LIFE: Environment & Climate Action


The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. After 22 years, €3.4 billion and 4.170 projects, the LIFE Programme continues to finance actions for the environment and climate action.

Programme Description

The LIFE Programme’s general objectives are the following:

  • Help the transformation of the European Union into a clean, circular, energy efficient, low carbon and climate resilient society.
  • Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment, protect human health and pursue the prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources through its targeted support to policy and market uptake actions.
  • Contribute to small scale innovation, helping citizens to take action on the climate and for their communities.
  • Contribute to the EU’s commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Energy Union and the 2030 energy and climate policy framework and the long-term decarbonisation objectives. It is also consistent with the EU’s ambition to become a global leader in renewable energy.
  • Provide support for small scale actions intended to initiate, expand or accelerate sustainable production, distribution and consumption practices, and protection of natural capital, by:
    • facilitating the development and exchange of best practice and knowledge;
    • building up the capacities and speeding up the implementation of environmental and climate legislation and policies and facilitating the clean energy transition;
    • helping stakeholders to test small-scale technologies and solutions, and
    • mobilising funding from other sources.

For the current funding period the LIFE Programme comprises of four Sub-Programmes under the fields of Environment and Climate Action:

Under the Environment field:

1. “Nature and Biodiversity” sub-programme

2. “Circular Economy and Quality of Life” sub-programme

Under the Climate Action field:

3. “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation” sub-programme

4. “Clean Energy Transition” sub-programme

There are different types of LIFE projects. The most common ones are Standard Action Projects, but there are also Strategic Nature Projects, Strategic Integrated Projects, Technical Assistance, Other Actions and Operating Grants.

The LIFE Programme’s National Contact Point in Cyprus offers free support to both applicants and running projects.

Your National Contact Point can help you with:

  • Support during proposal submission
  • Counseling during your project’s lifetime
  • One-to-ne guidance and consultation
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Networking
  • Partner search

To find out more about the LIFE Programme and the free services your National Contact Point offers, visit

Total Budget

€ 5.4 billion

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

60-100% depending on the type of project submitted

Thematic Categories

  • Agriculture - Farming - Forestry
  • Education and training
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture and Maritime Policy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Rural development
  • Tourism
  • Transport
  • Urban Development

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Chambers
  • Consumer Organisations
  • Economically Inactive Women
  • Educational Institutions
  • Farmers Unions
  • Farmers, Agriculturalists
  • Financial Institutions
  • Fishermen, Aquaculturists, Owners of Vessels
  • International Organisations
  • Large Enterprises
  • Local Authorities
  • National Contact Points - NCPs
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Private Bodies
  • Producer Associations
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Services Providers
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Department of Environment
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment

Persons to Contact 
Marilena Papastavrou
Environment Officer, National Contact Point for Environment
Telephone: +357 22 408 926

Chrystalla Papastavrou
Environment Officer, National Contact Point for Climate
Telephone: +357 22 408 962

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • LIFE 2024 Capacity Building


    Code: 34703 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2025-TA-CAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 03/09/2024 | End submission calls: 28/01/2025

    Technical assistance projects for capacity building aim at supporting public bodies responsible for the implementation of the LIFE programme in improving the participation and increasing the quality of submitted proposals from those countries. Proposals are meant to increase participation of various types of organisations in the LIFE calls for proposals, particularly for standard action projects, coordination and support actions, strategic integrated projects and strategic nature projects. This call represents an opportunity for Member States and countries associated to the LIFE Programme to receive EU funding for improving their capacity to support potential beneficiaries in the LIFE calls.

  • Technical Assistance - Replication - Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life


    Code: 33638 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-TA-R-NAT-ENV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    The objectives of Technical Assistance – Replication (TA-R) projects are to facilitate and enable the upscaling or replication of results achieved by projects funded under the LIFE programme or, funded under another EU programme provided that these results fulfil the objectives of the LIFE programme.

    Only proposals responding to the priorities of the sub-programmes ‘Nature and Biodiversity’ and/or ‘Circular Economy and Quality of Life’ as described above will be eligible for this call.

  • Operating grants Framework partnerships


    Code: 33636 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-NGO-OG-FPA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 05/09/2024

    This call for proposals concerns LIFE Operating Grant Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA OG).

    Framework Partnership Agreements (FPAs) under the LIFE Programme are long-term cooperation instruments that serve as umbrella for regular or recurrent operating grants to non-profit making entities which are involved in the development, implementation and enforcement of EU legislation and policy and which are primarily active in the field of environment or climate action, including clean energy transition, in line with the objectives of the LIFE Programme. They are a prerequisite for being able to sign annual Specific Operating Grant Agreements (SGAs), but do not create any legitimate expectations or entitlement to get them.

  • Projects on Legislative and Policy Priorities in the fields of Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life


    Code: 33632 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-PLP-NAT-ENV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The proposed projects under the topic LIFE-2024-PLP-ENV-NAT shall aim to address the following specific needs identified by the Member States in the sub-programme Circular Economy and Quality of Life and in the sub-programme Nature and Biodiversity.

  • LIFE-2024-NGO-OG-SGA - SGA LIFE operating grants


    Code: 33630 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-NGO-OG-SGA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    This call for proposals concerns LIFE Specific Operating Grant Agreements (SGA OG).

    The LIFE operating grants for non-profit making entities aim to strengthen the participation of civil society in the EU policy dialogue, as well as to support implementation and enforcement of Union environmental and climate objectives, including energy transition, by the beneficiaries. The present call for proposals targets operating grants aimed at achieving the objectives of the Environment, Nature, Climate and Clean Energy Transition LIFE sub-programmes.

  • Environment governance


    Code: 33625 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

    The specific objective is to cover one or more of the following topics:

    • Activities in support of public administrations’ decision-making and voluntary approaches
    • Environmental compliance assurance and access to justice
    • Behavioral change and awareness-raising initiatives

  • Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus


    Code: 33623 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

    The specific objective is to cover one or more of the following topics:

    • Circular Economy and Waste
    • Air
    • Water
    • Soil
    • Noise
    • Chemicals
    • A new European Bauhaus

  • Technical Assistance preparation of ENV SIPs


    Code: 33621 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-TA-PP-ENV-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    The objective is the preparation of ENV Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs).

    ENV SIPs projects aim:

    • at the implementation of
      • National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar
      • National and regional Waste Management Plans (WMPs) pursuant to Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes as requested by article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive;
      • River basin management plans (RBMPs) pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) pursuant to the Floods Directive, Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;
      • Air quality plans pursuant to the Ambient Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCP) pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.
    • at large territorial scale
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders
    • and include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a ENV SIP.

    The overall objective of a TA-PP-ENV-SIP project is writing a SIP proposal, so all activities must contribute to this goal.

  • Technical Assistance preparation of SNAPs


    Code: 33619 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-TA-PP-NAT-SNAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    The objective is the preparation of Strategic Nature Projects (SNaPs).

    SNaP projects aims:

    • at the implementation of:
      • Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and/or
      • Other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, regional or multiregional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation,
    • at large territorial scale
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders
    • include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted PAF (or other eligible strategy).

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a SNaP.

    The overall objective of a TA-PP-NAT-SNaP project is writing a SNaP proposal, so all activities of the TA-PP project must contribute to this goal.

  • Technical Assistance preparation of CLIMA SIPs


    Code: 33617 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-TA-PP-CLIMA-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 18/09/2024

    The objective is the preparation of CLIMA Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs).

    CLIMA SIPs projects aim:

    • at the implementation of:
      • National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) including Long-Term Strategies (LTS).
      • Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999.
      • National adaptation strategies and plans pursuant to Article 5 of the Regulation 2021/1119 (‘European Climate Law’), or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
      • Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a climate neutral and/or climate resilient society, including climate-neutral cities plans and actions, for instance in the context of the EU Mission ‘Climate neutral and smart cities’ and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
      • National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps.
    • at large territorial scale,
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders,
    • include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a CLIMA SIP.

  • Nature and Biodiversity


    Code: 33614 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-NATURE | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The present Call topic targets Standard Action Projects (SAP) aimed at achieving the objectives of the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity sub-programme by supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of EU legislation and policy on nature and biodiversity.

    Projects should fall under at least one of the two areas of intervention:

    • Intervention area: “Space for Nature”
    • Intervention area: “Safeguarding our species”

  • Nature Governance


    Code: 33611 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Proposals under this topic must support the implementation of the governance aspects (i.e. compliance assurance, public participation, access to justice) of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, with a focus on EU Nature and Biodiversity legislation.

  • Strategic Nature Projects


    Code: 33609 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-STRAT-NAT-SNAP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 06/03/2025

    The objective of a SNaP project is to support the achievement of EU nature and biodiversity objectives by implementing coherent programmes of action in Member States in order to mainstream those objectives and priorities into other policies and financing instruments. This will include the coordinated implementation of:

    • Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and
    • other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, multiregional or regional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation, through coordination of the available funding and mobilisation of additional funding and with the active engagement of all the relevant stakeholders.

    In this way, a SNaP project will support effective mainstreaming of nature and biodiversity objectives and priorities into other policies and financing instruments.

  • Strategic Integrated Projects - Environment


    Code: 33607 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 06/03/2025

    The objective support the full implementation of the following plans and strategies:

    • Circular Economy: National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar, which are officially approved, and which include specific and measurable actions, or targets, with a clear timeline and are in line with or complementing the objectives of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
    • Waste: National and regional Waste Management Plans.
    • Water: River basin management plans pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans pursuant to the Floods Directive or Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
    • Air: Air quality plans pursuant to the Ambient Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.

  • Strategic Integrated Projects - Climate Action


    Code: 33605 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 06/03/2025

    The objective supports the full implementation of the following strategies and plans:

    • National Energy and Climate Plans.
    • National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).
    • National or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
    • Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a low carbon and/or climate resilient society.
    • National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps contributing to climate neutrality.

  • Real world energy consumption of energy-related products


    Code: 33598 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-PRODUCTS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to improve understanding of the actual impacts of EU Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Regulations and facilitate the implementation of related test methods that reflect better product use in real life, in terms of energy consumption and, when appropriate, pollutant emissions. In addition, actual energy consumption data would inform on the one hand future reviews of ecodesign and energy labelling rules, while providing added value for preparatory studies. On the other hand, it would also contribute to improving the ecodesign impact accounting model utilised for reporting the impacts of these rules.

  • Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy


    Code: 33596 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-POLICY | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to support the implementation of the main pieces of legislation in the field of the:

    • Energy Efficiency Directive (Scope A).
    • Renewable Energy Directive (Scope B).
    • Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Scope C).

    Actions under this topic are expected to:

    • Promote and enable exchange of insights and sharing of best practices within/ across Member States.
    • Provide support, technical advice and tools for contextualisation and specification of requirements, in general and according to the national and regional context.
    • Scope, assess and model the impact of implementation options to comply with EU legislative requirements, thereby contributing to the design of more effective policies.
    • Support the monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation.
    • Develop and apply methodologies to more accurately measure, calculate and account for contributions made under the specific policy measures and programmes.
    • Develop and support integrated methodologies for areas and sectors that are addressed by different policies and pieces of legislation, notably approaches for integrated collection of data, calculation/accounting, verification, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
    • Monitor and model energy and non-energy impacts of integrated solutions; gather data for the energy and buildings sector.

  • Crowding in private finance


    Code: 33587 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-PRIVAFIN | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to increase the amount of private finance allocated to energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy sources by establishing innovative financing schemes for investments in sustainable energy.

    Proposals should clearly focus on tailored, market-oriented solutions to crowd in private finance at scale for sustainable energy investments, understood as investments in energy efficiency and/or small-scale renewable energy sources and storage.

  • Supporting district heating and cooling


    Code: 33585 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-DHC | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    District heating and/or cooling operators/owners need to prepare and implement plans so that existing systems fulfil the criteria for “efficient district heating and cooling”, defined in the EED. This will require, among other aspects, the integration of low-temperature renewable energy (e.g. from solar thermal, ambient energy and geothermal resources) and waste heat as well as the cost-effective and energy efficient retrofitting of existing, inefficient district heating networks.

    The option to further develop district heating and cooling systems should be integrated in energy planning and heat mapping by public administrations, taking a district approach when addressing the policy priority of deploying renewable and efficient heating and cooling, including for instance building or modernising district heating systems when planning renovation programmes.

    Technical support and enabling frameworks are therefore needed to support the preparation of modernisation and development projects.

    Waste heat as well as the cost-effective and energy efficient retrofitting of existing, inefficient district heating networks.

  • Supporting the roll-out of high-quality heat pump installations


    Code: 33582 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-HEATPUMPS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The aim of this topic is to strengthen the enabling framework for the accelerated roll-out of high-quality heat pumps, complementing existing legislative and financial incentives at the EU, national and local levels. In particular, the topic aims to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps in existing buildings through alternative business and delivery models as well as in industrial sectors through a closer collaboration between different industrial sectors and industrial heat pump technology providers.

  • Climate Change Adaptation


    Code: 33580 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-CCA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    Projects under this strand should help to achieve the long-term vision of the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change that, in 2050, the EU will be a climate-resilient society which is fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Projects should help to reinforce adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerability, in line with the Paris Agreement and the European Climate Law.

  • Climate Change Mitigation


    Code: 33578 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-CCM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    Projects under the Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area should contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 to at least 55% compared with 1990 levels.

  • Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe


    Code: 33576 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-ENERPOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Efforts should focus on offering support to overcome barriers to the uptake of renovation measures in multi-apartment buildings requiring coordinated action amongst homeowners, as well as supporting relevant actors, including public authorities, in designing longer-term strategies and coordination frameworks to mitigate energy poverty at different governance levels, including dedicated financing schemes specifically addressing energy performance improvements for energy poor households. As obligated parties under energy efficiency obligation schemes have potentially at their disposal the necessary data and means to identify energy poverty and vulnerability among their customers, supporting the obligated parties is needed in order to spread such schemes across the EU.

  • Developing support mechanisms for Energy Communities


    Code: 33574 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-ENERCOM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Energy communities can help citizens and local authorities invest in renewables and energy efficiency.
    An increasing number of local and regional authorities wish to make sure that more citizens and local communities benefit from the energy transition and play an active role in it. Supporting energy communities can be a way to achieve that and local governments are uniquely well-placed to support their development by creating an enabling framework for communities and addressing their development hurdles.
    Therefore, this topic aims to foster the collaboration between local/regional authorities and energy communities.

  • Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments


    Code: 33571 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-PDA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Project Development Assistance (PDA) will support project promoters in preparing and launching investment pipelines of sustainable energy projects. Also it aims to support project developers across Europe to deliver a highly ambitious sustainable energy project pipeline. It offers technical assistance to public and private project developers to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy investments of ambition and scale.

    The call topic aims to build technical, economic and legal expertise of project promoters needed for the successful project development and implementation.

  • Facilitation structures for the renovation of public buildings


    Code: 33568 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-RENOPUB | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    Proposals should establish and operate regional/national facilitation structures, for example one-stop-shops, to accelerate the renovation wave in the public sector (e.g. office buildings, social housing, schools, leisure facilities etc.) covering a larger territory and offering to public authorities a comprehensive, all-inclusive service from technical, financial to legal advice, procurement and quality assurance of works.

    Actions should clearly focus on the ambitious energy renovation of existing public buildings (e.g. administrative buildings, hospitals, schools) to nZEB or ZEB standards, and should target legal entities operating under public law (e.g. public authorities, public bodies, social/public rental housing operators, etc.) as the main final beneficiaries of the services to be put in place.

  • Climate Governance and Information


    Code: 33566 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-SAP-CLIMA-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 17/09/2024

    LIFE Climate Change Governance and Information aims at supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change, contributing to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. This includes improving governance through enhancing the capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society.

  • LIFE Clean Energy Transition – Standard Action Project


    Code: 33564 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-SAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic aims to support actions from key commercial and non-commercial actors in the clean energy transition, involving in particular local and regional authorities, energy agencies, energy service companies (ESCOs), financial institutions and EU manufacturers of net-zero energy technologies.
    Actions under this topic should contribute to the implementation of the EU’s energy efficiency and renewable energy policy and legislation and demonstrate their positive contribution to the overall clean and fair energy transition.

  • Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses


    Code: 33562 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BUSINESS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The overall objective of this topic is to support the clean energy transition and decarbonisation of businesses by strengthening national ecosystems for energy management systems and energy audits as well as by fostering collaborative approaches between companies operating either in the same value chain or in physical proximity.

    Synergies with relevant EU projects and initiatives such as the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are encouraged.

  • BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions for building decarbonisation


    Code: 33560 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BUILDSKILLS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The first objective of the topic –Scope A, is to increase the number of skilled building professionals at all levels of the building design, operation and maintenance value chain. The focus is on the skills needed to enable the Clean Energy Transition, in particular the EU Renovation Wave, the EU Solar Energy Strategy, the Communication on Digitalising the Energy System – EU action plan, as well as the implementation of the provisions on skills as part of revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), and Renewable Energy Directive (RED).

    The second objective of the topic – Scope B, is to create a thriving community of practitioners actively involved in upskilling activities for building professionals, which will support the large-scale roll-out of successful approaches across Europe.

    Proposals should address only one of the two scopes below.

  • One-Stop-Shops - Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses


    Code: 33556 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-OSS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic aims at supporting the creation or replication of One-Stop-Shops, proposing integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses.

    Proposals are expected to focus on one of the two scopes (A or B):

    • Scope A: Integrated Home Renovation Services
    • Scope B: Integrated services for private rental housing energy upgrade

  • Clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions


    Code: 33552 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-LOCAL | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    The topic aims to provide local and regional authorities with the necessary capacity, integrated approaches and organisational structures to deliver and implement plans and strategies for the clean energy transition (CET).

    The focus should be on delivering the right mix of activities that will build/increase lasting technical, legal, financial, administrative and social innovation skills among LRAs with a clear aim to initiate the implementation of sustainable energy actions with an integrated approach in their constituencies.

  • Energy Performance of Buildings - Making renovation faster, deeper, smarter, service- and data-driven


    Code: 33550 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2024-CET-BETTERRENO | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2024 | End submission calls: 19/09/2024

    This topic addresses several areas that are key for the achievement of the ambitious EU targets for the decarbonisation of buildings. It aims to develop and deploy approaches that bring actors, markets, frameworks and innovative solutions together to increase the attractiveness of building performance up-grades and to reduce the administrative, logistic and financial burden that still goes along with (deep) retrofitting of buildings. The topic also aims to address the need for quality data to make verification and financing more robust and to help deploy services that valorise building energy efficiency and smartness.

    Proposals are expected to focus on one of the two scopes (A or B):

    • Scope A: Facilitating large-scale deep renovation
    • Scope B: Buildings energy data and services

  • EUCF 6th call for applications


    Code: 32308 | Identifier Code: LIFE21-CET-EUCF-LIFE EUCF | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 15/01/2024 | End submission calls: 15/03/2024

    The European City Facility (EUCF) aims to support municipalities and local authorities in developing Investment Concepts related to the implementation of actions identified in their climate and energy action plans. The ultimate objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe.

  • Energy Performance of Buildings - Creating the conditions to make renovation faster, deeper, smarter, service- and data-driven


    Code: 29276 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-BETTERRENO | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    This topic addresses several areas that are key for the achievement of the ambitious EU targets for the decarbonisation of buildings.
    It aims to develop and deploy approaches that bring actors, markets, frameworks and innovative solutions together to increase the attractiveness of building performance up-grades and to reduce the administrative, logistic and financial burden that still goes along with (deep) retrofitting of buildings.
    The topic also aims to address the need for quality data to make verification and financing more robust and to help deploy services that valorise building energy efficiency and smartness.

  • BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions enabling a decarbonised building stock and energy system integration


    Code: 29274 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-BUILDSKILLS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    The main objective is to increase the number of skilled building professionals at all levels of the building design, operation and maintenance value chain.

    The main focus of proposals should be on continuous vocational education and training (or professional training) of professionals, i.e. after their initial, compulsory education and training or after they have entered working life. This includes the retraining of professionals from other sectors with skills transferable to construction and building renovation. Proposals are also encouraged to address other parts of education and training (e.g. initial education and training, higher education), provided this is justified based on needs detected in the countries targeted.

  • Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses


    Code: 29272 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-BUSINESS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    The overall objective of this topic is to support the clean energy transition and decarbonisation of businesses by strengthening national and regional ecosystems for energy management systems and energy audits and by fostering collaborative approaches between companies.

    Synergies with relevant EU projects and initiatives such as the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE) and/or the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) are encouraged.

  • District heating and cooling: Enabling modernisation and fuel switch through support for investment plans and skills development


    Code: 29268 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-DHC | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    District heating operators/owners need to prepare and implement plans so that existing systems fulfil the proposed criteria for ‘efficient district heating and cooling’, as proposed for the revision of the EED. This will require, among other aspects, the cost-effective and energy efficient retrofitting of existing, inefficient district heating networks and the integration of low-temperature renewable energy (e.g. from solar thermal, ambient energy and geothermal resources) and waste heat, including supported by heat pumps. Furthermore, district heating has been identified as a key option for the decarbonisation of the heating sector in countries and regions without long tradition and experience in the technology.

    The option to further develop district heating and cooling systems should be integrated in energy planning and heat mapping by public administrations, taking a district approach when addressing the policy priority of deploying renewable and efficient heating and cooling, including for instance building or modernising district heating systems when planning renovation programmes.

  • European Energy Communities Facility


    Code: 29266 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-ENERCOMFACILITY | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    The European Energy Communities Facility should offer support services, including financial support to third parties, to develop business plans to grow and implement sustainable energy community projects (addressing e.g. energy efficiency, heating and cooling, renewable energy production and use, electro-mobility).

    In order to support the growth of energy communities and make projects less dependent on the income level of community members or the availability of support at local level, this topic aims at creating a Facility able to provide support for the early phases of energy community projects. This support shall be designed to reduce the risk of the pre-development phase and thereby create a bridge between the project idea and the launch of the community investment.

  • Alleviating household energy poverty and vulnerability in Europe


    Code: 29264 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-ENERPOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    Efforts should focus on offering support to build the concrete skills and capacity of vulnerable households to afford their energy bills and ensure adequate comfort levels, as well as supporting relevant actors, including public authorities, in designing longer-term strategies and frameworks to mitigate energy poverty at the sub-national levels, including dedicated financing schemes specifically addressing energy performance improvements for energy poor households.

    Actions should contribute to actively alleviating energy poverty and energy vulnerability and build on the tools, indicators and resources of existing initiatives.

  • Maximising use of and valorising EPREL data through innovative applications


    Code: 29262 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-EPREL | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) provides information on products placed on the market and their energy labels, as well as information on other aspects than a product’s energy use (e.g. water consumption, availability of spare parts), with over 1.5 million models estimated to have been registered. This significant and increasing amount of data represents a dual challenge: on the one hand, it necessitates a systematic quality check for it to serve its intended purpose, while on the other it is a significant resource that should be further valorised.

  • Boosting heat pump deployment through alternative models and skilled installers


    Code: 29260 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-HEATPUMPS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    Τhe aim of this topic is to complement existing legislative and financial incentives at the EU, national and local levels and to facilitate a large-scale rollout of high-quality heat pump installations. In particular, the topic aims to reduce upfront costs and perceived complexity of design and installation as well as to increase the number of skilled installers and the confidence of end-users.

  • Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions


    Code: 29257 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-LOCAL Grant | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    The topic aims to provide local and regional authorities with the necessary capacity, skills and organisational structures to deliver and implement plans and strategies for the clean energy transition (CET).
    Local and regional authorities need to commit to and effectively plan and implement the clean energy transition in their territories at an unprecedented level of ambition and pace, tailored to the specific geographical, societal or political context. Local and regional planning should focus on measures in the short, medium and longer term that accelerate the clean energy transition in a just manner, ensuring full alignment with relevant EU and national energy and climate legislation, and contributing to the goals that are set in the specific National Energy and Climate Plans.

  • Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses


    Code: 29253 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-OSS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    This topic aims at supporting the creation or replication of One-Stop-Shops, proposing integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses.
    Projects are expected to tackle, but are not limited to the following aspects:

    • Improve market conditions and develop integrated building renovation service offers
    • Provide methods and support
    • Aim at a self-sustained business model
    • Communicate results

  • Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments


    Code: 29231 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-PDA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    Project Development Assistance (PDA) offers technical assistance to public and private project developers to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy investments of ambition and scale.
    Project Development Assistance (PDA) will support project promoters in preparing and launching investment pipelines of sustainable energy projects. The call topic aims to build technical, economic and legal expertise of project promoters needed for the successful project development and implementation.

  • Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy


    Code: 29229 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-POLICY | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    Actions under this topic are expected to:

    • Promote and enable exchange of insights and sharing of best practices within and across Member States.
    • Provide support, technical advice and tools for contextualisation and specification of requirements, in general and according to the national and regional context.
    • Scope, assess and model the impact of implementation options to comply with EU legislative requirements, thereby contributing to the design of more effective policies.
    • Support the monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation.
    • Develop and apply methodologies to more accurately measure, calculate and account for contributions made under the specific policy measures and programmes.
    • Develop and support integrated methodologies for areas and sectors that are addressed by different policies and pieces of legislation, notably approaches for integrated collection of data, calculation/accounting, verification, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
    • Monitor and model energy and non-energy impacts of integrated solutions; gather data for the energy and buildings sector.

  • Crowding in private finance


    Code: 29225 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-CET-PRIVAFIN | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 11/05/2023 | End submission calls: 16/11/2023

    The topic aims to increase the amount of private finance allocated to energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy sources by establishing innovative financing schemes for investments in sustainable energy and/or engaging with financial institutions to develop financial products and adapt their investment practices.

  • Nature Governance


    Code: 28897 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-NAT-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 06/09/2023

    Proposals under this topic must support the implementation of the governance aspects (i.e. compliance assurance, public participation, access to justice) of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, with a focus on EU Nature and Biodiversity legislation by:

    • promoting effective public participation and access to justice in nature and biodiversity policy and legislation related matters amongst the public, NGOs, lawyers, the judiciary, public administrations and/or
    • establishing new or, where in place, enhancing existing cross-border, national or regional networks of compliance assurance practitioners or experts and/or
    • establishing or, where in place, improving professional qualifications and training to improve public participation, access to justice and compliance with binding EU legal instruments on nature and biodiversity, through promoting, checking and enforcing compliance and/or
    • developing and implementing strategies and policies and/or developing and using innovative tools and actions to promote, monitor and enforce compliance with binding EU instruments on nature and biodiversity, including use of administrative law, criminal law and environmental liability and/or
    • improving relevant information systems operated by public authorities and/or
    • engaging with citizens and others to promote and monitor compliance, and ensure application of environmental liability in relation to EU nature and biodiversity legislation.

  • Technical Assistance preparation of CLIMA SIPs


    Code: 28873 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-TA-PP-CLIMA-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 02/05/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The objective is the preparation of CLIMA Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs).
    CLIMA SIPs projects

    • aim at the implementation of:
      • National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999.
      • National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).
      • National or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
      • Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a climate neutral and/or climate resilient society, including climate-neutral cities plans and actions, for instance in the context of the EU Mission ‘Climate neutral and smart cities’ and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
      • National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps.
    • at large territorial scale
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders
    • and include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a CLIMA SIP.

  • Technical Assistance preparation of ENV SIPs


    Code: 28871 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-TA-PP-ENV-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 02/05/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The objective is the preparation of ENV Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs).
    ENV SIPs projects

    • aim at the implementation of:
      • National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar
      • National and regional Waste Management Plans (WMPs) pursuant to Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes as requested by article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive;
      • River basin management plans (RBMPs) pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) pursuant to the Floods Directive, Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive;
      • Air quality plans pursuant to the Ambient Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCP) pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.
    • at large territorial scale
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders
    • and include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a ENV SIP.

  • Technical Assistance preparation of SNAPs


    Code: 28869 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-TA-PP-NAT-SNAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 02/05/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The objective is the preparation of Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs).
    SNAPS projects

    • aim at the implementation of:
      • Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and/or
      • Other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, regional or multiregional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation,
    • at large territorial scale
    • with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders
    • and include a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted PAF (or other eligible strategy).

    Therefore the main objective of the TA-PP project is the submission of a full proposal for a SNAP.

  • Climate Governance and Information


    Code: 28860 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 21/09/2023

    LIFE Climate Change Governance and Information aims at supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change, contributing to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. This includes improving governance through enhancing the capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society.

  • Projects to support Bauhaus, the Phoenix initiative and the Emerald Network


    Code: 28858 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-PLP-Bauhaus-Phoenix-Emerald | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The proposed projects shall address the following specific needs and policy priorities identified by the Member States.

    Under this specific topic proposals may be submitted only to address specific needs.

  • Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life


    Code: 28856 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-PLP-NAT-ENV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The proposed projects shall aim to address the following specific needs identified by the Member States in the sub-programme Circular Economy and Quality of LIFE in the sub-programme Nature and Biodiversity.

  • Implementation of the Ecodesign, Energy labelling and Tyre labelling policy


    Code: 28854 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-PLP-ENER | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The objective of the action is to ensure that the views of European consumer organisations and environmental NGOs are well represented in the preparatory process leading to implementing measures and their reviews under the ecodesign and energy labelling legislation, including the assessment of voluntary agreements, both in the study phase, in the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum and if appropriate thereafter.

    The project aims to provide support to environmental and consumer NGOs for their representation in the preparatory process for ecodesign and energy labelling legislation.

  • Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) integration – Development of national incentivising framework for the integration of Electric Vehicles as home / building energy storage, in energy communities and in national grids


    Code: 28846 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-PLP-CLIMA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 07/09/2023

    The proposed project should develop and check the feasibility of legislation/support schemes enabling the use of EV batteries (when connected) as home batteries / to feed energy communities – and removing any potential administrative barrier (including to their authorisation), when plugged in with smart plugs at home / in collective residential buildings / @work / roadside “slow” charging points.

  • Climate Change Adaptation


    Code: 28831 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-CCA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 21/09/2023

    Projects under this strand should help to:

    • Ensure continuous progress in enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change, as required under with Article 5 of the European Climate Law
    • Achieve the long-term vision of the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change30 that, in 2050, the EU will be a climate-resilient society which is fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.

  • Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus


    Code: 28828 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 06/09/2023

    The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energyefficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

    The specific objective is to cover one or more of the following topics (the description is further detailed in the sections afterwards):
    1. Circular Economy and Waste
    2. Air
    3. Water
    4. Soil
    5. Noise
    6. Chemicals
    7. A new European Bauhaus

  • Nature and Biodiversity


    Code: 28818 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-NAT-NATURE | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 06/09/2023

    Projects should fall under at least one of the two areas of intervention:

    Intervention area: “Space for Nature”
    Any project aimed at improving the condition of species or habitats through areabased conservation or restoration measures falls within the eligible scope of the intervention area “Space for Nature”. This may include, for example, projects for restoring or improving natural or semi-natural habitats, or habitats of species, both within and outside existing protected areas. This may also include projects for creating additional protected areas (or improving the biodiversity focus and contribution of existing protected areas), ecological corridors or other green infrastructure, projects testing or demonstrating new site management approaches, projects acting on pressures, etc.

    Intervention area: “Safeguarding our species”
    Any project aimed at improving the condition of species (or, in the case of invasive alien species, reducing their impact) through any relevant activities other than area-based conservation or restoration measures falls within the scope of the intervention area “Safeguarding our species”. Considering the broad range of threats that may act on species in addition to the degradation of their habitats, such projects may apply to a wide range of relevant measures, spanning from hard infrastructural works to awareness raising of stakeholders.

  • Strategic Integrated Projects - Environment


    Code: 28571 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    Applicants should target the implementation of one of the following plans/strategies:

    Circular Economy: National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar, which are officially approved, and which include specific and measurable actions, or targets, with a clear timeline and are in line with or complementing the objectives of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.

    Waste: National and regional Waste Management Plans (WMPs) pursuant to Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPPs) as requested by Article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive.

    Water: River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) pursuant to the Floods Directive or Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

    Air: Air Quality Plans pursuant to the Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCP) pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.

  • Technical Assistance - Replication - Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life


    Code: 28569 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-TA-R-NAT-ENV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 27/07/2023

    The objectives of LIFE Technical Assistance – Replication (TA-R) projects are to facilitate the upscaling or replication of results funded under the LIFE programme or, where relevant to fulfil the objectives of the LIFE programme, under another EU-funded programme.

  • Environment governance


    Code: 28559 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-ENV-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 06/09/2023

    The aim is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energyefficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

    The specific objective is to cover one or more of the following topics (the description is further detailed in the sections afterwards):

    1. Activities in support of public administrations’ decision-making and voluntary approaches
    2. Environmental compliance assurance and access to justice
    3. Behavioral change and awareness-raising initiatives

  • Climate Change Mitigation


    Code: 28557 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA-CCM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 21/09/2023

    Projects under the Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area should contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 of at least 55% compared with 1990 levels.

  • Strategic Integrated Projects - Climate Action


    Code: 28553 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2023-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 18/04/2023 | End submission calls: 05/09/2023

    Applicants should target the implementation of one or more of the following plans/strategies:

    1. National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) Regulation on thegovernance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999.
    2. National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).
    3. National or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
    4. Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a climate neutral and/or climate resilient society, including climate-neutral cities plans and actions, for instance in the context of the EU Mission ‘Climate neutral and smart cities’ and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
    5. National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps.

  • LIFE Preparatory Projects - Projects addressing ad hoc Legislative and Policy Priorities (PLP)


    Code: 22160 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-PLP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 07/09/2022

    The topics under this call for proposals concern LIFE Other Action Grants (OAGs). Other Action Grants (OAGs) include:

    • Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) for projects focusing on the transition to renewable energy and increased energy efficiency by breaking market barriers, through activities including capacity building, dissemination of information and knowledge, and awareness raising; they may include directly awarded grants to bodies designated by Member States.
    • A Small Grant Facility on Biodiversity (BEST). Small grants (max 100 000 EUR) for projects in the EU Outermost Regions and the Overseas Countries and Territories on biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation
    • Pilot projects in the framework of the ‘New European Bauhaus’ to identify and address some key challenges helping Europe’s transformation into the first climate-neutral continent in view of having better spaces in which form not only follows function, such as in the historical Bauhaus movement, but also contributes to preserve the resources of the planet.
    • Action grants benefitting the organisations mentioned in Annex I of the LIFE Regulation
    • Additional projects responding to the EU legislative and policy priorities determined following a consultation with Member States (PLP)
    • Other specific projects to identified beneficiaries (Article 195 EU Financial Regulation).

  • Strategic Nature and Integrated Projects (SNaP/SIP)


    Code: 22123 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-STRAT-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 08/09/2022

    The topics under this call for proposals concern LIFE Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) and Strategic Nature Projects (SNaPs).

  • LIFE Technical Assistance for Preparation of SIPs/SNAPs


    Code: 22121 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-TA-PP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 08/09/2022

    The topics under this call for proposals concern LIFE Technical Assistance Project Grants (TA PP). Technical Assistance Projects (TA) may include the following activities:

    • preparation of Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) Strategic Nature and Projects (SNAPs) (TA-PP)

  • Nature & Biodiversity - Standard Action Projects (SAP)


    Code: 22116 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 04/10/2022

    The specific objectives of the sub-programme ‘Nature and Biodiversity’ are the following:

    • to develop, demonstrate, promote and stimulate scale up of innovative techniques, methods and approaches (including nature-based solutions and ecosystem approach) for reaching the objectives of the EU legislation and policy on nature and biodiversity, and to contribute to the knowledge base and to the application of best practices, including through the support of the Natura 2000
    • to support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of EU legislation and policy on nature and biodiversity, including by improving governance at all levels, in particular through enhancing capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society, also taking into due consideration the possible contributions provided by citizen science
    • to catalyse the large-scale deployment of successful solutions/approaches for implementing EU legislation and policy on nature and biodiversity, by replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and into public and private sector practices, mobilising investment and improving access to finance.

  • Circular Economy and Quality of Life - Standard Action Projects (SAP)


    Code: 22113 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-SAP-ENV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 04/10/2022

    The specific objectives of the sub-programme ‘Circular Economy and Quality of Life’ are:

    • to develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches for reaching the objectives of the EU legislation and policy on environment, and to contribute to the knowledge base and, where relevant, to the application of best practices
    • to support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the EU legislation and policy on environment, including by improving governance at all levels, in particular through enhancing capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society
    • to catalyse the large-scale deployment of successful technical and policyrelated solutions for implementing the EU legislation and policy on environment, by replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and into public and private sector practices, mobilising investment and improving access to finance.

    This sub-programme aims at facilitating the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient and climate-resilient economy and at protecting, restoring and improving the quality of the environment.

  • LIFE Clean Energy Transition


    Code: 22110 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-CET | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 16/11/2022

    The specific objectives of the sub-programme ‘Clean Energy Transition’ are the following:

    • to develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches for reaching the objectives of the EU legislation and policy on the transition to sustainable renewable energy and increased energy efficiency, and to contribute to the knowledge base and to the application of best practice
    • to support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the EU legislation and policy on the transition to sustainable renewable energy or increased energy efficiency, including by improving governance at all levels, in particular through enhancing capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society
    • to catalyse the large-scale deployment of successful technical and policyrelated solutions for implementing the EU legislation on the transition to renewable energy or increased energy efficiency by replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and into public and private sector practices, mobilising investment and improving access to finance

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation – Standard Action Projects (SAP)


    Code: 22103 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2022-SAP-CLIMA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 17/05/2022 | End submission calls: 04/10/2022

    The specific objectives of the sub-programme ‘Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’ are:

    • to develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches for reaching the objectives of the EU legislation and policy on climate action and to contribute to the knowledge base and to the application of best practice
    • to support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the EU legislation and policy on climate action, including by improving governance at all levels, in particular through enhancing capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society
    • to catalyse the large-scale deployment of successful technical and policyrelated solutions for implementing the EU legislation and policy on climate action by replicating results, integrating related objectives into other policies and into public and private sector practices, mobilising investment and improving access to finance.

    This sub-programme will contribute to the transformation of the EU into a climate-neutral and -resilient society, by supporting the implementation of the EU’s climate policy and preparing the EU for the climate action challenges in the coming years and decades.

  • LIFE 2021 Capacity Building


    Code: 16780 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-TA-CAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 16/03/2022

    Τechnical assistance projects for capacity building aim at supporting national level public bodies responsible for the implementation of LIFE to improve their Member State’s effective participation in the Programme, and increasing the quality of submitted proposals, through specific needs based activities.

  • Circular Economy and Quality of Life


    Code: 16776 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-PREP-Environment | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 10/03/2022

    The proposed project under the topic LIFE 2021-PREP-Environment shall aim to address the following specific need identified by the Member States in the subprogramme Circular Economy and Quality of LIFE.

  • Biodiversity in the Outermost Regions and the Overseas Countries and Territories


    Code: 16759 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-BEST | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 24/04/2022

    The proposed project shall aim to implement a small grant scheme for biodiversity action in the EU’s ORs and OCTs. The purpose of this funding mechanism for biodiversity would be to further unlock the local potential for biodiversity action in the EU’s ORs and OCTs, and to foster the implementation of concrete conservation activities in those areas aiming at protecting nature and reversing the degradation of ecosystems.

  • Nature and Biodiversity


    Code: 16756 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-PREP-NATURA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 10/03/2022

    The proposed projects under the topic LIFE 2021-PREP-NATURA shall address the following specific needs and Policy Priorities identified by the Member States in the sub-programme Nature and Biodiversity.

  • Fostering the network of LIFE National Contact Points


    Code: 16753 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-PREP-Network | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 16/12/2021 | End submission calls: 10/03/2022

    The LIFE Regulation makes reference to the cooperation between the National Contact Points – NCP and recognizes their importance as a key actors of the LIFE programme to contribute to supporting applicants in the preparation phase of proposals; and during implementation of projects. This project aims to support the network of LIFE Programme’s National Contact Points and facilitate their trans– national cooperation, mutual learning activities and events to share experience. 

  • European City Facility


    Code: 16458 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-EUCF | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 02/12/2021 | End submission calls: 03/03/2022

    Under this topic, a European City Facility shall be run under the LIFE CET programme. Proposals should take into account experiences regarding the ongoing H2020 EUCF, and envisage an appropriate follow-up and upscale of its fundamental approach(es). In this context, proposals are expected to run a ‘European City Facility’ under LIFE which offers financial support and services to cities and municipalities or their groupings.

  • LIFE Strategic Projects - Strategic Integrated Projects – Environment


    Code: 11618 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 19/10/2021

    Applicants should target the implementation of one of the following plans/strategies:

    • Circular Economy: National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar, which are officially approved, and which include specific and measurable actions, or targets, with a clear timeline and are in line with or complementing the objectives of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
    • Waste: National and regional Waste Management Plans (WMPs) pursuant to Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPPs) as requested by article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive.
    • Water: River basin management plans (RBMPs) pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) pursuant to the Floods Directive or Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
    • Air: Air quality plans pursuant to the Air Quality Directive or national air pollution control programmes (NAPCP) pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.

  • LIFE Strategic Projects - Strategic Nature Projects


    Code: 11614 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-STRAT-NAT-SNAP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 19/10/2021

    The objective of a SNAP project is to implement:

    • Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and/or
    • other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, multiregional or regional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation,

    through coordination of the available funding and mobilisation of additional funding and with the active engagement of all the relevant stakeholders. In this way, a SNAP project will support effective mainstreaming of nature and biodiversity objectives and priorities into other policies and financing instruments.

  • LIFE Strategic Projects - Strategic Integrated Projects - Climate Action


    Code: 11610 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 19/10/2021

    Applicants should target the implementation of one of the following plans/strategies:

    • National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP, Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999).
    • National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP).
    • National or regional adaptation strategies or action plans.
    • Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a low carbon and/or climate resilient society.
    • National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or low carbon economy roadmaps.

  • LIFE Technical Assistance Project Grants - Technical Assistance preparation of CLIMA SIPs


    Code: 11606 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-TA-PP-CLIMA-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 22/09/2021

    The objective is the preparation of CLIMA Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs). CLIMA SIPs projects aim at the implementation of: National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP, Regulation on the governance of the energy union and climate action (EU)2018/1999); National Energy Efficiency Action Plans’ (NEEAP); National or regional adaptation strategies or action plans; Urban or community-based action plans pioneering the transition to a climate neutral and/or climate resilient society; National, regional or industry-/sector-specific greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or economy roadmaps contributing to climate neutrality.

  • LIFE Technical Assistance Project Grants - Technical Assistance preparation of ENV SIPs


    Code: 11604 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-TA-PP-ENV-SIP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 22/09/2021

    The objective is the preparation of ENV Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs). ENV SIPs projects aim at the implementation of: National or Regional Circular Economy Action Plans, Strategies, Roadmaps or similar; National and regional Waste Management Plans (WMPs) pursuant to Article 28 of the Waste Framework Directive and/or Waste Prevention Programmes as requested by article 29 of the Waste Framework Directive; River basin management plans (RBMPs) pursuant to Annex VII to the Water Framework Directive, Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) pursuant to the Floods Directive, Marine Strategies pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Air quality plans pursuant to the Ambient Air Quality Directive or National Air Pollution Control Programmes (NAPCP) pursuant to the National Emission Ceilings Directive.

  • LIFE Technical Assistance Project Grants


    Code: 11595 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-TA-PP-NAT-SNAP | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 22/09/2021

    The objective is the preparation of Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs). SNAPS projects aim at the implementation of Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) and/or other plans or strategies adopted at international, national, regional or multiregional level by nature and biodiversity authorities, that implement EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation.

  • Nature and Biodiversity


    Code: 11588 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    Projects should fall under at least one of the two areas of intervention:

    • “Space for Nature
    • “Safeguarding our species”

  • Nature and Biodiversity - Nature Governance


    Code: 11585 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    Proposals under this topic must address EU Nature and Biodiversity legislation compliance assurance and access to justice.

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus


    Code: 11579 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    The aim of this topic is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

  • Circular Economy and Quality of Life - Environment governance


    Code: 11577 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    The aim of the topic is to facilitate the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient/climate-resilient economy and toward a toxic-free environment as well as to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Climate Change Mitigation


    Code: 11572 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-CLIMA-CCM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    Projects under the Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area should contribute to the socially just and sustainable transition towards a climate neutral economy by 2050 and to reaching the EU emission reduction target for 2030 of at least 55% compared with 1990 levels.

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Climate Governance and Information


    Code: 11569 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-CLIMA-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    LIFE Climate Change Governance and Information supports the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the Union legislation and policy on climate change, contributing to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation. This includes improving governance through enhancing the capacities of public and private actors and the involvement of civil society.

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Climate Change Adaptation


    Code: 11566 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-SAP-CLIMA-CCA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 30/11/2021

    Projects under this strand should help to achieve the long-term vision of the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change that, in 2050, the EU will be a climate-resilient society which is fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. In general, projects should help to reinforce adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience, and reduce vulnerability, in line with the Paris Agreement and the proposed European Climate Law.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Large-scale rollout of industrialised deep renovation solutions


    Code: 11533 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-BUILDRENO | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The aim of this topic is to facilitate a greater market uptake and large-scale rollout of holistic, industrialised deep renovation solutions for buildings, thereby supporting the implementation of the EU Renovation Wave strategy.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - EU community of "Integrated Home Renovation Services" practitioners


    Code: 11531 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-HOMERECOM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    This topic aims at developing an EU community of skilled practitioners actively involved in the local/regional implementation of “integrated home renovation services” in order to pool efforts, generate economies of scale and encourage convergence towards best practices.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy investments


    Code: 11529 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-INNOFIN | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to set up innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy investments. Proposals should address the set-up of innovative financing schemes leveraging private finance for sustainable energy investments, with a dedicated focus on energy efficiency.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Multilevel climate and energy dialogue to deliver the energy governance


    Code: 11526 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-GOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims at supporting Member States in fostering a multilevel dialogue to deliver the energy governance.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Addressing building related interventions for vulnerable districts


    Code: 11524 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-ENERPOV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to alleviate energy poverty by addressing the poor energy efficiency of dwellings, as a key risk factor causing energy poverty. In addition, this topic aims to address the many negative impacts low quality building stock has on residents, including poorer health and lower levels of social inclusion.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Mainstreaming sustainable energy finance and integrating energy performance in EU sustainable finance criteria and standards


    Code: 11522 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-MAINSTREAM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to make sustainable energy investments more attractive to private investors and to align them with the EU’s sustainable finance policy.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET – Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy


    Code: 11520 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-POLICY | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to support the implementation of the main pieces of legislation in the field of sustainable energy, notably of the Energy Efficiency Directive (Scope A), the Renewable Energy Directive (Scope B) and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Scope C).

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions


    Code: 11517 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-LOCAL | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to provide local and regional authorities with the necessary capacity to deliver sustainable plans and strategies for the energy transition.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Community-driven clean energy transition in coal, peat and oil-shale regions


    Code: 11513 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-COALREGIONS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    Proposals under the present topic should build capacity amongst communities in coal, peat and oil-shale regions to maximise spending of the Just Transition Mechanism in the area of the clean energy transition leading to increased uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Establish innovative business models and contractual schemes for smart and sector-integrating energy services


    Code: 11510 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-SMARTSERV | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to support actions that develop, conceptualise and deploy new business models and concepts which fully tap the economic value and the wider benefits of integrated services.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - BUILD UP Skills – rebooting the National Platforms and Roadmaps


    Code: 11508 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-BUILDSKILLS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    Launched in 2011, the BUILD UP Skills initiative is supporting the upskilling of building professionals across Europe, to deliver building renovations offering high-energy performance as well as new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings.

    This topic aims to facilitate the rebooting of the National Qualification Platforms, Status Quo Analyses and National Roadmaps developed under the first phase of BUILD UP Skills (2011- 2012, ‘Pillar I’), to ensure alignment with the EU 2030 energy targets.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Integrated Home Renovation Services


    Code: 11504 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-HOMERENO | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    This topic aims at creating or replicating innovative local or regional “integrated home renovation services”.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Facing the increase in cooling demand of buildings in the coming years


    Code: 11501 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-COOLING | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The proposed actions are expected to provide an improved and comprehensive understanding of the cooling demand in buildings and to develop appropriate strategies on how this demand could be most effectively managed and met in a sustainable way, i.e. by reducing demand, improving energy efficiency and increasing the share of renewable energy.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Disruptive PDA – Technical Assistance to advance market boundaries for sustainable energy investments


    Code: 11498 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-PDA | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The topic aims to support innovators across Europe to develop innovative solutions that are mobilising private capital, blending public with private financing, setting up long-term and scalable financial instruments and at the same time overcoming legal and structural barriers whilst delivering a highly ambitious sustainable energy project pipeline.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Creating the conditions for a global improvement of smart readiness of European buildings


    Code: 11483 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-SMARTREADY | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The objectives of this topic are to contribute to the:

    • successful implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator;
    • successful market up-take of the Smart Readiness Indicator;
    • rollout of ICT and smart-ready technologies (e.g. BMS, smart meters, smart thermostats, sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart e-mobility charging infrastructure) in residential, public and commercial buildings;
    • protection of privacy and cybersecurity of smart buildings;
    • reduction of energy consumption linked to the use of digital technologies.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Uptake of energy audits recommendations for the energy transition of companies


    Code: 11478 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-AUDITS | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The key objective of this topic is to increase in companies, using a holistic approach, the uptake of availability of energy audits and to ensure that large enterprises carry out regular energy audits or have an Energy Management System (EMS) in place.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Fostering sustainable energy uptake along the whole value chain in industry and services


    Code: 11474 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-VALUECHAIN | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    The scope of this topic is to establish collaborations between SMEs and larger companies, operating in the same value chain, in order to ensure that energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources are maximised at each step of the process, in line with the EU strategy on energy system integration and more in general with the EU Green Deal and the EU industrial strategy.

  • Clean Energy Transition CET - Developing support mechanisms for energy communities and other citizen-led initiatives in the field of sustainable energy


    Code: 11471 | Identifier Code: LIFE-2021-CET-ENERCOM | Programme name: LIFE: Environment & Climate Action | Start submission calls: 13/07/2021 | End submission calls: 12/01/2022

    This topic aims to support actions that foster the collaboration between local and regional authorities and energy communities and/or actions that develop integrated services to facilitate the emergence and growth of community energy projects.