SESAR Joint Undertaking


The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky.

Programme Description

To do so, it is harnessing, developing and accelerating the take-up of the most cutting-edge technological solutions to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes.

Thematic Categories

  • Information Technology
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Transport

Eligibility for Participation

  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for aviation


    Code: 29996 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-8 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    Tomorrow’s aviation infrastructure will be more data-intensive and thanks to the application of Machine Learning (ML), deep learning and big data analytics aviation practitioners will be able to design an ATM system that is smarter and safer, by constantly analysing and learning from the ATM ecosystem. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main enablers to overcome the current limitations in the ATM system. AI is a breakthrough technology that could radically influence or transform the aviation/ATM industry value chain, potentially impacting all stakeholders, including original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their business models. The impact of transformative AI will be felt throughout the industry, and beyond. The challenge is to develop potential innovative and breakthrough AI solutions that will help addressing capacity issues in ATM by enabling better use of data, leading to more accurate predictions and more sophisticated tools, increased productivity and enhancing the use of airspace and airports. Considering the extent of these challenges, the proposals shall define and develop potential innovative AI-based solutions that may come up with innovative responses based on non-straightforward correlations of parameters, while improving the scalability, efficiency and resilience of the system.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for air–ground integration and autonomy


    Code: 29994 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The Digital European Sky vision foresees the progressive evolution towards autonomous flying, increasing the global ATM performance in terms of capacity, operational efficiency and accommodation of new and/or more autonomous forms of mobility and air vehicles, i.e. supporting the evolving demand in terms of diversity, complexity from very low-level airspace to high level operations. The challenge is to propose and develop potential innovative or breakthrough solutions to allow the accommodation or full integration of these air vehicles, which will have a high degree of autonomy and will use digital means of communication and navigation. This requires closer integration and advanced means of communication between vehicle and infrastructure capabilities so that the infrastructure can act as a digital twin [A digital twin is a digital representation of an intended or actual real-world physical product, system, or process (a physical twin) that serves as the effectively indistinguishable digital counterpart of it for practical purposes, such as simulation, integration, testing, monitoring, and maintenance] of the aircraft. Future operations should therefore rely on direct interactions between air and ground automation, with the human role focused on strategic decision-making while monitoring automation. The objective is to ensure that both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles operate in a seamless and safe environment using common infrastructure and services supporting a common concept of trajectory-based operations.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for connected and automated ATM


    Code: 29986 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The future ATM environment foreseen by the Digital European Sky vision will be increasingly complex, integrating new airspace users’ needs, new airspace vehicles with different performances than conventional aircraft e.g., different speeds and altitudes, etc. The challenge is to propose and develop innovative or unconventional ideas to increase the level of automation (i.e., level 4 (high automation) and level 5 (full automation)) and digitalization in Europe’s ATM and design a future ATM infrastructure that would help reducing rigidities in the ATM system and making it even safer than today’s while improving its scalability and resilience. Secure data sharing between all the components of the ATM infrastructure and the relevant non-ATM stakeholders is another cornerstone of this vision. Research proposals shall aim at leveraging and exploiting emerging digital technologies that could help transforming the sector, in support of new airspace users and design a future ATM infrastructure commensurate with the performance required by each airspace user type and environment. This includes those environments in the transition areas between Europe and neighbouring ICAO regions, which may have specific regulations and challenges.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for the aviation Green Deal


    Code: 29983 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-7 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The European Green Deal has set the objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in line with the EU’s commitment to global climate action under the Paris Agreement. To achieve this objective it is required to accelerate the shift to smarter and more sustainable mobility. The challenge is to achieve zero inefficiencies due to ATM by 2040: this means not only eliminating inefficiencies in the current system but also in the design and execution of the future ATM and U-space architecture. Proposals shall define and develop innovative solutions that could cover a wide variety of aspects e.g., operational measures that could be put in place to improve the fuel efficiency of flights, speeding up the modernisation of the air infrastructure to offer more capability and capacity and therefore offering more efficient trajectories, adapting the charging scheme to incentivise environmentally friendly operations, etc. The scope covers as well innovative ideas to accelerate decarbonisation of ATM and reduce the CO2 and non-CO2 emissions, through the integration of energy, transport and digitalisation platforms that are at the base of the green transition.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for capacity on demand and dynamic airspace


    Code: 29981 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The future ATM system will require increased agility and flexibility in providing capacity where and when it will be needed across the network, particularly for maximising the use and performance of limited resources, i.e. airspace and ATCOs. The challenge is to propose innovative potential solutions that will supply the required capacity on demand in a dynamic, agile and resilient manner, improving cost and flight efficiency while maintaining (or improving) safety. These solutions shall enable the dynamic reconfiguration of resources and the provision of new capacity-on-demand services to maintain safe, resilient, smooth and efficient air transport operations while allowing for the optimisation of trajectories even at busy periods. The proposed innovative solutions shall aim at responding to emerging business needs that can only be addressed through standardised data sharing between air traffic service providers using a highly interconnected, digital and resilient network.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for for U-space and urban air mobility


    Code: 29978 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The Digital European Sky vision includes the seamless integration of U-space with the ATM system to ensure safe and fair access to airspace for all airspace users, including innovative air mobility (IAM[1]) flights departing from airports. The challenge is to define and develop breakthrough solutions that will enable U-space to provide the means to manage safely and efficiently high-density traffic at low altitudes involving heterogeneous vehicles (small unmanned aerial vehicles, electric vertical take-off and landing – eVTOLs – and conventional manned aircraft), including operations over populated areas and within controlled airspace. Research aims at developing solutions that will support the seamless integration of U-space with the ATM system to ensure safe and fair access to airspace for all airspace users, including UAM flights departing from airports.

  • ATM application-oriented research for air–ground integration and autonomy


    Code: 29976 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA2-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA2 (ATM application‐oriented research) comprises the exploratory research activities aiming to bridge the results of ATM excellent science and outreach and the higher maturity ATM research performed with a wider research community, as part of SESAR 3 JU industrial research activities. It also aims at providing the necessary scientific support to ATM change. WA2 covers content that has already completed TRL1 in previous research activities and the objective is to complete TRL2.  

    The challenge is to design and develop concrete innovative applications (that are already TRL1, achieved within SESAR programme or outside) that aim at increasing the level of air-ground integration, supported by high automation levels and that will enable the transition to trajectory based operations (TBO). The proposed solutions will aim at realising the Digital European Sky vision that foresees the full integration of an increasing number of new forms of mobility and air vehicles, which have a high degree of autonomy and use digital means of communication and navigation. The proposed solutions shall support the evolution towards the future ATM system, exploiting existing technologies as much as possible, and developing new ones in order to increase global ATM performance in terms of capacity, operational efficiency and accommodation of new and/or more autonomous air vehicles, i.e. supporting the evolving demand in terms of diversity, complexity from very low-level airspace to high-level operations. The challenge is to ensure the full integration of certified drones into all classes of airspace, full U-space services and single pilot operations thanks to increased automation and delegation of separation responsibility to systems.

  • ATM application-oriented research for the aviation Green Deal


    Code: 29974 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA2-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA2 (ATM application‐oriented research) comprises the exploratory research activities aiming to bridge the results of ATM excellent science and outreach and the higher maturity ATM research performed with a wider research community, as part of SESAR 3 JU industrial research activities. It also aims at providing the necessary scientific support to ATM change. WA2 covers content that has already completed TRL1 in previous research activities and the objective is to complete TRL2.

    The challenge is to design and develop concrete innovative applications (that are already TRL1, achieved within SESAR programme or outside) that aim at achieving the objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 set by the European Green Deal, in line with the EU’s commitment to global climate action under the Paris Agreement. The proposed solutions shall demonstrate their potential to accelerate the shift to smarter and more sustainable mobility, to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the emissions (both CO2 and non-CO2) generated by ATM operations and increase the understanding of the climate impacts of aviation to better anticipate them and take adaptation measures. The challenge includes the adaptation of the route charging scheme to take into consideration the green deal objectives and how to enable the definition of globally harmonised policies and regulations to support climate-friendly flight operations. The challenge includes as well the development of innovative ideas to accelerate decarbonisation of ATM through the integration of energy, transport and digitalisation platforms that are at the base of the green transition.

  • ATM application-oriented research for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for aviation


    Code: 29952 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA2-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA2 (ATM application‐oriented research) comprises the exploratory research activities aiming to bridge the results of ATM excellent science and outreach and the higher maturity ATM research performed with a wider research community, as part of SESAR 3 JU industrial research activities. It also aims at providing the necessary scientific support to ATM change. WA2 covers content that has already completed TRL1 in previous research activities and the objective is to complete TRL2.

    The challenge is to design and develop concrete innovative AI applications (that are already TRL1, achieved within SESAR programme or outside) that aim at:

    • Enabling better use of data, leading to more accurate predictions and more sophisticated tools (e.g. new conflict detection, traffic advisory and resolution tools), increased productivity and enhancing the use of airspace and airport;
    • Enriching aviation datasets with new types of datasets unlocking air/ground AI-based applications, fostering data-sharing and building up an inclusive AI aviation/ATM partnership to better support decision-makers, pilots, air traffic controllers and other stakeholders;
    • Supporting (i.e. AI assistants) all ATM actors from planning to operations and across all airspace users;
    • Enabling the virtualisation of infrastructure and air traffic service provision in all types of airspace, ranging from very low to high altitude operations. In doing so, AI will enable the system to become more modular and agile, while building resilience to disruption, traffic growth and greater airspace user diversity;
    • Developing new ATM/U-space services.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for virtualisation and cybersecure data-sharing


    Code: 29950 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-5 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The Digital European Sky vision aims at removing the close coupling of ATM service provision to the ATS systems and operational procedures. The challenge is to propose innovative (or unconventional) ideas that will enable data-sharing, foster a more dynamic and resilient airspace management and ATM service provision, allowing air traffic service units (ATSU) to improve capacity in portions of airspace where traffic demand exceeds the available capacity. A more flexible use of external data services, considering data properties and access rights, would allow the infrastructure to be rationalised, reducing the related costs. The proposed solutions shall aim at rationalising and harmonising the ATM infrastructure while reducing the defragmentation. Virtualization solutions shall aim at completely decoupling ATM service provision from the physical location of the personnel and equipment, while scaling up and down of system performance in quasi-real time, as and when required.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for civil–military interoperability and coordination


    Code: 29948 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-9 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The Digital European Sky vision requires a sufficient level of civil/military interoperability and coordination, especially concerning trajectory and airspace information exchange, as well as the use of interoperable CNS technologies. The challenge is to identify and develop innovative solutions that could help achieving the appropriate level of civil-military interoperability, also maximising synergies between civil and military research and development activities.

  • ATM application-oriented research for connected and automated ATM


    Code: 29945 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA2-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA2 (ATM application‐oriented research) comprises the exploratory research activities aiming to bridge the results of ATM excellent science and outreach and the higher maturity ATM research performed with a wider research community, as part of SESAR 3 JU industrial research activities. It also aims at providing the necessary scientific support to ATM change. WA2 covers content that has already completed TRL1 in previous research activities and the objective is to complete TRL2.

    The challenge is to design and develop concrete innovative applications that aim at increasing the level of automation and connectivity of the future ATM ground system and make these applications ready to transition towards industrial activities.

  • ATM Excellent science and outreach for multimodality and passenger experience


    Code: 29942 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER2-WA1-6 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 29/06/2023 | End submission calls: 15/11/2023

    WA1 (ATM excellent science and outreach) comprises the exploratory research activities necessary to develop new concepts for ATM beyond those identified in the European ATM Master Plan and will help to develop emerging technologies and methods to the level of maturity required to feed the applied research conducted by the SESAR 3 JU. WA1 covers innovative content at pre‐TRL1 (TRL0) maturity level and the minimum target maturity level is to complete TRL1.

    The role of ATM in the door-to-door chain of a passenger’s journey may seem small, but the punctuality of flights, and passengers’ perception of flying, is highly dependent on the smooth functioning of the entire journey. Considering ATM to be an integrated part of an intermodal transport system, the proposed solutions will make it possible to share data between transport modes and to collaborate better to optimise the performance of both the overall transport system and the D2D journey.

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to meet the challenge described above and achieve the expected outcomes.

    • Understanding passenger expectations.
    • Managing the passengers’ access to airport.
    • Multimodal airport.
    • ATM contribution to European Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
    • Seamless connection between airports of all sizes, vertiports and heliports for airports.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Capacity-on-demand and Dynamic Airspace


    Code: 21222 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the capacity on demand and dynamic airspace flagship.

  • ATM application-oriented Research for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for aviation


    Code: 21219 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-8 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. The list is not intended to be prescriptive; proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the AI for aviation flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for U-space and Urban Air Mobility


    Code: 21212 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the U-space and UAM flagship.

  • ATM application-oriented Research for Air-Ground Integration and Autonomy


    Code: 21197 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. The list is not intended to be prescriptive; proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the air–ground integration and autonomy flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Aviation


    Code: 21194 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-7 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the AI for aviation flagship.

  • ATM application-oriented Research for Capacity-on-demand and Dynamic Airspace


    Code: 21191 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the capacity on demand and dynamic airspace flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Aviation Green Deal


    Code: 21186 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-6 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the aviation Green Deal flagship.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Air-Ground Integration and Autonomy


    Code: 21184 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA3-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The current ATM system and technologies are not designed to allow the accommodation or full integration of an increasing number of new forms of mobility and air vehicles that have a high degree of autonomy and use digital means of communication and navigation. This topic covers the industrial research required for the evolution of technologies and operational concepts in order to address this need.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Artificial Intelligence for Aviation


    Code: 21182 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA3-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes.

    • Environment.
    • Capacity.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Operational efficiency.
    • Safety.
    • Security.

  • ATM application-oriented Research for Virtualisation and Cyber-secure Data Sharing


    Code: 21104 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-5 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the virtualisation and cybersecure data-sharing flagship.

  • ATM application-oriented Research for U-space and urban Air Mobility


    Code: 21101 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the U-space and UAM flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Civil/military Interoperability and Coordination


    Code: 21099 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-8 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the civil–military interoperability and coordination flagship.

  • Knowledge Transfer Network


    Code: 21096 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA3-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

  • ATM application-oriented Research for Aviation Green Deal


    Code: 21093 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA2-7 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the aviation green deal flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Multimodality and Passenger Experience


    Code: 21088 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-5 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the multimodality and passenger experience flagship.

  • Fundamental Science and Outreach for Connected and Automated ATM


    Code: 21083 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR 3 JU has identified the following innovative research elements that could be used to achieve the expected outcomes. proposals for work on areas other than those listed below are welcome, provided they include adequate background and justification to ensure clear traceability with the R&I needs set out in the SRIA for the connected and automated ATM flagship.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Master Plan Phase C Civil-military Interoperability & Coordination


    Code: 21080 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA6-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The key objective of this topic is to achieve TRL6 maturity level for civil–military objectives under phase C of the ATM Master Plan 2020, supporting higher levels of civil–military coordination and interoperability.

    • Environment.
    • Capacity.
    • Security.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Civil–military coordination.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Master Plan Phase C Capacity-on-Demand and Dynamic Airspace


    Code: 21076 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA6-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The key objective of this topic is to achieve TRL6 maturity level for solutions under phase C of the ATM Master Plan 2020 relating to capacity on demand and dynamic airspace management.

    • Capacity.
    • Safety.
    • Efficiency.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Predictability.
    • Flexibility.

  • Fast Track Innovation and Uptake Artificial Intelligence for Aviation


    Code: 21073 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA5-4 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes.

    • Environment.
    • Capacity.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Operational efficiency.
    • Safety.
    • Security.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Civil-military Interoperability & Coordination


    Code: 21069 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA3-5 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes.

    • Environment.
    • Capacity.
    • Operational efficiency.
    • Security.
    • Civil–military coordination.

  • Performance Management & Network impact Assessment


    Code: 21066 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA1-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The SESAR performance management process steers the overall R&I work, with reference to the SESAR performance ambitions specified in the European ATM Master Plan. The SESAR performance management process reconciles and maps the performance assessments and results delivered by the R&I projects with the SESAR performance ambitions. It also ensures aggregating these results through the simulation of the relevant SESAR Solutions with the dual objective of delivering an ECAC-wide performance view and supporting for deployment, the development of the Master Plan level 3 implementation objectives based on these aggregated performance simulation results.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Master Plan Phase C Air-ground Integration and Autonomy


    Code: 21042 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA6-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    This topic covers the industrial research required to achieve TRL6 maturity level for the evolution of the air – ground communication infrastructure, supporting technologies and operational concepts, as expected in phase C of the European ATM Master Plan 2020.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Capacity-on-Demand and Dynamic Airspace


    Code: 21039 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA3-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    This topic covers the industrial research required in support of the scalable capacity concept, which requires agility and flexibility in providing capacity where and when it is needed, particularly to maximise the use and performance of limited resources (i.e. airspace and ATCOs). It includes both an increase in the volume of air traffic that can be safely managed per volume of airspace and increased flexibility in the allocation of the controller workforce to offer ATC capacity where it is needed through the virtualisation of ATC provision.

  • Master Planning & Monitoring


    Code: 21017 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA1-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The ATM Master Plan consists of three levels: level 1, executive point of view. Level 2, development planning and reporting. and level 3, development planning and reporting. The main design project will focus on supporting the SESAR 3 JV for the design and reporting of installation activities in both industrialization and implementation. The scope could be extended to support JU SESAR 3 in the information campaign of the European ATM 2020 Level 1 master plan, if it is decided to do so.

  • Fast Track Innovation and Uptake Virtualisation and Cybersecure Data-Sharing


    Code: 21013 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA5-2 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes.

    • Environment. Improved sectorisation will ensure more efficient flight routes and more optimal profiles and reduce delays at network level. At local level, requirements in respect of equipment and therefore power supply and cooling will be reduced.
    • Capacity. Flexibility of sector-shifting to adapt to traffic demand and make best use of capacity at network level.
    • Cost-efficiency. Potential reduction in infrastructure and the possible creation of competition between future data suppliers, which would reduce costs.
    • Safety. Safety levels will be maintained, since virtualisation will have no impact on them.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Connected and Automated ATM


    Code: 21009 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA3-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    This topic addresses the research needed to achieve automation level 4 (high automation) across the European ATC platforms. This high level of automation supports the human operator in information acquisition and exchange, information analysis, action selection and action implementation for all tasks/functions. Automation can also initiate action for most tasks.

  • Industrial Research & Validation for Aviation Green Deal


    Code: 21003 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA2-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Environment. The proposed concept will open the door to a better understanding of the climate impact of non-CO2 emissions, especially vis-a vis the trade-off with CO2. It will also make it possible to mitigate part of the non-CO2 impact by effectively tackling contrail formation.
    Capacity. A high level of automation will make it possible to introduce the proposed concepts without a negative impact on capacity.
    Safety. The development of adequate system support for the new concepts, based on a high level of automation and their validation in an operational environment, will guarantee that safety levels are either maintained or increased.

  • Fast Track Innovation and Uptake U-space and Urban Air Mobility


    Code: 21000 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA4-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    U-space provides an unparalleled opportunity to experiment, test and validate some of the key architectural principles and technology enablers of the future digital European sky before incorporating them into the broader ATM ecosystem.
    This topic is designed to accelerate the development of high-risk, high-gain projects with a view to shortening the time to market for disruptive and highly innovative solutions.

  • Fast Track Innovation and Uptake Multi-modality and Passenger Experience


    Code: 20984 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA5-3 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    Project results are expected to contribute to the following expected outcomes.

    • Environment.
    • Passenger experience.
    • Capacity.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Operational efficiency.
    • Safety.

  • Fast Track Innovation and Uptake Capacity-on-Demand and Dynamic Airspace


    Code: 20976 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-IR-01-WA5-1 | Programme name: SESAR Joint Undertaking | Start submission calls: 07/04/2022 | End submission calls: 13/10/2022

    The introduction of dynamicity in the management of airspace and the capacity-on-demand service will unlock performance benefits in the following areas.

    • Environment.
    • Capacity.
    • Cost-efficiency.
    • Operational
    • Efficiency
    • Safety.