Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU)


The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) aims to ensure industrial leadership for Europe in 5G and 6G.

Programme Description

The SNS JU has two main missions:

  1. Fostering Europe’s technology sovereignty in 6G by implementing the related research and innovation (R&I) programme leading to the conception and standardisation around 2025. It encourages preparation for early market adoption of 6G technologies by the end of the decade. Mobilising a broad set of stakeholders is key to address strategic areas of the networks and services value chain. This ranges from edge- and cloud-based service provisioning to market opportunities in new components and devices beyond smartphones.
  2. Boosting 5G deployment in Europe in view of developing digital lead markets and enabling the digital and green transition of the economy and society. For this objective, the SNS JU coordinates strategic guidance for the relevant programmes under the Connecting Europe Facility, in particular 5G Corridors. It also contributes to the coordination of national programmes, including under the Recovery and Resilience Facility and other European programmes and facilities such as Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and InvestEU.

The SNS Joint Undertaking foresees public and private members:

Public members

The European Union (represented by the Commission).

Member States are not Members as no additional financial contributions are planned from Member States. However, they are closely associated in the governance structure. They can also become contributing partners by providing substantial in-kind contributions.

Private members

The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association – 6GIA, which has extended its statutes to enable the participation and mobilization of a broader range of European stakeholders in SNS activities.

SNS R&I Work Programme 2024

Total Budget

€ 1.8 billion. An EU contribution of €900 million will be at least matched by the private members.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The SNS JU provides financial support in the form of R&I grants to participants following open and competitive calls.

Thematic Categories

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Information Technology
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Chambers
  • International Organisations
  • Investment Funds
  • Large Enterprises
  • Legal Entities
  • Local Authorities
  • Local Authority clusters
  • National Contact Points - NCPs
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • Services Providers
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Training Centres

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • SNS Operations and Output optimisation


    Code: 32331 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-CSA-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The prime objective of the coordination and support work is to facilitate the activities of the European SNS JU community and the related Work Programmes, building on the first phase activities, to integrate the second phase activities and prepare for subsequent phases.

    In addition to this, the CSA project has a second prime objective to capture and promote the European view on 6G, publish and promote the achievements of the SNS projects and programme and monitor the development and impact of these results on the evolution of 6G in Europe over the life of the 6G SNS Programme. This work will also look to the future and consider what additional strategic actions are necessary to maintain the European momentum and leadership in 6G and facilitate the uptake of 6G by the vertical sectors in Europe. The CSA should consolidate and further develop strategic promotion and communication activities to maximise the impact of the SNS JU.

  • SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals


    Code: 32329 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-D-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The Large-Scale Pilots should be carried out from an end-to-end perspective, with representative technologies covering the full value chain, including devices, connectivity, and service delivery.

    The target 6G systems validation work through large-scale trials focusses on use cases related to “sustainable 6G” and “6G for sustainability” targeting environmental, economic and societal sustainability goals.

  • SNS Microelectronics Lighthouse


    Code: 32327 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-C-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The main target is the development of new, or evolution of existing, experimental platform(s), where solutions from the microelectronics domain developed either in the context of Phase 1 SNS WP, or Horizon Europe Cluster 4 WP, or the Chips JU will be validated in terms of performance and applicability for 6G networks. Microelectronics developments in the context of 6G national initiatives are also in scope. The experimental platform(s) are expected to mainly focus on the Radio Access Network computing and communication capabilities (potentially including solutions covering a wide spectrum e.g., from cmWave up to THz) providing solutions in key areas identified by the COREnect CSA project.

  • Reliable AI for 6G Communications Systems and Services


    Code: 32325 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-08 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The focus of this Strand is on several complementary issues and applicants may select several or all the below-mentioned issues. The main goal of this project is to fill the gaps and work on the end-to-end system integration of SNS AI/ML solutions, or national level developed AI/ML solutions and not to focus on dedicated AI/ML problems of specific network domains.

  • Sustainability Lighthouse


    Code: 32323 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-07 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The Lighthouse project addresses both the “sustainable 6G” dimension and the “6G for sustainability” aspect as two related work areas. Sustainable 6G covers 6G system design with respect to related KPIs and KVIs with the objectives of working out quantitative (scientific) measures for sustainability assessment where appropriate, to define benchmarking scenarios that allow to assess sustainability performance for specific 6G implementation scenarios, taking into account the contemplated 6G architectures.

    Sustainable 6G deals with 6G capability to optimise the energy and resource consumption both from operational and non-operational perspectives (sustainable 6G) of 6G platform, to maximise security/trust performances, to optimise economic accessibility and coverage and to minimise use case operation costs.

  • International Collaboration – EU-ROK


    Code: 32320 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-06 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    This SNS International Cooperation activity targets the Republic of Korea (ROK). It builds on the interactions developed between 6G-IA and the key associations and stakeholders as well as Korea’s industry, research community, and academia. The targeted action in this Strand will focus on EU-ROK R&I developments. The cooperation with ROK will tentatively focus on RAN, considering ROK’s terminals and devices industry capabilities. The action will focus on the integrated device-network approach demonstrating a number of 6G functional properties.

  • International Collaboration – EU-JP


    Code: 32318 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-05 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    This SNS International Cooperation activity targets a closer collaboration with Japan, in line with the objective outlined under the EU-Japan Digital Partnership.

    The scope includes availability of data sets, in compliance with the rules of data legislation, both existing and new ones created by the project, that may be used by researchers to validate AI approaches and inference rules applied to the selected solutions.

  • Reliable Services and Smart Security–Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs


    Code: 32316 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-04 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The focus of this Strand is on several complementary issues mentioned below and applicants may select one or more of these issues.

    • Exploitation of (distributed) trusted AI/ML for 6G infrastructures.
    • Cooperative holistic E2E security and privacy solutions for 6G architectures
    • Smart and trustworthy service frameworks
    • Efficient security and privacy enablers
    • Zero-touch integrated security deployment
    • Integration of secured 6G communications via Quantum key distribution and post-quantum cryptography support
    • Timing sensitive, and time responsive software and related hardware technologies for distributed, multi stakeholder multi-system service provision.

    The scope includes, where relevant, harmonisation/coordination with Member States or Associated countries 6G initiatives.

  • Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices – Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs


    Code: 32311 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-03 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The focus of this Strand is on several complementary issues mentioned below and applicants may select one or more of these issues.

    • Ultra-high energy efficiency especially in optical networks
    • 3D networking for 6G networks
    • Development of low-energy communication solutions
    • New IoT components and devices
    • Unified NTN service provision
    • Integration of Optical and Wireless Technologies

    The scope includes, where relevant, harmonisation/coordination with Member States or Associated countries 6G initiatives.

  • Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing – Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs


    Code: 32298 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-02 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    This topic focuses on several complementary issues listed below and applicants may choose one or more of these topics. Topics can be proposed for any existing and potential future frequency band.

    • New techniques for integrated sensation and communication
    • The machine learning that enhanced the developments at the physical level
    • No cells and extreme exploitation of MIMO technologies possibly including reconfigurable surfaces
    • Key functions and technologies for 6G RAN system design
    • Seamless integration of multiple frequency bands

  • System Architecture - Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs


    Code: 32296 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2024-STREAM-B-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2024 | End submission calls: 18/04/2024

    The focus of this Strand is on several complementary issues mentioned below and applicants may select one or more of these issues:

    • New design approaches for 6G system architecture systems
    • Native and trustworthy integration of AI for telecommunications
    • Network exposure to vertical application developers
    • Mechanisms, leading to partial or complete Digital network twinning, applied in 6G
    • New Data Transfer Paradigms

  • Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices


    Code: 27196 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-03 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The scope covers the design of new systems and components for 6G networks.

  • EU-US 6G R&I Cooperation


    Code: 27193 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-06 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023


    • EU-US research cooperation on selected critical 6G technologies and architectures exploring AI, paving the way towards global validation, adoption and standardisation of intelligent approaches, notably in the context of key 6G KPIs.
    • Technology validation in platforms where appropriate.
    • Joint progress towards AI large scale applicability in 6G networks and standardisation opportunities supported by availability of common data sets and learning sequences provided in an open manner.

  • SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals – Focused Topic


    Code: 27190 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-D-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The target 5G Advanced / 6G systems validation work through large scale trials is expected to cover at least the following domains:

    • Priority 1  for this topic is on connected and automated mobility (CAM) vertical and intelligent terrestrial transportation.
    • Priority 2 include the following verticals (to be considered independently or in combination): Health, Smart Cities, Farming, or Education.

    To ensure a balanced portfolio covering both aforementioned Priorities grants will be awarded to proposals not only in order of ranking but at least also to one project that is the highest ranked within each of the two Priorities (Priority 1 on CAM and Priority 2 on complementary use cases in the specific vertical sectors Health, Smart Cities, Farming or Education (to be considered independently or in combination) provided that the proposals attain all thresholds.

  • SNS Societal Challenges


    Code: 27188 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-CSA-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The scope covers:

    At societal level – clearly identify why society needs 6G solutions and consider the acceptability of a new 6G technological wave. This will cover all aspects that may lead to acceptance and possibly adoption of a new technology by people, social sustainability and technology acceptability, including democracy, privacy and security principles, contribution to and impact on the society, and participation of the population are in scope as well as possible measures to address or improve the key factors of acceptability.

    From a sustainability point of view – analyse 6G contribution to the sustainability targets and a human-centric approach, with sustainability models for various application domains. Sustainability may be considered at large and should cover at least i) energy efficiency/carbon neutrality for various sectors; ii) energy and carbon footprint of current and future SNS technology solutions as well as related technology enablers and enabled applications; iii) affordability and accessibility considering the cost of technological solutions and the impact on availability and prices.

    Public policy objectives – as well as existing and future EU guidance in various fields including, cyber-security, privacy, environmental and climate action, as well as health that are important elements to be considered during the developments of new technology solutions.

    European technological competitiveness and digital leadership – notably in terms of position of European players in the supply chain and digital skills in the field of 6G technologies are of key importance. Activities under the SNS JU need to contribute to conceive, develop and deploy a European value-based approach to 6G (based on European KVIs and KPIs) and promote it through the 6G global standard setting process. Synergies with related SNS CSA projects from Phase 1 and other initiatives already in place (IPCEI on Microelectronics and Connectivity, Chips Act, etc.) may be considered.

    Intellectual property aspects and its valorisation through standards in a changing (software/IT influenced) digital world is in the scope of the project. In this context confidentiality of exchanges of data and their security are aspects to be taken care of.

  • Complementary SNS experimental Pan-EU federated Infrastructure


    Code: 27184 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-C-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The scope of this topic, includes an open, disaggregated, versatile, and unified end-to-end platform operating over multiple interconnected B5G/6G sites in multiple European countries and following where possible open architectures at cloud implementation level thus, delivering the highest degrees of performance, flexibility and functionality for supporting testing and validation of innovative B5G/6G use cases such as holographic, XR/VR/telepresence, digital twins, cooperative robots, AI-as-a-service and haptic communications.

  • System Architecture


    Code: 27182 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-01 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The scope covers the realisation of a unified and open communication and computing architecture beyond the current 5G SBA capabilities. Such architecture will enable seamless operations across a multiplicity of heterogeneous domains, infrastructures, services, business, and application heterogeneous domains, paving the way towards massive digitisation. The scope also covers new paradigms and solutions that are looking promising for the further reengineering of network architectures.
    Applicants should define the domain boundaries of their planned solutions and how they intend to maximise take up prospects in a fully heterogeneous domain.

  • Microelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks


    Code: 27177 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-05 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023


    • Increased capabilities of European microelectronics industry to provide solutions for communication networks and devices (beyond the today 4% of global markets), in line with the findings of the CoreNect CSA.
    • Available solutions for devices at various levels of the device data processing chain, from baseband and mixed-signal processing to RF and Antenna system and considering new spectrum that may be needed for 6G.
    • Availability of validated hardware solutions that may be used, especially from a physical layer radio perspective, in the context of the 6G standardisation with strong partnership between the microelectronics and communication industrial actors.
    • Availability of open solutions that may support further innovation at any level, from the end devices to core 6G network components.
    • Availability of solutions that will offer significant energy reduction for 6G communication systems.

  • Reliable Services and Smart Security


    Code: 27175 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-04 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The target outcomes qualify the needed level of reliability, trust and resilience that applies to a critical infrastructure like 6G based on a globally connected continuum of heterogeneous environments supported by the convergence of networks and IT systems to enable new future digital services.

  • Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing


    Code: 27170 | Identifier Code: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-02 | Programme name: Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2023 | End submission calls: 25/04/2023

    The focus of this Strand is on techniques to improve the performance of radio links and systems for 6G communications. Physical layer of THz communications has been extensively covered by projects selected in the first SNS call and is subsequently not expected to be a strong focus for this topic. Moreover, the scope covers the design of 6G RAN systems.