Home Affairs Funds 2021-2027


Under the new 2021-2027 programming period, the Home Affairs Funds consist of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF).

The Regulations of the new Funds have been adopted by the competent legislative bodies of the European Union (Council of the EU, European Commission and European Parliament) on 15 July 2021. Following the practice of the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods, each Fund will have its own multiannual programme. The projects managed by the European Funds Unit will be implemented mainly through shared management with the normal contribution of the European Union being 75 % (except in specific cases where the percentage can go up to 90 % and/or 100 %). The rest of the budget is paid from national resources.

The new Cyprus Programme for the TEA (ISF) was adopted by the European Commission on 11 January 2023, for the AMIF (AMIF) was adopted on 19 January 2023 and for the BMVI (BMVI) was adopted on 20 January 2023. The projects included in each approved Programme are implemented either through direct award or through a Call for Proposals.

Programme Description

More information will be announced

Thematic Categories

Eligibility for Participation

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Call of Proposals for projects to be funded under the National Programme for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2021-2027


    Code: 31531 | Identifier Code: ΥΕ/ΔΑ/ΤΑΜΕ/01_2023 | Programme name: Home Affairs Funds 2021-2027 | Sub-program: AMIF Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund / Co-Financed | Start submission calls: 08/12/2023 | End submission calls: 16/02/2024

    In their capacity as the Managing Authority of the Home Affairs Funds for the 2021-2027 Programming Period, the European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior plans to publish a Call for Proposals within the context of the national Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and in accordance with the objectives stated in article 3 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1147 of the European Parliament and the Council of 7th July 2021 establishing the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

    The Call for Proposals is expected to be published on 8 December 2023 and it will be pertinent to the funding of projects falling within the Specific Objectives 1 “Common European Asylum System” and 2 “Legal migration and integration”.

    Publish Date: 08/12/2023

    Start Submission of Proposals: 11/12/2023