Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL)


Prerogatives are tasks resulting from specific powers directly conferred by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to the European Commission.

The prerogatives budget lines managed by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion deal with social dialogue, labour mobility as well as analysis of the social situation, demographics and the family.

Programme Description

It provides for analytical support on socio-economic developments in the EU, on social and labour market outcomes and development of indicators in the areas of income distribution, poverty, social mobility, or social exclusion. Economic and social sustainability, social and distributional aspects of other policies (climate change, energy, trade, etc.), inclusive growth, future of work, and inequalities are key topics.

The Commission supports actions undertaken by European social partners to promote social dialogue and to agree on joint actions, including through capacity building activities and more analytical activities that contribute to developing expertise in the field of industrial relations. It also supports information and training measures for workers’ organisations and transnational exchange of information and good practices in matters relevant for social dialogue at company level following calls for proposals.

Total Budget

The budgets for the different prerogatives budget lines are established annually.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Employment
  • Industry
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights
  • Trade and Commerce

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Chambers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Employees
  • Employers
  • Large Enterprises
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Producer Associations
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Services Providers
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres
  • Youth

Programme Opening Date


Programme Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion: 

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Information and training measures for workers' organisations


    Code: 35656 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2025-INFO-WK | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 16/01/2025 | End submission calls: 15/04/2025

    This call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations (both in Member States and candidate countries) to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and working conditions as well as challenges related to their effective participation in social dialogue.

  • Information, consultation & participation of representatives of undertakings


    Code: 35640 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2025-INFO-REPR | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 09/01/2025 | End submission calls: 19/03/2025

    The call aims at supporting projects which seek to identify, anticipate and address challenges in workers’ involvement in undertakings resulting from changes driven by the decarbonisation and digitalisation of European economies, to help foster a just transition.

    The main objective of this call is to develop employees’ involvement in undertakings by raising awareness and contributing to the application of European Union law and policies in this area, and, in particular, the take-up and effective functioning of European Works Councils. The call also aims at supporting projects which seek to identify and address challenges in workers’ involvement in undertakings resulting from changes driven by the so-called twin transition (green and digital).

  • Support for Social Dialogue


    Code: 33307 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2024-SOC-DIALOG | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 10/04/2024 | End submission calls: 10/07/2024

    This call aims at contributing to the promotion of social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level, developing European social dialogue, and building and strengthening the capacity of national social partners.

  • Information and training measures for workers' organisations


    Code: 32293 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2024-INFO-WK | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 17/01/2024 | End submission calls: 16/04/2024

    This call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and work and social dialogue.

  • Information, consultation & participation of representatives of undertakings


    Code: 32231 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2024-INFO-REPR | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 11/01/2024 | End submission calls: 19/03/2024

    The main objective of this call is to develop employees’ involvement in undertakings by raising awareness and contributing to the application of European Union law and policies in this area, against the background of the twin transition and changes that it triggers in the world of work, and, in particular, the take-up and effective functioning of European Works Councils. This call shall focus on one or a limited number of topical challenges with a view to maximise both the individual and aggregated impact of the selected projects.

  • Support for social dialogue


    Code: 28190 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2023-SOC-DIALOG | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 29/03/2023 | End submission calls: 28/06/2023

    This call aims at contributing to the promotion of social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level, developing European social dialogue, and building and strengthening the capacity of national social partners, in particular following the Covid crisis.

  • Information and training measures for workers' organisations


    Code: 27768 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2023-INFO-WK | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 08/03/2023 | End submission calls: 31/05/2023

    This call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and work and social dialogue.

  • Information, consultation & participation of representatives of undertakings


    Code: 26573 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2023-INFO-REPR | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 10/01/2023 | End submission calls: 16/03/2023

    The main priority of this call is to promote actions aimed at developing employees’ involvement in undertakings in particular by raising awareness and contributing to the application of Union law and policies in this area, with a particular attention paid to the take-up and development of European Works Councils. This call also aims at supporting projects which seek to identify and address challenges in workers’ involvement resulting from changes in the world of work, in the context of the twin transitions (green and digital).

  • Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations


    Code: 25289 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01 | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 24/11/2022 | End submission calls: 07/02/2023

    The objective of this call is to promote analysis and research on industrial relations, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing and promoting exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe.

  • Support for social dialogue (SOCPL-2022-SOC-DIALOG)


    Code: 20385 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2022-SOC-DIALOG-01 | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 31/03/2022 | End submission calls: 30/06/2022

    This call aims at contributing to the promotion of social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level, developing European social dialogue, and building and strengthening the capacity of national social partners, in particular following the Covid crisis.

  • Information and training measures for workers' organisations


    Code: 20169 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2022-INFO-WK-01 | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 08/03/2022 | End submission calls: 01/06/2022

    This call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and work and social dialogue.

  • Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations


    Code: 3607 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2021-IND-REL-01   | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 29/04/2021 | End submission calls: 15/07/2021

    The objective of this call is to promote analysis and research on industrial relations, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing and promoting exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe.

  • Support for social dialogue


    Code: 3610 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2021-SOC-DIALOG-01   | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 27/04/2021 | End submission calls: 30/06/2021

    This call aims at contributing to the promotion of social dialogue at cross-industry and sectoral level, developing European social dialogue, and building and strengthening the capacity of national social partners, in particular following the Covid crisis.

  • Information, consultation & participation of representatives of undertakings


    Code: 3725 | Identifier Code: SOCPL-2021-INFO-REPR   | Programme name: Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines Programme (SOCPL) | Start submission calls: 30/03/2021 | End submission calls: 27/05/2021

    The main purpose of this call is to fund operations aimed at developing employee involvement in undertakings – meaning any mechanism, including information, consultation and participation, through which employees’ representatives may exercise an influence on decisions to be taken within the company – in particular by raising awareness and contributing to the application of EU law and policies in this area and the take-up and development of European Works Councils. This call also aims at supporting projects which seek to identify and address challenges in workers’ involvement resulting from changes in the world of work.

    Transnational actions involving representatives from several Member States as well as the joint participation of employers and workers shall be promoted.