provide.
Code: 34060 | Identifier Code: NGI Search | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 29/05/2024 | End submission calls: 29/07/2024
The Scope of this Open Call is to fund and support projects that will develop technologies and solutions centered on internet and web related activities as well as privacy and trust for users who are searching and discovering information and resources on the internet/web.
Code: 33985 | Identifier Code: NGI Sargasso | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/08/2024
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons. For the development of NGI Sargasso, it is crucial that the proposals presented start from close collaboration with entities from the US and/or Canada.
Code: 33930 | Identifier Code: NGI Zero | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
The goal of this new fund is to help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications.
Code: 33928 | Identifier Code: NGI0 Core | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2024 | End submission calls: 01/10/2024
The NGI Zero Core, project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet.
Code: 33809 | Identifier Code: LIVEMX | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 03/05/2024 | End submission calls: 24/06/2024
Supported by Music Moves Europe, LIVEMX aims to nurture a more diverse and sustainable music sector through dedicated funding designed to answer some specific needs of the European music ecosystem in three specific areas. This programme aims to help music organisations and professionals to develop and strengthen their skills, abilities, processes and resources to adapt and thrive in such a dynamic industry.
Code: 33802 | Identifier Code: FOODITY | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 10/07/2024
The FOODITY – Open Call #2 aims to engage different entities, including SMEs and startups, research and technology organisations (RTOs) and universities, social innovation actors and training organisations, to develop data-driven solutions towards citizen empowerment in regard to data rights and sustainable food systems. The FOODITY project aims to create a dynamic European ecosystem of digital solutions for food and nutrition, respectful of citizens’ right to personal data sovereignty – and demonstrate the potential of data-driven innovations in this area, engaging citizens in their development.
Code: 33800 | Identifier Code: EUPAHW | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/05/2024 | End submission calls: 08/07/2024
This call aims to enhance animal health and welfare by supporting innovative research to develop novel and improved technologies and addressing fundamental and socioeconomic science questions related to the prevention, detection, assessment, and management of animal health and welfare issues of both terrestrial and aquatic animals. It also aims to contribute to the main objectives of the EUPAHW, as outlined in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), and the research objectives of the partner FOs.
Code: 33725 | Identifier Code: UTTER | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/05/2024 | End submission calls: 31/07/2024
UTTER call for pilot (demonstrator) projects should further the design and implementation of XR models, aided by UTTER research and technology, enabling new types of human-human and human-human interaction in new sectors.
Code: 33645 | Identifier Code: FORWARDS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 30/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/09/2024
FORWARDS is a project funded by the European Union that will prototype the Forest-Ward Observatory, a pan-European monitoring and evaluation system that will help assess how European forests respond to the impacts of climate change. It will document current restoration activities concerning forests, biodiversity, carbon, and soils and explore various restoration options to guide decision-making processes towards climate-smart forest management.
This call will support activities that employ various levels of engagement ranging from local community initiatives to larger regional or national programmes in Europe.
Code: 33453 | Identifier Code: CoARA Boost | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 26/04/2024 | End submission calls: 26/06/2024
CoARA Boost’s first cascade funding call facilitates institutional change and targets pilot and exchange-of-knowledge initiatives. It will fund +20 projects facilitating knowledge-exchange, piloting new initiatives within institutions, and enabling lasting institutional change. As such, it encourages and supports research organisations to investigate and test what will efficiently work ‘in real life’.
Code: 33399 | Identifier Code: DigitalHealthUptake | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/04/2024 | End submission calls: 14/06/2024
Digital Health Uptake (DHU) is offering financial support to third parties to support the implementation of technical assistance and training activities aimed at enabling training users to apply and make use of key methods and tools that support digital health implementation and scale up. The assistance and training programme is part of DHU’s overall objective of strengthen capacity building for implementation/uptake by stimulating mutual learning between regions, Member States and countries associated with the Digital Europe Programme, under which DHU is funded.
Code: 33288 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/04/2024 | End submission calls: 31/05/2024
The NetZeroCities project (NZC), has opened a Call for Twin Cities.
The NetZeroCities (NZC) project is a four-year project designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.
The Twinning Learning programme is based on a hands-on approach of sharing knowledge from the pilot cities to the Twin Cities, while also enabling a peer-to-peer learning framework, allowing the pilot cities to also learn from the Twin Cities’ experiences.
Code: 33275 | Identifier Code: TALER | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
NGI TALER is a project funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State to roll out a new electronic payment system that benefits everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers. Under this call project proposals are invited to help reshape the state of play of digital payment systems, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.
Code: 33273 | Identifier Code: MOBIFREE | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Under this call, project proposals are invited to contribute to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organisations more choice in, and access to, human-centered and ethical mobile software.
Code: 33225 | Identifier Code: NGI0 Core | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
The NGI Zero Core project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet. This includes developing alternatives and improvements to core internet hardware, software and protocols removes gatekeepers, choke points and surveillance capabilities. But also improving issues of security, privacy, interoperability, high availability and scalability of decentralised technologies to allow us to benefit from both ‘local first’ and from economies of scale without unnecessary centralisation.
Code: 33223 | Identifier Code: EJP SOIL | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/04/2024 | End submission calls: 31/05/2024
The European Joint Programme “EJP SOIL – Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” aims at facilitating the access to the European soil infrastructure by financially supporting laboratories and/or long-term field experimental sites (LTEs) with regard to analyses/samplings related to the scope of the EJP SOIL.
Code: 33221 | Identifier Code: CHAMELEON | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/03/2024 | End submission calls: 30/06/2024
The objective of the CHAMELEON project is to build a novel reconfigurable and multipurpose drone platform ecosystem featuring heterogeneous UAV agent networks operating in air with its supporting communication protocols, navigation and control strategies and monitoring station, capable of autonomously operating on any area efficiently and cost-effectively, while interfacing with existing systems.
Code: 33168 | Identifier Code: Engage 2 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 11/03/2024 | End submission calls: 13/05/2024
Catalyst funding in the domain of air traffic management (ATM), is intended to support focused projects. The focus is on maturing exploratory research further towards applications and operational contexts with a clear European dimension.
Code: 33166 | Identifier Code: OSCARS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/03/2024 | End submission calls: 15/05/2024
The aim of the call is to support researchers engaging in or developing Open Data Research by conducting science projects that facilitate and foster sharing research data and results based on FAIR principles.
Code: 33162 | Identifier Code: Ready2Scale | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/03/2024 | End submission calls: 15/05/2024
The Ready2Scale Acceleration Programme is a 6-month long acceleration programme that provides various training and financial support of up to €60.000 to 25 DDT startups with a focus on widening countries.
Code: 33159 | Identifier Code: MASTER | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 18/03/2024 | End submission calls: 31/05/2024
The objective of the 1st Open Call is to attract the best candidates able to provide innovative technologies to create rich XR experiences and validate the platform and technologies developed in the project with students (schools or professional training services).
Code: 33150 | Identifier Code: 6G-XR | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 22/03/2024 | End submission calls: 22/05/2024
The purpose of the 2nd Open Call is to validate, test, and/or incorporate enablers coming out of Horizon Europe SNS JU Stream B thematises. Out of these thematises, in particular proposals on the topics and subtopics in the following AREAS (and 6G-XR Infrastructures) are requested:
Code: 33144 | Identifier Code: REMEDIES | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 28/03/2024 | End submission calls: 05/06/2024
REMEDIES is a Horizon Europe innovation Programme creating innovative solutions and technologies to monitor, collect, prevent and valorise (micro)plastic from oceans.
The 2nd Open Call (OC2) “Prevention & Zero Waste” is focused on projects / applications whose main goal is to support the development of circular, zero-waste supply chains and systems that will promote the prevention of plastic litter, with focus on ocean and rivers connected directly or indirectly with the Mediterranean.
Code: 33139 | Identifier Code: PEN-CP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 04/03/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
PEN-CP is a dynamic innovation-boosting network of expert Customs practitioners. This PING project aims to create the opportunity for selected suppliers to make concrete innovations, which will receive real-world testing and assessment by expert Customs end users.
Code: 33136 | Identifier Code: PEN-CP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 06/03/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
In the context of material identification, and in ´border operational conditions´, PENCP customs partners wish to deploy a handheld analytical device (such as FTIR) capable of quickly determining whether certain legal thresholds (THC, CBD or other cannabinoids compounds) in hemp and cannabis products are exceeded.
This Innovation Grant aims to expand the use of technologies such as FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) or other handheld technologies that are capable of determining THC, CBD and other cannabinoid levels in hemp and cannabis products at border checkpoints.
Code: 33134 | Identifier Code: PEN-CP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 06/03/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
In the context of material identification, both for customs laboratory and border officer users, PEN-CP customs partners seek a software tool and database (´IT system´) which contain information on known manufacturers, traders and their product catalogues, as well as applicable industry standards/norms and applied visual signs on biodegradable plastics (both raw materials and finished products).
Code: 33132 | Identifier Code: PEN-CP | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 06/03/2024 | End submission calls: 01/06/2024
PENCP customs partners wish to deploy a real-time, non-invasive screening method that operates without hindering traveller flows at the border, while accurately detecting and identifying such drugs as heroin, cocaine and MDMA smuggled on the body.
The Innovation Grant aims to expand or adapt the application of technologies to detect and identify designated drugs technologies which were primarily designed for non-Customs purposes (including security applications) for deployment in a customs environment.
Code: 33129 | Identifier Code: 3rd Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/03/2024 | End submission calls: 10/05/2024
The NGI Transatlantic Fellowship Programme is seeking to engage NGI Researchers and Innovators, including researchers with technical background, or Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) background, or from other multidisciplinary fields e.g. working at the intersection of social and natural sciences.
Code: 33127 | Identifier Code: Open Call- 3rd cut - off date | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/03/2024 | End submission calls: 15/05/2024
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons.
Code: 32614 | Identifier Code: Commons Fund 1st Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024
NGI0 Commons Fund, co-funded from Horizon Europe foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet. The goal of the NGI Zero Commons Fund is to help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications.
Code: 32612 | Identifier Code: TALER 1stOpen Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024
NGI TALER is a project funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State to roll out a new electronic payment system that benefits everyone: people, merchants, banks, financial authorities, auditors and anti-corruption researchers.
Code: 32610 | Identifier Code: 1st Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024
NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software, and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards.
Code: 32608 | Identifier Code: 1stopen Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 14/02/2024 | End submission calls: 17/04/2024
The objective of NebulOuS Open Call #1 will be validation of basic aspects of the platform and NebulOuS bringing an added value to NebulOuS by showcasing new use cases in different domains than those covered already by the Project.
Also it has the objective to give selected applicants the opportunity to discover NebulOuS at the second half of the project, when a mature release of the Meta-OS stack will be available.
Code: 32606 | Identifier Code: A-AAgora | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/01/2024 | End submission calls: 20/03/2024
A-AAGORA will engage with other areas with ecosystems that can benefit from the demonstration activities ‘Associated Regions’ to showcase the feasibility, replicability and scale-up of the co-developed solutions in other coastal areas from different and diverse geographic locations, including the EU outermost regions.
Code: 32587 | Identifier Code: 1st Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 09/02/2024 | End submission calls: 10/04/2024
SPADE is a Horizon Europe project, initiated in 2022, with a duration of 4 years, under the coordination of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) in Greece. The strategic objective of SPADE project is to develop an intelligent ecosystem to address the multiple purposes concept in the light of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs alias drones) to promote sustainable digital services for the benefit of a large scope of end users in sectors of crop production, forestry, and livestock. This includes individual UAV usability, UAV type applicability (e.g., swarm, collaborative, autonomous, tethered), UAV governance models availability and UAV-generated data trustworthiness. Multi-purposes will be further determined in the sensing dataspace reusability based on trained Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) models.
Code: 32565 | Identifier Code: 2nd call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 07/02/2024 | End submission calls: 07/04/2024
The call aims to support cultural organisations working with peers from Creative Europe countries, including Ukraine, to present high-visibility cooperation projects. Projects must increase the showcasing of Ukrainian culture abroad and share perspectives internationally, particularly in reimagining, reinventing and reconstructing communities.
Code: 32513 | Identifier Code: NGI0 Core-6th Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2024 | End submission calls: 01/04/2024
NGI Zero Core, project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet. This includes developing alternatives and improvements to core internet hardware, software and protocols removes gatekeepers, choke points and surveillance capabilities. But also improving issues of security, privacy, interoperability, high availability and scalability of decentralised technologies to allow us to benefit from both ‘local first’ and from economies of scale without unnecessary centralisation.
Code: 32229 | Identifier Code: Impetus | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/01/2024 | End submission calls: 14/03/2024
This open accelerator call is for funding and supporting citizen science initiatives addressing the IMPETUS challenge.
IMPETUS supports citizen science initiatives addressing three challenges in this call.
Code: 32217 | Identifier Code: Impetus | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/01/2024 | End submission calls: 11/03/2024
Under the IMPETUS, the call (contest) for European Union Prize for Citizens Science 2024 has opened for the submission of applications.
The European Union Prize for Citizen Science recognises outstanding achievements in the advancement of knowledge through the empowerment of civil society in the development of the future.
Code: 32134 | Identifier Code: NGI Search | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/01/2024 | End submission calls: 01/03/2024
The Scope of this Open Call is to fund and support projects that will develop technologies and solutions centered on internet and web related activities as well as privacy and trust for users who are searching and discovering information and resources on the internet/web.
Code: 31969 | Identifier Code: CLIMAXX First Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/12/2023 | End submission calls: 08/03/2024
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX (CLIMAAX), is a Horizon Europe project that will provide financial and practical support to carry out regional climate risk analyses to improve climate and emergency risk management plans. CLIMAAX builds its activities upon existing state-of-the-art risk assessment frameworks, methods and tools, and promotes the use of datasets and service platforms for local and regional scale deployment. It fosters an inclusive, harmonized and robust approach to undertaking, or pursuing, the assessment of climate risk through a Framework for climate risk assessment and a supporting climate change multi-risk assessment Toolbox.
Code: 31948 | Identifier Code: 6G-SANDBOX Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 28/11/2023 | End submission calls: 29/02/2024
The purpose of the open call is twofold:
Code: 31945 | Identifier Code: 5th open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2023 | End submission calls: 01/02/2024
NGI Zero Core, project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, foresees the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve the objectives of the Next Generation Internet initiative and to contribute to a resilient, trustworthy and sustainably open internet. NGI Zero Core is designed to help reshape the state of play, and to help create an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all.
Code: 31709 | Identifier Code: CORTEX2 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 24/10/2023 | End submission calls: 16/01/2024
In the 1st Open Call, CORTEX² will be aimed at:
Code: 31668 | Identifier Code: PEERS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 22/11/2023 | End submission calls: 22/02/2024
The Pathways2Resilience (P2R) project aims to increase the resilience of European regions and communities in the face of climate change. While climate risks are growing and many regions/communities are struggling to cope, they are also key actors for mitigation and adaptation to its impacts. P2R’s approach of transformative climate adaptation seeks to empower regions and communities through systems innovation and capacity building towards climate resilience.
Code: 31629 | Identifier Code: RESIST | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 20/11/2023 | End submission calls: 30/11/2024
The goal of the RESIST (REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry) Euroclusters project open-call is to provide financial support to European SMEs, start-ups and/or mid-cap companies working in the Mobility, Transport and Automotive ecosystem (MTA) so they can participate in training activities.
Code: 31443 | Identifier Code: FORWARDS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/10/2023 | End submission calls: 15/01/2024
The primary aim of this call is to support additional measurements providing long-term data on forest functioning and forest disturbance impacts to better understand the impact of climate change on various time scales and to be able to link ground-based information to remotely sensed data. To achieve this aim, supported projects must address the following points:
Code: 31441 | Identifier Code: FORWARDS | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/10/2023 | End submission calls: 15/01/2024
With this call, FORWARDS aims to compile European-wide forest disturbance reference data to:
Code: 31383 | Identifier Code: Open Call - 2nd cut - off date | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 18/10/2023 | End submission calls: 18/12/2023
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons. For the development of NGI Sargasso, it is crucial that the proposals presented start from close collaboration with entities from the US and/or Canada.
Code: 31070 | Identifier Code: STAR GROWTH | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 02/10/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023
To enhance the sustainable growth of SMEs operating, in the rural tourism and ecotourism sectors in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania and Italy by providing technical and financial support, whilst boosting their awareness, development and capacity in the area of sustainability and digitization.
Code: 31066 | Identifier Code: Procure4Health | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 27/09/2023 | End submission calls: 05/12/2023
A central aspect of the Procure4Health community is to enable procurers to learn about and adopt innovation procurement practices, tools, approaches and policies for deploying sustainable and innovative solutions in health- and social care. Procure4Health capitalises on the consortium’s experience in innovation procurement and from partners expertise in implementing sustainable practices in Pan-European healthcare.
The objective of a twinning can be the transfer of knowledge and experience around a variety of perspectives; around the use of a product or service (e.g., a specific procurement tool), process or methodology (e.g., value-based procurement approaches), strategy (e.g., effective procurement policies), or a procurement business model.
Documents: P4H-2nd-Call-for-Twinnings_Documentation-Kit
Code: 30967 | Identifier Code: FIDAL Open Calls | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/09/2023 | End submission calls: 20/12/2023
The overall goal of FIDAL Open Call is to reach two main added values of the project:
Code: 30776 | Identifier Code: Open Call #1 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 05/09/2023 | End submission calls: 08/11/2023
The FOODITY project aims to create a dynamic European ecosystem of digital solutions for food and nutrition, respectful of citizens’ right to personal data sovereignty – and demonstrate the potential of data-driven innovations in this area, engaging citizens in their development.
Code: 30665 | Identifier Code: (DUT) Call 2023 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/09/2023 | End submission calls: 21/11/2023
The purpose of this call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning.
This Call aims to create or reinforce a portfolio of R&I projects that address issues and challenges identified in one of the three Transition Pathways TPs.
The first–stage deadline for the submission of pre-proposals is 21 November 2023, 13h00 (Brussels time).
The second-stage deadline for the submission of full proposals is 30 April 2024, 13h00 (Brussels time).
Code: 30531 | Identifier Code: CALL 5 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 14/07/2023 | End submission calls: 14/09/2023
The present call aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and to enhance their competitiveness through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the development of significantly improved existing products / services / production methods which are expected to be commercially exploited by the participating organisations. Furthermore, the Programme aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.
Code: 30292 | Identifier Code: G-04-2023 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/07/2023 | End submission calls: 31/10/2023
The aim of this call for grants is to set up Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF) and forest restoration pilots across Europe as a basis for developing an evidence-based understanding of effective CSF and restoration management practices in supporting climate change mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity.
Code: 30287 | Identifier Code: 3rd Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/08/2023 | End submission calls: 02/10/2023
The main objective of the NGI Search 3rd Open Call is to attract entrepreneurs, developers, socially engaged people, SMEs (including newly established organisations), research organisations, academic research groups, non-profit organisations etc. who can strongly demonstrate that they contribute towards the scope of NGI SEARCH – that is to change the way we use and experience, search and discover data and resources on the internet and web.
Code: 30284 | Identifier Code: UTTER FSTP '23 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/07/2023 | End submission calls: 15/10/2023
UTTER call for pilot (demonstrator) projects should further the design and implementation of XR models, aided by UTTER research and technology, enabling new types of human-human and human-machine interaction in new sectors.
Code: 30220 | Identifier Code: A-AAGORA | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 24/07/2023 | End submission calls: 24/09/2023
The A-AAGORA consortium aims at supporting 7 ’Associated Regions’, ranging the 4 referential basins (Atlantic+Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean, Danube/Black Sea). A minimum of 1 representative of each basin is expected to be selected, whereas a minimum of 2 for the Atlantic-Arctic basin shall be selected.
Code: 30144 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 19/07/2023 | End submission calls: 16/10/2023
The EIT Community invites applicants to develop and submit applications aligned with the New European Bauhaus initiative (NEB) focused on developing long-term solutions in collaboration with citizens to deliver transformation that match the needs and demand of a wider community.
Under this call, the EIT NEB Community aims to support activities where cities and peri-urban and rural areas can act to deliver on their commitments and public realm development plans laid out in their strategic plans and empowered to create together potential solutions embedding the New European Bauhaus approach in an ideation process aligned with the initiative.
Code: 29842 | Identifier Code: Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 31/05/2023 | End submission calls: 31/08/2023
The ECO-READY project aspires to recognise, categorise, and dissect the drivers that affect food security across the European web. The project will develop a real-time surveillance system, an Observatory offered as an e-platform and as a mobile application. This will function as the necessary singular source of information, provide real-time assessments for the food system, and update forecasts frequently and consistently.
Code: 29606 | Identifier Code: 1st cut off date | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/06/2023 | End submission calls: 31/07/2023
NGI Sargasso aims to revolutionise the Next Generation Internet technologies, services and standards, and contribute to the evolution of the Internet according to a human-centric approach of the internet commons.
The purpose of this call is to provide support to EU MS and Associated Countries entities that would like to collaborate in research projects, within the Next Generation Internet field, with US and/or Canadian entities.
Code: 28953 | Identifier Code: Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 28/04/2023 | End submission calls: 30/06/2023
The European City Facility (EUCF) aims to support municipalities and local authorities in developing Investment Concepts related to the implementation of actions identified in their climate and energy action plans. The ultimate objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe.
Code: 28238 | Identifier Code: 5th Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/04/2023 | End submission calls: 01/08/2023
NGI Zero Entrust project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, aims to enable and assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technology that benefit end users. This concerns any technological component internet users collectively depend on, and which can be improved with regards to trustworthiness, resilience, privacy preserving characteristics and data and service portability. In this call, the consortium of NGI0 Entrust is particularly interested in the theme “Trustworthiness and data sovereignty”.
Code: 27648 | Identifier Code: Community Programme 1st Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/03/2023 | End submission calls: 28/04/2023
The project consortium aims to integrate new third-party project teams into the landscape and to integrate them into future sustainable R&D activities. proposes to develop and pilot the core of a European Open Web Index (OWI) and the foundation of an open and extensible European Open Web Search and Analysis Infrastructure (OWSAI.
Code: 27644 | Identifier Code: NGI Trust Chain 1st Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 08/02/2023 | End submission calls: 10/04/2023
TRUSTCHAIN is a European project funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon Programme. Its overall objective is to create a portfolio of Next Generation Internet protocols and an ecosystem of decentralised identity management software solutions that is transparent to the user, interoperable, privacy aware and regulatory compliant that can seamlessly integrate and interoperate with any of the existing decentralised applications.
Code: 27423 | Identifier Code: 4th Open Call | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/02/2023 | End submission calls: 01/04/2023
NGI Zero Entrust project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, aims to enable and assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technology that benefit end users. This concerns any technological component internet users collectively depend on, and which can be improved with regards to trustworthiness, resilience, privacy preserving characteristics and data and service portability. In this call, the consortium of NGI0 Entrust is particularly interested in the theme “Trustworthiness and data sovereignty”.
Code: 27305 | Identifier Code: Impetus | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 10/01/2023 | End submission calls: 13/03/2023
This call is seeking to fund projects that can make a difference, at local, national or international scale and particularly interested in applications that propose novel, less explored participatory roles for citizens and other key stakeholders, and that engage with marginalised, underrepresented or disadvantaged groups.
Code: 25937 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 16/12/2022 | End submission calls: 20/02/2023
This call invites applications from research groups, including the RDA groups, to demonstrate how RDA data sharing solutions can be reused, optimised and implemented in the EOSC environment, in particular in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Portal Catalogue and Marketplace.
This call specifically targets small projects to show implementation and take-up of existing outputs and specifications, specifically those that the RDA community has enabled, while aims to support and encourage adoption of existing RDA outputs and recommendations which can benefit the community around EOSC and to promote new examples and lessons learnt.
Code: 25613 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 01/02/2023
NGI Zero Entrust project, co-funded from Horizon Europe, aims to enable and assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technology that benefit end users, and to help them put it in the hands of future generations as building blocks for a fair and democratic society and an open economy that benefits all. This concerns any technological component internet users collectively depend on, and which can be improved with regards to trustworthiness, resilience, privacy preserving characteristics and data and service portability.
Code: 25610 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/12/2022 | End submission calls: 01/02/2023
The goal of NGI Assure project, co-funded from Horizon 2020, is to support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes.
Code: 24948 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 17/10/2022 | End submission calls: 16/12/2022
The DIH4AI project aims at building a network of AI-on-demand innovations and collaboration platforms, supporting joint development and provision of ecosystem-business-technology transformation services through a sustainable network of regional DIHs specialised in AI and targeting local SMEs and local tech governmental agencies.
Code: 24789 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2022 | End submission calls: 01/12/2022
NGI Zero Entrust project, co-funded from Horizon 2020, aims to enable and assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technology that benefit end users, and to help them put it in the hands of future generations as building blocks for a fair and democratic society and an open economy that benefits all. This concerns any technological component internet users collectively depend on, and which can be improved with regards to trustworthiness, resilience, privacy preserving characteristics and data and service portability.
Code: 24785 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/10/2022 | End submission calls: 01/12/2022
The goal of NGI Assure project, co-funded from Horizon 2020, is to support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes.
Code: 23933 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/07/2022 | End submission calls: 29/09/2022
The main objective of the Open Call Program of ODIN is to extend the benefits of ODIN platform beyond the boundaries of current pilots, expanding the ODIN ecosystem, attracting primarily entities leading the digital data-driven technologies landscape (AI, IoT and ROBOTICS) but also new use cases, new sites, patient organizations, aiming at providing more robust, highly autonomous, personalised and collaborative quality and cost-efficient healthcare.
Code: 23930 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/07/2022 | End submission calls: 30/09/2022
The objective of the IoT-NGIN – Open Call #2 is to validate the IoT-NGIN components/technology by EU based SMEs active in IoT applications’ development.
Code: 23925 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 15/07/2022 | End submission calls: 15/10/2022
Code: 23922 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 27/07/2022 | End submission calls: 12/10/2022
The objective of the KYKLOS4.0 – Open Call #2 is to accelerate innovation in the digital manufacturing domain by facilitating the implementation of projects led by SMEs and with the participation of an industrial partner. The objective of the open call is fund the development of innovative solutions to improve digital manufacturing processes.
Code: 23920 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 02/08/2022 | End submission calls: 30/09/2022
The Open17 Challenge is about tackling the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using Citizen Science. This year’s challenge focuses on SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
Code: 23818 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 01/08/2022 | End submission calls: 01/10/2022
The goal of NGI Assure project, co-funded from Horizon 2020, is to support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes.
Code: 21646 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 04/04/2022 | End submission calls: 28/06/2022
DIH-World is an Innovation Action project co-funded by Horizon 2020. The DIH-World project is part of the ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) initiative. DIH-World aims to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors by supporting them in building sustainable competitive advantages and reaching global markets. To achieve this objective, the DIH-World project consortium is launching its second open calls to select and support up to 20 SME-driven experiments.
Code: 21639 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 11/04/2022 | End submission calls: 11/07/2022
Under the EOSC Future, the call “RDA Open Call for RDA cross-disciplinary adoption in support of EOSC”, has opened for the submission of proposals.
This call specifically targets smaller community projects to show cross-disciplinary implementation and take up of Research Data Alliance (RDA) Recommendation and Outputs within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) context.
Code: 21630 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 09/05/2022 | End submission calls: 07/07/2022
Under the OCRE the call “OCRE EC Funded Cloud Adoption Tender (Research)”, has opened for the submission of proposals.
The OCRE consortium invites you to engage with an OCRE Cloud Framework holder in your country for a proposal and compete within the EU & UK lots of the OCRE Framework for the opportunity to get EC Cloud adoption funding awarded to your research project.
Code: 20510 | Programme name: Funding under projects | Start submission calls: 16/03/2022 | End submission calls: 15/05/2022
The objective of this “Call for Participation” is to select European Tourism SMEs and European Tourism (or non-Tourism) startups or innovative Tourism (or non-Tourism) SMEs – hereafter referred as the “Third Party Beneficiaries”, to create “TANDEMs” (couples of companies joining and sharing an original business arrangement), and select the best ones, then providing them with technical and financial support to facilitate the European Tourism SMEs eco-transition. The selection process will be free of charge for the applicants.