THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds


THALIA: Foundations of Change, Prosperity, Equality and Development

Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” constitutes a multi-annual, multi-fund development Programme that was drawn up in accordance to the Article 22 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation – CPR), outlining the development strategy for the utilisation of the resources allocated to Cyprus through the Cohesion Policy Funds, for the period 2021-2027.

The total budget of the Programme amounts to €1.81 billion, of which €968 million comes from the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, while the remaining €842 million is the national contribution.

Programme Description

The Programme:

  • Aims to create a robust and competitive economy through smart, digital and green investments, under conditions of full employment and social cohesion.
  • Aligns the development priorities of Cyprus with the new priorities and the five EU Policy Objectives for the period 2021-2027.

The Programme is structured through sixteen (16) Priorities, which have been established through the selection of Specific Objectives, including Priorities referred to Technical Assistance. Each Specific Objective is broken down by the type of supported actions, the indicative beneficiaries and the final recipients of the actions.

The policy interventions promoted, aim to strengthen the competitiveness of the economy, with a particular emphasis on the sectors of energy, environment, transport, as well as the integrated sustainable spatial development. In addition, the Programme aims to support the employment sector, and safeguard social inclusion and social cohesion.

It is noted that, the actions of the Programme include a combination of investments by the wider public sector, as well as Αid Schemes supporting private sector entities.

The approval of the Cohesion Policy Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” took place on July 8, 2022 in Cyprus, by the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms herself, Mrs. Eliza Ferreira.

Total Budget

€ 968 million

Thematic Categories

  • Agriculture - Farming - Forestry
  • Employment
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture and Maritime Policy
  • Industry
  • Land Development
  • Processing
  • Public Administration
  • Regional Development
  • Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Rural development
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Tourism
  • Urban Development
  • Water - Management of Water Resources

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Chambers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Large Enterprises
  • Legal Entities
  • Local Authorities
  • Natual person / Citizen / Individual
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres
  • Vulnerable Consumers

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

More information at

Programme/Sub-programme/Plan Calls
  • Bilateral Collaborations


    Code: 33771 | Identifier Code: BILATERAL/ISRAEL (IIA)/0524 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 22/05/2024 | End submission calls: 30/10/2024

    The “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme aims at developing collaborations and networking of Cypriot organisations with organisations of a specific collaboration country through the implementation of joint research Projects in selected thematic areas of interest to both parts.

    Specific targets and objectives:

    • The development of collaborations between Cypriot organisations and leading European and/or international organisations.
    • Expansion of the role and upgrade of existing bilateral agreements.
    • The development of new bilateral agreements with countries of specific interest.
    • Activation of general agreements – cooperation frameworks in matters of research and technological development through the promotion of joint programmes.
    • Promotion of the participation of Cypriot organisations in international RTDI programmes.

    The Cyprus – Israel (IIA) joint Call for Proposals aims to promote and support collaboration between Israeli and Cypriot scientists.

    The Funding Agency on the Israeli side is the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA).



    Code: 33469 | Identifier Code: POST-DOC/0524 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 02/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/07/2024

    The “Post-Doc” Programme aims to integrate young, post-doctoral scientists in the Cypriot RTDI System, to carry out high level research projects, seeking to involve the young scientists in novel research activities, to stimulate critical mass of researchers in cutting-edge scientific areas and to create sustainable, top level specialised job positions for young scientists.

    The Programme also aims to address the brain drain challenge which has increased in recent years.

    Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy

    Policy Objective: A more Competitive and Smarter Europe

    Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation

    Geographical Coverage: Cyprus

    Project Type: Grant Scheme



    Code: 33323 | Identifier Code: CODEVELOP/0824 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 01/08/2024 | End submission calls: 22/11/2024

    The “CO-DEVELOP” Programme aims to enhance the effective collaboration between enterprises and the research community, with the aim of jointly identifying challenges and jointly designing and implementing research and development projects to develop new cost-effective solutions to address these challenges. In the context of effective collaboration, the sharing of resources and infrastructure and the mobility of staff are expected, among other things, in order to enable the technology transfer and the exchange of knowledge.

    The ultimate objective is bridging the gap between academia and industry and the utilization of the existing know-how to meet specific needs and challenges, thus contributing to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life in Cyprus.

  • Excellence (Nysides Aristeias)


    Code: 33320 | Identifier Code: EXCELLENCE/0524 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 02/05/2024 | End submission calls: 05/07/2024

    The “Excellence Hubs” Programme aims to promote scientific excellence, which is a fundamental part for the sustainable development of the Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) System, through the funding of pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields.

    Additionally, the Programme aims to contribute towards creating growth prospects for the local economy and to tackle social and other contemporary challenges.

    Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy

    Policy Objective: A more Competitive and Smarter Europe

    Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation

    Geographical Coverage: Cyprus

    Project Type: Grant Scheme

  • Vision ERC


    Code: 33314 | Identifier Code: VISION ERC/0524 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 27/05/2024 | End submission calls: 17/12/2024

    Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy

    Policy Objective: A more Competitive and Smarter Europe

    Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation

    Geographical coverage: Cyprus

    Project Type: Grant Scheme

    The programme aims to promote scientific excellence, which is a fundamental basis for the sustainable development of the ETAK System, through the financing of pioneering research projects in cutting-edge fields.

  • Scheme Plan to support New Business Activity - 2nd Announcement (2024)


    Code: 33293 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 18/06/2024 | End submission calls: 31/07/2024

    The Plan aims to strengthen the sustainable development and competitiveness of SMEs and the creation of jobs in SMEs, including productive investments. In other words, it focuses on the development, support and promotion of entrepreneurship among young people from 18 to 29 years old, men from 30 to 50 years old and women from 30 to 55 years old, who wish to be active in business in any economic activity (excluding those included in Appendix I, which is attached in the “Ineligible economic activities”), making use of their knowledge, experience, training and talents. This purpose is expected to be achieved by utilising incentives in the form of non-refundable financial aid.

  • European Partnerships – Accelerating farming systems transition (AGROECOLOGY)


    Code: 33268 | Identifier Code: EP/AGROECOLOGY/0424 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 11/04/2024 | End submission calls: 26/09/2024

    Participation in the “Accelerating farming systems transitions” (AGROECOLOGY) European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects to support the agroecological transition of farming systems.

  • European Partnerships – Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)


    Code: 33096 | Identifier Code: EP / SBEP / 0324 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 13/03/2024 | End submission calls: 13/11/2024

    Participation in the «Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)» European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges.

  • EUROSTARS Cyprus


    Code: 32930 | Identifier Code: EP/EUROSTARS-3/0324 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 01/03/2024 | End submission calls: 22/03/2024

    “European Partnerships” Programme aims to encourage local organisation to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU “Horizon Europe” Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

    The present Call for Proposals aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and to enhance their competitiveness through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the development of significantly improved existing products / services / production methods which are expected to be commercially exploited by the participating organisations.

    Further, the Programme aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisation through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

  • Bilateral Collaborations: Cyprus - Israel (MOST)


    Code: 32655 | Identifier Code: BILATERAL/ISRAEL(MOST)0224 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Sub-program: | Start submission calls: 08/02/2024 | End submission calls: 11/04/2024

    The starting point for the “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme is the Bilateral Agreements or Cooperation Protocols signed by the Cypriot Government and the Government of another country. Usually, one of their fundamental provisions is the launch of a Joint Collaboration Programme in the areas of Research and Innovation which allows interested organisations from the two countries to submit proposals for the implementation of joint projects in selected thematic areas that reflect the common interests of the two parts.

    The Research and Innovation Foundation for Cyprus, and another organisation/agency from the other country undertake the responsibility for implementing the provisions set by each Agreement or Cooperation Protocol.

    In the frame of the Programme, it is expected that the supported projects apart from networking activities will also include research activities that serve the Priority Sectors of the S3Cy. Therefore, although it is possible to specify Thematic Areas within a Call for Proposals according to the provisions of the Agreement between the two countries, it should be in the frame that has emerged through the S3Cy.

    The aim of the Cyprus – Israel (MOST) joint Call for Proposals is to support the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Cypriot and Israeli researchers and to strengthen the scientific partnership between research groups for both countries, by establishing bilateral research networks, enhancing research cooperation and promoting the exchange between Cypriot and Israeli scientists.



    Code: 31288 | Identifier Code: - | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 30/11/2023 | End submission calls: 31/12/2023

    Priority: Competitive, Smart and Digital Economy

    Geographical area covered by the Invitation – Cyprus

  • "Horizon Europe - MSCA 2nd Chance" Call


    Code: 31284 | Identifier Code: OPPTY- MSCA/1223 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 14/12/2022 | End submission calls: 26/04/2024

    The “Horizon Europe – 2nd Chance” Program aims to provide a second chance to institutions and individuals (researchers) who sought to receive funding under the “Horizon Europe” Program of the EU. and whose proposals, although of very high quality, did not secure funding due to budget exhaustion.

    Further details in the Greek text.

  • Call for Proposals for the « EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS – CETP» Programme


    Code: 31020 | Identifier Code: EP / CETP / 0923 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 23/09/2023 | End submission calls: 29/11/2023

    The «European Partnerships» Programme aims to encourage local organisations to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU «Horizon Europe» Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

    Participation in the «Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP)» European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges. Furthermore, the participation in the Partnership aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

    Closing Date of call:
    22 November 2023, ώρα 14:00 (CET) for transnational proposal
    29 November 2023, ώρα 13:00 for submission

  • European Partnerships – Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)


    Code: 30769 | Identifier Code: EP / DUT / 092 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 04/09/2023 | End submission calls: 09/05/2024

    Participation in the “Driving Urban Transitions” (DUT) European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects to tackle urban challenges.

  • ΕUROSTARS Cyprus


    Code: 30385 | Identifier Code: EP/EUROSTARS-3/0823 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/08/2023 | End submission calls: 21/09/2023

    «European Partnerships» Programme offers the opportunity to local organisations to participate in transnational research and innovation projects in sectors and thematic areas of high importance for Cyprus. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in projects implemented in the frame of the European Partnerships in which the country participates.



    Code: 30311 | Identifier Code: BRIDGE2HORIZON/0823 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 02/08/2023 | End submission calls: 14/06/2024

    See the Greek text.

  • "Investigation of Industrial Application of Technology / Know-how"


    Code: 30303 | Identifier Code: CONCEPT/0823 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 01/08/2023 | End submission calls: 10/11/2023

    See the Greek text.

  • European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars: joint transnational call for proposals (CALL 3 OF EUROSTARS-3)


    Code: 29115 | Identifier Code: InnovativeSMEs | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 13/07/2022 | End submission calls: 15/09/2022

    The European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields.

  • Grant Scheme Save – Upgrade to British Base Housing


    Code: 28976 | Identifier Code: 2nd call for Proposals | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 04/05/2023 | End submission calls: 21/12/2023

    The Plan aims at the extensive energy upgrade of existing ones of homes corresponding to a reduction in primary consumption energy by at least 60%.

    This purpose is planned to be completed by the utilization of incentives under the form of non-refundable financial aid for coverage investments exclusively related to the purchase and installation new equipment/materials


  • Save - Upgrade Homes Grant Scheme


    Code: 28958 | Identifier Code: 2nd call for Proposals | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 04/05/2023 | End submission calls: 21/12/2023

    The Plan aims at the extensive energy upgrade of existing homes located in areas under the control of the Republic of Cyprus.
    The main purpose of the Plan is the energy upgrade of existing homes, so that they achieve energy savings of at least 60%. The total annual savings, which will be achieved from all the investments that will be subsidized, are estimated to be in the order of 192,000 Mwh.
    Further details in the Greek text. 

  • European Partnerships– Driving Urban Transitions – Sustainable future for cities (DUT)


    Code: 27700 | Identifier Code: DUT» / EP/DUT/0922 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 26/09/2022 | End submission calls: 21/11/2022

    «European Partnerships» Programme aims to encourage local organisations to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU «Horizon Europe» Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

    Participation in the « Driving Urban Transitions – Sustainable future for cities » European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges. Furthermore, the participation in the Partnership aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

  • Key Digital Technologies


    Code: 27660 | Identifier Code: EP/KDT-IA/0223, EP/KDT-IA-FT/0223, EP/KDT-RIA/0223 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 24/02/2023 | End submission calls: 10/05/2023

    The “Key Digital Technologies” European Partnership is a European public-private partnership for the management of a Joint Research and Innovation Program aimed at strengthening the EU’s strategic autonomy in the field of electronic components and systems.

  • European Partnership – Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)


    Code: 27588 | Identifier Code: (SBEP) | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 22/02/2023 | End submission calls: 20/09/2023

    Participation in the «Sustainable Blue Economy (SBEP)» European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges. Furthermore, the participation in the Partnership aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

    Deadline for Submission of Proposals:

    1st Stage: Preliminary Proposals

    14 April 2023, 15:00 (CET)

    2nd Stage: Complete Proposals

    13 September 2023, 15:00 (CET)

  • EUROSTARS-3 Cyprus


    Code: 27576 | Identifier Code: EP/EUROSTARS-3/0223 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 14/02/2023 | End submission calls: 21/04/2023

    The present Call for Proposals aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and to enhance their competitiveness through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the development of significantly improved existing products/ services/ production methods which are expected to be commercially exploited by the participating organisations.

    Furthermore, the Programme aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

  • Incentive Scheme for Work Rehabilitation of Released Persons


    Code: 26731 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 23/10/2020 | End submission calls: 31/12/2024

    The Plan aims to facilitate the social reintegration and work rehabilitation of persons who have been released from the Central Prisons of the Republic of Cyprus by providing incentives to employers to hire them.

  • Call for Proposals for the "Horizon Europe - 2nd Opportunity MSCA" Programme / OPPTY-MSCA/1122


    Code: 25933 | Identifier Code: OPPTY-MSCA/1122 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Sub-program: i. “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes | Start submission calls: 04/11/2022 | End submission calls: 27/04/2023

    The Programme’s objective is to provide a second opportunity to entities and natural persons (researchers) who attempted to receive a grant under Horizon Europe Programme, and whose proposals despite of being of high quality did not manage to secure funding due to budget exhaustion.

  • Call for Proposals for the Research Strategic Infrastructures / Strategic Infrastructures / 1222


    Code: 25900 | Identifier Code: STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURES/1222 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Sub-program: i. “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes | Start submission calls: 19/12/2022 | End submission calls: 02/05/2023

    The “Research Infrastructures” Program aims to create of new large-scale research infrastructures that will be used for the implementation of research projects by the Consortium. In particular, the funded projects should promote collaboration between stakeholders of the R&I ecosystem (research organisations, enterprises or other organisations) in order to effectively share the research infrastructure.

    In addition, through the implementation of the Programme the following are expected:

    • the creation of clusters for the development of new centres of excellence with significant prospects in the coming years,
    • the accessibility of the R&I ecosystem to state-of-the-art research equipment that enhances research excellence and innovation capacity in specific thematic areas.
    • creating a critical mass of researchers in cutting-edge sectors and creating jobs for young scientists;
    • the possible attraction of high-level research staff to Cyprus,
    • to promote effective research collaboration at national level, and
    • expanding the potential of involved organisations to attract additional competitive funds for research and innovation from other funding sources.

  • Call for Proposals for the Small Scale Research Infrastructures / Small Scale Infrastructures / 1222


    Code: 25896 | Identifier Code: SMALL SCALE INFRASTRUCTURES/1222 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Sub-program: i. “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes | Start submission calls: 19/12/2022 | End submission calls: 27/04/2023

    The “Research Infrastructures” Program aims to create of new large-scale research infrastructures that will be used for the implementation of research projects by the Consortium. In particular, the funded projects should promote collaboration between stakeholders of the R&I ecosystem (research organisations, enterprises or other organisations) in order to effectively share the research infrastructure.

    In addition, through the implementation of the Program the following are expected:

    • the creation of clusters for the development of new centres of excellence with significant prospects in the coming years,
    • the accessibility of the R&I ecosystem to state-of-the-art research equipment that enhances research excellence and innovation capacity in specific thematic areas.
    • creating a critical mass of researchers in cutting-edge sectors and creating jobs for young scientists;
    • the possible attraction of high-level research staff to Cyprus,
    • to promote effective research collaboration at national level, and
    • expanding the potential of involved organisations to attract additional competitive funds for research and innovation from other funding sources.

  • European Partnerships – Clean Energy Transition


    Code: 24700 | Identifier Code: EP/CETP/0922 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 26/09/2022 | End submission calls: 23/11/2022

    The «European Partnerships» Programme aims to encourage local organisations to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU «Horizon Europe» Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

    Participation in the «Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP)» European Partnership, aims to encourage local enterprises and other organisations to participate in transnational research and development projects o tackle urban challenges. Furthermore, the participation in the Partnership aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

  • Scheme for the Digital Upgrade of Enterprises


    Code: 24626 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/11/2022 | End submission calls: 08/11/2022

    The Scheme’s main objective is to enhance the integration of digital technology in SMEs that are established or to be established in areas controlled by the Cyprus Government.

    The main objectives are:

    • Enhance the digital identity of business
    • Increase the amount of small and medium- sized enterprises that use information and communication technologies, including the e-commerce sector.
    • The promotion of digital entrepreneurship. Creating opportunities for new businesses through digital transformation
    • The promotion of digital technology and advanced digital actions technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain, computing cloud and big data.

  • Proof of Concept for Technology / Knowhow Applications


    Code: 23306 | Identifier Code: CONCEPT/0722 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 07/07/2022 | End submission calls: 07/10/2022

    The “Proof of Concept for Technology / Knowhow Applications” Programme aims at the preliminary investigation of possible industrial applications of a technology/knowhow.

  • Scheme Providing Incentives to hire people with chronic diseases 2021


    Code: 15222 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/11/2021 | End submission calls: 31/12/2024

    The project aims to encourage employers to recruit people with chronic illnesses and is part of the active employment policies promoted by the government to combat poverty and social exclusion, in particular with regard to the active inclusion of vulnerable groups in the labor market.

    The Scheme covers only unemployed people with Chronic Diseases interested in full or part time employment. Moreover, the person covered (participant) must have been registered as unemployed at the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service – PES) before their employment date.

    The method of simplified cost forms will be used to calculate the amount of the sponsorship. The cost unit for the specific Grant Plan is set at €52/ working day and corresponds to the amount of sponsorship that each beneficiary will receive for each working day to be completed by the beneficiary, regardless of the actual salary costs borne by the employer / beneficiary.

    The grant will be provided for twenty-four (24) months of employment. Based on the cost unit, the maximum possible subsidy for the 24 months amounts to € 22.360.

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

    Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.
    2. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree ( either by blood or by marriage ) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).
    3. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

    The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf) from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

  • Scheme Providing Incentives to employ people with disabilities


    Code: 15215 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/11/2021 | End submission calls: 31/12/2024

    The Scheme aims at encouraging employers to hire people with disabilities and to moderate  their reluctance to hire people with disabilities either due to the impression that this will not be effective or because the salary is considered too high . It is expected that to join one hundred (100) people from the target Group will benefit from the scheme.

    The Scheme covers ONLY unemployed people with disabilities interested in full or part time employment target. Moreover, the person covered (candidate for employment / recruitment) must have been registered as unemployed in the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service – PES) before the employment date.

    They should submit confirmation from the Cyprus Confederation of Organizations of the Disabled (CCOD).

    The method of simplified cost forms will be used to calculate the amount of the sponsorship. The cost unit for the specific Grant Plan is set at € 48 / working day and corresponds to the amount of sponsorship that each beneficiary will receive for each working day to be completed by the beneficiary, regardless of the actual salary costs borne by the employer / beneficiary.

    The grant will be provided for twenty-four (24) months of employment.

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 8 November 2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

     Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.
    2. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree ( either by blood or by marriage ) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).
    3. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

    The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf) from 08 November 2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

  • Scheme that provides incentives to recruit Young People (aged 15-29) not in employment nor Education or Training (NEETs) - Third Call


    Code: 15152 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/11/2021 | End submission calls: 21/01/2022

    The Scheme aims to encourage employers to recruit young people (aged 15 to 29) years old neither in Employment nor in Education or Training (NEETs). The recruitment is for full time employment.

    The Scheme aims to alleviate youth unemployment (aged 15 to 29) years neither in Employment nor in Education or Training ( NEETs)  and the sustainable integration of young people in the labor market, by placing them in subsidized jobs and further gaining work experience. The Scheme is included in the measures of active employment policy promoted by the Government for the implementation of the “Youth Guarantee”.

    Moreover, the person covered (candidate for employment) must have been registered as unemployed at the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service -PES).

    The method of simplified cost forms will be used to calculate the amount of the sponsorship. The cost unit for the specific Grant Plan is set at € 34 / working day (179 working days) and corresponds to the amount of sponsorship that each beneficiary will receive for each working day to be completed by the beneficiary, regardless of the actual salary costs borne by the employer / beneficiary.

    The grant will be provided for ten (10) months of employment with the employer’s obligation to maintain the employment of the employee for two (2) additional months without subsidy.

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

     Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.
    2. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree (either by blood or by marriage) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).
    3. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

    The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf) from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

  • Scheme that provides incentives for the Labor of Unemployed - Third Call


    Code: 15145 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 08/11/2021 | End submission calls: 21/01/2022

    The Plan aims to encouraging employers to hire unemployed people. The Scheme aims to tackle unemployment by providing incentives to employers to hire the unemployed by subsidizing  part of the salary cost of the person to be hired. The Scheme is included in the measures of active employment policy promoted by the Government for the integration of the unemployed in the labor market through their placement in subsidized jobs, including the provision of vocational training.

    Moreover, the person covered (candidate for employment) must have been registered as unemployed at the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service -PES).

    The method of simplified cost forms will be used to calculate the amount of the sponsorship. The cost unit for the specific Grant Plan is set at € 34 / working day (179 working days)  and corresponds to the amount of sponsorship that each beneficiary will receive for each working day to be completed by the beneficiary, regardless of the actual salary costs borne by the employer / beneficiary.

    The grant will be provided for ten (10) months of employment with the employer’s obligation to maintain the employment of the employee for two (2) additional months without subsidy.

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

     Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.
    2. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree ( either by blood or by marriage) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).
    3. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

    The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf ) from 8/11/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

  • Scheme that provides incentives for the Labor of Unemployed-2nd call


    Code: 11443 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 31/05/2021 | End submission calls: 15/07/2021

    The Plan aims to encouraging employers to hire unemployed people. The Scheme aims to tackle unemployment by providing incentives to employers to hire the unemployed by subsidizing  part of the salary cost of the person to be hired. The Scheme is included in the measures of active employment policy promoted by the Government for the integration of the unemployed in the labor market through their placement in subsidized jobs, including the provision of vocational training.

     Moreover, the person covered (candidate for employment) must have been registered as unemployed at the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service -PES).

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 31/5/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

     Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.


    1. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions
      (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree ( either by blood or by marriage ) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).


    1. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

     The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf ) from 31/5/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

  • Scheme that provides incentives to recruit Young People (aged 15-29) not in employment nor Education or Training (NEETs) -2nd call


    Code: 11432 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 31/05/2021 | End submission calls: 15/07/2021

    The Scheme aims to encourage employers to recruit young people (aged 15 to 29) years old neither in Employment nor in Education or Training (NEETs). The recruitment is for full time employment.

    The Scheme aims to alleviate youth unemployment (aged 15 to 29) years neither in Employment nor in Education or Training ( NEETs)  and the sustainable integration of young people in the labor market, by placing them in subsidized jobs and further gaining work experience. The Scheme is included in the measures of active employment policy promoted by the Government for the implementation of the “Youth Guarantee”.

    Moreover, the person covered (candidate for employment) must have been registered as unemployed at the District or Local Employment Office (Public Employment Service -PES).

    Eligible expenditure is the salary cost paid by the employer for the employment period, the amount of which will be specified in the Public Funding Agreement. The employment date and submission of the relevant application must be made within the period of the call from 31/5/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.

    Who cannot participate in the Scheme:

    1. People (candidates for employment) whose employment was previously funded by Co-funded Projects during the Programming Period 2021-2027.
    2. (a) Persons who are Shareholders and / or directors of a Company (excluding Public Companies) members of the Board of Directors, Associations / Foundation/ Institutions
      (b) Persons who are spouses or are affiliated with a first or second degree (either by blood or by marriage) with the employer. That is, they cannot participate in the employer – employee relationship people associated as spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. For the above exemptions, the employer is specified in (a).
    3. Self-employed to subsidize themselves.

    The person hired through the Plan must fill a vacancy notified by the Employer to the Public Employment Service (PES) before submitting the application for participation in the Plan. It is clarified that the date of recruitment and the submission of the application cannot be the same.

    The date of recruitment of the individual must be within the validity period of the invitation of the Plan and must precede the date of submission of the application for participation. The application form must be submitted within one month from the date of recruitment.

    Applications can be send only with email (in pdf) from 31/5/2021 until the exhaustion of the total budget or relevant announcement.


  • New Entrepreneurship Support Plan


    Code: 3862 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 17/05/2021 | End submission calls: 30/12/2021

    The Plan is under the THALIA programme 2021-2027 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU as well as the Republic of Cyprus. It aims to develop, support and promote entrepreneurship by focusing on specific groups of the population such as young people and women who wish to do business in any economic activity other than those mentioned in the Plan Guides, using their knowledge, experience, training and their talents.

  • Scheme for the Enhancement of SMEs competitiveness in the Manufacturing Sector and other specific Economic Activities


    Code: 3331 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 09/02/2021 | End submission calls: 30/09/2021

    The Scheme’s main objective is to support, develop and promote the SMEs in the manufacturing sector and other specific economic activities that are established or to be established in areas controlled by the Cyprus Government.

    The main objectives are: 

    • Expansion of existing business through investments that will improve the technological level, the production process and the productivity.
    • The creation of new units and reinforcement of entrepreneurship.
    • The creation of new jobs positions.

  • "Saving - Upgrading Houses" Programme


    Code: 3802 | Programme name: THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds | Start submission calls: 09/03/2021 | End submission calls: 18/12/2021

    The call/programme aims at the extensive energy upgrade of existing houses. This is intended to be achieved through the use of incentives in the form of grants. The call / programme covers exclusively investments related to the purchase and installation of new equipment / materials.